'Zhu Shizuku' spread out her small hands and muttered pretending to be innocent. "Anyway, seeing your unsalty appearance, I just want to bully and bully you. Even if I, an 'outsider', look at it, I really should come out and beat you up!"

"What kind of love and killing are you doing?" Kotori couldn't help complaining, scratching her hair in trouble.

"Forget it, just now you barely hit me once. It should relieve you, right?"

"Hmph, let's just count." 'Zhu Shizuku' pouted, wrapped her arms around her, and hummed softly.

"But don't think that I will disappear immediately. If I don't go out and make a fuss, I won't let it go. Even you, don't try to stop me!"

"The black iron family..."

"Of course!"

'Zhuyu' nodded heavily, and her trance-like eyes began to become firm.

"Since you already have scruples and ties in this world... it's not easy to do something that is completely shameless, then let me do it! I... and Shizuku together Take all those responsibilities!"

Having said that, even Kotori can understand her mind.

And similarly, Kotori said with a wry smile.

"Two big fools..."

Whether it's 'King of Slaughter' or 'Black Iron Pearl Shizuku', these two little girls are extremely concerned about their own affairs, even more than themselves, so that after hearing that their reputation has been damaged, they went into a rage this level.He didn't hesitate to destroy everything he had in the past, in order to let Kotori live a peaceful life.

What a fool.

"Before you do something stupid like that, you should talk to me first, okay?"

Kotori exhaled a long breath, dispelling all the worries in her heart.

He raised his head again, revealing a...bright and pure smile.

"After all, don't you know the best? I am a person...how 'resentful' I am."



Blade change (87/93)

It's summer vacation~ I finally came home today.You can put down a lot of chores, An Anxin's code words have been updated~~~

(* ̄rǒ ̄)

Chapter 325 Demon Realm (Fifth)

Yes, as Kotori said.She has never been a guy with a personality like a saint.She will make sarcasm and even fight directly because of other people's malice.You will also feel dissatisfied and disgusted by other people's tricks and traps.

Once those malice were imposed on her, Kotori would never let it go.

Self-cultivation can improve the state of mind and accumulate spiritual power, which is even more beneficial for Kotori whose strength attribute is biased towards violence, and can better control his power to go berserk.Especially when she was already close to her limit and the balance between inside and outside began to be broken, it was even more necessary for Kotori to maintain her peace of mind.

However, all this does not mean that Kotori will become weak, and after being bullied, she will still greet her with a smile, or endure it silently.

Then it is not called self-cultivation, but timid and fearful.

"I have never told you that I will spare that Black Iron family, right?"

Kotori scattered the weapon in her hand, and shook her head dumbfounded.


Hearing these words, 'Zhu Shizuku' let out a little surprise. "Could it be that Kotori is finally not going to give in, but is going to start making trouble?!"

Looking at her like this, she seemed quite happy.

"Kinri, I absolutely support you! Well...I will help you too! The two of us rushed in together and completely overturned the stronghold of the Kurotsu family!"

Although the Heitie family is one of the best ancient families in this country, their background strength is very impressive.Among them, talents came forth in large numbers, and there were countless professional knights with names and surnames.

However, for Kotori and 'Shizuku', none of this is an obstacle or a threat at all.

Kotori has roughly figured out the information of this world in this year.Basically also understand the approximate strength level.The top group of masters in this world are indeed quite powerful, especially Xijing Ningyin and Xingongji Kurono, which are enough for Kotori to raise [-]% combat power to deal with it.

It is definitely not a powerful enemy that can be contended with simply using magic power and Shuanghui Yintie.

'Yasha Ji' and 'World Clock'

One of them is a natural manipulation-type swordsman who manipulates gravity.With all its strength, it can even forcibly drag objects from outside the earth, forming a huge meteorite that can destroy a city!

And the other person is the causal interference system cutter who manipulates time.It can reverse time, speed up time, operate supernatural powers to the extreme, and even achieve such terrifying powers as shattering time and space.

The two men were rivals more than ten years ago.Fight with all your strength on the stage of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.The meteorite that Xijing Ningyin summoned with all his strength fell from the sky, and its power was enough to destroy the city. The shocking momentum frightened many audiences.

In the end, it was Shinguji Kurono who used his machete special skill - smashing time and space to resolve the meteorite crisis.Although, above the sky at that time, there remained for a long time the large void left after the shattering of time and space.

So far, the cutting knife skills of these two people have also been listed as designated forbidden skills by the alliance.It has become an indelible imprint in the memories of many people's lives.

And even these two people with terrifying abilities are not the best in this world.

