Those clones are not mere puppets, but have their own thoughts and ideas.That being the case... let them learn the knowledge in the fields they are interested in, but instead have a group of omnipotent support teams.

As long as you don't meet a powerful god who is completely irresistible, you must rely on Kuangsan himself to be able to compete with any enemy, or even overwhelm the crowd!

"It feels like I have become a companion with an amazing existence..."

As long as Kurumi is by her side, Kotori always feels that everything becomes easier.

I feel that even if there is no reminder from the main god's space, through the power of Kuang San's hundreds or even more clones, he can collect and summarize all the information in this world in a very short period of time, and formulate a reasonable plan. Orderly task arrangement.

"So...Miss Wuhe, you have gained a lot~"

Kurumi, who became more and more acquainted with Kotori, became more and more comfortable making small jokes.

Looking at the elegant and lovely smile on her face, Kotori felt that such a Kurumi was more attractive.Although the cold appearance before was quiet and cold, it also made people feel a slight sense of alienation.

Seeing that there was no movement outside for a long time, Aipel poked his head out of the carriage and asked.

"Do you need any help?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it will be resolved soon." Kotori turned around and waved her hand.

But at this moment, Kotori frowned suddenly, and his face became serious.

"Huh?" Kuang San quickly discovered this, and without hesitation immersed the shadow down, seeping into the ground.

The enchantment of the time-eating city is quietly opening, waiting for the opportunity to move.

At the same time, a simple short gun also slipped down the cuff decorated with lace and fell into Kuang San's palm.


"I don't know for the time being, but there are lurking movements." Kotori spread the power of her mind, and soon caught a group of people approaching slowly from a hundred meters away, wearing uniform uniforms , the demeanor and footsteps are very light and vigorous, and the breathing is even more silent, as if he has received very strict training.

It was clearly walking among the grass in the forest, but there was no sound of movement, as if it didn't exist.

If it weren't for Kotori's extremely strong perception ability, maybe there is no way to detect the existence of those people at such a distance.

"The killing intent is restrained very well...but there are still quite a few flaws." Kotori patted Kuangsan on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the forest at the side.

"Miss Wuhe..." Kuang San opened his mouth, as if he wanted to help.

"No, you can just concentrate on repairing the carriage, and protect Epel by the way. I will solve these troubles soon." Kotori said calmly.

And within the range of the girl's perception, those suspicious guys seemed to have discovered her, and they all stopped in surprise.

One, two, three... There are fourteen people in total, and they should all be in the same group.

Kotori propped up her arms and stroked her long hair at the temples.There was a gleam of light in the star pupil.

There is no need to wait for them to make a move before counterattacking, just attack first!


Thoughts flashed through his mind, Kotori's figure was suddenly blurred, and the slightest breeze stirred the surrounding leaves.

"Disappeared!?" A man's eyes widened in astonishment.

Those people around also showed strange expressions on their faces, and a bad premonition rose in their hearts.




Chapter 758


[Defeat the killer hired by the Cali family, reward for success: 500 points, penalty for failure: become a slave after being captured]

At the same time as hearing the notification tone, Kotori's cold face turned into an afterimage, appearing behind these killers.

However, these professionally trained killers didn't realize it, and kept scanning ahead, hoping to find Kotori again.

"No, gone?"

"Is it the effect of some kind of spell?"

"Impossible...I didn't notice any magic power fluctuations!"

They probably couldn't figure it out... Kotori didn't use a single bit of spiritual power at all, just used a little physical strength, and showed a limit speed far beyond what their dynamic vision could capture!


A breeze blew past, and at the same time, there was a sound of cutting into flesh.

The familiar voice immediately startled the killers, and subconsciously retreated towards the surroundings.During this period, they took a look, and were shocked to find that Kotori, who had been missing, appeared behind them unknowingly!

And there is another colleague who has been killed by unknown means!

Kotori withdrew her swung right hand, looked at the surrounding area where no one was there, and hummed softly.

"The response is pretty quick."

Naturally, these killers would not stop and run away just because one person was killed, nor would they swarm up like those rude adventurers, yelling and attacking.

Although these killers still don't know exactly what Kotori's strength is, under the stimulation of bloody aura, they all paid [-]% attention, lurking in the shadows, observing Kotori's every move, waiting for the attack time to kill.

Sure enough, these guys are some pretty professional killer assassins.

