Chapter 417 Overthrow!


Feeling the huge force from the arm, Kotori's face changed slightly.

It was almost too late to bring up some strength to resist, and was directly smashed into the depths of the ground!


The girl let out a cold snort, swaying away the spiritual power in her whole body, and at the same time dissipating all the transmitted impact!Suddenly, there was a roar like an explosion in the ground, and the earth was directly shattered.

Kotori looked down, and there were all kinds of mutated beasts in the ground below. Those eyeballs were emitting bloodthirsty light in the darkness, as if they were waiting for Kotori to fall down.

"But it's a pity... I think too much!" Kotori showed an elegant and sweet smile, and at the same time raised her left hand lightly, and a cluster of small flames burned out from the palm of her hand.

The scales of the 'Slaughtering Mad King' suddenly opened wide, and countless spiritual powers came out, staggered and gathered in the flames in the palm of his hand.The small flame, which was still weak at first, quickly began to expand and heat up, and in just the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge bloody fireball that could illuminate the entire underground ravine.

The girl's jade arms were raised high, holding a bloody fireball.He stared coldly at the herd of mutant beasts below.

"Taste it—a taste of hell!"

When the voice fell, this huge fireball was directly thrown down by Kotori!

Boom——A horrific and terrifying explosion occurred in the entire rock formation of the earth. The entire ground was like tofu, swelling and rolling, and from the center of the explosion as the center, the shock was transmitted all the way out!


And the Level [-] located above the crack in the ground suddenly let out a somewhat frightened and angry roar, its incomparably huge body was lifted abruptly by some powerful force, its body tilted away, and the next moment it was as if a mountain collapsed. It fell on the ground!

And the flames that shot up into the sky from the cracks in the ground almost penetrated the filth in the sky!

The soldiers on the battlefield stared blankly at the flame sky, their hearts were extremely shocked.Even Tohka, who was originally a little desperate, widened her eyes in shock at this moment.

The flames and heat wave that hit her face almost made her feel hot, not to mention those ordinary mutant beasts.It didn't last long before it was melted by the direct flames.All of a sudden, on this battlefield, the mutated beasts began to whine and roll to the ground.Their hard shells, however, quickly melted and evaporated under the high-temperature roasting.

"How's the injury?"

A deep voice rang out from beside her ears, and Tohka immediately regained her senses from her astonishment.Some looked over in surprise.

Sure enough, Kotori appeared beside her intact.There was a faint smile on his face.

"Kinori, are you alright?"

If it weren't for being on the battlefield right now, Tohka would have followed the excitement in her heart and rushed directly to check Kotori's body, right?

The blow of level four just now shattered the attack of the earth, and seeing Tohka was terrified.He was even more worried about Kotori's life and death.If Kotori hadn't appeared just in time to throw her out of the attack range, she would never have been able to withstand this blow!

If he was seriously injured in this kind of place, he would end up being eaten up by those mutant beasts.

"As you can see, of course I'm fine."

Kotori waved her hand, but her tone seemed distorted.

It was the weird voice that made Tohka notice the huge change in Kotori.The haori dress, which was a spiritual dress, had already turned into a pure and flawless princess dress, and the long hair on the back and waist was even longer than her ankles.It looks like blood-colored silk and satin under the flutter.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Tohka feels that Kotori's appearance looks a little more mature.

"It's you, how is your injury?" Kotori leaned over slightly, reached out and touched Tohka's abdomen.

"..." Tohka frowned, suppressing the pain and not making a sound.

At the same time, he raised his sword and chopped several mutated beasts into two pieces through the air!

"Is this cut by some sharp blade?"

The spiritual outfit on the lower abdomen was cut apart abruptly, although it basically repaired itself under the action of spiritual power.But we can still see some clues.Moreover, under the large-scale movement just now, the wound was slightly cracked, and a little blood leaked out.

Kotori directly called out the Healing Flame, and quickly treated Tohka's injury.

Under this kind of battle situation, it is impossible to carry out in-depth treatment as usual, and can only barely recover temporarily.

"There should be more than two mutated beasts that can unleash this kind of attack. It is very powerful, and its whereabouts are well hidden."

After Kotori retracted her hand, Tohka took a deep breath and quickly adjusted her mentality and physical condition.

"Your Majesty! Level [-] has climbed up again, please stop its footsteps!" A trembling voice came from the earphones.

Tohka and Kotori looked after them, and they could find that the Level [-] mutant beast, which was overturned by Kotori's flames, had stood up again.Continue to move slowly towards the base.

If it is allowed to enter the range of the gate of the base, those protective measures that can resist level [-] will not be able to resist the attack of this ferocious level [-]!

And the display devices carried by those soldiers have no way to cause any damage to this level four shell.Ordinary attacks can't even leave a little damage!

"Hey, Tohka. Go and get rid of those annoying Level [-] ones with those soldiers. I'll find a way to kill that Level [-] one." Kotori patted Tohka on the shoulder.

" is good!"

Shi Xiangqiao's face was full of seriousness.On the battlefield, it is definitely not to disrupt the rhythm with personal affection.Of all the people present, only Kotori should be able to cause some damage to Level [-].

