But if it's just that, it's absolutely impossible for Kotori to be moved.

To Kotori, simply taking a bath is already a routine, so naturally she won't have any blushing and heartbeating reactions.But that is not the case now.

Because, in this bathroom, there is another person.

"Why stand here stupidly, go in quickly."

Tohka's cold urging sounded from behind, and Kotori's whole body was blown up, and the scattered hair was all up.The girl panicked and said:

"Uh... go in right away..."

Huh?Shouldn't I... refuse?



(Fuck dish)

Chapter 403 Reaping the consequences?

Kotori didn't know what other people were thinking when they watched a woman take a bath.

But at least, the girl at this moment only felt that her little heart was beating wildly, and her little face was even more rosy.

Just now, Tohka suddenly stopped talking.Instead, he proposed to Kotori to take a bath together.It was a suggestion, but in fact, Tohka's expression at that time seemed to be ordering Kotori.

'If you don't agree, I can't spare you! '

Kotori has always been very disgusted with other people's orders, and will even fight back directly when she is in a bad mood.But facing Tohka's order, Kotori couldn't calm down.

Maybe it's because I just beat her up half a day ago, so I feel a little sorry?

Then, Kotori fell into the current bad situation.

She didn't know how the two of them finished taking a shower. It wasn't until after washing off the shower gel that was smeared on her body that Kotori came back to her senses in a daze, staring blankly at the towel in her hand.

Because this bathroom is relatively large, there are two shower facilities.It's not like the two of them meet naked and do something shameless with each other.


"Come here quickly, the water temperature is just right now."

Tohka's voice came from beside her again, but this time the tone was a little more hesitant and hesitant.But it quickly turned into determination and decisiveness.

"Still standing there stupidly?"

"Uh...Come right away." After taking a few deep breaths, Kotori put the towel after wiping her body aside, like a soldier about to set foot on the battlefield, she turned and walked towards the bathtub next to her without turning her eyes.And at one end of the bathtub, there was a stunningly beautiful young girl lying halfway down.

The satin-like long black hair was tied up behind the head and fixed together with a hairpin.A few strands of hair hung down, swaying slowly beside the girl's beautiful cheek.The white and round shoulders exposed in the air, the delicate and sexy collarbone curve, and the pair of proud and plump bodies half floating on the water.A few drops of water shone brightly on the skin, which dazzled Kotori's eyes.


"Come in quickly." Tohka still behaved naturally, pointing to the empty place opposite.

This bathtub is quite big, even if two people sit in it, it won't feel crowded.It was precisely because of this that Tohka suggested that the two of them take a bath together in the bathtub.

Kotori held her breath and stepped into the bathtub pretending to be calm.But after accidentally touching Tohka's calf, he quickly squatted down at the other end of the bathtub, almost burying his whole head in the water, bubbles gurgling.

"Hmm..." Tohka gasped inaudibly, but quickly returned to her previous icy expression.At the same time, she also asked her own doubts.

"Why are you so reserved and shy? We are both women, and I don't mind dedicating my body to you. With such a violent fighting posture, why do you hesitate in such an insignificant place?"

As soon as it came up, Tohka asked a crucial question.Immediately, Qin Li was taken aback.

This, how should I answer this?

Do you want to tell Tohka that the thoughts in her head are actually male thoughts?

And for ordinary male students who put all their minds on having fun, studying, and finding a job, this situation is already a great improvement.

You know, at the very beginning, even Qinli's own body, she felt a little parched.Not to mention Tohka's plump and delicate body.It is more able to arouse Kotori's desire.

But of course, such words cannot be said directly.

"Ahem, I don't have any resistance in normal communication. But anyone will feel uncomfortable with actions like yours, right?"

Kotori coughed twice, trying to hide it.

"It's unpleasant to be willing to be an ordinary person!" Tohka seemed very dissatisfied with Kotori's answer, and snorted slightly angrily.

"You, who follow your fighting instinct, are timid about such trivial matters, which makes me even more disappointed! Since you are the strong man who defeated me, you should show some courage and fight with a tough attitude. For everything!"


What Tohka said...does have some truth.

Kotori, who was still muttering to herself, couldn't help being stunned, and raised her head to stare at Tohka's face in a daze.

It has been more than a year since I became Wuhe Qinli, not to mention that I am already familiar with it, but it can be regarded as handy.Even if it is alone with other women, it can be handled freely.