After waiting for a while, Kotori couldn't help but secretly nodded.Being able to calm down and calm down, this alone is enough to prove the strength of these people.

It's a pity that the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, and it cannot be made up for by such small skills!


Kotori disappeared in place again.

Seeing this, the killers all tensed up, with cold sweat faintly oozing from their foreheads.

They finally came to their senses now... The other party didn't use any weird and mysterious spells at all, nor did they use any weird blindfolds.But pure bodily functions! could such a terrifying girl exist! ?

They asked themselves, although their third-level strength is not strong, but relying on the number of people and professional characteristics, they can still directly kill a fourth-level powerhouse without anyone noticing!

More than ten years of experience in raids and killings has allowed them to meet countless masters, among them there are also four-level or even five-level existences, and those people are not far from the sixth level of the strongest, no matter how strong they are. ..they can also get a glimpse of it.

But the little girl in front of her... is as exquisite as porcelain and flawless, as if it would break if touched lightly, and her beauty would be gone.

But what was displayed in front of their eyes was unimaginably powerful strength!

This speed... is even more terrifying than the fifth-order professionals they have ever seen!


There was another sound of meat piercing, and each of these killers continued to retreat in horror, changing their positions in the forest, and using a lot of props to create noise and strangeness. Breath, hoping to confuse Kotori's vision and perception.

"It's useless."

Kotori chuckled and raised her hand.

A gust of wind swept out instantly, stirring up in the forest like a tornado!

The killers who were still making small movements before they even had time to stand firm, were torn up by the strong winds and flew up, and were thrown around in the forest by the strong winds quite miserable, breaking how many branches and trunks .

When the storm gradually dissipated and the dust settled, Kotori with a calm face walked slowly to a killer who was lying on the ground.

"!" The thin man moved his body back in fear, then showed a pleading look towards Qinli, and knelt down in front of Qinli with a plop.

"Don't, don't kill me, we are really just following orders to monitor you, but we don't have any intention of doing harm!"

Miserable wailing sounds continued to come out of his mouth, as if he had really received some great injustice.He even wanted to pounce on Kotori's legs to ask for forgiveness.


Kotori made a wrong step, dodging the man's disgusting behavior.

Looking down at the crying man, the girl's pretty face showed a rare look of disgust and contempt.

Letting yourself be touched like that is truly disgusting!

As for whether to spare his life...

"You..." As soon as Kotori opened his mouth, the man who was kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly suddenly threw a large piece of white powder with his backhand, covering Kotori in it.

Kotori immediately held her breath, turned her hands to condense the air, and flicked it with her fingers.

Bang——The compressed air shot out like a bullet, piercing through the man's head in an instant, he twitched slightly, then fell to the ground, completely dead.

"Sure enough, I'm uneasy and kind." Kotori waved his hand, letting the dust around him disperse with the wind.

Although Kotori didn't carelessly inhale it into the body, but with a little brainstorming, one can know that this thing is nothing more than some kind of poison or drug, which can quickly lose the ability to resist and be slaughtered.

And at this moment, several killers lying on the ground who seemed to have lost consciousness immediately stood up and launched a fatal blow towards Qin Li Qiqi!

At the same time, several killers raised their arms slightly, and the hidden weapons hidden in the cuffs shot out, shooting towards Qinli's limbs, there was a faint sound of breaking through the air!

These people may have seen that Kotori was sprinkled with powder, so they chose to directly fight back.If not, they should have pretended to be dead or surrendered and begged for mercy like this guy killed by Kotori to gain sympathy.


Qinli snorted coldly, Yingying raised her hand and pressed down.


Suddenly, a gust of air pressure fell from the sky, directly acting on these killers.


Bang, bang, bang—these killers who had just run a few steps suddenly let out a strange cry, and were directly crushed to the ground by the air pressure.As for the hidden weapons that hit, they were all blown away by the airflow and fell to unknown places.

Kotori didn't intend to talk nonsense with these people anymore, she just raised her hand and snapped her fingers, hot flames emerged from the void, enveloping all these killers instantly!

Before these people could even make a scream, they turned into scorched black dust all over the place.

"Okay, it's all settled..."

As soon as Qinli finished speaking, his expression changed, and his figure became distorted and blurred again.

When it reappeared, it appeared beside the parked carriage like a phantom.


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