But for Kotori and Tohka, who are fighting alone, it's not a big deal to be a few hours earlier, as long as they arrive at the designated place earlier.And on the fortresses and trenches that have been built airtight below, there are densely packed soldiers standing, accepting instructions from their superiors, and lined up to various directions.

"Among the beast herd, there seems to be a mutant beast that can interfere with the detection equipment."

Tohka's face was as cold as frost, and her piercing eyes were staring straight ahead.

"But their intelligence is not enough to use that mutant beast in intelligence warfare. It is purely an instinctive ability to detect and interfere. Therefore, they can still organize the army quickly."

If those mutated beasts had the same wisdom as humans, and used those extremely mutated mutated beasts in various aspects, presumably humans would not be able to last long even if they had elves as protectors.

"There will be such an existence among mutant beasts..." Kotori couldn't help but gasped.At the same time, he looked to both sides.This almost endless city wall was built by the army using large-scale display devices, and its two ends were connected to the mountains on both sides.A huge closed circuit is formed.

However, it does not mean that the entrances and exits are completely blocked.

Even using a display device, there is no way to extract such a large amount of hard stone.If those mutated beasts crossed the mountains, they could still jump directly into the city walls.

"Are all the protective measures in place?"

"Of course, the barriers in the random domain have already been opened. We're just waiting for those mutant beasts to jump in." When Shixiang said this, he couldn't help showing a mocking sneer.

"Although the random fields released by individual soldiers have little effect on them, under the catalysis of the large magic furnace, they are enough to crush them into meatloaf."

Not only are large-scale random field barriers arranged underground, but the same is true in the air and around the base.

"It's really strictly guarding against death..." Qinli smiled, and didn't pay any more attention.

At this time, some dry, noisy and slightly noisy voices rang in my ears.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Kotori and Tohka looked at each other, and immediately stretched out their hands to press their ears.Under the cover of the girl's sideburn hair, both of them wore a small earphone on their ears.Used to receive instructions from the command center.

"can hear."

"Okay, Your Majesty, and Miss Wuhe. The two of you can now activate your spiritual outfits and enter the battle mode."

"Okay." Tohka replied.

Immediately, she lowered her hand and looked at Kotori.

"It's about to start, remember not to run around."

Even if it was as powerful as an elf, if it fell into the siege of thousands of mutant beasts, it might accidentally get injured.

"Don't worry, I will work with the military to reduce the number of mutant beasts before the war begins."

After the voice fell, there was a slight tremor on the calm city wall, like a small earthquake.

On the barren ruins far away, jet-black paint splashed out, and countless dark mutant beasts burst out from the depths of the ground, as if covering the sky, it was terrifying.

All of a sudden, it seemed that the whole world was covered with traces of mutant beasts. Looking at it at a glance, it was almost dark and nothing else could be seen.

Countless piercing screams came through the air, like the signal of war, shaking the sky!

boom boom boom

Bursts of fire erupted from the fortress of the sub-base, and dizzying missiles soared into the sky, galloping towards the tide of mutant beasts tens of kilometers away!Draw bright traces in the dark sky.

"Shenwei Lingzhuang Juban!"

"Shenwei Lingwu·Five Fans!"

The two girls standing on the city wall gave a soft shout, and countless spiritual powers came out from their bodies, turning into a tornado storm and sweeping away.In the blink of an eye, it turned into the most solid spiritual barrier, covering the girl's delicate body substantially.

Kotori, who was wearing a long feathered skirt, looked up, and the missiles in the sky were rushing towards the swarm of mutated beasts coming from the blackness. Because of the blessing of the random field, their destructive power and speed have been greatly improved.

"In that case..."

Kotori's eyes flashed with fire, and she raised her right hand with a smirk. "Let's add another fire!"



Blade change (121/136)

Thanks to Shuke 5513507383 for the 88 blades~~


Chapter 410 Cannon fire, roar! (fifth more)

"Burning and destroying ghosts!"

Flame streamers burst out from the girl's side, gathering quickly like a vortex of flames.The huge and ferocious red battle ax was pulled out by the girl directly!

Kotori pointed the tip of the battle ax at the pitch-black distance, and let out a low growl: "Cannon!"


When the voice fell, metal clangs sounded from all over the battle axe, and each part of the armor protruded slightly, and strands of flame spewed out from it.Immediately, rapid structural deformation and contraction began, the blade of the battle ax dissipated and became invisible, and the handle began to expand and splice.Where Kotori held it, a crimson crystal-like solid grew, quickly climbing up the girl's arm!

"This is..." Shixiang who was standing aside couldn't help taking two steps back, building her spiritual power in front of her to resist the erosion of the flames.The city wall under his feet showed signs of melting and steaming!

"Tohka, stay away a little bit!"

