Just like...

"Puff!——" Alvin, the brave man who was lying on the ground out of breath, suddenly turned over and sat up, covering his chest and gasping for breath.

"I, I'm not dead yet?!"

"What!?" The brave men on the side were also taken aback.

Obviously, all vitality has been cut off, how did he stand up?

The five heroes present were from different countries, and they were just nodding acquaintances.Naturally, it is not clear what the hidden means in their respective hands are.

Obviously, the brave Alvin seems to have the power to bring the dead back to life.

"Sure enough, your strength is somewhat similar to mine."

The crisp words carried a heart-piercing coldness. Before the five brave men even had time to think, their tyrannical bodies blessed by the rules of the world reacted one step ahead.

Whoosh whoosh—

Five streaks of light flashed past, and they stomped and retreated from the spot.

But there was only one person whose right foot was directly grabbed in mid-air, and he froze in mid-air.

"What!?" The brave Alvin, who had just been resurrected from the brink of death, turned pale when he saw this.

Because Kotori unexpectedly appeared beside him at some point, and even reached out to grab him!

"She uses flames like me, and also has a strong self-healing ability."

Qin Li smiled slightly.

Then he slammed it to the ground with a backhand!


The ring-shaped air wave spread towards the surroundings, and the earth suddenly let out a wail, countless cracks and ravines exploded, and smoke and dust shot up into the sky!

"Puff!?" The brave Alvin suddenly made a strange sound, and then his head tilted and fell into a pool of blood.

The smash just now almost crushed all the organs in his body into meatloaf, and the strong pressure made it difficult for him to bear the pain, and he passed out directly.

Of course, relying on the power of flames in his body, this fatal injury is still undergoing rapid repair.

"It's really an amazing self-healing ability." Kotori stroked her somewhat messy long hair.

It was clearly a bright and beautiful smile, but at the moment there was endless coldness accumulating in it.

It's not that this man is the girl's mortal enemy, nor is it that the other party did something that endangered Kotori.

It's purely because... the flames emanating from this man are entwined with countless mourning souls, like an army of undead walking on the ground!

"This is considered a slight punishment."

Kotori calmed down her anger for the time being, sighed softly and turned her gaze to the soldiers around her.

"Those who have nothing to do with this matter, or those who don't want to be involved in this vortex, put down their weapons and leave here immediately."

The girl's crisp voice quickly reached the ears of all the soldiers on the plain, and the body that was trembling with fear gradually calmed down.

The soldiers looked at each other in a daze, unable to figure out what the evil star Qinli had planned.

Could it be that he was going to make a sudden attack at the moment when they were about to escape, and wipe them all out?

Seeing the hesitant expressions of these soldiers, Kotori showed a serious look, and said in a high-spirited voice:

"You are soldiers, not tools!"

While speaking, the girl directly pointed at the brave men who had fled hundreds of meters away.

Seemingly driven by some kind of momentum, those soldiers also looked over blankly.

It was those four brave men who caught the eye.

But compared to the high-ranking and domineering appearance before, the brave men at this moment are in a panic.Not only was the gorgeous and bright armor covered in dust, but the handsome face was covered with cold sweat, and the cloak that was hung behind him for handsomeness was also torn out in several places when he was running away.

Most importantly... the inherent arrogance and contempt are gone.

All that remains is the fear and uneasiness of death.

Just like ordinary soldiers like them.

"You should be soldiers who defend the city and the people, with your own pride and dignity. Instead of following this kind of kid to invade other people's territory! Look at their embarrassing expressions, you really want to be here Is this kind of person’s men shedding blood!?”

"Ask yourself, do you really want to!?"

Every word was imprinted into the hearts of the soldiers, and their previously dazed expressions gradually became firm and decisive.

The little girl was right...

They were supposed to be soldiers who guarded the country and were proud of it!Instead of following behind the so-called 'braves' who are cruel and inhumane, and are enamored of money because of their powerful power, and become mediocre people who act according to their faces!

This is simply putting the cart before the horse!

After a while, a soldier decisively threw away the long sword in his hand.

Several brave men stared at him with astonished and angry eyes, as if they wanted to swallow him alive.

But soon, another soldier threw away his weapon, and more soldiers made the right choice one after another.

