This point, Su Nan recalled the time when Xiao Min and Jun Min exchanged bodies, and the abnormality they showed before and after the event discovered it.

Because of Zhao Xiaomin's tacit consent and even support, Zhao Junmin's position in Su Nan's heart has actually changed, and she is no longer just a girlfriend's sister.

Seeing Zhao Junmin's performance now, Su Nan was ready to take the initiative, but before he could speak, the girl took a deep breath, raised her head, looked at him and asked, "Have you eaten...?"

"At home... prepare, cook, do you want to eat?"

The girl looked away, and a blush climbed up her cheeks again, but her clear eyes were clearly shining with anticipation.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "Okay."

The girl was overjoyed, she turned her head and saw his smile, she didn't know what to think, her face turned red, and said in a low voice, "Then let's go."

She didn't wait for Su Nan anymore, stepped on the bicycle and slipped away.

Seeing that the girl ran away and disappeared, Su Nan had no choice but to quickly scan the bicycle with her mobile phone and follow.

He caught up with Zhao Junmin and walked side by side with her. Zhao Junmin seemed embarrassed, gritting her teeth and pedaling hard on the bicycle, passing him.

Seeing this, Su Nan chose to follow her ass, this is the main road, if she chases the little girl too closely, it will be troublesome if an accident occurs.

As soon as Su Nan thought about it, he saw that Zhao Junmin's speed did not slow down at all in front of him, and his little feet kicked and kicked, disappearing from his vision.

Su Nan was slightly taken aback, thinking that the girl might be too nervous, afraid that he would catch up, so she didn't even look at her and kept her head buried in her bicycle, she was a bit silly.

Su Nan had no choice but to catch up. After all, he couldn't fall too far behind. In order to catch up with Zhao Junmin, he even resorted to some real skills, and his bicycle was stepped on very fast by him.

Just after turning a corner, Su Nan saw Zhao Junmin waiting for her in a car parked in front of her.

Seeing him chasing up quickly on his bicycle, Zhao Junmin's complexion changed, he stepped on the pedal suddenly, and fled away.

Su Nan opened his mouth, and didn't have time to speak. He watched the girl's figure disappear again in a very speechless manner.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After parking the car outside the community, Su Nan looked at the girl standing silently beside her, and couldn't help but ask her, "Why are you pedaling so fast?"

Are you afraid that I will eat you, but I have already tasted you.

Su Nan thought wretchedly in her heart.

"Cycling can exercise the body."

The girl lied without changing her face. If she didn't blink too fast, her expression would not change at all. Is this the benefit of facial paralysis.

Su Nan didn't want to pursue anything anymore. As for Jun Min, he planned to figure it out slowly, so don't scare him away. Anyway, Jun Min will be his sooner or later, not to mention Su Nan has Xiao Min's support.

Thinking of Xiao Min, Su Nan realized that he was going to see her later. It was all because Jun Min kept running away just now. Su Nan was afraid that something might happen to her and kept chasing her, so she had no chance to think about other things.

"Let's go, if you don't go back, Ruomin will starve."

Su Nan said, Junmin nodded in approval, and walked into the community first.

Jun Min always walks faster than Su Nan, and often leaves Su Nan behind, and waits for Su Nan after opening the door with the access control card, and then throws Su Nan off when she climbs the stairs.

It seems that Junmin is not used to being alone with him, so she can only use this method to avoid him clumsily.

However, we will be entering the house later, and Xiaomin will definitely create a chance for him to get along with his sister, let's see how Junmin escapes.

Su Nan looked forward to seeing Zhao Junmin's reaction, and followed her all the way to the door of the house.

When he came up, Zhao Junmin had already gone in first, and the door was still open.

After Su Nan entered, she closed the door. She didn't see Zhao Junmin, but when she heard the sound in the kitchen, she thought Zhao Xiaomin was cooking, and walked over to surprise her.

But when Su Nan came to the door of the kitchen, she saw that it was Zhao Junmin who was cooking.

Glancing at him sideways, Zhao Junmin lowered her head and continued to wash the vegetables, her voice remained unchanged: "We have to wait for a while, you go to the living room first."

The tone was a little blunt, and Su Nan felt that she must not want to help herself, so she didn't have a hot face to stick her cold butt, and walked away from the kitchen.

If Zhao Xiaomin is not cooking, then she should be in the room.Su Nan came to the door of Zhao Xiaomin's room, opened the door and entered directly.

It gets dark earlier in winter, and although it is less than six o'clock, the room is already quite dark because of the curtains drawn.

The computer was turned on, and there was a figure lying on the side of the bed, facing inward, with a quilt covering his body.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaomin was still sleeping at this time, no wonder Zhao Junmin was cooking dinner, probably overslept.

I just met Zhao Xiaomin a few days ago, but the current atmosphere gave Su Nan an urge to play tricks on her. It would be best if she could appreciate her expression changing from fright to surprise.

So Su Nan gently opened the door and walked in lightly, trying not to attract Zhao Xiaomin's attention.

In order to avoid waiting for Zhao Xiaomin's exclamation to attract her sister, Su Nan also deliberately closed the door, and the light in the room became even more insufficient for a while.

Su Nan's eyesight was not affected. He aimed at the target and came to the bed, looked down at the figure sleeping under the quilt, and thought about how he should act.

He thought about it and decided not to pretend to be a bad guy, because that would scare his girlfriend.He took off his shoes, carefully climbed into bed, lay down, and pulled the quilt over himself.

He planned to sleep with Xiao Min for a while, and when she woke up and saw him by her side, she would be pleasantly surprised.

Thinking of something interesting, Su Nan smiled.

He turned sideways, facing Xiao Min, and pulled down Xiao Min's quilt a little, so as not to sleep too boringly.

Zhao Xiaomin was unconscious and still asleep.

Su Nan waited for a while, but she didn't wake up. She thought that this would not work, otherwise Zhao Xiaomin wouldn't wake up until Zhao Junmin cooked the rice.

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