Although Kotori has a certain amount of self-confidence, she will never blindly think that she is the strongest in the world.Kotori must know the most basic truth that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

"I really want to know what other tricks the Black Iron family will have after they find out that their imprisonment tactics have failed."

When Kotori said this, a faint smile appeared.

Yes, in fact, it is not that Kotori deliberately forgot the existence of the Kuroite family, and it is definitely not that after entering this world, his character became calm and weak.Even... There is still a faint expectation in the girl's heart.

'Hei Tie Qin Li' was persecuted and oppressed by the Hei Tie family, and was constantly slandered and despised by them.

It is precisely because she wants to prove her strength and possibility that she chooses to resolutely run away from home and choose to embark on the road of knighthood through her own efforts.

And after entering this world, what Qinli carried was her long-cherished wish.

Use strength to prove that you are absolutely powerful!

Don't use those inferior and insidious methods, and don't use bloody and cruel killings to kill all those who dare to disobey their wishes.

Instead, use the weapon in your hand to cut through all the plots and dangers in front of you, and tear away all the clouds and terror that hide in front of you.

Whether it's the opponents you meet on the road of knights, or the villain who sneaks around behind the scenes.All use their simplest and most direct power to prove that they are the strongest!

That's why Kotori waited and let Stella and the director to rack their brains to come up with a solution.Because Kotori knew very well that Kuroite's house was by no means a gathering place for stupid people.

They naturally knew...the most direct solution was to rely on Stella's parents.

They will definitely make some interference in it, hindering Stella's parents from coming.

They will definitely not be allowed to come to this country before the dust settles.

From the beginning to the end, Kotori did not say anything about the actions of Stella and the chairman.Because she knows that these things are not difficult counterattacks for the Black Iron family.

This is also one of the reasons why Shizuku went berserk immediately after hearing about the scandal between Kotori and Stella.Because she knew that the thorough exposure of this kind of matter to the public has proved that the Heitie family has completely torn their faces, and the relationship between the two parties is already endless!

"What tricks can they have?"

'Zhuzuku' showed a somewhat bloodthirsty smile, and licked her fingers coquettishly. "Just kill them all."

"It's really scary... Wuhe, what is your sister..."

Some dry voices came from the side, making Kotori turn her head to look, and found that the person who came was the chairman lady.At this moment, she was staring at 'Zhuzuku' with a face full of surprise, and her body and expression became a little tense.

As the 'world clock', she can see through the essence of Kotori's body through a short fight.Naturally, it can also be seen that 'Zhuzuku' is not in the right state at the moment.

Not only the icy-blue breath of frost faintly revealing, but also the invisible fluctuation that makes Kotori stare at him, just like the whole world... No, that is a treacherous wall that can resist the power of fate!

Although the chairman is still away from the battle for a long time, he is still quite clear... This invisible fluctuating power is exactly called...

——'Majin Domain'



Blade change (88/93)


Chapter 326 It's Nice To Be Young

"What is this figure..."

Miss Chairman showed surprise on her face, she was a little surprised to see Shizuku's appearance at this moment.

The magic power surged all over his body, and even the concentration was so high that it turned into substance and permeated the body surface.Looking at it at a glance, there is even a feeling of heart palpitations.

Can't be wrong, this is undoubtedly the 'Majin Domain'!

"Oh, isn't this Miss Chairman?"

After realizing that the conversation between himself and Kotori was interrupted, 'Tamazuku' narrowed his eyes maliciously. "The timing of coming here is really bad..."


There was a trace of cold sweat on the chairman's forehead, and he suddenly felt a little sticky in the palm of his hand. The sight cast by 'Zhuzuku' was extremely sinister, which made her reflexively raise her vigilance.

However, how could a class of students suddenly do such a thing! ?

"Hey, hey, Wuhe, your sister doesn't look too good..." The chairman twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a helpless smile.

"This is a huge change from the beginning to the end, right?"

"Ah... that's true."

Kotori considered her words, but did not choose to reveal the true identity of 'Zhuzuku' at the moment.Instead, he chose to change the term. "This girl was a little too angry, which led to the second personality being forcibly pulled out. But she is not a bad-hearted child, so Miss Chairman doesn't need to pay too much attention."

This statement is the simplest solution.

However, hearing these words in the chairman's ears seemed a bit subtle.

She silently glanced at the completely disused dormitory building not far away, opened her mouth to say something, but finally sighed.

"This is no longer a matter of bad intentions, Wuhe..."

"Although personality replacement is very rare, it is not without examples in the world. But Wuhe, haven't you discovered the most important point?"

"The most important thing..." Kotori was about to say something, but was soon slightly stunned.

Because even Kotori can't explain this question, and even... is quite interested.

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