At this moment, Li Gongting stared at him with red eyes, gasped heavily, and dragged him to the corner without saying a word. The corner was a room with sundries, and the door was open for some reason.

Su Nan wanted to break free, but Li Gongting's abnormality made him uneasy, so he endured it, and was going to wait to see the situation.

The two soon came to the utility room, Li Gongting led Su Nan in without stopping, and then closed the door.

Not far from them, Zhan Weiling stared blankly at this scene, not even noticing that the book in her hand had fallen.

Shu Baoer, who was hiding behind a nearby bookshelf, looked at everything, her smile was unclear: "By the way, I also invited Senior Sister Zhan Weiling, so what should you do next, Senior Sister Zhan Weiling?"

She suddenly had a feeling of wanting to watch a good show.

Zhan Weiling originally received a text message from a stranger who told her that at a certain point in time, please come to a certain location in the library, otherwise she will regret it for the rest of her life.

With the idea that there is nothing to lose by going to have a look, she decided to go to the appointment, but she was more cautious. When she came to the library, she pretended to be someone looking for books, and approached her destination casually.

However, what she never expected was that what was waiting for her there would be such a situation.

Her best friend, Li Gongting, took her man's hand as if she couldn't help herself, and led him into the small black room.

Inside, what are they going to do?

And why did Li Gongting do this?

Two questions flashed through her mind. Zhan Weiling took a deep breath, picked up the book that had fallen on the floor, and put it back in its original place. Then, with inexplicable nervousness, she walked towards that room.

Not far away, the corner of Shu Bao'er's mouth curled up while peeping, and he said to himself: "Then, let me see your awareness."

Zhan Weiling quickly came to the door of the storage room, she stopped at the door, her expression was unpredictable, because she heard a slightly ominous movement coming from the room.

I don't know if it was a mistake, the door was not completely closed, leaving a gap, Zhan Weiling carefully moved her face closer...

Then, she took two steps back in disbelief, her face was sometimes embarrassed, sometimes flushed, and her pink face was extremely attractive.She clenched her fist tightly, but loosened it weakly after a while.

After a moment of silence, she moved her face closer again and peeked carefully without saying a word. Her expression became extremely weird, and finally became extremely serious again.It wasn't that she had awakened some strange obsession, but that she wanted to confirm one thing, something that had been in her heart for a while and had been bothering her.

Was Li Gongting infected?

Unknowingly, time passed, and the movement in the room had stopped, only the sound of rapid breathing and an unspeakable awkward atmosphere remained.

Even Zhan Weiling outside could feel the embarrassment, she sighed and left quietly.

Seeing this scene, Shu Baoer showed surprise eyes, she was silent for a moment, and then smiled: "Not bad, I can bear this, it seems that the cooperation between you is no problem."

Shu Bao'er left. Although she found that Zhan Weiling hadn't really left, she had already guessed the subsequent development, so she didn't need to look any further.

The awkward atmosphere in the utility room continued until an extremely guilty voice sounded.


The senior with a face full of despair yelled like a broken can, and then, with tears in her eyes, she turned and fled the room.

Su Nan moved his lips, but he didn't know how to keep the other party. Until now, his mind is still blank, and he can't believe what happened just now.

After being brought into this room, Li Gongting suddenly clung to him, not giving him a chance to react, and exerted all her skills.

During the confrontation, Su Nan lost his pants, as well as a small amount of water and some nutrients, which were completely plundered by Li Gongting.

Of course he can stop the girl's intrusion, but the girl clings to him like her life. Unless he is ruthless, how can he stop her? What's more, he confirmed the fact that Li Gongting is cursed Yes, she was still having a seizure just now, so it was even more impossible to stop her cruelly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When her consciousness regained consciousness, Li Gongting clearly realized what she had done, surrounded by endless pain and shame, she no longer had the face to stay in front of Su Nan, and chose to run away after apologizing loudly.

Running out of the utility room that made her feel embarrassed, Li Gongting ran out without stopping, just to escape far away.

Suddenly, she stopped and looked at the person in front of her in a panic, "Wei Ling, why are you here?"

She clenched her hands tightly, but forced herself to let go.

"I've seen it all." Zhan Weiling said quietly.

In an instant, Li Gongting's cheeks lost all color, and she mumbled her lips with difficulty. She wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. She just felt extremely ashamed. Ever since the accident, she had been worried that such a day would come. Until now, this day finally came to her Arrived unprepared.

Now, she finally knew what Shu Baoer had done, and it turned out that Zhan Weiling's arrival was also part of the plan.

Seeing her like this, Zhan Weiling couldn't bear it, and said, "Let's find a place to talk."

"...Okay." Li Gongting bowed her head guiltily, as if she had accepted her fate.

Zhan Weiling didn't say anything else, and walked straight ahead, while Li Gongting just followed dully.

The two left the library and walked towards the playground without stopping. No one spoke along the way, and the atmosphere seemed very dull.

Several times Li Gongting plucked up the courage to speak, but when she raised her head and saw Zhan Weiling's figure, she didn't know how to say what she wanted to say.

They came to the playground and sat down in the viewing area. There was no one around, only the sound of the wind gently blowing the branches.

Since Li Gongting sat down, she has been biting her lips tightly, waiting for the next sentence. Wei Ling must hate herself for doing such a thing.

Thinking of this, Li Gongting became even more depressed.

When Zhan Weiling saw her friend looking so depressed, the discomfort in her heart disappeared. In the final analysis, it was not Li Gongting's fault. She was not like this at the beginning.

Even Li Gongting would be reduced to this day, maybe she was the one who killed her, and she was infected with this curse.

Thinking of this, Zhan Weiling felt even more apologetic.

What she has to do now is to help Li Gongting get out of the downturn as soon as possible. Zhan Weiling knows this long-standing friend very well, and knows how painful the other party is when he encounters this kind of thing.

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