Pessimistic, they thought they would experience a wave of pain, but who knew that this attack was not uncomfortable at all, but very comfortable, and the experience was perfect.

Recalling Chu Xi's words, they suddenly realized that they had been promoted to full-time players, and they were very excited. From then on, they finally no longer had to be affected by the curse of shame disease, and they could live a shameful life with Su Nan without restraint. Life, just like Chuxi now.

The girls are full of expectations for the beautiful life ahead.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

June [-]th is a special day.

Every year, the college entrance examination army will go to their battlefield on this day.

Zhan Weiling woke up early, removed the pink legs and jade arms that were pressing on her body, blushed and took the man's hand away from her chest, and got up carefully.

She looked around, and what she saw were the indecent sleeping faces of the girls, and Su Nan who was surrounded by them and enjoyed the blessings of everyone.

And she, Zhan Weiling, was also one of them.

Recalling the absurdity of last night, she felt her face burning hot. The night before the college entrance examination, she actually spent it like this. How did she agree to accompany their absurd request.

Zhan Weiling thought about it, and remembered that it was Zhao Xiaomin who suggested to relieve her stress at first, and invited almost all the girls who were close to Su Nan to come and play.

Li Gongting, Chu Xi, Qin Xiaowan, Zhao Ruomin, Zhao Junmin...

Everyone got together, excited, started drinking, and then it was out of control.

Zhan Weiling thought of something, and then looked at the girls on the bed. Fortunately, Zhao Junmin and Qin Xiaowan were not there, but Zhao Ruomin was here. I remember that she was chased away by her sister, and then sneaked in. I don't know who opened it for her. Door.

Li Gongting was there last night, but not at this time, it seems that Li Gongting was not drinking at that time, but was dragged by everyone to play games forcibly, and in the end she ran away staggeringly.

Zhan Weiling felt dumbfounded about this.

At this time, the phone rang, and Zhan Weiling quickly pressed to answer, so as not to disturb everyone, and walked out of the room at the same time.

"Wei Ling, are you ready? I'll pass by your house later. Let's go to the examination room together. By the way, I brought you breakfast."

It was Li Gongting calling, as if worried that she wouldn't get up.

Zhan Weiling felt warm and said, "I'll be fine soon."

After she finished washing, she went back to her room to see, good guy, everyone is awake and busy getting dressed, the scene is a bit spectacular, while Zhao Xiaomin is holding her sister by the ear and teaching her a lesson.

It seemed that everyone wanted to get up and send her to the examination room, Zhan Weiling hurriedly said: "Go on to sleep, Gong Ting has come to pick me up, she will be downstairs soon, I plan to finish breakfast on the way."

Su Nan said embarrassingly: "Sorry, senior sister, we are still messing around like this, even though you have to take an exam."

Zhan Weiling smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, it's not that you don't know that with my physique, it's fine even if I don't sleep."

Su Nan came over and hugged her, "Sister, take the exam well, don't be nervous, we all support you."

"Well, then I'll go first." Zhan Weiling nodded, then blinked at him again: "There will be a surprise later."

She left without explaining any surprises. Su Nan thought it was because of the test results. Zhan Weiling has always been very confident in this test.

After sending Zhan Weiling away, everyone was bored and went back to bed to sleep. Zhao Ruomin took the opportunity to lie down next to Su Nan. Although Zhao Xiaomin was a little speechless, she was almost used to it and didn't stop her.

However, the next development made Zhao Xiaomin feel embarrassed. Zhao Ruomin was actually tempting Su Nan, and Su Nan was also responding to Zhao Ruomin's temptation. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to Chu Xi who was next to him. Chu Xi hit him, but it didn't work.

Under the eyes of her sister, Zhao Ruomin looked very excited and climbed up directly.

Zhao Xiaomin covered her face, feeling ashamed to meet people, but as time went by, she also became impulsive, gritted her teeth, and actually joined in.

Chu Xi beside her was speechless for a while, thinking that Zhao Xiaomin would stop her unscrupulous sister, Chu Xi was still waiting to get rid of the current shameful situation, but Zhao Xiaomin surrendered immediately.

I don't know how long it took, Su Nan stretched out his hand to Chu Xi, Chu Xi has been affected by watching it for so long, and Su Nan easily succeeded.

"You guys had a great time."

An unexpected voice sounded.

Chu Xi, who was lying on the ground with her eyes closed, opened her eyes. She saw a familiar woman in the room, and she was surprised, "Why are you back?"

"Sister?" Su Nan, who was dealing with Chu Xi, also turned her head in surprise.

Sisters Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Ruomin also looked over curiously.

Zhan Weiling held a picture album in her hand, and said, "I'm a bit bored after finishing the questions, so I'll turn into a paper man and come back to have a look, so I don't bother you."

It turned out that the so-called surprise was this.

Embarrassed, Chu Xi covered her mouth with both hands to prevent herself from making strange noises.

Su Nan sent an invitation to the senior sister: "Sister, don't you mind coming up to relax and relax."

"That's exactly what I mean." Zhan Weiling smiled gracefully.

Zhan Weiling's college entrance examination journey ended under such circumstances. One second she was still doing questions in the examination room, and the next moment she was in Su Nan's arms, which felt very exciting!

Her body has been strengthened, and her intelligence has been imperceptibly improved. The college entrance examination is not difficult for her at all.

While taking the exam, he accompanied Su Nan to mess around, and the happy days passed quickly.

Entering the summer vacation, everyone packed their luggage and went abroad for vacation.

Chu Xi took advantage of his family's relationship to book a private beach in Japan. There are villas near the beach, which is a good place for vacation and leisure.

Almost all the girls related to Su Nan came for this trip. Even Lu Ying and Lu Anya were invited by Chu Xi. It seems that Chu Xi regarded them as Su Nan's women, but the parties were a little embarrassed and couldn't get along. into this big group.

Qin Ying didn't come over, and it was too late for her to hide from Su Nan. Although she still lived with her, Su Nan hadn't seen her for a while, and felt that Qin Ying was deliberately avoiding meeting him.

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