Zhao Ruomin raised her head to look at him again, blushes rose on her cheeks, but she mustered up the courage to lift her legs and took two steps towards him, approaching him.

Su Nan was taken aback, wondering what this girl was doing.

Before he could figure it out, a faint fragrance came to his face, full of seductive meaning, and Su Nan's heart suddenly became hot.

It was obviously a very common smell of shower gel mixed with shampoo, but at the moment he smelled it, it was no less than a thunderstorm, as if there was a revival of a beast in his heart, and he opened his ferocious giant claws to tear the bottom line of his heart to pieces. Zi Chihong.

Zhao Ruomin looked at him bravely, her delicate face was full of red clouds at the moment, and her chest heaved unsteadily.She took a few breaths, smiled shyly in her eyes, and said expectantly: "Brother-in-law, what do you think I am doing?"

Su Nan gritted her teeth and asked with difficulty: "The soup just now..."

He was sensitively aware that his state was abnormal, recalling carefully, since he came here, it seemed that only the pot of soup was the most abnormal.

Zhao Ruomin glanced at him unexpectedly, and said with a smile: "Did brother-in-law taste it too? That's a tonic I bought specially. If you eat it, you can have a baby. If you stay with brother-in-law all the time, then my sister will not disagree with us. "

Su Nan stared, surprised: "Who did you buy the medicine from?"

If I guessed right, the medicine that Zhao Ruomin mentioned should be that.

But Zhao Ruomin, a girl who is not in harmony with the world, where did she buy the medicine?

Not to mention girls, even he couldn't find such a channel.

Su Nan frowned and carefully understood how he felt at the moment. After getting to know Li Gongting, he could almost be sure that this world was normal. There was no such thing as a hidden family or a dark world. He was the only "abnormal" in this world. And maybe his women too.

However, the feeling of "poisoning" at this moment is similar to that described in many martial arts novels, completely beyond the effects of medicines in certain aspects of this world.

Is it too abnormal, or do similar drugs really exist in the world?

Zhao Ruomin shook her head: "I don't know, she is engaged in wechat business. I didn't believe it at first, but after trying many stray cats, all the female cats became pregnant in a short time."

Su Nan was speechless, God?engage in micro-business.

Suddenly, his face changed, Zhao Ruomin saw this, and asked him quickly: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Su Nan shook her head and said calmly: "I'm fine, you go out first, I'm tired and want to rest."

His hands were quietly clenched into fists, showing his patience. He clearly realized that he was abnormal, but just now he had no intention of reminding Zhao Ruomin to leave. The effect of this medicine was beyond his expectation.

"Liar, I know. You must want to have a baby with me. I ate a lot just now and I have a lot of strength. Brother-in-law, let's come."

Zhao Ruomin lowered her head and glanced at him, her face dripping with blood, she exhaled repeatedly, and the voice she made was extremely charming.

Su Nan was surprised again, no good, Zhao Ruomin also drank the soup.

Just as he was about to move, Zhao Ruomin took a step forward and bumped into Su Nan's face with his stomach.

Su Nan only felt angry, hugged her, closed her eyes, put her face against her soft and warm belly, and rubbed her obsessively.

Zhao Ruomin hugged his head with a smile.

Just when the two of them were about to start the next move, a familiar voice sounded from outside the room.

"Ah Nan is here? In my room? Really? I'm going to see him."

After Zhao Xiaomin finished speaking happily, she walked towards the room with clear footsteps.

"Ah, my sister is back."

After hearing her sister's voice, Zhao Ruomin, who was originally blurred, overreacted like a mouse meeting a cat. With a cry of surprise, she pushed Su Nan away, bent down and got under the bed.

Su Nan's eyes turned red, and she was about to bend down, reach out and grab her ankles to drag her in, when the door opened, and Zhao Xiaomin walked in happily, seeing him in the room, she smiled even more happily, and rushed over after closing the door, happily saying .

"Ah Nan, ah..."

The voice turned into an exclamation.

Su Nan caught her, and the two fell on the bed.

Under the bed, Zhao Ruomin pouted depressedly, wishing to slap herself.After a busy night, she ended up making a wedding dress for her sister, which made her mad.

However, the melody of her fingers hitting the piano finally affected her. Listening to this beautiful music, she was drunk. The strange thing is that she seemed to hear the voice of the little sister, it must be an illusion.

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth eight troubles

After all, Su Nan was strengthened, and his immunity was extremely strong. After a while, his head regained consciousness, but the situation around him when he woke up shocked him.

Zhao Junmin was lying beside him, her limbs wrapped around him, her almond eyes were squinted, her face was bright red, she kept moving closer to him, as if she wanted to blend into his body.

Zhao Xiaomin was behind Zhao Junmin, hugging her younger sister hard, her face was full of helplessness, sweat was all over her face, it looked like she had experienced something before, otherwise the mere action of pulling her sister would not make her so tired.

Seeing Su Nan wake up, she said weakly: "Ah Nan, you finally woke up, anyway, I don't care, I will leave it to you."

After she finished speaking, she threw away her hands and lay on the bed stretched out, gasping for breath, ignoring her sister beside her.

Su Nan still couldn't figure out what was going on, and Zhao Junmin, who had lost his grip, immediately climbed up on him, leaned down to kiss him, and was caught off guard by Su Nan being kissed on the lips, and his girlfriend was still by his side.

Su Nan could only feel how hot the girl's enthusiasm was at the moment, she was completely different from that at dinner, she was so enthusiastic that she seemed to want to possess him immediately.

He slowly recalled what happened before, when he called Zhao Ruomin into the room to teach him a lesson, but he didn't know that there was something wrong with the soup, the two of them who drank the soup were attracted to each other like magnets, but Zhao Xiaomin rushed back at the critical moment , scaring Zhao Ruomin into hiding under the bed.

Later, Su Nan, who was out of control, naturally focused on his girlfriend and fell on the bed with her.

It is normal to remember here, but why did Zhao Junmin appear here?

Could it be that she went to drink that pot of soup alone later?

Before she had time to think about the reason, Jun Min was already dissatisfied with this, and wanted to take off his clothes with both hands, Su Nan quickly pushed her down, climbed up and grabbed her arm to hold her down.

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