Lu Anya was also depressed, "Who knows that there will be a sudden traffic jam on the road. There is usually no gambling on this road, but I finally arrived in time."

At the ticket gate, after taking the luggage from Lu Ying's hand, Lu Anya smiled and teased her niece: "I'm on a business trip for a few days, Xiao Ying can bring any boy back here, I don't blame you."

Lu Ying blushed, and said angrily, "Nonsense, go in." She angrily pushed Lu Anya's back and walked forward.

Lu Anya didn't care, and said to Lu Ying while checking the ticket: "Aren't you in a hurry to go out with your classmates, don't hurry up, you're late."

Lu Ying said full of resentment: "Who do you think made me late?"

"It's my fault. Come back and bring you a gift. I'll go first. Goodbye."

Waving at Lu Ying, Lu Anya turned and walked away.

Looking at her back, Lu Ying whispered, "Safe trip."

Suddenly receiving a call, Lu Ying remembered her own affairs, and hurriedly ran out of the airport while answering the call.

The climbing path is winding and stretches up to the top of the mountain. There is a small stream beside the path, and the stream turns into a fork less than halfway up the mountain.

Su Nan came to this fork and walked down the steps. There was a dirt road under her feet, and there were many footprints on the ground.

Looking forward along the creek to the end, I found a spring hidden in a cave. The stream from the mountain flowed down, flowed on this spring, and continued to flow down the mountain.

Su Nan picked up the spring water and took a sip, feeling sweet. He looked at the empty coconut in his hand, thought for a moment, and put the coconut into the spring, which was soon filled with water.

Holding the coconut, Su Nan continued to climb the mountain and soon reached the top of the mountain.

There was no one on the top of the mountain, Su Nan stood in an open place and looked into the distance, with the chilly breeze blowing on his face.

He took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the scenery in the distance, but found that the mobile phone had no signal here, Su Nan didn't care, and walked to the pavilion next to him.

Suddenly, he was startled, walked into the pavilion, and sat on the stone chair.

He has an impression of this place, having been here once.In the very early days, he and Chuxi didn't have that kind of relationship. In order to relieve the pain, Chuxi sat here and asked him to help take off her stockings. Every change in the expression on the girl's face at that time is still imprinted now In Su Nan's mind.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, got up and left the pavilion, and went down the mountain from the other side of the climbing path.

As soon as his back disappeared on the top of the mountain, several girls climbed up the mountain from where he came from. The girls came to the pavilion where he had just stayed and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

The pavilion has two floors. Many photos were taken on the first floor, and a few girls climbed to the second floor. This floor has a wider view and is more windy.

It's just that the girls didn't care, they recorded the rare scenery with their mobile phones, and everyone was smiling.

"Ah, it's raining."

One of the girls exclaimed, and everyone looked outside. There was a drizzle of drizzle in the sky, and the air became a little bit colder.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the girls were unhappy. Someone pointed at a figure in the distance and smiled, "Look, someone is going down the mountain in the rain. He is worse than us."

"Really, he still walks slowly when it rains. He is really not in a hurry."

"Where, let me see."

Intrigued, Lu Ying came over from behind the girl, leaned on the railing and looked down the road, and saw a figure walking slowly down in the hazy drizzle, as if in no hurry.

Lu Ying looked at it curiously, this figure gave him a familiar feeling, but the rain and fog blurred his vision, and he couldn't see clearly, she just thought she was dazzled.

Some people climbed or descended the mountain, and those who happened to be halfway up the mountain were drenched in the rain. Thinking about it this way, they were lucky.

As soon as Su Nan left the top of the mountain, it began to rain. Hearing the girls' laughing and laughing sounds from the top of the mountain, he shook his head pityingly. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it would not stop for a while. Those girls were afraid that they would be trapped on the top of the mountain.

He didn't have the idea of ​​going up to the top of the mountain again for a beautiful encounter, so he quickly ran to the foot of the mountain at a faster speed.

At the foot of the mountain, the rain turned into a heavy rain, and there was no place to hide from the rain. Su Nan saw that there was a toilet not far away, so he rushed over and got in. Well, it didn't smell uncomfortable. It seemed that he just did it today. Complete hygiene.

Su Nan stood at the door to hide from the rain, but not only was the rain heavy, but the wind was also strong, and the rainwater poured into the toilet.

He had no choice but to step back, and after thinking for a while, he walked aside again, pulled down his pants chain and started to solve the problem.

"Wow, what a heavy rain."

"Fortunately, we went down the mountain in the rain, otherwise it would be miserable."

"It's miserable now, okay? It's turned into hiding from the rain in the toilet."

"Oops, the women's toilet smells a little bit, how about going to the men's toilet next door?"

Su Nan was a little surprised. Those girls also went down the mountain. They must have been soaked by the heavy rain.He automatically ignored the conversation between them.

"Isn't it natural that the toilet smells bad? Let's make room. I'm in a hurry. It's convenient."

"When you say that, I feel it too, let's go together."

"I'm coming too, I drank too much water just now."

"And I."

"Oh~ there is no place for me, hurry up!"

Su Nan frowned. The last voice seemed a little familiar, but it was raining loudly, so I couldn't hear it clearly.

"Hee hee, go to the men's bathroom if you can't hold back."

Everyone seemed to want to see the girl make a fool of herself and didn't make room for her. The girl who was deliberately teased seemed to have reached her limit. After a whimper, she said angrily, "Go, there's no one anyway."

When Su Nan heard this sentence, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that the girl was joking, but soon he heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and turned his head to look at the entrance of the toilet in astonishment. A familiar figure came into his sight. Her delicate face was covered with water, and her hair was soaked.

The other party rushed into the men's toilet, unexpectedly, someone covered his stomach with his hands and stared blankly at Su Nan, then his face changed, and he opened his mouth to scream, because she saw that the other party turned to face her, and the zipper was not closed.

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