But when the words came to her lips, the girl suddenly lost her voice, and she was also stunned.

Nero on the side tilted his head in doubt, patted Qin Li on the shoulder, and said, "Player, why are you silent?"

Although she was a little unnaturally depressed and irritated by Kurumi's sudden joining of the team, it didn't show on her face.

Now Kotori's strange state made Nero care more.

"Miss Wuhe has something to hide?" Kuang San asked softly.

Indeed, there was a big mistake.

Kotori pressed the space between her brows and let out a sigh.

Kuang San's joining was indeed a bit too sudden, so that he had no reaction or preparation at all before.If she had known that this series of events would happen earlier, the girl might have saved some points in advance to exchange for several ways to conclude a contract.

It's a pity... the girl's points are seriously insufficient at the moment.

Not to mention whether it can be exchanged for some superficial and low-level contract methods, even the cost of returning to the real world has completely used up the last little points.




Chapter 737 Intermission Fifteen

"I understand, leave this matter to me."

After listening to Kotori's explanation, Kuang San smiled, and his words were full of self-confidence that cannot be ignored.

"Kangsan, do you know some contract methods?" Nero on the side propped his cheek and asked in a muttering voice.

Probably even Nero himself didn't know it... His tone now sounds like a child whose beloved toy is about to be snatched away, full of grievance and loss.

And those big eyes stared at Kuang San without blinking, for fear that the first sentence she would say next would be 'Of course I will make a contract'.

Kurumi naturally noticed that something was wrong with Nero, and while feeling amused in his heart, he nodded slightly and said something that made Nero hang his head completely.

"In the field of knowledge related to spells, I still have a little understanding. I can also do some relatively simple contract rituals."

"As expected of a senior reincarnation." Kotori slightly admired.

Different from himself who just buries himself in the field of combat, Kuang San should be the kind of person who prefers to use rich knowledge and rigorous planning to defeat others or reap rewards.In the vast and endless world, she can no longer stick to the development of elf power, and those spells with unique magical effects also have mysterious effects that interest her.

Kurumi would learn some spells, although Kotori was a little surprised, but not too unexpected.

I will grow step by step, and Kuang San, who is also an elf, will naturally not stay in place all the time.

Back then, in the world full of sea areas, Kurumi was unable to exert his own strength because of the restrictions of the world rules.Even Kotori still doesn't know how much unknown power is hidden in Kuang San's hands.

Quite interesting.

Kotori smiled slightly, and then said, "It's not too late, shall we start the contract now?"

Finally, Kotori remembered something and patted her forehead to add something.

"If you still feel uncomfortable in your body, it doesn't matter tomorrow."

Although regarding the fact that Kurumi can become her companion, the girl is still quite eager to try.But the premise of this matter is to let her take care of her body first.

At present, Kuang San's body has just recovered and is still in a very weak state. Although relying on the characteristics of the elves, it will probably return to normal levels around tomorrow, but right now there is no way to exercise a lot, let alone Call the spiritual power in your body casually.

She was able to come out to finish her meal like now, because Nero helped her walk out slowly.It must be difficult for her to get out of the bedroom alone, right?

But Kuang San shook his head with a smile, and stood up while leaning on the dining table.

"I have a measure of this, and I won't hurt myself. I can prepare a contract ceremony that doesn't require me to lead, just watch from the sidelines."

"The sooner the contract is completed, the better. If it continues to be delayed, it may only increase the variables."

Hearing Kurumi's serious tone, Kotori also nodded and got up.

After tidying up the dishes on the dining table, Kuang San quickly transformed into a magician-like attire from his storage space, and transformed into a charming and mysterious female mage.A black mage's robe is faintly engraved with strips of thin golden borders.

Those should be some spell runes.

And Kuang San didn't hesitate, he held his hand, and a branch exuding white appeared in his hand, drawing a dense and mysterious array on the dining table at a dizzying speed.

Kotori and Nero, two people who have almost never had any knowledge of mysterious spells, looked at the runes and spells on the table, as well as the spell aura flowing faintly above them, and couldn't help but let out a sound of amazement.

As expected of a professional, the skill of constructing a magic array map at high speed is not something that ordinary people can do!

After a while, Kuang San breathed a sigh of relief, took back the auxiliary equipment, and then gestured to Kotori:

"Miss Wuhe, put your right hand in that blank area."

"Okay." Kotori looked at the only blank area in the large spell array, and immediately put her hand on the table without thinking too much.Seeing this, Kuang San nodded slightly, raised his small hand and placed it in a blank area opposite to it.


