The rain of arrows tore apart branches and leaves, penetrated the air, and split vines.It poured down like a rain of destruction, smashing countless stones and land into the air.

This is a machete skill called 'Storm and Flash'.

Cooperating with his "Hunter's Forest" which can hide the trajectory of the bow and arrow, it can be described as a very great combination stunt.It is an indiscriminate and all-round strike that cannot be observed and cannot be avoided.

Now that his moves have been seen through, then don't even think about anything.Use carpet bombing directly!

This was the only way Kirihara Shizuya could think of at the moment.

But before he could show the smile that had succeeded in his plan, he screamed in horror.

"how is this possible!?"

Because that crimson figure came at a high speed, just by shaking the long sword in his right hand, he easily knocked away all the arrows of light that were in his way.The fragments of the shattered light arrows splashed everywhere, and a little spark lit up the dim forest.

As long as you can see through the trajectories of those bows and arrows, no matter how many there are, they can't cause the slightest damage to Kotori!

Kotori clearly felt that evil thought called 'killing intent'!

"If you want to launch a surprise attack on me, at least you should restrain your killing intent first!"

Kotori came to Kirihara Shizuya in the blink of an eye, and swung his sword without any pause.Divide the branches under his feet and the trunk beside him into two!

"Wait, wait, wait ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed and fell off the branch.

In mid-air, he hurriedly turned around, continued to draw the bow and shoot arrows, and at the same time threw out a series of bomb-like round solids with a flick of his hand.It exploded suddenly on the way Kotori was chasing!


The blazing fire spread out, and the raging fire spread in all directions, and the impact heat wave generated by the explosion almost completely ignited the forest!

Kirihara Shizuya who fell to the ground had no time to take a breath, her eyes widened in horror.Because a petite figure suddenly broke through the flames, galloping forward with a crimson light!

"Don't don't don't don't don't—!"

Kirihara Shizuya roared like a madman and set up his longbow.The ground under his feet trembled, and countless branches gathered to wrap his longbow.Converged into an incomparably huge wooden longbow.

A thick wooden bow and arrow twisted and spiraled, and then burst out without any hesitation!


A scarlet sword light flashed past, and the thick arrow, like an ancient battering ram, was directly divided into two parts.

The next moment, a warm breeze blew past.

The tip of the sword with hidden sharpness was firmly pressed against Kirihara Shizuya's throat.

The petite Kotori raised her head slightly and stared at the trembling man who was already frightened.Showing a bit of a beautiful smile full of elegance.

The explosion-like roar and air waves behind him brushed the girl's silk-like hair.


With one word, the audience was in an uproar!



Blade change (79/90)

This chapter is still added as the blade of Inaba Tutu~


Chapter 305 After the End (Fifth Change)

"competition is over!--"

The announcer sitting in the commentary seat immediately stood up and recited aloud with great excitement:

"The winner is from class one every year——Student Wuhe Kotori! This contestant, who was even banned from normal schoolwork last year, finally began to show her unique demeanor this year!"

And after her words fell, the students in the auditorium suddenly cheered in amazement.

The ever-changing battle just now made them feel quite amazing.Whether it's the neat and easy sword moves, or the swift and swift movements, they are all dazzled and fascinated!

However, what really shocked everyone was how much potential that petite girl had in her body, and she was able to find that ray of life in the desperate situation.Such a handsome and crisp counterattack was carried out!


The illusory forest scene around him began to gradually disappear.

Because Kirihara Shizuya, who was pinned to the throat by the long sword, had turned his eyes and passed out.After losing the supply of magic power, this forest will naturally disappear without a trace.

Looking at the man who fainted on the ground in embarrassment, Qin Li's small face was neither sad nor happy, but just loosened his right hand, dispelling the appearance of Shuanghui Yintie.

The girl turned around, looked around at the noisy scene like a tsunami, and only waved her hands slightly.He walked down the steps slowly.

Several medical staff behind them ran up carrying a stretcher, carrying out the fainted Kirihara Shizuya.However, all of this has nothing to do with Kotori.

The moment he swung that sword, the boy must have deeply understood the world of difference between the two sides.

And at this moment, a familiar voice came from the auditorium.

