[Transmission - Lord God Space]

The cold mechanical voice fell, and the vision in front of the two girls suddenly changed.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he had already appeared in the white space of the main god.

"No matter how many times you experience this kind of teleportation, there is no way to see any clues."

Kotori seemed to be reminiscing about the teleportation feeling just now, but he still couldn't catch the flash of inspiration.After feeling it several times, I could only sigh lightly, but I didn't take it too seriously.

"Player, do you need to exchange something for defense?"

Nero propped his chin and said in a somewhat cautious tone. "Although items with supernatural powers cannot be exchanged, ordinary daily necessities and some items for survival in the wild are essential."


Kotori nodded, raised her head and called out to the main god.

There is still a few minutes of preparation time before entering the copy, and this little preparation should be more than enough.The watches of the reincarnators can also be used as a good space to store props. Although the internal volume is not too large, it is quite convenient to stuff some clothes and the like.

After a while, Kotori patted the watch on her wrist with satisfaction.It was already filled with all kinds of small props that the two of them had considered.

Even surviving in the wild should be easy.

"It's almost there, and the next thing is to wait for the final countdown."

"Phew... a little throbbing." Nero was not as relaxed and natural as Kotori, but instead clutched his chest with some unease.

It seemed that there was an unspeakable strange premonition lingering in his heart, which made Nero feel a sense of emptiness as if he was about to lose something.

"Could it be because you're nervous about meeting that 'Kotori Wuhe'?"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Nero said such words with a smile.

"Although they are two completely different people, but if you think about it carefully...do you really have the feeling of seeing your parents?"

"What are you thinking about?" Kotori patted Nero's arm angrily.

What does it mean to meet your parents?

And even if they want to forcibly establish a relationship with that 'Five River Kotori', they should be regarded as twin sisters, right?

Kotori couldn't help muttering inwardly.

But... the girl couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in her heart.It's not a relationship problem as Nero said, but...is there a 'Five River Kotori' in that world?

No one can fully guarantee that this body of oneself will not belong to that deity 'Wuhe Qinli', even though the main god said at the beginning, she has never replaced or modified her body.

But after all, there is no evidence to prove all these doubts.

If there is no 'Wuhe Qinli' in that world.Will the plot change dramatically, or... deflect in a direction unknown to everyone?

Kotori couldn't think further.

Because such changes are too complicated, it is impossible to think clearly overnight.This is not just a matter of intelligence, but also... a matter of more or less intelligence.

"Oh, what the hell." Kotori tapped her forehead, throwing all those messy thoughts out of her mind.After taking two deep breaths, he stretched his waist with ease.

"Let's see when the time comes. All we can consider at the moment is these aspects. If we think about it further, it will be a waste of our brain cells."

"Hmm, that's exactly what the performer said." Nero crossed his arms and nodded thoughtfully.

Standing here and thinking about it, after all, it is just talking on paper.Even if it is said that if a major accident occurs, the result will be just a dazed face.

"Phew... the time should be almost up." Kotori raised her head and looked up.

Just as Kotori's words fell, the voice of the Lord God suddenly sounded.

【Copy is about to start】

[Reincarnation No. 2017, the sixth reincarnation mission is about to begin. 】

【Add one follower】

[Number of tasks: 15 people]

【Mission Objective: Unknown】

【Mission World: Date A Live】

[Countdown: 5 seconds]

After carefully listening to the information provided by the main god, Kotori frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, there are quite a lot of people this time."

According to the two reincarnators who met in the first two dungeons, the strength of the dungeon is generally related to the number of people entering the dungeon.Changes will not occur unless there are some unexpected factors interfering.

15 people...not bad for 'Date A Live'.

Even if you don't count those powerful elves, the modern magicians who simply use the 'revealing device' are unimaginably powerful, not to mention... There are also things like air battleships, which are also quite large. threat.

"Before considering external dangers, we need to be a little more careful about the coveting of other reincarnations."

After all, the dungeon this time was not as full of mysteries as the mysterious dungeon, so that the few people never completely broke their faces, and until the end, they basically let go of each other's vigilance through a few battles.

But this dungeon...may cause some interest disputes.Once the issue of interests is involved, presumably... the reincarnated people will fight each other.





