
Those mercenaries who were still looking eager were shocked, and they stepped back a few steps, and then looked at Kotori in shock.

The petite girl who was originally delicate and cute has completely changed at this moment.It has become a terrifying existence that is enough to make them all vigilant!

Very strong!

Seeing these mercenaries suddenly look embarrassed, the elves in the rear twitched their mouths, gloating.

"Your Excellency, what is your Excellency..."

It seemed that a mercenary leader tentatively opened his mouth.

He is tall and tall, and the muscles all over his body are even more prominent, fully supporting the leather armor.From the outside alone, he looks like a muscular macho.

But it was this man who disgusted Kotori the most with his lewd eyes at that moment.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was still a normal human being, Kotori would have subconsciously waved his hands and slapped this reckless pervert to death!

Kotori took a deep breath, barely suppressing the anger in her heart.

Just be patient for that side quest.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you people want to do here?"

At the beginning, the girl thought that the humans gathered outside the forest would be troops from other countries.But I didn't expect that such idle mercenaries would arrive first, which was a little unexpected.

These people's strength is not very good, but their noses are very sensitive, and they ran here before the army.

It's a pity... these mercenaries are too conceited.

"We...we just want to be guests in the elves. We heard that the elves have always been very hospitable and enthusiastic, and we want... hehe."

Speaking of this, the mercenary leader grinned, making it difficult to see what he was thinking at the moment.

This smile is so fake, it's disgustingly fake!

Seeing this, the faces of the elves changed one after another, as if they had touched something disgusting, they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

This man's eyes... are too dangerous!

"Hospitality?" Kotori's tone became more and more cold, and she looked at these mercenaries with a bit of coldness.

Although these people retreated a little due to the initial mental oppression, they quickly returned to their previous attitude.His sloppy expression is obviously reassuring.

It seems... this team of mercenaries is just a forward spy of a certain force.

Do you want to use this kind of villain to test the bottom line of the elves?That being the case, I can't lose the 'propriety' on my own side!

A thought flashed through his mind, and then the corner of Kotori's lips curled up in a sarcastic arc.

It was so cute and beautiful in the eyes of the mercenaries, but a trace of uneasiness and fear rose in their hearts.

The lewd eyes were no longer there, and the naked eyes even disappeared without a trace.

Instead, they looked fearful. Finally, they couldn't bear the negative emotions rising deep in their hearts, and began to retreat subconsciously.

But Kotori, who has made up her mind, will not stop there.

"Don't go, you haven't tasted the 'hospitality' of the elves~"




Chapter 791

It was clearly the clear and sweet voice of a little girl, but when it fell into the ears of the mercenaries, it was full of killing intent that made them shudder.

Even if they survived on various battlefields, and even defeated many mortal enemies who could be called strong.But at this moment, the sharp blade in their hands couldn't bring them any more courage, and the armor on their bodies couldn't bring them any comfort and peace of mind.

All that was left was the fear that filled their bodies and minds, and even made them forget how to escape.

"No, it won't be..." Several mercenaries trembled their lips, and their eyes shrank to needles!

Kotori happened to step out with a smile, like a pretty girl walking and dancing in the garden, lingering in a gorgeous aura.But if you observe carefully, you will find...a terrifying vision rising from Kotori's back, with a ferocious face like an abyssal ghost, with jagged teeth and blood hanging down from it.

The scarlet eyes shone with a savage brilliance, as if turning into sharp knives that pierced through the minds of the mercenaries!


Standing still, Kotori looked at the man in front of her with an elegant smile.

"How? Still want a taste of hospitality?"

"No, no...we don't want it at all." The mercenaries shook their heads again and again, with sad expressions on their faces.

"Unfortunately, this is beyond your control."

Kotori's smile suddenly subsided, and she stared coldly at the mercenary in front of her.

Then the girl slowly raised her right hand.

Seeing this scene, the elves behind held their breaths and stared at the scene in front of them without blinking.They also want to see for themselves how powerful Kotori is!

And the mercenaries were even more shocked, their teeth could not help but creak tremblingly!

At this moment, they even felt the tingling deep in their souls.But this stinging pain finally aroused their hearts of resistance. After a moment of hesitation, these mercenaries immediately pulled out the weapons at their waists without saying a word, and rushed towards Kotori while roaring!

