After dodging a few times, although Kuang San didn't seem to be injured, some kind of filth in his body gradually accumulated.It made her movements more and more slow and laborious, and she could only increase her speed continuously with one shot.

Even if Kuang San wants to use the second bullet to delay the opponent's actions, the Pillar of Filth seems to be vigilant. Facing the incoming time bullet, it will immediately throw a ball of black liquid to serve as a shield, The smallest loss to resist the imprisonment of time.


With a wave of the staff, hot flames sprayed out immediately.Instantly burned and devoured all the black thorns attacking from below.

Looking at the black thorns still attacking from all directions, even Kuang San couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"As expected of a demon king-level monster, it really shouldn't be underestimated."

"It's not a good thing to sigh."

A chuckle came from beside the ear, which made the tense Kuang San's eyes widen, and he turned his head to look immediately.

But only a trace of crimson hair and gorgeous feathers dissipated with the wind, followed by monstrous fireworks that soared into the sky, enveloping everything within a radius of a thousand meters!

"Is that...Miss Wuhe?"

Looking around at the crimson flame sky, Kurumi murmured in a daze.

Obviously it was the ultimate flame that was enough to melt and burn away those filth in an instant, but Kuang San who was in it at the moment did not feel the heat that stings his skin, but was surrounded by waves of warmth, filled with Her whole body and mind seemed to be healed.

Kuang San even felt that the filthy aura remaining in his body had been purified, turning into wisps of black aura that permeated his body.

"Huh..." Seeing this situation, Kuang San exhaled slightly, and a graceful smile appeared on his face again.

"I'll leave it to you, Miss Wuhe."


After dispelling the filth in Kuangsan's body, Kotori also said that his eyes were refocused on the giant beast in front of him.

When taking Aipel to a safe place, the girl also roughly learned from Aipel about the characteristic information of the Pillar of Filth and other things that need attention.

No one can know how this monster was born, even the almost omniscient gods mostly don't know it.But Apel, one of the ancient gods, knew some of the secrets.

It was a negative aggregate that was differentiated from the fall of another ancient god. Like the other seven pillars, it was a special existence transformed from the remnant body of the god.

It is quite similar to the existence of the Lord of Time.

"Symbolizes negative existence...?"

Kotori, who was floating in the air, murmured.

At this moment, she has already turned on the elf state, covered with Yuzhi Lingzhuang, and the gorgeous fire light is flowing around.But the surroundings seemed to be like the mighty might of heaven, with seemingly endless flames raging.

The Pillar of Filth seemed to have sensed a trace of uneasiness, and quickly retracted the black mud that spread out, and let out a low growl of defense towards Kotori in the air.

"There is no intelligence that creatures should have, but there are signs of danger..."

A mighty light shone in Kotori's star eyes, looking down at the giant beast below.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth curved into a cold arc, and he raised his right hand.

"Sleep forever, filthy existence!"




Chapter 762 Flames of Conviction

This kind of filthy combination that seems to be agglomerated by negative concepts is indeed difficult to smash with pure violence, but as long as it finds its weak point and carries out continuous attacks, it can be completely wiped out!

It was difficult for Kuang San to directly destroy this pillar of filth, because she did not have any effective means of attack.At that time, although the thunder light was powerful, it was still lacking.

But Kotori was different.

Although both of them are elves, they are good at different fields.The flame that the girl is good at has a stronger effect against this kind of enemy, not to mention... Kotori's strength is far beyond this pillar of filth!


Kotori clasped her right hand and let out a soft drink.

The surrounding flames moved slightly, and then quickly spread and gathered towards the body of the filthy pillar!

The Pillar of Filth just wanted to get out of the sea of ​​flames, but found that these flames seemed to be some kind of imprisonment, and they couldn't break free at all!

"Roar!—" The Pillar of Filth suddenly let out a roar, struggling more and more violently.

The earth was crushed by its huge and heavy body, and the air was constantly emitting mournful screams.

And Kotori still stretched out his right hand calmly, continuously sparking flames to condense on the surface of the Pillar of Filth.

Since those layers of jet-black fluid are hard to destroy...then use the purest flame to completely burn it out!

A pillar of fire exuded a bright brilliance, reaching straight into the sky. The dark clouds that had originally gathered due to the appearance of the pillar of filth were all blown away by the flame storm at this moment. The dazzling brilliance was seen by all travelers far away from the forest. It was so clear that he couldn't help but fell into a sluggish state.

"That is..."

And at the entrance of the forest, a group of mysterious people are quietly gathering at this moment.

Everyone wears different gear and has different body types.But judging from the aura emanating from these people, none of the people present would be weak.

"What a terrible flame!"

And these people were looking at the monstrous fire raging in the sky, and they couldn't help but fell into shock.

