The wounds on Tohka's body disappeared after an hour.An An was lying on the white hospital bed, breathing peacefully and softly.

Kotori, on the other hand, was sitting beside the hospital bed, propping her chin and silently watching Tohka's sleeping face.At the same time, he also looked at the gauze wrapped around her left eye and sighed secretly.

At that time, because the battlefield was too urgent, there was not enough time to stay for Tohka to heal his wounds.The scar on the eye was not completely erased after all.Its destructive psychic power remained in the eyeballs, rendering her almost completely blind.

But fortunately, with the help of the display device, it has basically recovered, and it only needs to be cultivated for a while.Tohka's left eye will be able to see the light again.

If possible, Kotori can also directly use his own Healing Flame as an auxiliary treatment to speed up Tohka's recovery speed.But it's a pity that Kotori's body is still empty now, and he can't even stimulate a ray of flame, let alone the healing inflammation.

"The consumption of the 'sublimation' mode is slightly more effective than expected."

Qinli raised her arm and stared carefully at the mysterious and unusual blood-colored lines on her skin, as if they were outlining some strange runes, extending all the way to her neck.In the eyes of outsiders, it is extremely strange.

But Kotori himself knew very well that these runes should be his two weapons, and they also symbolized the realization of the two powers.

It also endows Kotori with bodily functions beyond the 'elf' level.Even now, Kotori can still exert most of the power of that time.

As long as Kotori wants to do it, he only needs to wave his fist lightly, and he can smash the hospital that is stuck in a daze into powder.If the enemies were replaced with mutant beasts, those Level [-] monsters that Kotori used to use flames and battle axes to kill could now be easily torn to pieces with bare hands.

But this state had a consequence that even Kotori hadn't expected.

"I can't get rid of the state..." Kotori muttered like a lament.

Yes, today's Kotori seems to have no way to get rid of her 'sublimation' state.

It's as if it's completely fixed on my body, and I can't return myself to a normal state through my thoughts.After recovering his physical strength, his whole body continued to exude a god-like coercion, causing many soldiers and doctors passing by to complain.

And because it was the first time for Kotori to really let go of his hands and feet to activate this mode, he couldn't restrain his aura well, and the current Kotori's appearance has also changed a lot.

The red hair on his head seemed to have turned into a galaxy, scattered with tiny sparks.The face is still the same, but because of the change in temperament, in the eyes of outsiders, Kotori at this moment is like the goddess of fire from the sky, extremely noble.

Without any words or actions, it can make many people feel surrendered, and they start to lower their posture unconsciously.What's more, he couldn't stand up straight with his legs, and fell to the ground limply.

This also caused Kotori to stay in this isolation ward, with Tohka who was sleeping.


Kotori turned around and leaned against the table behind her.Staring at the ceiling of this ward.

There is currently no way to cancel the 'sublimation' mode, and the spiritual power has been in a situation of rapid consumption.There is simply no way to reply.What a headache.

But other than that, other things made Kotori feel a little relieved.

After all, the battle has come to an end.And this time the number of casualties has also stabilized within a controllable range.With the minimum loss of personnel, the most objective combat results were obtained.Presumably, after the dust settles in a few days, both the people here and the soldiers will feel happy, right?

"Thinking about it this way, the work is not in vain."

Kotori shook her head and stopped thinking about these things.

Instead, she twisted a strand of hair from her temples and placed it in front of her.Carefully discern the vision above.

The crimson hair seems to emit a layer of faint fluorescence, and dots of spiritual energy particles are constantly floating out of it.It looks like some alien creature.

Qinli tilted her head and glanced at the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to her. Sure enough, although she seemed a little too beautiful now, she also had an indescribable strangeness.

The color of the pupils of the eyes has also become the color of platinum.It seems that there is infinite energy surging in it.

But Kotori herself is quite clear that all this is just a superficial appearance.

My body is now empty, and I am truly strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Buckle up!

The door was knocked suddenly and hurriedly, pulling Kotori's mind back.

"come in."

After the voice fell, the visitor immediately stepped through the door.It seemed to be a young female soldier, but her face was somewhat anxious.

"Miss Wuhe...something bad happened!"




Chapter 424 Emergency? (fourth more)

Why did things develop like this?

Kotori still hasn't figured out the relationship.But this didn't stop her from jumping out of the hospital window, and walked straight into the air and headed towards the interior of the base at high speed.

Along the way, what the girl saw was exactly what the soldiers said just now.It's not as beautiful and perfect as I imagined.Here and there improvised housing buildings have been crushed and blown away.There are ruins everywhere.As Kotori got closer to the interior of the base, he gradually saw many people.

At the same time, many tragic scenes were also seen.

Miserable wailing, bloody corpses, and those fragmentary corpses of mutant beasts.It can be proved that the interior of the base has been invaded by mutant beasts unknowingly.

In many places around, some soldiers wearing display devices could be seen flying around anxiously, as if they were trying their best to exterminate the mutant beasts that infested the base.

But because the vast majority of soldiers were manned, they had been fighting to the death outside the base with the horde of mutant beasts.The soldiers left in the base are only a drop in the bucket after all.

So, this tragedy happened.