Decisive and ruthless!

This is the real tactics of these mercenaries!


The moment they stepped out, these sturdy mercenaries suddenly ignited strange flames all over their bodies.

Unlike the elves who rely on the natural force floating in the air to attack, these mercenaries stimulate the energy in their bodies to improve their posture quality, and burst out all their power in a short time.

Although this kind of tactic will rapidly consume physical strength and mind, once the explosive state disappears, the sequelae that follow will make them fall into pain and weakness for several days in a row.Therefore, when performing some dangerous tasks, they all allocate and arrange the use of power in an orderly manner, and release their potential in an orderly manner, so as to prolong the combat time and ensure sufficient physical strength.

But they don't have any other choice now.

The mercenaries knew very well that if they didn't unleash their full strength at this moment, they would die miserably on the spot the next moment!

The terrifying aura is like a magic hand, which has tightly grasped their hearts. Once any thought of retreat emerges, it is the time for death.

As mercenaries who lick blood on the knife edge, they are very aware of this!


They no longer spout nonsense and full of nasty words because of Kotori's appearance, let alone show mercy because of Kotori's appearance.At this moment, they immediately exploded with all their strength, like dead soldiers fighting with their backs, fighting hard!

clang! ——

The dull vibration sound came out faintly.

The elves in the rear suddenly hung their hearts again, staring at the smoky venue with a little anxiety.

Although they believed in Kotori's strength very much, they believed that she could easily deal with these annoying and rude mercenaries.But at that moment just now, the aura erupted by the mercenaries when they swung their swords caused the hearts of these peaceful elves to tremble, and they were all slightly surprised.

Hidden too deep.

Just now, they really didn't realize that these mercenaries still had this kind of powerful power hidden, and the explosive power was even several times stronger than theirs!

Can't be hardwired!

Such thoughts emerged, and the eyes on the field became more uneasy and worried.

If Kotori gets hurt right under their noses, even the queen will punish them severely!

Thinking of this, several elves couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to rush directly to rescue Kotori whose life or death was unknown.

They already regretted not helping Kotori together.

But such a move was blocked by Kuang San who came later.

"Please wait, ladies elves, now is not the time to enter the arena casually~"

Kuang San, who was wearing a skirt at the moment, showed an extraordinary vigor. Although he was only speaking in a soft voice, it was transmitted to the ears of all the elves present with incomparable accuracy, making them stop in their tracks. He stared blankly at Kuang San.

"Miss Tokisaki, but Miss Wuhe..." A young elf looked a little uneasy.

"Please rest assured, Miss Wuhe will not miss this kind of enemy."

Kuang San waved his hands, and lightly smiled to calm down the restlessness of the elves.

After the battle situation came to an end, Kurumi looked at the battlefield below with a slight smile.

The smoke and dust trembling due to the impact and vibration has gradually dissipated, and the scenes in the field are also revealed one by one.


The elves with extraordinary vision quickly saw the intact Kotori, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief, they were horrified to find just a blink of an eye, those menacing and murderous mercenaries They have all lost consciousness and lie on the ground like a dead dog! ?

Just now... what happened! ?

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Now that the danger is gone, it's time to return to your respective posts~"

Kurumi clapped his hands at this moment, waking up the shocked elves.

After all, they have jobs and responsibilities. Since Kotori has easily knocked down these enemies, there is no need for them to watch here any longer.

After watching the elves leave, Kurumi then withdrew his gaze and slowly floated down to Kotori below.

"Has everything been resolved?" Kuang San asked in a low voice.

"Well, I've already fainted from fright."

Kotori straightened her turned up sleeves and crossed her waist.He curled his lips and said: "I really don't want to say a word with this kind of guy who is full of crooked thoughts, so I just fainted."

Kuang San seemed to hear the dissatisfaction and slight annoyance in Kotori's words, and couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling twice.

Although Kotori's strength is incomparably strong, it is really rare to be able to maintain this character all the time.


[Complete side task 7, reward 2000 points]

Listening to the voice in her mind, Kotori smacked her small mouth, and her mood improved a little.

Originally, the girl made the move with the idea of ​​beating up these scumbags without getting points, but she didn't expect to complete the task in the end.

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