It's just for the reason... Kotori opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

But Kuang San seemed to have been prepared for a long time, stepped forward, raised his skirt to salute, and said calmly:

"We want to learn about the deeds and information about the Church of Time and His Highness the venerable god, so as to increase our understanding of this world."

"Huh? You don't know the Church of Time?" Aipel's face didn't change much.

Judging from her character and performance... this girl is not a fanatic.

Although I haven't really met that kind of existence, Kotori has heard of it...Those fanatics, once they meet people who don't think of their own sect or even don't know their own sect, they will immediately attack with anger.There is simply no way to communicate well.

"We are people from another world who just came to this world."

Kotori said the matter truthfully.

If you were in another world, if you say such things rashly, others will probably treat you as a fool.

But this world is different.

Because there are "braves" in this world, and the braves are all summoned from other worlds. Even the civilians in small towns in the countryside know this, and the reaction of the soldiers at the gate of the city can be seen. One spot.

"People from another world?"

Obviously, Aipel seemed a little surprised by this, covered his lips, and looked Kotori and Kurumi up and down.

"Sure enough, you have a certain aura..."

Kuang San frowned when he heard this, and took out the brave man's identity card with a flip of his hand.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

"...Well." Aipel nodded slightly, and his surprised expression gradually returned to calm.

She hurriedly bowed to Kotori and Kurumi, showing a considerable degree of respect.

"I didn't expect...the two would be the famous Brave Highnesses. I was really rude just now."

Seeing the respectful expression on Epper's face that didn't seem fake, Kotori thought secretly.

Didn't expect that the identity of this brave man would have such a lofty status even in the eyes of these priests?

This is really unexpected.

Seeing Kotori and Kurumi not responding for a long time, Apel blinked.

Immediately, as if remembering something, she solemnly spread her hands and signaled:

"If the two His Royal Highnesses don't mind, you can go to the inner room, and I will give a detailed explanation to His Highness the Brave."

Kotori and Kuangsan breathed a sigh of relief, with a trace of joy on their faces.

This is probably a mistake... It's much easier to get an introduction and explanation from a well-known church member than the two of us wandering around the town without thinking about it.

Maybe you can also learn some unknown inside stories from her mouth, and start more side missions.

But before the two girls took the first step following Aipel, a cold voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

This is the notification sound from the main god's space.

This kind of prompt will suddenly pop up in the dungeon... Generally, it will explain some side tasks and the like.

Kotori and Kurumi generally don't care too much.

But this time it was completely different. After hearing what Su San said, the main god space, the two of them froze immediately, and they froze in place.


[Sub-quest 3: Defeat 'Goddess of Time·Apel', reward 6000 points]


Kotori and Kurumi reacted immediately after the initial daze.

This girl named Epel is not some church member in the countryside, but...a goddess! ?

"Your Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

And Aipel, who was leading the way ahead, seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the two of Kotori, turned around, looked at the two who were standing still, and asked with some doubts.

"Or...the two want to go to another place to talk?"

However, when she saw the expressions on Kotori's and Kuangsan's faces, she raised her brows and let out a little surprise.


Kotori said indifferently the words that made Apel's face change drastically.

"Are you... Goddess of Time?"


Aipel's petite body, who was still looking normal, trembled slightly. When his face was horrified, he took several steps backwards.

It was as if he had received a great mental shock!

Taking such an abnormal reaction into his eyes, Kotori was able to completely confirm the true identity of this girl.

The quest prompt in the Lord God's Space really didn't have any deceit... The white-haired girl in front of her, pretending to be an ordinary church member—is a noble god in this world who is worshiped and worshiped by tens of millions of people!

And even at this moment, Kuang San took out a bright white staff and tapped the ground lightly, releasing the spell without saying a word!


A ripple rippled instantly, and countless white chains flew out of the void, binding Aipel tightly in an instant!

Such a sudden move not only made Aipel unable to react, but even the surrounding civilian believers and other church clergymen froze in shock.

Others probably didn't expect that...someone would dare to do such a presumptuous thing in the temple of the church!


Epel subconsciously cried out in pain, until she was chained in mid-air, she clenched her teeth and chanted some kind of spell in a low voice.

"Don't think about it!"

But Kurumi seems to have been prepared for a long time, the staff on the ground spun slightly, and a strange ripple oscillated out, bombarding Epel's body like some kind of spiritual shock!


The white-haired girl's complexion suddenly became extremely pale, but she still roared and uttered the last incantation in this instant!

"'Time Divine Kingdom·Original Construction'!"




Chapter 749 An instant defeat? (fourth more)


The space seems to be completely broken at this moment, and the rules between heaven and earth seem to be completely distorted!

Kotori and Kuangsan's expressions darkened, looking solemnly at the suddenly dark scene around them, their whole bodies tensed up.

"It's a pity, that guy tried his best to forcefully activate the spell." Kuang San withdrew his staff, with a gloomy expression on his pretty face.

She originally wanted to catch him alive by surprise, but she didn't expect...that woman, who looked quite weak, unexpectedly burst out with such frightening power at a critical moment!

Kuang San could even feel a mysterious and profound aura covering his whole body, as if... the same powerlessness he felt when facing those gods in the last dungeon.

"Calm down." Kotori held Kurumi's left hand, giving a little comfort.

"It's not as dangerous as you think, just take a closer look."


Kuang San calmed down a little, and looked around.

Soon, she also noticed something was wrong.

Indeed, the surrounding area was pitch black, so dark that it was almost impossible to see.But after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

It's like a dead lake without any ripples.

"This is..."

Kuangsan seemed to have sensed a problem somewhere, and let out a light snort: "There is no feeling of power flowing, it's just... vain!"

"Yeah." Kotori nodded calmly, then raised her hand and clenched her fist, took a step forward, and swung it out forcefully!


This pitch-black space seemed to vibrate faintly, as if the sound of breaking glass sounded one after another.

Kurumi could even feel the divine aura covering his whole body begin to dissipate rapidly, as if being blown away by Kotori's fist wind!


The fist wind scattered out, and suddenly there was a dull cry of pain from somewhere.

"Found it!" Kotori turned his eyes and tapped with his fingers, a small flame immediately flew out and emitted a bright brilliance, illuminating the entire surrounding area.

The emitted light also revealed the figure of the girl lying on the ground not far away.

That long white hair and that sacred and solemn robe are none other than the goddess of time, Apel.It's just that compared to the gentle and calm posture before, she is quite embarrassed now, her face is as pale as paper, and there is a trace of golden blood left at the corner of her mouth.

Seemingly stimulated by the sudden light, Epel closed his eyes subconsciously.

But it was this kind of behavior that made her feel a little crisis!


Sure enough, before Apel could stand up again, a cold long knife lay across her neck, and the piercing chill penetrated into her bones, making her heart tense and her figure completely frozen.

"Don't touch me, lovely Miss Goddess." The crisp and sweet voice sounded behind the ears, which made Apel slightly startled. He raised his eyes and looked forward, only to find that... Kotori and Kurumi were still standing in the distance .

The man standing behind is...

"It's me~"

Turning her head slightly, Aipel was surprised to find that...the person holding her neck with a long knife turned out to be exactly the same as the brave man! ?

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