Chu Xi first apologized for not having time to reply to the message, and then she told Su Nan that she might not be able to live with him for the time being, because even during school, she had to report to the company and ran back and forth between her home and the company , plus her family has a car and a driver, so it is more convenient.

Although Su Nan regretted this, he was not very depressed. He had expected this a long time ago.

Besides, as long as there are those videos, Chuxi's safety will not be a major problem, and it's okay if he doesn't stay by his side often.

On the first day of the new semester, the weather was still a little bit cold, but it couldn't hinder everyone's enthusiasm. I haven't seen each other for nearly a month. Many people are full of expectations for their classmates and the campus.

Su Nan also got up early, but unexpectedly, Qin Xiaowan was earlier than him, and she even prepared a rich breakfast for him to eat.

Seeing Su Nan with a surprised face, Qin Xiaowan was full of pride. Since she wanted to impress Su Nan, it would be better to start with housework.

Let Su Nan take a look at the truly virtuous woman, see clearly who is the best candidate to be a wife, and choose me carefully, in the future!

As soon as the thought in my heart fell, someone from the family came in.

Zhao Xiaomin opened the door with the key and walked in, followed by Zhan Weiling.

"You are all up, just right, I specially made breakfast for the new semester for everyone, come with me to eat."

Zhao Xiaomin said happily.

"What a coincidence." Zhan Weiling smiled: "I also accidentally made too much breakfast, and I couldn't finish it by myself. I want to invite you to help out, Xiao Nan, I think you will help me with this favor."

Su Nan is in a cold sweat, you haven't decided the winner yet, give up, I will never express my opinion!

Yes, there have been a lot of similar things in the past few days. In order to win the right to use Su Nan on Valentine's Day, these girls really tried their best, and the food strategy is the most effective. Art is very confident, and it is more harmonious to compete with food.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Eat your own breakfast, and we have prepared breakfast here, which is not inferior to you at all."

When the crisis came, Qin Xiaowan was no longer calm, she quickly took Su Nan's arm, and said seriously to the two uninvited guests who broke into the house.She is also very skillful in speaking, making her opponents into outsiders, while she and Su Nan are family members, and they have a psychological advantage.

But how could Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin admit defeat? When it comes to their relationship with Su Nan, they are far more intimate than Qin Xiaowan, at least physically.After hinting this point out, Qin Xiaowan blushed pretty, and was very angry.

Su Nan groaned secretly from the sidelines, the closer they got to the lovers, the fiercer their competition, what should I do?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The morning competition ended after Qin Maya woke up. Even if she was the elder in name, she didn't say anything, but just standing there would make Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling feel uncomfortable, so they retreated in embarrassment.

After breakfast, the group went to school together.

Walking on the road, the weather was still a little bit cold, and the wind was blowing. Every girl's face was flushed from the cold, and she looked very cute.

Su Nan thought silently, it would be a great sin to make such a lovely person like them sad.

Because of Valentine's Day, everyone seemed to be arguing and getting angry. No one spoke up when the group was walking on the road, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

Su Nan felt that this was not going to work. He couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere, so it was better for everyone to focus their anger on him.

The more she thought about it, the more irritable she became. When everyone walked through a street in silence, Su Nan finally couldn't bear to speak.

"I've seen everything in the past few days. To be honest, you are uncomfortable and I am also uncomfortable, so I want to ask you not to do this. Valentine's Day is only one day, and I only have one. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. You blame me. gone."

As if they didn't expect him to say these words, the girls all looked at him in surprise.

Ignoring the expressions of the girls, Su Nan sighed and continued: "To show fairness, I decided to spend Valentine's Day alone, so you don't have to argue."

The faces of the girls changed when they heard the words. They looked at each other, as if they were surprised, but also seemed to be entangled. They looked at Su Nan with a hint of guilt.

Zhao Xiaomin wanted to say something, but Su Nan stretched out his hand to stop her from continuing, and he said with a serious face: "Needless to say, I've already decided, so be it."

Because it is impossible to accompany someone alone, and it is impossible for everyone to live together, so this is the best way to deal with it.

Su Nan has made this decision, and hopes that everyone's relationship will return to normal.

His statement made the girls completely sluggish, and they walked forward in silence.

"Xiao Nan, I'm sorry..."

At this moment, Zhan Weiling stopped suddenly, and said to him with guilt on her face.

"Senior sister, stop talking, you are not wrong, I should be the one to say sorry."

Su Nan was moved and felt distressed at the same time. The senior sister was obviously right, but she still had to apologize to herself. How could he live up to such kindness.

"I don't mean this." Zhan Weiling shook her head, looked at him with pity in her eyes, and said embarrassedly: "Actually, we are not arguing, all of this is acting, we are just angry, so I just want to teach you a lesson , let you understand that the harem is not so easy to open."

Su Nan was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen. He was tricked?

Zhao Xiaomin said weakly: "A Nan, I didn't expect you to be so entangled. We just thought it was fun, so we started playing. I'm sorry, we won't dare in the future. Don't be sad, okay?"

Where Su Nan was stunned, she still couldn't believe it. They acted out what happened these few days, their acting skills must be too good.

He cast his eyes on Qin Xiaowan, hoping to get a confirmation. Qin Xiaowan blushed slightly, but nodded seriously: "It's true, although we did have a dispute at the beginning, but soon we found that it was meaningless, so we settled down. ,And then……"

She blushed and turned away embarrassedly, her voice became weaker and weaker: "Then, I suggested that everyone come to play a play. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested it."

She bowed deeply to Su Nan, feeling very disturbed.

Now Su Nan is convinced, and he is smiling wryly in his heart. He doesn't know whether he should be angry or laugh. If everything is acting, then the statement he just made seems very childish and a bit shameful.

"Ah Nan, we really know we were wrong, please forgive us, sister, please come and apologize..."

Seeing that he was silent, Zhao Xiaomin mistakenly thought that he was still angry, and was a little anxious. In her anxiety, she saw the silent younger sister, gritted her teeth, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to her side, intending to use it Please Su Nan.

Zhao Junmin: "..."

Qin Xiaowan cast a pitiful look at her.

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