Seeing this scene, the brave men who originally wanted to rely on these soldiers as human shields suddenly turned pale.On the other hand, Kotori smiled in relief.

"Okay, everyone, go back to the place where you camped as soon as possible. The crisis here is not something you should be involved in."

"Now...it's time for me, the junior 'brave', to teach the seniors a good lesson."



Blade change (273/273)

Obediently (?,,′?ω?)ノ"(′っω?`.)

Chapter 795 True Decisiveness


Waiting for the smoke and dust to gradually fall, the soldiers who were scattered everywhere have all disappeared without a trace.

Only the discarded weapons and armor remained, shining strangely in the sun.But this brilliance reflected on the seriousness of those five people, but it was so dazzling.

It even hurt their hearts.

Because the soldiers under their command left them and ran away, just because of the enemy's few words, they fled without armor and armor.

"That group of weak and cowardly trash!" the brave Norbert said angrily.

After being sluggish at the beginning, their hearts were suddenly filled with a nameless anger!

"How dare you leave the coach and run away. After you go back, you must let those people go to hell!"

The five brave men, who were still tense because of Kotori's strength, suddenly let out low growls, as if they were all venting their resentment, and their resentful eyes ignited a substantial flame.

"You are really... hopeless."

After drinking away all the soldiers, Kotori turned around and looked at the five remaining brave men.

There was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

"It's clear that the leader came here aggressively, but the end result is that the army's morale is slackened, and it seems to be in harmony. You are not even qualified as a general."

Although Kotori didn't know what kind of past these five people had, nor did they know what kind of life experience they had after they were summoned to this world.But there's no doubt about it...they were not liked by those soldiers at all.

No matter how weak the general's army is, the soldiers will always step forward to protect the general when he is in crisis.But the five people in front of them directly betrayed their relatives, and not even one soldier was willing to stay and fight with them.

It wasn't that the five hundred soldiers were cowardly and cowardly people who were greedy for life and fear of death, it was simply because these five so-called brave men were not worth their lives at all!

This shows how unpopular these five people are.

"Damn it!" The brave Alvin was filled with endless anger, and substantial flames burned on his hair and eyebrows.

You must know that just now, he died in Qinli's hands. If it weren't for his own special ability and life-saving props to activate the effect, he would not even be able to recover his mobility in such a short period of time!

Especially... It is a great shame for my miserable state like a dead dog to fall into the eyes of everyone!

And the decisive departure of those soldiers was more like a slap in the face to him.

Humiliation, anger, mania... All kinds of emotions flooded their hearts, gradually covering up the fear and anxiety in their hearts just now.What followed was the arrogance and arrogance built up in the past few years!

They... are the one-in-a-million heroes.

They are the strongest people in their respective kingdoms!

Countless wealth, high status, luxurious life and luxurious nights, everything is woven together into the belief in their hearts.

They...are invincible!

"A mere little girl, what's so crazy!!" the brave man roared, a burst of blue energy flames erupted from his body, and gathered into a transparent battle armor, standing majestically. above the ground.

"The five of us who are chosen by heaven are afraid that she will fail, so let's go together and kill her!"

"No, I want to catch her, cripple her limbs and become a slave girl on my bed!"

One of the brave men stared at Kotori's delicate body with vicious eyes.

Probably annoyed at their previous anxiety, these five brave men became more violent and angry now!


After the words fell, the five rushed forward together!

Gorgeous and different air currents and energies surged out, and the terrifying momentum swept across the entire plain!

Although they were all yelling some obscenities, they seemed to be local hooligans somewhere.But their strength is undeniably powerful.

Although life is extremely rotten, I am intoxicated with luxury and money every day and cannot extricate myself.However, the tyrannical body and talents bestowed on them by the rules of the world are still sparing no effort to play a role, keeping them in the most peak state from beginning to end.

They are still the strongest people in the kingdom, the top powerhouses on the continent!

With the joint efforts of five people, even gods and demons can fight together!

No one would doubt their strength, let alone their cruelty.Let out the ruthless words, and definitely do it!

If Kotori hadn't resisted, he would have been captured by these five frenzied brave men, cut off his limbs, cut off his veins, and then became a miserable public slave, who would never be able to stand up for eternity.

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