I have always followed my own fighting spirit to fight, but I have always been on the passive side in my daily life.

Kotori, who has experienced many things, has to admit it in her heart.I do have my own little desires in my heart, and I also have my own secret desires.

But these ideas, whether in their own eyes or in the eyes of outsiders.It's not something that needs to be shy, it's better to say that it should be something beautiful.

"Ah... what that guy said back then must have been true."

Kotori raised her head somewhat disappointed, and looked at the ceiling above with a distant gaze.But because of the mist from the hot water, it looks a little unreal.At the same time, she recalled the words she mentioned to herself when she first met the 'King of Killing and Sadism'.

'This raging flame is not only the flame of rage and healing, but also the flame of desire that pervades the bottom of my heart. '

The Flame of Rage and Flame of Healing are recognized by himself, but the so-called Flame of Desire... Until now, Kotori thought it was just a joke.

But now...

"That guy really deserves to be 'myself', he sees me so thoroughly..." Kotori couldn't help but smiled wryly, looking a little downcast.

"who's that person."

Tohka's icy voice suddenly broke the somewhat weird atmosphere.It also made Kotori look at Tohka again.

At this moment, her face was covered with frost, and her expression was dead.Especially the pair of purple eyes became extremely deep.


Kotori let out a deep breath and sorted out her chaotic state of mind.

Immediately, without saying a word, he slowly stood up from the water.Under Tohka's more and more astonished gaze, she rushed forward!

"Wait, wait...!" Tohka hurriedly moved her body back, but her back leaned against the cold wall.Just like what happened half a day ago, don't completely block the retreat!

"Why all of a sudden..."

Unfortunately, Kotori couldn't wait any longer.Now that I have decided to let go of those needless restraints, it is better to indulge a little bit.

As for Tohka... reaping the consequences, that's probably what happened.



PS: This chapter... originally had benefits.

Then, I saw some recent file releases.

In the end....I immediately reined in the precipice!

ヾ(?ω? `.)

Chapter 404 Afterwards! ? (fourth more)

The next morning...let's call it morning.

At least Kotori glanced at the clock after waking up, and the time was in the morning range.Clutching his dizzy head, he couldn't recall what happened last night.The girl simply changed into a light, solid-color dress, and went downstairs directly after washing up.Halfway there, I saw the head maid standing at the dining table with an elegant and perfect smile on her face.

"Miss Wuhe, how did you rest last night?"

Kotori's last name was mentioned as soon as she opened her mouth, and it seems that Tohka should have told her yesterday.Seeing that she can enter this villa at will, she presumably has a high status in Shixiang's heart.

"its not bad, right."

After all, compared to ordinary people with lower living conditions outside, this place is quite luxurious.Kotori is not a picky person, so she is naturally quite satisfied with this perfect arrangement.

But soon, Kotori seemed to recall something important, her eyes widened suddenly, and her body froze halfway up the stairs.It's been a long time since I took the next step.

Such a strange scene also made the head maid a little puzzled, stepped forward a few steps and asked softly:

"Miss Wuhe, is there something uncomfortable?"

"No...it's nothing." Kotori coughed twice as if to cover up, her eyes seemed a little wandering.There was even faint sweat on his forehead.

Obviously, something did happen.

The head maid saw through Kotori's clumsy lies at a glance, but she followed her duty and did not ask too much.Just bowing slightly, he bowed his head and stepped back to the side.

But now Kotori is not so happy.

Now she is just recalling the series of absurd things that happened yesterday, which makes her feel so panic and stunned.

At that time, I seemed to have turned on some incredible switch.I completely let go of my shame and did some pretty shameful things.Then...then, Tohka, who was staying with her, seemed to be a rather unlucky target.

Although the memory in his little head seemed a little fuzzy, there was no way to fully recall exactly what happened.But Kotori deeply remembered Tohka's pitiful appearance after the matter was completely over.


Where did I come from, a super pervert! ! ?

Qinli roared loudly in her heart, and her whole body trembled in shock!After she peeled off her simple shell, she would be so... scary! ?

"Miss Wuhe, are you really all right?"

The head maid opened her mouth anyway, her tone seemed a little uneasy.

Because in her opinion, Kotori suddenly stood on the stairs and her whole body started to shake non-stop. What's going on?

Do elves get sick sometimes?

"No, it's okay. I'll go up and tidy up the room first. You, you'd better not come up first!"

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