She is... perverted!

Chu Xi's face was unpredictable, and she was embarrassed, and the strong shame and anger made her head hot.

If she wants to go out, she must go out and expose that pervert's conspiracy!

But when Chu Xi turned around and looked at this prison-like room, she was immediately discouraged. This house was completely under the control of the other party.

Although the other party has not stepped here for many years, her control over this place has not weakened a bit, and she is just a beautiful golden bird in this cage, which has never changed. As long as the other party is willing, she can make a sound Can't convey it either.

Sitting in front of the computer, Chu Xi's expression was stunned. She shed tears silently who never cried. When she thought of her Su Nan being touched by that woman, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Chu Ge has ignored her all these years, but has always wandered around her, like a ghost, bringing Chu Xi an extremely huge shadow in his mind, so she has always speculated on Chu Ge with the greatest malice , she doesn't believe in Chu Ge very much, she has to go out!

But how to get out made Chu Xi feel powerless.

In a daze, Chu Xi's eyes fell on the computer in front of her. The network cable had already been unplugged, and her voice could not come out, but suddenly, Chu Xi's eyes lit up, and she seemed to think of something.

After turning on the computer and entering the desktop, Chu Xi skillfully clicked on a hidden file. After a lot of effort, he finally saw a video in the folder.

She clicks on the video to play the video.

And the content played on the screen was exactly their Ivy simulation shooting. This one was filmed with her as the protagonist, and the male protagonist was Su Nan.

After the phone was confiscated, Chu Xi was locked in the room, unable to go out, and the network cable was cut off.

This is a disaster for her. She can't save herself when the spell strikes, and she will enter the punishment link, but she is a cautious person, and she has hidden a backup copy of the video in the computer early, so everything is safe spent until now.

However, Chu Xi now has a bold idea. She hopes that she will take the initiative to enter the punishment link, go to see Su Nan, and disclose Chu Ge's conspiracy to him.

Although the prelude to the punishment session was a bit painful, Chu Xi didn't care. The only troublesome thing was that after being punished many times, she couldn't know exactly when her next spell would occur.

"But it should be soon, it's been a while since the last time."

Chu Xi said to herself, she calmed down and waited silently.

Time passed quietly for two days.

On this day, after school, a guest was welcomed in the activity room of the club, no, it should be said to be the new owner, or a new member of the club.

It's just that she herself seemed unhappy, her face was full of reluctance, and she was dragged in by Zhan Weiling, her flushed face showed her complicated mood.

After closing the door, Zhan Weiling smiled and said, "What's the matter? I'm still nervous. We told you two days ago. You haven't had a seizure today, but it's almost here. When Xiao Nan comes over, you'll be free then." play."

Li Gongting's face turned pale and then red, she frowned, and said in a delicate tone: "Wei Ling, why...does it have to be like this? It is also possible to use other methods."

After finishing speaking, her face showed embarrassment. Other methods are also very embarrassing, but it is much better for her than face-to-face with Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling shook her head: "Pretend I don't know. You've been watching those videos for a whole winter vacation, and you haven't felt much for a long time. If you don't take the initiative, something will happen, unless you don't mind being punished."

Having said that, Li Gongting was even more embarrassed. After all, the girl in front of him was that guy's girlfriend in name, but he had a lot of fun with her boyfriend's video during the winter vacation.

Although it felt ashamed, Li Gongting had to admit that what Zhan Weiling said was reasonable, and she was absolutely unwilling to accept punishment again, it was too shameful.

Seeing that her friend fell silent, Zhan Weiling knew that she generally agreed. Zhan Weiling smiled secretly, feeling weird again.

This is her best friend from beginning to end. He helped her a lot during her most difficult times. It is no problem to say that she is her benefactor, but now she wants to share her lover with the other party. Is this fate? What do you want to pay in return?

After thinking wildly for a while, Zhan Weiling immediately realized that this is not the time to think about it. She joked to Li Gongting: "Later, you will use your old excuses to lie to Xiao Nan, trick him into taking off his clothes, and then directly touch his body."

"Uh..." Li Gongting blushed, it was extremely embarrassing.

"But I think you can actually go a little deeper." Zhan Weiling said after thinking.


After hesitating for a while, Zhan Weiling nodded: "That's right, for example, you can use an excuse to pass on Xiao Nan's dual cultivation skills, and then take the opportunity to get in touch with him in depth, don't you understand this very well?"

Li Gongting was blushing like blood at this moment, and was dizzy, what the hell was Zhan Weiling talking about!

"What kind of double cultivation method? How could there be such a thing!" She was a little out of breath.

Zhan Weiling smiled kindly: "You can make up a book."

"I can't make it up!" Li Gongting firmly denied this method.

There were whispers outside the door.

"What are they talking about?"

"It seems to be about double cultivation."

"Wow, everyone in martial arts knows how to play!"

"Shh, be quiet."

"Tch, what is this? I thought the two of them were going to lure Su Nan together later."

This is Qin Xiaowan's voice.

Zhan Weiling and Li Gongting looked at each other, then Li Gongting walked over and opened the door, suddenly, several girls rolled in unexpectedly.

Zhan Weiling took a look, and it turned out to be Zhao Xiaomin, Qin Xiaowan, Chu Xi, and Zhao Junmin.

The Ganqing gang has been eavesdropping outside the door.

"What are you doing?" Li Gongting's voice carried a trace of murderous intent, her face was very red.

The girls looked at each other, Zhao Xiaomin said with a sneer, "We just passed by and didn't hear anything."

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