After the end, Lu Ying was too tired to move, and her expression was very depressed. Compared with Su Nan's superhuman physique, she was too far behind, and she couldn't bear it.

However, Su Nan seemed far from satisfied.

At this time, a more intense floral fragrance suddenly exploded, making Lu Ying dizzy and short of breath. She opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that the flower on her chest had blossomed!

After watching it for a while, she noticed the clue, and quickly reminded Su Nan: "It is you who provide the nutrients for the flowers!"

After speaking, she found that Su Nan lowered her head, staring at the blooming flowers with burning eyes, the flames in her eyes were undisguised, which made Lu Ying's heart tremble.

The flower finally bloomed, and the shape made Lu Ying want to be crooked. She blushed and wanted to take the flower away, not wanting it to tempt Su Nan, but she didn't even have the strength to lift her fingers.

Watching Su Nan pick up the flower and admire it, she was powerless to stop it, even being affected by the scent of the flower, her heart was also agitated.

Looking at Su Nan with charming eyes, Lu Ying bit her lips, hugged Su Nan with her arms, and faced him with a flower in between, looking at each other.

The random flowers are becoming more and more charming, their kisses approach the flowers at the same time.


The battle started again, but Lu Ying lost her strength after a long battle, so she had to use the flower as a weapon.

The next day, the two woke up and found that the flowers were still in the same state. They had provided so many nutrients last night, but they couldn't make the flowers bear fruit.

Recalling what happened last night, Lu Ying's cheeks turned red and she dared not look into Su Nan's eyes.Su Nan's expression was also very awkward, but her eyes were fixed on the flower, and she couldn't forget what happened last night.

Noticing his gaze, Lu Ying angrily bit his chest, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "I'm not as good as a flower."

Su Nan looked away, rubbed her face, and said, "Aren't you tired? Besides, you took the initiative to deal with me with flowers later."

Lu Ying's face was burning hot, with inexplicable dissatisfaction and jealousy in her heart, she asked in a low voice: "Then who do you like more? Me? Or flowers?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ying closed her eyes in embarrassment, and secretly scolded herself for being a fool, and she could ask such a question.

Su Nan replied with a smile, "Of course it's you."

The girl opened her watery eyes to look at him for a while, then closed them silently, with a slightly happy smile on her lips.

Su Nan kissed her again, and she responded.

Leave the flower sulking aside.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The two were flirting with each other on the bed as if no one was around, suddenly Lu Ying saw something and looked to the side with a look of surprise.

Su Nan was a little strange, and followed her gaze, and then froze for a moment.

The flower that just bloomed last night now emits a faint fluorescence, and the petals gather in the middle as if growing backwards, and soon form a fist-sized flower bud. The next point is a light and fragrant taste.

Su Nan and Lu Ying looked at each other, unable to understand what it meant, why it bloomed and then grew back.

"Is it not enough nutrients?"

Lu Ying guessed that she had a strange expression and glanced at Su Nan.

She still clearly remembered the details of yesterday's flowering, but now that the flowers have turned into buds again, she immediately thought that they might need nutrients again.

She couldn't help being a little scared, her legs were still weak at this moment, but she couldn't stand Su Nan's torment, could it be that Su Nan should take the flowers to generate electricity by herself?

Su Nan stretched out her hand, picked up the flower, and looked at it carefully.

The flower branch had withered, leaving only a bud. Through the gaps between the petals, he vaguely saw a small figure inside, curled up into a ball, as if sleeping.

The shadowy figure, even with poor eyesight, can only catch a glimpse of the leopard and cannot see it clearly, but it is just a faint shadow, but it instantly makes Su Nan feel a strong desire in his heart, and the body that was finally satisfied last night is here. When the arrogance rose slowly, it was extremely arrogant.

Lu Ying was next to his body, feeling the changes in his body, she was a little afraid in her heart, she bit her lip and leaned next to his ear, and said timidly: "Why don't you take the flowers and go back to your women, I'll can't be done."

The tone was weak, more like coquettish, Su Nan's breath was stagnant again, and she subconsciously hugged her delicate body tightly.

Lu Ying writhed uneasily, and said coquettishly, "No, I really have no strength, and it still hurts."

She felt very ashamed for saying this, but there was nothing she could do. Although the flower buds did not emit a strong fragrance at this time, the faint floral fragrance still made the mouth dry and the body hot.

Su Nan was obviously impulsive again, if she stayed by his side again, Lu Ying was afraid that she would be spoiled.

Su Nan bit the tip of her tongue to wake herself up. Just as she was about to say that it was unnecessary, a moment of hesitation flashed in her heart, and she nodded.

Last night he was bewitched by the fragrance of flowers, and his actions became out of control. Most of his impulses were vented on Lu Ying. At this time, he also knew that Lu Ying could not bear it, and if he continued, he would hurt his body. This is what he did not want to see , can only take the flowers away.

As for throwing away the flowers, or keeping them at Lu Ying's house and not taking them away, Su Nan also thought about doing so, but when he thought of the hazy shadow in the buds, he felt very reluctant, just like in ancient strange novels where the female ghost was killed. Like a confused scholar, he can't give up no matter what.

At the same time, this is a punishment event, and Su Nan doesn't think she can get rid of this flower.

Lu Ying also thought of this, so she asked him to bring the flowers with her. Although she was a little jealous, there was nothing she could do.

Seeing Su Nan agreeing to her, Lu Ying felt relieved at first, and then felt a little sour, but this little emotion was quickly suppressed by her.

She looked at the pink and translucent flower bud, and felt sympathy for the girl who turned into a flower. The girl must think it was a disaster when this happened, but she was powerless to stop it.

She was too tired last night and didn't want to continue. She tried to leave the room with the flowers and go to sleep in the aunt's room next door. Later, Su Nan still came to find her.

In the end, she got angry and took the flowers out of the house to the flower garden downstairs, planning to hide the flowers in the bushes and collect them tomorrow, but when she returned home, the flowers appeared beside Su Nan.

This weird discovery completely dispelled Lu Ying's idea of ​​wanting Su Nan to get rid of that flower. Let Su Nan's real girlfriends be bothered by these troubles. I don't know what they will do when facing this new sister. Feeling, will it be the same as yourself?

Under Lu Ying's urging, Su Nan took the flower buds and left quickly. Although he didn't feel that he was impulsive, Lu Ying was already worried about keeping him by his side. She had to go to school today, and she wouldn't even be able to go to school any more.

Su Nan was walking on the sidewalk early in the morning. It was still early in the morning, and there were already cars coming and going on the road, but there were not many people on the sidewalk.

He looked around, took out the flower buds from his pocket, and couldn't help but look at them.

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