Kotori took a deep breath and slowly flew into the sky.While the dress was floating, the extremely hard crimson crystals gradually attached to it, quickly covering half of Kotori's body ferociously.

From a distance, it looks like wearing armor!

The cannon form is ready, the next step is...


With a soft drink, countless flames shot up into the sky instantly, and the frenzied flame vortex almost illuminated the sky and horizon.Everyone in the base saw a miraculously dazzling scene at this moment.

And the soldiers who had been waiting at their respective garrison points for a long time were even more stunned looking up at the pillar of fire at this moment, their hearts were shocked!

The roaring sound of flames almost overwhelmed the vibration of the mutated beast tide!It was as if the whole world was shining with this ray of light!

"Fuel, enough!"


Qinli suddenly opened her eyes wide, and a bunch of red eyes instantly turned into golden pupils.The surrounding flames stopped all movement as if time had stood still.

The next moment, time began to flow again.

boom----! !

Countless surging flames began to gather towards the gun barrel held by Kotori, compressing crazily!A vibrating sound like a heartbeat came from the gun barrel.The black-red gun barrel began to shine with golden light!

Soon, all the flames dissipated invisible.All of them gathered in the huge gun barrel held by Kotori.The humming sound continuously shook the space.

"Ha..." Qinli exhaled a puff of white smoke, her eyes narrowed.Behind him suddenly outlined a circle of bright golden fire ring.For a moment, it was as if a god descended from the earth.It caught the attention of everyone present.

Kotori raised her left hand and pressed the earphone.whispered:

"I'm ready."

"Thank you for your help! Please release your power!" An excited voice came from the headset.


After getting approval, the corner of Kotori's mouth suddenly opened a bloodthirsty arc.

"A rare full release—come on!!"

Cannon, fire!


A golden ball of light shot out from the gun barrel, piercing the dark night sky in an instant, creating a golden crack in the sky.

The cannon in Qinli's hand was scorched to death, and the Ghost Killer immediately evaporated countless spiritual energy, spreading all over the place.And the impact from the feedback caused Kotori to fly backward for a distance of nearly [-] meters. The ring of fire behind him expanded rapidly as a buffer, stagnating abruptly in mid-air, and then the ring of fire began to disappear quickly. .

And the golden ball of light that shot out has turned into an aurora, passed the missile fired by the army, and fell into the position of the mutated beast horde within a few breaths.

The next moment, the world roared!

It was as if a heavy hammer had slammed into everyone's hearts, and everyone was shocked!

A mushroom cloud slowly rises from a distance, and the shock wave that shocks the world arrives in an instant!

"Hmm..." Kotori, who was floating in mid-air, gritted her teeth, and was about to raise the somewhat dry spiritual power in her body, when she fell into a warm embrace.

Kotori turned her head to look, only to realize that Tohka had caught her firmly.There was a trace of gratitude on his icy pretty face.

"Thank you for the reinforcements."

"You're welcome, it's such a small matter." Kotori waved her hand indifferently, and took a few deep breaths.The spiritual power in his body began to recover rapidly, and the numbness on his arms also began to subside.

clack clack-

The spiritual power crystal covering half of the body began to shatter and disintegrate, revealing the girl's body again.

"It's almost there, and the combat power has basically recovered." Kotori chuckled.

"it is good."

The two girls looked up, and a dazzling golden sea of ​​flames had already risen on the dark horizon in the distance. Countless mutant beasts screamed and wailed in it, and even the weak were directly decomposed by the powerful flames.

The missiles launched by the army followed one after another, falling into the chaotic tide of mutant beasts!

Boom boom boom boom———

There was a series of explosions, and the soldiers had recovered from the shock.Feeling the constantly shaking ground under their feet, many people's faces did not show much joy.

Because they knew very well that this level of missile scrubbing would not be able to bring any substantial damage to the mighty army of mutant beasts.Even if there is an extra elf's full blow, there must be no way to make a final decision!

Because, the number of mutated beasts is too much!

No one is ready to count how many mutant beasts will appear in a swarm of mutant beasts. At a glance, it is almost densely packed all over the field of vision.No matter how brave and skilled they are in fighting, there is no way to kill them all from early to late!

"All listen to the order and prepare to fight!"

A loud and clear shout came from the sky and spread throughout the entire battlefield.All the soldiers turned pale and threw away all the redundant thoughts in their minds.At this moment, there is only full fighting spirit and determination left!

After the display device was activated, tens of thousands of dim lights were lit up within the front of the city gate at the same time.All the soldiers armed to the teeth slowly flew into the sky with the assistance of the random field.

Tohka and Kotori gripped their weapons tightly and flew out quickly.

At present, the task of the two of them is not to sit here, but to do their best to fight the enemy bravely!

"The tyrannical man!"

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