The next moment, the spell array on the dining table suddenly lit up.

Kotori narrowed her eyes, sensing a strange force flowing into her hands.

Until the twilight dissipated, only a fluorescent mark was left on the back of Kotori's hand, showing a little sense of existence.

"This is..."

"This is the proof of the contract." Kuang San wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, pursed his lips and said with a slight smile, "It's similar to the so-called command spell in your hand, Miss Wuhe."

Kotori looked at the clock-like imprint floating around the sword-shaped Command Spell, and definitely felt a certain connection between herself and Kurumi.

And the next development is naturally very simple.

Regarding the dominant contract that Kurumi gave herself, Kotori did not intend to interfere with her thoughts and actions, just like Nero's command spell, it was only used as a bond to maintain the relationship.Seeing the paleness on Kuangsan's face, Qinli naturally helped her back to the bedroom to have a good rest.

Kotori and Nero took a temporary rest in the guest room for one night, in order to prevent bad guys from taking the opportunity to endanger Kuang San's life.


Until the last day, that is, when it is about to return to the main god's space.

Kurumi, who had basically recovered from his injuries, suddenly spoke something to Kotori.The girl was completely stunned.

"This time, the dungeon is for the two of us to act alone, how about it?"

Looking at Kuang San with a sly smile beside her, a strange feeling flashed in Kotori's heart.

Sure enough... Kuang San was planning to sign a contract with himself in such a low profile.But now that both parties have become a master-slave relationship recognized by the master god space, Kotori naturally has no complaints.

But it is quite necessary to ask the reason of the matter.

"Why did you say this all of a sudden?" Kotori glanced at the time and reminded Kuangsan: "The next dungeon is about to start."

"Don't worry, just make a decision before entering the instance."

Kuang San showed a mysterious smile, turned her right hand, and a bright crystal stone appeared in her palm.

"This is..."

"This thing is called 'Special Dungeon Entry Crystal'. Consuming one can allow the user and a designated reincarnation to enter the special dungeon together."

special copy?

Kotori grinned, but she didn't know what kind of special existence this dungeon was.

After all, the girl has never experienced the so-called special dungeon, the only one that can be called special... Probably only that has become the end of the world of Dating A Live, right?

It can also be seen from Kotori's expression that the girl doesn't know anything about it, and Kurumi explained it very carefully.

This thing is not so much an admission ticket, but more like a proof of qualification.

This is a test and experience for the reincarnation of the fifth domain to enter the sixth domain. According to different reincarnations, a special dungeon world suitable for her will be selected, and she will be directly entered into the special dungeon to start a special adventure. .

This kind of development does not seem to be much different from normal copy tasks.

But in fact there are still many differences.

For example, there will not be any other reincarnations entering it, and all tasks will only be open to two people.The rewards are very generous.

And if that world is completely cleared... the user of the admission ticket will get a chance to upgrade!

It can lay the foundation for the impact of the sixth domain!




Chapter 738

After roughly understanding this so-called special world, Kotori nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, Kuangsan didn't want to use this method to upgrade to the sixth domain before, she prefers to progress step by step as a matter of course.In other words...she enjoys the sense of freedom of traveling and taking risks in different worlds, and the sense of freedom that will not be imprisoned by any karma and fate.

Because of this, she dabbled in many things that she had never touched before, enriching her body and mind.

But what happened in the last dungeon was also a wake-up call for Kuang San.

Without enough strength, even in the space of the Lord God, he will be suppressed and coerced by other existences.Although the person who injured her was a local god in the dungeon world, the scene of watching Othinus fighting with the gods at that time was so powerless that she felt a little bit rare. fighting spirit.

I want to be a little bit stronger...

And this special copy is a very good way to become stronger.

As for Kotori, the helper is not helping in vain, and Kotori can also get the tasks that Kurumi can receive in the world.That is to say... this time the special dungeon is completed in one round, as long as a certain number of tasks are completed, the girl will be able to reap quite a lot of points, and even some wonderful props and items.

Placed in the main god's space, the identity of this special copy's helper is also extremely sought-after. Many reincarnations are eager to post some points and props by themselves and become someone's helper.

Just to get a share of the special world.

Kotori is quite happy with Kuangsan's decision to trust her, which proves her charm!


"Did you tell Nero about this?" Kotori said with a dry smile.

It is worth noting that... this special copy has a limit on the number of people, and only two people can enter.

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