Then the rest of the people should take care of the rest of the mutant beasts!

"Be careful, it has a way to imprison my body. Be careful, and nothing will happen!" After Shixiang said this, he immediately turned into a purple-black streamer and charged towards the wave of mutant beasts below. .Together with those army soldiers, they began to slaughter and kill the mutant herd.

Be careful... ?

And Kotori no longer suppressed the tyranny in her heart, and opened a bloodthirsty arc.The bloody flames around him suddenly surged, rushing towards the direction of level four in an instant.

The left-handed 'King of Slaughtering Madness' has quickly begun to collect the torrent of flames, tucking his waist into his stomach.Layers of strength began to gather.

In just an instant, the girl flew in front of the huge body of Level [-].

Without any extra pause or hesitation, she gathered all the spiritual power in her arm.

With a shocking roar sounded, Kotori's small fist hit the body of level four heavily!



╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Chapter 418

Boom! ————

The spiritual veins on the 'King of Killing Sadism' are like heartbeats, constantly vibrating and beating.

The blood in Qinli's eyes kept flickering, and the whole body was filled with incomparably terrifying momentum and power.This blow hit the straight fist of the predecessor, and gathered a large amount of blood-colored spiritual power, as well as layers of dark energy that stretched like ocean waves!

thump -- thump -- thump --

Circles of fluctuations oscillate from the Level [-] shell, which is hard enough to withstand direct hits from missiles and bullets. Under the continuous transmission of force, it cracks and shatters like a soft pudding !


A ring-shaped air wave spread out in all directions along with a large amount of blood.

This punch directly smashed out a terrifying blood hole four or five meters deep, in which countless fleshy things danced, but it also exuded a disgusting poisonous gas.

"Roar!" The fourth-level body was pushed back tens of meters abruptly, and opened its body with a roar.It seems that he finally realized the horror of Kotori, and began to focus on Kotori.

Kotori let out a foul breath, squinted her eyes and stared at the front of Level [-], the huge blood hole had begun to heal rapidly.In just a moment, that terrible wound was almost invisible.

"Overdrive regeneration?"

Before the war, Tohka and herself had mentioned this level [-] ability.

All of its abilities are not too unusual, not much different from ordinary mutant beasts.The few differences lie in the variety of its tentacles and the size of its body.

But now... there is such a super-speed regeneration ability.

"Could it have evolved to a higher level?"

And the special ability that imprisoned Tohka's actions just now seemed to Kotori...a bit familiar.However, it cannot be fully verified.

"so troublesome."

Kotori threw away those cumbersome thoughts, and resumed her strenuous posture.

There is no need to think about those messy things at all!

Now, all you need to do is defeat it thoroughly!

The metal storms on the battlefield are constantly intertwined, and the terrifying scenes of blood and flesh are constantly being staged.Numerous mutated beasts fought endless battles with the human army. Like a sword god, Tohka flew and shuttled in the tide of beasts, carrying the lives of countless mutated beasts wherever she passed.

The Level [-] team that was fighting with it was even more powerful. The fierce battle was shaking again and again, and the brilliance was constantly blooming.It can be seen how fierce the battle is!

However, the focus of this resistance battle... is gathered here!

Whoosh whoosh—

Numerous tentacles protruded from the body, their shapes twisted and twisted, piercing through the air, traveling through the air with agile and swift trajectories.

And Kotori turned into a bloody streamer, dodging the attacks from all directions with incomparable ease.From time to time, he stretched out his hand and directly grabbed a few tentacles, and directly tore them off with brute force.The Burning Ghost Killer on his right hand also kept waving, chopping off any tentacles that got in the way.

Facing the giant tentacles covering the sky and the sun, Kotori was already prepared this time.Like a witch who charms all living beings, she smiled coquettishly, raised her battle ax while her figure was flying, and the bloody spiritual power quickly gathered.As the girl swung out, the arc-shaped bloody flame blade directly cut off the rolling tentacles.

Level [-] suddenly let out a roar like a cry of pain.Until the tentacle fell to the ground, Kotori had already come to it again.

That layer of poisonous mist, which is enough to psych the spirit and corrode the substance, is almost useless under the burning of Qinli's bloody spiritual power.

Its huge body also brought it great inconvenience.Faced with Kotori's bullying again, it can only shoot out countless tentacles from its body again, trying to smash Kotori directly!

But unfortunately...

"Too late!!"

This incomparably huge size is indeed difficult for Tohka and the others to deal with, even difficult to destroy the outermost carapace, but for himself...

But it is the best target! !

"Drink!" Kotori raised his left hand, and the Shaman King covering his arm has been fully unfolded, completely full of energy!

Immediately, he punched out, and blood spilled into the sky!

A huge blood hole suddenly appeared in front of the mutant beast.A large amount of blood gushed out.The powerful impact caused the forty-meter-high mutant beast to be repelled rapidly.A deep ravine was plowed on the ground, and the smoke and dust billowed for a while, how many mutant beasts were crushed by it!

The vibration that came out was even more like an earthquake, and the constant roar was ringing!

But this time, Kotori didn't stay where she was.Instead, she followed closely with a charming smile.They raised their fists one after another, and punched the mutated beast hard!

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