Su Nan put on her clothes, took her mobile phone, and went out with her.

Take the elevator to the basement floor, Qin Ying drives and sets off with Su Nan.

"where are we going?"

Only then did Su Nan have time to ask questions.

"It's a little far away, Xiao Nan, if you're sleepy, take a nap for a while."

She turned on the music and played a soft melody, which was very sleepy.

Although Su Nan wasn't sleepy, she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep because she had ghosts in her heart and felt embarrassed.

The interior of the carriage became quiet, only the sound of beautiful music continued to echo.

Su Nan felt that Qin Ying's eyes fell on her face several times, and she didn't lose this feeling until she got on the high speed.

Facing the window, Su Nan opened her eyes to observe, and found that she was driving on the highway at this time. She couldn't help but wonder where Aunt Qin was going at night.

It's not easy to ask questions at this time, Su Nan held back his curiosity.

This time the destination seemed to be a county in the city, not very far away, Su Nan felt that less than half an hour had passed, and Qin Ying drove the car off the highway.

After driving along the highway for a while, turning into the county road, after another ten minutes, the car finally stopped.

"Xiao Nan, we're here, wake up."

Qin Ying put on the handbrake and gave Su Nan a slight push.

Su Nan "woke up" and looked out the window, it was pitch black, and with his eyesight, he could only vaguely see an old building outside.

"here it is……"

Su Nan hesitated, what are you doing here in the middle of the night, even if you have a lover, there is no need to take him with you.

"Get out of the car and talk about it."

Qin Ying unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car.

This place is too remote, Su Nan worried that something might happen to her, so she also got out of the car.

Going outside, the field of vision becomes wider, and with the faint moonlight, Su Nan finally sees the true appearance of this building, which is a dilapidated hospital.

The gate was locked, and there was no light inside. Normally, a hospital of this size would have someone on duty at night, but this hospital was very quiet. Obviously, this was an old abandoned hospital site.

Su Nan looked for it, and saw a big red "demolition" character on the outer wall.

Su Nan turned her puzzled eyes to Qin Ying, wanting to ask her what she was doing here, but found that she was nowhere to be seen.

This startled Su Nan, she quickly turned her gaze away, and found her figure in front of the iron gate.

"Xiao Nan, come here quickly, the door is locked, let's climb over the wall and enter."

Qin Ying checked the gate and found that it couldn't be opened, so she turned around and beckoned to Su Nan, then ran to the foot of the fence.There was a stone there, obviously used as a stepping stone. It seems that there are usually many hospitable people sneaking in, and there may be people like the anchor, who played a big "Adventure Horror House - Ghost Hospital" in the live broadcast room. A few large characters attract the eye.

Su Nan thought about it for a while, and saw Qin Ying jumping and jumping on the rock, so she quickly approached and asked, "Why are we entering? You can't just enter this place."

"Help me, Xiao Nan, I have something important to do when I go in."

Qin Ying turned her head and said pitifully.

At this moment, Su Nan felt that her heart was melted by her, and she couldn't say no to refuse. After struggling for a while, she still went up to help.

The wall wasn't very high. Qin Ying stood on tiptoe on the stone, and her hands just reached the top. However, she had no experience in climbing over walls, so she failed several times.

This time she climbed on the wall with both hands again, clumsily climbing and climbing, shouting anxiously at the same time.

"Xiao Nan, if you're going to fall, push your butt quickly."

The corner of Su Nan's mouth twitched, fearing that she would fall and hurt her, so she stepped forward bravely.

Because there was really nowhere to start, he could only stretch out his hand and push her up, the feeling... Cough, I can't recall.

After climbing up the wall, Qin Ying took a breath and waved to Su Nan below, "I'll go down first, Xiao Nan, hurry up too."

After she finished speaking, she jumped down, and then Su Nan heard her yelling "Ah" from the other side of the wall.

Su Nan asked nervously, "Did you fall?"

"No, it was almost there, Xiao Nan, hurry up, it's so dark and scary here."

she said tremblingly.

It's scary, so you're still here?

Su Nan really wanted to complain, but because she was an elder, she held back.

This wall is not difficult for Su Nan, it is easy to climb up and then jump off.

Perhaps it was because of his unrestrained movements, Qin Ying's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands in praise: "Xiao Nan is awesome, full marks for her movements."

Su Nan was about to smile, but then remembered that this was wrong, frowned and said, "Why are we here? Sister Qin, you want to start a live broadcast?"

Except for the live broadcast, Su Nan really couldn't imagine Qin Ying's purpose for coming here at night.

"live streaming?"

Qin Ying was stunned for a moment, looked at the hospital, nodded and said: "It is indeed suitable for live broadcast adventure, but I am not here for live broadcast this time, Xiao Nan, come with me."

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