After the countdown ended, what Kotori and Nero ushered in was not the expected space teleportation. The weird and colorful scene did not appear, but instead, the distorted scene spread all over the field of vision!

"What... what happened?!" Nero forced himself to stabilize his mind and looked around quickly.

It is found that no matter where it is, there is a distorted scene of snowflakes, and the appearance of the main god's space begins to gradually dim and fade, which makes people suddenly feel a sense of horror.

"Something's wrong!" Kotori suddenly felt a heart-pounding throbbing, raised his head and shouted loudly:

"Lord God!!"


【Disturbed, task changed】

[Irrelevant personnel are excluded, and the task world is self-enclosed]

[Unable to penetrate the barrier, personnel transmission failed]

[Reincarnation No. 2017, the attributes meet the screening conditions, forcible transmission]


Kotori only came to show a look of astonishment, and an almost irreversible powerful force forcibly acted on her body.For a split second, Kotori seemed to feel that her body was being torn into pieces, which was extremely painful!

"Goo—what the hell..."


Nero's exclamation sounded in his ears, but it seemed as if it was thousands of miles away.Kotori endured the pain and looked up, but her eyes widened involuntarily.

Because the field of vision ahead was suddenly filled with a stretched and distorted scene, everything turned into the most basic color blocks and light, spiraling endlessly.Everything is far away in front of your eyes!

"Space... Teleportation..."

Kotori gritted her teeth tightly, enduring the tearing sensation.

The clothes on his body were completely wiped out in an instant, and replaced by the divine mighty spiritual outfit composed of spiritual power, Wufan, which is the absolute protection symbolized by the elves!




Chapter 367 Ushering in... the end

It's just for a moment, but it lasts like a thousand years.

Kotori only felt a sudden change in the line of sight in front of him, and he felt the steady gravity on his body again, and at the same time, a floating feeling emerged slightly.


There were still pains all over his body, Kotori tightened his clothes, his face was covered with cold sweat and pain, and he kept panting.

If this kind of forced teleportation continues, maybe even Kotori will not be able to hold on and pass out.Even now, Kotori can feel that the load on her body has reached the critical value, and every part of her body is trembling slightly.

The whistling of the wind in his ears awakened Kotori in an instant.

Oops, my head is a bit muddled, I almost forgot that I have entered the dungeon world now!

Kotori opened her eyes again, but what caught her eyes was a dark cloud all over the sky.But this is not the most important thing. What makes Kotori feel troublesome is that he is not on the ground now, but above the sky!

"No wonder there's wind..." Kotori smiled wryly, turning her body and looking towards the ground.

The outline of the city is quite clear, and it is even approaching rapidly.

"This is really another...landing in the air."

Kotori took a deep breath and barely adjusted her own state.A spirit outfit fluttered in the strong wind, and her red hair fluttered around.But within those red eyes, traces of scorching fire had already ignited!

Boom——Kotori landed directly on the ground with her feet, and smashed into the ground like a meteorite falling to the ground.

All of a sudden, the surrounding earth cracked and exploded, and smoke and dust shot up into the sky.The ring-mounted air wave spread out in an instant!

At the same time, a fiery flame suddenly exploded, burning all the surrounding smoke and dust, turning into a whirlpool tornado and blasting to pieces.

Kotori, who was living in a meteorite crater, stood up slowly and patted her hands lightly.

"It's safe and sound...but what about Nero?"

After landing, Kotori did not find Nero's figure beside him, even when he fell in the air just now, he did not find any trace.Now, after carefully sensing the command spell on the back of his hand, he realized that... Nero didn't seem to have entered this world.

"So, I am the only one who has entered this copy."

With a few breaths of self-healing, Kotori's internal and external injuries have basically healed.The combat power can already be [-]% displayed, and it is in a perfect posture.

With a light step, Kotori's petite body turned into a butterfly, and jumped out of the smashed pothole lightly.But as soon as she stepped on the ground, Kotori covered her chest in surprise.

The spirit crystals in the body were extremely active, causing the torrent of spiritual power in the inner circulation to become a little violent.Of course, this will not interfere with Kotori, but instead keeps Kotori in a high fighting state.There was a layer of intangible and textureless deep fluctuations floating all over his body, which was the scorching fighting spirit that almost turned into substance!

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