Kotori looked up and followed, only to find that Stella and Shizuku were happily waving their little hands towards this place.From the looks of it, they were also happy that they were able to win.

Even this battle is just a one-sided crush for Kotori.But in the eyes of others, it is quite thrilling.


"Okay, today's fourth battle is over, and the fifth battle will take place next. After the reconstruction of the venue is completed, we can continue!"

After finishing the broadcast, the announcer lady turned off the microphone after saying this sentence.

"Phew... It was really a fierce battle. I didn't expect Kirihara-san's 'Hunter's Forest' to be shattered by such a simple crack. I've heard that the 'Uncrowned Sword King' is very strong. It now appears to be so.”

She let out a slight breath and wiped the sweat from her forehead due to excitement.

Just as he was about to turn his head to say a few words to Xijing Ningyin who was beside him, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Because, the seat where Xijing Ningyin's figure was originally sitting was already empty.

Only a small piece of paper was left floating around on the table.

"The concubine is very satisfied, goodbye~"

"Mom sells batches! This is a ghost broadcast!——"

There was a whining sound in the commentary room.


Now that the battle is over, staying here is a waste of time.

After Kotori tidied up her clothes that were a little messed up due to the battle, she walked out of the maintenance room.But the first thing I saw was not Stella or Shizuku.

Instead, it was the petite Xijing Ningyin who was wearing a crimson kimono haori.He was staring at himself with a narrow smile on his face.

"What, is this welcoming me?" Kotori tilted her head.

"You say that... the meaning is pretty much the same. The concubine really has a lot of interest in you. Whether it was the short fight at that time, or the truth I saw with my own eyes just now, it's all forced. People doubt, are you really just an ordinary student?"

Xijing Ningyin raised a finger and put it on her lips.She smiled coquettishly.

"Your imitation sword skills, no, it should be called 'complete mastery'. Even if it is placed in the world, there is probably no second person who can do it. The field that can be touched by this pair of eyes is even A-level. There's no way the league guys can do it."

While speaking, her gaze at Qinli became more and more strange, as if she was staring at some kind of interested prey, full of strange aggression.

But it didn't make Kotori feel a little uncomfortable.

Because there was no malice in her eyes.

"You've said so much in a roundabout way, what exactly do you want to say?"

Kotori ignored Xijing Ningyin's eyes and words, and said lightly:

"I don't like to speak secretively. If there is anything you want to tell me, please just say it directly."

"Hmm... If it's so direct, I don't mind~"

Xijing Ningyin covered her mouth and let out a coquettish smile, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Immediately, the figure flashed suddenly.


Kotori stretched out her hands, and firmly grasped the two little hands that passed through her armpits trying to make trouble, making her unable to move at all.

The person behind Qinli was Xijing Ningyin.

Xijing Ningyin, who suddenly appeared behind Qinli, was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that her actions had been completely seen through, and she couldn't help being surprised.

"Could it be that... you already know this trick?"

"Of course, I've seen the trick of 'drawing my feet' many times."

Qinli let go of her hands slightly, and Xijing Ningyin took a few steps back in embarrassment, rubbed her wrist, and couldn't help mumbling.

"Why are you so strong?"

"What do you say?" Kotori turned around and twitched the corners of her mouth with a half-smile.

If I hadn't stopped him just now, this perverted teacher probably wanted to attack me with such nasty things as breasts, right?And it's still an attack from the back, once it's hit, it's really hard to get rid of.

Thinking of this, Kotori was also slightly annoyed.Seeing that she showed no sign of reflection at all, he snorted coldly and directly bullied her!


Probably did not expect Qinli to be so active suddenly, Xijing Ningyin uttered a panicked cry, and just wanted to stabilize her mind to avoid Qinli's capture method, but was a little dazed to find that a flash of fire flashed, and Qinli's The speed suddenly increased a lot!

Too bad, I forgot that she still has a trick to increase her physical fitness! !

Xijing Ningyin was terrified, but before she could react, she was grabbed by both wrists.Taking advantage of the situation, he was lifted high and pressed against the wall next to him.




Blade change (80/90)

This chapter is still Inaba Tutu's 233

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