The assistant hesitated, took out his mobile phone and made a call. After a while, the call was connected, and a pleasant voice came out, with a hint of impatience.

The assistant told Chu Xi about Chu Ge's abnormalities these days. Chu Xi frowned when he heard this, and said coldly: "Menopause is coming, you can handle these things yourself. I am no longer from that family. Don't come to me about anything."

After Zhan Jin finished speaking, Chu Xi hung up the phone without waiting for the assistant to say anything.

The assistant heard the busy tone and felt a headache about the conflict between their mother and daughter.

She hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't dare to call back, and sighed in her heart. It seems that Miss Chu Xi was really angry with what President Chu did before, and Miss Chu Xi is unwilling to come back to this house now.

The assistant sometimes felt that Boss Chu had gone too far. How could she pretend to be a daughter to moles her daughter's boyfriend's mother by virtue of being exactly the same as her daughter? A little bit of opinion, let alone leak it out.

Looking up at the second floor, the assistant's eyes showed a hint of worry. Ever since Mr. Chu ended his life of pretending to be his daughter, he has become a little abnormal when he came back to this house. Wrong, you must know that this is incredible for Chu Ge.

The assistant has nothing to do, but hopes that President Chu's abnormality is caused by his daughter wanting to sever the mother-daughter relationship with him, not because of that little boy.

Thinking of something terrible, the assistant trembled, not daring to think about it anymore, and hurriedly called the servant to come over and pack things.

In the bathroom, there is mist.

A graceful figure loomed in the mist, the sound of splashing water washed over that alluring body, and the fair skin was slightly reddened by the scalding hot water.

The slender hands moved slowly, scrubbing the stains on the body, Chu Ge sighed deeply, when her palm touched certain parts, the memories of that night flooded into her heart, as if her own hand and that person's hand overlapped , making her eyes lose their focus, and her heart trembled slightly.

After a while, Chu Ge came back to her senses, with a slightly ugly face and an inexplicable blush on her face. She gritted her teeth and took her hand away, turned off the shower, and ended the bath.

Standing in front of the mirror and wearing clothes, Chu Ge looked at herself in the mirror, and was distracted for a while. She seemed to see the remaining traces on her body, and her body was a little weak.

She took a deep breath, cursed secretly, and hurriedly put the nightgown on her body. In the mirror, she suddenly became a beauty with both sexiness and purity.

Chu Ge looked at herself in the mirror, and her heart was a little confused. It had been a while that night, but she always subconsciously recalled the scenes at that time, and her body became weird day by day, obviously she shouldn't think about it anymore , that is her daughter's man.

"Everything should be over." Chu Ge whispered, as if warning himself.

Slowly, the blush on her face disappeared, and she became calm and calm.

Without looking at the mirror again, Chu Ge turned around, opened the door, and walked out of the bathroom. Inadvertently, she glanced over and saw a person sitting on the bed, and was startled.

The other party looked up at her, and asked lightly, "Did you finish washing?"

Chu Ge looked at the other person's face, was startled for a moment, and nodded in confusion.

The other party said: "Okay, Chu Ge, let's talk."

It was Su Nan who came. He stood up, looked at the woman in front of him unscrupulously, and admired in his heart, she had exactly the same face as Chu Xi, but she gave off a different style when she came out of the bath. With a charming taste.

Under his gaze, Chu Ge's tender body trembled slightly, feeling ashamed, took a step back, and then stared at him hesitantly, "What did you call me?"

Her tone trembled, as if expecting something, but also seemed afraid of something.

"Chu Ge." Su Nan tapped her temple with her index finger, looked into her eyes and said, "I remember all the things when I was a child. I came to you to ask you something. When I was young, although I recovered my memory, But there are some things that I may not have noticed or remembered clearly."

Chu Ge's body trembled even more. She quickly lowered her head, looked at her toes, and said in a cold voice: "I don't understand what you are talking about. Please go out, or I will call the police."

Su Nan was a little surprised by her attitude, but she wasn't too surprised. After all, after so many years, she might not want to face the past after recovering her memory.

Before coming here, Su Nan had already thought of many possibilities, and didn't take the threat seriously, but since he came, he would not leave easily, and said, "Let's make a deal, you answer my questions, and I will help you keep the secret, so I won't let you Chu Xi knows about you."

Chu Ge raised her head, her face had returned to normal, she shook her head expressionlessly, and said seriously: "I refuse, please leave, there are my bodyguards outside the villa, and they will..."

"It seems that some violent measures are needed."

Su Nan interrupted her, Shi Shiran walked towards her.

Chu Ge's expression changed, and he said in a trembling voice, "What do you want to do?"

Her voice was weak, not enough to attract the attention of anyone outside the room, and her footsteps would be nailed to the ground. She was obviously flustered, but she didn't take a step back, as if she was looking forward to the next thing.

Looking forward to something?

Chu Ge gritted his teeth and was about to scold Su Nan. At this time, Su Nan had already walked in front of her, stretched out his hand towards her, and gently stroked her smooth face.

Chu Ge only felt a bang in his head, and all thoughts of resistance disappeared at this moment.

Su Nan kept touching her face, feeling that her face was getting hotter and redder, and she couldn't help but feel a little distracted, and said to her: "Sure enough, you can't resist me, answer my question, or the next I can't guarantee what will happen."

Chu Ge was short of breath, and asked in a harsh voice, "Are you sorry for Chu Xi?"

Su Nan said in a low voice: "I'm sorry for her already. And it was you first, we started ten years ago, and you will take the initiative to deliver it to your door ten years later."

After saying that, Su Nan couldn't bear it anymore, and leaned over to kiss her face, her eyes, and her nose.

Chu Ge closed his eyes in pain: "Don't, don't..."

Su Nan simply sealed her mouth.

Suddenly, Su Nan felt a pain on the tip of her tongue, and subconsciously let her go.

Chu Ge's face was red, his head was drooping, and he said in a muffled voice: "That's enough, what do you want to know? I'll just answer what I know."

Su Nan was stunned, he didn't expect her to agree, but at this moment he hoped that she would persevere and give himself a chance to force it.

After such a kiss, Su Nan became agitated and wanted to continue, but Chu Ge raised his head and stared at him expressionlessly, making him unable to do so.

Forcing herself to calm down, Su Nan let go of Chu Ge, sat back on the bed, took a deep breath, and then asked, "What's your relationship with Chu Xi?"

Seemingly surprised that he didn't know, Chu Ge glanced at him and sneered, "I'm her mother."

Su Nan was dumbfounded, feeling that her three views were collapsing.

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