"The Pillar of Filth seems to have no power to resist!"

"Go! Hurry up and catch up!" A man in silver armor yelled softly, then smashed the ground under his feet, and charged towards the interior of the forest like a storm!


The struggle of the filthy pillar in the flame cage has become weaker and weaker, and the seemingly endless black mud has been gradually burned and purified under the burning of the flames, leaving no trace.And now... these flames have begun to burn its huge body, ready to completely wipe out its existence!

The Pillar of Filth is not an existence that can communicate well. According to Epel...wherever this terrible creature goes, no grass will grow, and all creatures will die under its influence.Countless creatures have been killed by the pillar of filth that existed thousands of years ago, and it is simply not a crime that mere punishment can expose!

Since it is a collection of negative concepts...then its final outcome has already been set!

"Die in the fire of condemnation—!"

Accompanied by Qin Li's soft shout, she shook her hands hard.All the surrounding flames gathered in an instant, and were compressed to a size of several feet in the blink of an eye.

And the huge body of the Pillar of Filth was also completely crushed and flattened by the combined force of the mind and the flames, compressed to such a scale together with the flames.


Until the flame gradually dissipated, the surrounding air began to dissipate the high temperature.

Kotori flew down from the air, and firmly caught the crystal that was born from the flames.

The terrifying monsters that have endangered this continent for thousands of years have been completely suppressed and wiped out at this moment!


[Successfully defeat the Pillar of Filth, reward 5000 points]

【Obtain Dirty Crystal】

Kotori let out a little sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he did not disgrace his life, and completely wiped out this monster that killed all living beings.In the future, the so-called Seven Pillars of Warcraft may be renamed the Six Pillars of Warcraft.

It's just... Kotori looked around, the smile on Qiao's face quickly subsided.

Although the Pillar of Filth was completely wiped out, the damage caused in this short period of time was devastating.Kotori's flames, Kuizan's lightning, and even the black mud of the Pillar of Filth almost completely destroyed the forest. Within a few kilometers, there were scorched and melted traces, which looked extremely miserable.

And this area located in the center of the battlefield was completely razed to the ground. Even under the weight of the huge body of the Pillar of Filth, the terrain in many places collapsed and collapsed, looking like the end of the world The coming ruins are like scorched earth.

"It's a little too much..."

While Kotori was sighing, Kuang San had already quietly rushed over.Looking at the surrounding scene, he confirmed again and again:

"Miss Wuhe, has that monster been completely eliminated?"

"Well, there is no breath anymore, only this thing is left." Kotori shook the black crystal in the heart of his hand.

"That's good."

Kurumi patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

For that kind of extremely difficult monster, Kurumi is still relatively powerless.Being able to completely solve it can also be regarded as solving the uneasiness in my heart.

The attributes of the Pillar of Filth itself mean that it is an existence that is extremely disgusting and distorted to the living, and even Kurumi is no exception to this point.

"'s really strange, why did this thing suddenly appear in such a place?"

Kotori couldn't give a reasonable answer to Kurumi's doubts.

Because this thing really came too suddenly, almost without any warning.Or is it that the Pillar of Filth was originally hidden in the deepest part of this land?

Impossible, even if it is hidden deep in the ground, it will be a devastating pollution and blow to the land above. It is absolutely impossible for any tree creatures to survive, and it is impossible for any urban residents in the surrounding area to survive.

"Is it because of some reason that they passed here and happened to launch an attack on us?"

Kotori and Kurumi looked at each other, both felt that this idea was a bit taken for granted.

At that time, neither of them had turned on the elf state, and the aura was perfectly restrained.Logically speaking, this pillar of filth should not be noticed.

Wait, the two of them restrained their breath.But it doesn't mean that there is another person who can perfectly restrain the breath!

"Is it directed at Epel?"

"It's possible..." Kotori stroked her hair and nodded secretly.

Although some of the specific reasons are not clear, it is very likely that the current Epel has the characteristics that attract this kind of weird existence.

After all, her divine body began to awaken and activate, and the breath of the gods would always flow out inadvertently.This is also one of the reasons why Epel himself has not yet been able to fully control his own power.

"You two, are you all right?"

At this time, Aipel, who was originally hiding in the safe area, also flew over unsteadily, and he was relieved after seeing Kotori and Kuangsan who were intact.

She was really a little afraid that the two of Qinli would lose to the Pillar of Filth and fall into a disadvantage.

But now it seems... it's just her worrying too much.

Whether it is Kotori or Kurumi, the power displayed is somewhat beyond Aipel's imagination, especially Kotori's terrifying brilliant flame, which made her feel a little afraid.

This flame reaches its limit... no, after breaking through the limit, it is even enough to burn and burn out time!

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