Although Li Gongting was annoyed by Zhan Weiling, seeing that she didn't bother him to kiss Su Nan, so he endured it and tried his best to focus on Su Nan.


Su Nan was a little confused, but also felt a little happy. Hugging left and right like this, she is still a good friend of her senior sister and her, which is too much.

It's a pity that senior sister Zhan Weiling is drunk, and I don't know what this means, otherwise after tonight, I can develop the harem route.

Because Zhan Weiling didn't have a seizure, she soon got tired of kissing. She let go of Li Gongting and Su Nan, sat aside panting, stared blankly at the two in front of her, and watched Li Gongting bullying her boyfriend.

Suddenly, she didn't know what to think, she smiled happily and said, "Gong Ting, I'll teach play...a more"

With that said, she climbed up.

Li Gongting couldn't help but stop, staring blankly.

When she woke up the next day, Zhan Weiling had a splitting headache. She sat up and gently rubbed her temples to relieve the uncomfortable feeling, but her head was involuntarily thinking about what happened last night.

It seems that at first she pulled Li Gongting to persuade him to drink, but then both of them got drunk unknowingly, and then lost their memory, um, no, there was a bit of fuzzy memory in her head, it seemed to be a dream, she dreamed that she After catching Li Gongting and Su Nan who were hiding in the room doing bad things, and then... she actually joined in.

Zhan Weiling felt dumbfounded, it really was a dream, how could she be indifferent in reality, and even joined in, she was not so sloppy, but the appearance of Gong Ting in the dream was a bit...fortunately, the self in the dream was protecting Xiao Nan , although Gong Ting took advantage of Xiao Nan, but luckily he didn't suffer a big loss.

She was a little proud, even in her dream, she cared so much about Xiao Nan, watching Xiao Nan closely, never giving a chance to make mistakes.

The left hand touched a soft thing, which seemed to be hair.

Zhan Weiling turned her head to look at Li Gongting who was sleeping on her bed, and smiled, thinking that she was so impulsive that she wanted to get Gong Ting drunk, and she didn't know if Xiao Nan succeeded in the end.

By the way, Xiao Nan went there.

Thinking about the video in her heart, Zhan Weiling lifted the quilt and got out of bed. The moment her feet hit the ground, she felt that her legs were a little weak, and she almost couldn't stand still.

"Your feet are weak, you must have drunk too much wine."

She exhaled, put on her slippers, and walked out of the room awkwardly with weak steps.

After the room became quiet, Li Gongting opened his eyes on the bed, his eyes were complicated.

In fact, she had a little impression of what happened last night. Her drinking capacity was a little better than Zhan Weiling's. In addition, the torture during the attack and the enjoyment during the treatment allowed her to keep her head clear afterwards.The only thing she can't remember is how she was carried back to the room by Su Nan, and the initial treatment that Su Nan took the initiative to treat her.

Later, she became a little conscious. Out of her longing for Su Nan and being half-drunk and courageous, she couldn't control herself and made a very bold behavior. Now thinking about it, she feels ashamed and angry.

Especially later when Zhan Weiling got drunk and made troubles in front of her, she also foolishly joined in the fun, and almost got along with her, but luckily Zhan Weiling stopped her in the end.

It's just that although he didn't join forces with others, he was also open-minded. In the case of three people, and Su Nan, Su Nan... must be awake.

In the case of those three, he didn't reject Zhan Weiling, which was really too much.

Li Gongting covered her face, her cheeks were hot, and her face was bleeding, she realized that her body was being seen.

Especially later, in order to destroy the corpses, Su Nan got up overnight to wipe them with a towel, and helped them get dressed. During the process of dressing, that guy was dishonest and took advantage of her.

Li Gongting blushed more and more as she thought about it, but she didn't have much anger in her heart, she felt that she must be broken.

Li Gongting stayed in bed for a long time, calmed down, and finally decided to get up, no matter what, things had to be faced, but fortunately she could use the excuse that she was drunk last night and didn't know what happened.

Walking to the door, Li Gongting took a deep breath, and the expression on his face changed back to a nonchalant look.Opening the door, she saw Su Nan who was lying on the sofa and still asleep.

Su Nan ran out to sleep on the sofa overnight last night, looking quite embarrassed.

Recalling his embarrassed appearance, the corners of Li Gongting's mouth curled up slightly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Gong Ting, you're awake, how are you doing? Does your head hurt? Drink some honey water to replenish your moisture."

Zhan Weiling came to the living room with a glass of water, and when she saw Li Gongting was there, she walked over with a natural smile.

Li Gongting put away her smile, nodded towards Zhan Weiling, took the bee water she handed her and drank it as if nothing had happened, while listening to Zhan Weiling's distressed complaints.

"Really, Xiao Nan, I don't know how to sleep in the room. Sleeping on the sofa is very uncomfortable."

Li Gongting looked at Su Nan sleeping, and said softly, "He took care of us last night, thank you for your hard work."

Immediately realizing what she said was wrong, Li Gongting changed her words: "Su Nan also drank alcohol last night, it's normal to fall asleep when she sees the sofa, Wei Ling, I have something to do today, so I'll go back first."

"Huh? Why don't you go without breakfast? My porridge is almost ready."

Zhan Weiling said unexpectedly, what is so urgent, there is no time for breakfast.

Li Gongting explained: "I have an appointment, and it's almost time for the appointment, so we can eat when we go."

"Okay then, I'll see you off. I was so embarrassed last night that I insisted on dragging you to drink." Zhan Weiling said embarrassedly as she sent Li Gongting out.

Li Gongting shook his head: "It's okay, I don't care."

Thinking of something, her cheeks blushed, but Zhan Weiling was opening the door, so she didn't see it.

"Then I'll go first, Wei Ling goodbye, I'll come to play with you next time."

Afraid of being seen through, Li Gongting didn't dare to stay for too long, as soon as the door opened she left a word and walked out quickly, and there was no one there for a while.

Zhan Weiling originally wanted to send her downstairs, chat with her and buy some buns for breakfast, but she had no choice but to give up.

"Going in such a hurry, are you really going to meet a friend? Could it be that you are afraid of being drunk by me?"

She closed the door, muttered softly, and walked towards Su Nan who was sleeping on the sofa.

"Wake up, Xiao Nan wake up."

In a daze, when she heard someone calling herself, Su Nan opened her eyes and stared blankly at the senior sister Jiaoyan who was right in front of her.

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