what is this?Instead of helping my sister deal with her rival in love, watch a movie instead?

Chu Ge couldn't figure it out, but she didn't think too much, because her eyes were quickly attracted by the kissing two people, and she felt a little pain in her heart seeing their intimacy.

"Pfft~haha, it's so itchy, senior, don't make trouble!"

Shu Bao'er giggled suddenly, she knocked off Su Nan's hand that she was scratching, and ran down from Su Nan's body, staring at him with a blushing face, with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Su Nan didn't dare to meet her eyes subconsciously, as if he was wronged. This kind of subconscious reaction made him feel very baffled. Shu Baoer is not his, and he should feel sorry for Chu Xi beside him.

At the same time, what made him even more weird was that the fake Chuxi suddenly barged in, and he somehow had the illusion that he had been caught cheating. I wondered if he subconsciously took the fake Chuxi for the real Chuxi, after all, they looked exactly the same.

The doubts in her heart did not show, facing Shu Baoer who was furious, Su Nan said helplessly: "You have enough nonsense, so I won't owe you any more."

In other words, Su Nan directly told the fake Chuxi that it was Shu Baoer's nonsense.

In the eyes of the fake Chuxi, her identity has not been revealed yet, and she is still Su Nan's girlfriend, so Su Nan still has to pretend.

The girlfriend caught her boyfriend stealing food, so she should be angry, but Xiao Min found out about Su Nan, Zhao Ruomin, and Shu Baoer, and the fake Chuxi should have received the news, so Su Nan's guilty conscience was not too outrageous.

Sure enough, the fake Chuxi frowned, she looked at Shu Baoer, and said, "I've heard about you, I'm sorry, my boyfriend treated you like this, but it's not all his fault, you also acquiesced to his behavior at that time Yes, as his girlfriend, I hope you don't do this in the future!"

The tone is a bit harsh.

Su Nan looked at her in surprise, wondering why this fake girlfriend suddenly acted so angry, could it be just pretending?

Shu Bao'er snorted, ignored Chu Ge, and said to Su Nan with a smile: "It's not enough, I was interrupted, I'll make it up next time, senior bye."

Shu Bao'er turned around and left without looking at Chu Ge. Chu Ge's heart was filled with anger, and then she was pressed down again. She watched Shu Baoer leave coldly.

Su Nan and Chu Xi were a little surprised. From their point of view, Shu Baoer didn't know the identity of the fake Chuxi, so they didn't understand why Shu Baoer had such a big opinion of Chuxi.

Su Nan glanced to the side, and asked Douding Chuxi with his eyes. Douding Chuxi shook his head at him, expressing that he didn't know.

Chu Ge glanced at Su Nan, then his eyes fell on Zhao Ruomin who was stunned aside, and said, "Ruomin, your sister told you to go back, go home."

"Oh." Zhao Ruomin, who came to her senses, walked away annoyed. This time it was her fault, so she didn't dare to refute Chu Ge's words, and was still anxiously thinking about how to explain this to her sister when she went back.

After Zhao Ruomin was sent away, only Chu Ge and Su Nan were left in the activity room, oh, there was also Chu Xi who was lurking.

Chu Ge didn't know that Chu Xi was here, so she said to the silent Su Nan, "Let's go for a walk."

Su Nan froze for a moment, remembered Chu Xi's explanation, and nodded.

The two locked the door and left the activity room.

Walking on the road, the fake Chuxi was silent, and Su Nan didn't know how to talk to her. Facing this fake Chuxi, the real Chuxi was still by his side, and he felt strange in his heart.

"Why don't you talk?" Chu Ge asked him suddenly.

"Uh, I was wrong about what happened just now." Su Nan replied with an idea.

Chu Ge's cold expression melted a little, and he said gently: "It's not all your fault, I saw that it was Shu Bao'er who pestered you, but don't do that next time."

She glanced at Su Nan as if nothing had happened, warning.

Su Nan nodded quickly: "There will be no next time."

It didn't feel right after I finished speaking, why was I guilty, she wasn't my girlfriend.

The mentality regained peace, and Su Nan asked curiously: "Do you have conflicts with Shu Baoer?"

Since Chu Xi didn't offend Shu Bao'er, it should be that the fake Chu Xi had conflicts with Shu Bao'er recently. Both Su Nan and Chu Xi thought so.

A trace of confusion flashed in Chu Ge's eyes, then she shook her head, frowned and said, "I don't know."

Not no, but an unclear, weird answer.

"Don't talk about her, what's the matter with you these two days? I heard they say you've been weird these two days." Chu Ge obviously changed the subject.

Su Nan explained: "Occasionally I will become a little bit wrong, but it's okay, it's all over."

"Really?" If the other party glanced at him meaningfully, he didn't speak again, and Su Nan did the same. He didn't know what to talk to the other party, because when he thought of the other party's identity, he felt uncomfortable.

Chu Xi, who was lurking beside him, kept winking at him, signaling him to speak, and staring at the fake Chu Xi with hatred from time to time.

Su Nan could only bite the bullet and find something to say: "What about you, what have you been doing lately?"

Chu Ge replied: "I'm busy at the company and have a lot of things to do."

After hesitating for a while, she turned her face to the side of the road and said, "I didn't make the appointment that day, I'm sorry."

Su Nan didn't know if her words were perfunctory, and said vaguely: "It's okay, I was wrong, I didn't understand you, but remember to pay attention to your body, you pay too much attention to work."

Chu Ge mistakenly thought that he was secretly expressing dissatisfaction with him, and felt a little indebted to him, and then remembered the purpose of approaching him at the beginning, his gaze became firm, and he said, "Let's go on a date!"

Su Nan was at a loss, dating?so suddenly?

So should I agree, or not?

He subconsciously looked at Chu Xi, but the little Chu Xi who was flying in front of him nodded to him, and flew over to sit on his shoulder.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan nodded to Chu Ge.

Thus, their dating began.

While the fake Chuxi was not paying attention, Chuxi flew up to Su Nan's ear and whispered, "During the date, you have to be perfunctory and careless. It's best to call Xiao Min and the others from time to time."

Su Nan was sweating coldly behind her back, thinking that women are really cruel when they are cruel.

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