This pervert!

Chu Xi was filled with unspeakable hatred and intense shame, until she heard Su Nan gently say: "Chu Xi, you seem to be very nervous." She calmed down a little.

She realized that Su Nan regarded Chu Ge as herself, and the most important thing now was to remind Su Nan to let Su Nan understand that it was not her.

But how to do it.

Chu Xi tried to make a sound, but he didn't know whether it was because the voice was too low, or the sound inside the flower bud couldn't get out. The two people outside were still not separated, and there were signs of getting deeper and deeper.

Chu Xi gritted his teeth, feeling humiliated, but unable to stop them, very powerless.

At this time, she heard the woman say in a charming voice: "Come back, please, there are people outside."

Hearing this sentence, Chu Xi was struck by lightning immediately, thinking that the two of them had achieved something good, and hatred surged in his heart. Chu Xi's hatred for this woman at this moment far surpassed the dissatisfaction with this woman accumulated over the years.

At the beginning, Chu Ge could only pretend to be shy to avoid Su Nan's enthusiasm, but Su Nan seemed to like seeing her shy look very much. Instead of restraining himself, there were signs of going too far.

Gradually, Chu Ge felt that he had become abnormal, his head was dizzy, his breathing was short, his heart was beating like a drum, his heart was full of shyness, and even his limbs became weak under the obsession of the other party.

She realized it was bad, but she couldn't summon up the strength to refuse, and even the resistance in her heart was softening little by little.

At this time, a large truck on the road outside honked its horn, and the piercing sound made Chu Ge wake up all of a sudden. She softly begged Su Nan not to be here, and to talk when she went back.

Su Nan looked up and saw the female driver who was going to buy breakfast was coming back, so he had to reluctantly let go of his girlfriend. At first he didn't want to do anything, but his girlfriend was so attractive that he couldn't control it.

Seeing her lowering her head and blushing face and arranging her messy clothes, Su Nan leaned over, smiled and whispered in her ear, "Wait for me after school."

Chu Ge's pretty face was slightly dizzy, she gave him a blank look, and turned her head to go, but she thought in her heart, I have to leave early after school, and I must not be caught.

She didn't intend to let Su Nan succeed. As for what she said just now, she would just go back and come back, she was just deceiving Su Nan.

Chu Xi in the bud heard what Su Nan said, and she misunderstood Chu Ge's silent appearance as acquiescence, and secretly decided to stop the two from dating.

But what to do.

Chu Xi suddenly remembered last night, when the scent of flowers made Su Nan lose control, it would be great if he could control the scent of flowers now.

Just thinking about it, Chu Xi suddenly discovered that there was a scent of flowers in the bud space, which was exactly the same as last night, and the source was on her?

I became the source?

She was dazed at first, and then quickly restrained herself, so as not to let the fragrance of flowers float outside, making the two people outside couldn't help it.

Aware of her own ability, Chu Xi quickly thought, as long as she can stop her mother, she can accept any consequences!

Chapter six hundred and ninety six tricked him into opening a room

After that, the woman in Chu Ge stopped causing trouble, and Chu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and began to think about how to separate the two after school. The only weapon she had was the scent of flowers that could confuse others.

Suddenly Chu Xi's heart moved, thinking that it would be better to find a girl and confuse her to pester Su Nan, just like Lu Ying did last night.

She thought it might work.

She even hoped that Su Nan would take the initiative to find Lu Ying tonight, but she also knew that Lu Ying was overworked last night, Su Nan probably wouldn't go there, and had to find another suitable target.

Of course, you can't just find someone else. Chu Xi doesn't want more people to share Su Nan with him. It's best to choose Zhao Xiaomin, Zhan Weiling, these girls who are already close to Su Nan.

At that time, she had to wait until Su Nan was alone with them before doing it quietly. She didn't want Su Nan to perform well in public.

Listening to the movement outside at this time, it should be in the car, calculate the time, and go to school later, and then find the right opportunity.

Chu Xi waited patiently.

Not long after, she felt the car stop and was picked up by herself.

"Hey, what is this?" It was the woman's voice.

When Chu Ge got out of the car, he accidentally saw something under Su Nan's feet, bent down to pick it up, and looked at it curiously.

"A toy." Su Nan took it back calmly.

Chu Ge showed a look of surprise, feeling that Su Nan paid too much attention to this toy, but she didn't say anything, and got out of the car and went to the company, leaving Su Nan in the car to wait.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect the bud to fall off. Fortunately, her girlfriend didn't look carefully when she picked it up, otherwise she might be fascinated.

This is a bustling area, and there are people coming and going outside. He doesn't want his girlfriend to make a fool of herself.

The punishment this time is different from the previous ones. The fragrance from the flower buds can affect even ordinary people. If his girlfriend sees the little beautiful figure inside, Su Nan can't guarantee that she won't be affected.

Su Nan carefully put the bud back into his pocket, and Chu Xi couldn't see the outside world anymore, but the space inside the bud didn't darken, which was a little strange.

Chu Xi didn't understand why he couldn't go out. If he could go out, he could communicate with Su Nan directly. Could it be that this bud will bloom again?

Thinking of blooming, Chu Xi thought of the details of the first blooming last night. It seems that it needs nutrients?

Her heart skipped a beat, she felt her whole body was going limp, limp without any strength, her body seemed to be emitting a fragrance, she quickly controlled it.

Soon Chu Ge returned to the car, and the car continued to drive to the school. Because there was a driver in the car, the two had no contact.

When she heard the sound of Lang Lang reading, Chu Xi woke up from her shyness. She felt a little complicated. She didn't expect to return to school again in such a way.

Listening to those morning readings that she used to feel boring, she felt some inexplicable nostalgia in her heart, and she felt even more eager to return to her daily life.

After class at noon, Zhao Xiaomin came to find Su Nan and Chu Ge, and the three left the classroom to go to the dining hall to have lunch. After the meal, they came to the activity room to rest, and the others were also there. This place has become a place for everyone to relax at noon.

Chu Xi listened to the movement outside in Su Nan's pocket, missed those people and things in the past, and even wanted to send out a fragrance to remind everyone.

But she still resisted the impulse, that woman is mixed with everyone now, she is not good to act rashly.

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