"Damn it... the large random field at the city gate has been completely destroyed." Kotori, who was flying in the air, couldn't help frowning.

It was precisely for this reason that almost thousands of mutant beasts desperately broke through the guards of the soldiers and forcefully broke into the interior of the base.And relying on its good mobility, it was quickly divided into various areas of the base.

Even if the soldiers wanted to go back to the defense, there was no way to run back to the base in the life-and-death battle at that time.We can only rely on the left-behind team of less than a thousand people to carry out the extermination.

This led to an exceptionally tragic ending.

However, the only thing that made quite a few people fail to react.Many of the mutated beasts who forcibly broke into the base rushed forward without stopping, and even rushed for more than ten kilometers on foot, rushing into the general base in the rear.A battle was fought with the troops stationed there.

Kotori didn't care about the outcome of the battle between the army and the mutant beasts, that was their mission and duty.Not something you need to worry about.

But there was only one thing that made Kotori a little uneasy, so that he rushed to the direction of the main base by himself.

Because, Lian, who has no power to restrain a chicken, stays inside the main base!

"Hope nothing happens!"

Kotori was secretly worried, and at the same time, the strength under her feet surged out.The sound of sonic booms in the air resounded again and again, and the petite girl suddenly increased her speed by a few points again, turning into a light and shadow and skipping over the base.

Not long after, Kotori narrowed his eyes and saw the main base not far away.

At the same time, they also saw a lot of black smoke slowly rising from the main base.It seems that there was an explosion in some places, which caused the smoke and dust to fill.

"Then... the innermost part of the main base!" After seeing the black smoke, Kotori's heart sank even more.After finding the right direction, he gritted his teeth and used almost all his strength, and rushed towards the direction of the house!

The field of vision in front of him began to enlarge rapidly, and the various buildings became more and more clear.

The outlines of some familiar buildings also appeared in front of the girl's eyes.

The next moment, Kotori fell into the residential area as if a god descended from the earth, wrapped in golden threads of light all over her body!

A ring-shaped air wave surged out, blowing almost all over the land!


"Everyone just stick to the residential area, and leave the rest to the army!"

As the queen's personal headmaid, she naturally has good command experience and a sharp mind.After thinking about it for a while, she knew what the meaning of these mutant beasts who suddenly broke into the residential area was.

The defense line at the city gate was forcibly broken through!

Moreover, an instruction message came from the command center far away on the front line, ordering them to protect themselves.At the same time, it also briefly explained the current battle situation.

While the head maid was slightly relieved, she calmly commanded the maids under her to prepare for the battle.

As members of the former special army, each of these maids also has good fighting ability.With the cooperation of the display device, it is enough to fight against level two mutant beasts.

However, the facts surprised the head maid.

Because of the information learned from the command center, the number of mutant beasts that temporarily broke through the defensive circle and rushed into the base was only a few hundred, and they should be scattered in various places in the base.

But after seeing the menacing mutant beast, she knew... something was wrong.

Because, the number of mutant beasts that rushed into the residential area was no less than a hundred.Among them is even a leader creature that is close to level three.In an instant, this maid guard team fell into a bitter battle!


Even the head maid, who was always graceful, couldn't help but wrinkled her face, and swung the halberd in her hand to smash a mutant beast that was rushing away.His hands were already slightly numb and trembling.

It's not that she feels cowardly and fearful in the face of these terrifying mutant beasts. Before becoming a maid, she was also a resolute warrior!

However, the successive battles were gradually depleting her mental and physical strength.After killing thirteen Level [-] heads and repelling a Level [-] head.The head maid already felt that her mental strength was almost exhausted, and the muscles all over her body were even aching.

It won't last long!

She looked at the fierce fighting situation around her, and immediately understood such a situation.

So, she made a decision right away.

"Miss Lian, hurry up and run into the basement of the house! Here is the key!"

The head maid immediately took out a bunch of keys and forcefully stuffed them into Lian's hands.

"You possess a mysterious potential, and you absolutely cannot die at such a time!"

As the head maid said, the current Lian is not like an ordinary child, curled up in a corner and trembling.Instead, at the moment of crisis, some kind of potential was stimulated, and a strange energy permeated his whole body, giving him the power to fight mutant beasts.

"...The head maid!"

Lian, holding a long black sword in her hand, couldn't help but yelled in astonishment. "I, I can continue to fight!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and hide from me! Don't make me say it a second time!!"

For the first time, the head maid put on an unusually serious face, and her tone seemed to be growling.But just after the words fell, a gust of wind came from behind, and the pupils of the head maid suddenly shrank to needle-like!


She turned around quickly, trying to block the sudden blow with her weapon.But she was shocked to find that the level three mutant beast in front of her had already covered her head with terrifying claws!The shadow of death has completely shrouded the head maid!

"Sister!!" Lian shouted in shock and anger, and the black long sword in her hand emitted waves of fluctuations.Her petite body suddenly exploded with impressive speed, and rushed towards the level three.

But... it's too late!

Then the next moment, a burst of bright golden light suddenly appeared!

The bloodthirsty expression of the third-level mutant beast froze on its face. Before it could react, it was cut into two pieces neatly, and its upper body flew high with force, splashing blood into the sky!


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