Surprised smiles appeared on the faces of the elves, even the extremely weak elf queen covered her cherry lips, her eyes were moist.

"Miss Wuhe, are you okay!?"

"Of course, how could something happen to me?" Kotori waved her hands dumbfounded.

Just as the girl said, the filthy blood on the bull that broke the army was not enough to pollute Kotori.You must know that even the previous filthy pillar couldn't completely pollute Kotori, let alone a mere bull that broke the army.

Of course, if Qinli's whole body was soaked in dirty blood, it might still be affected.

"By the way, I have already removed all the pollution caused by the Pojun Bull. You can still live here with peace of mind in the future."

Kotori spoke lightly, words that made all the elves feel at ease.

Indeed...they can no longer feel any uneasiness and disgust in that land!The elves cheered in surprise.

Although all the elves in the whole family looked extremely weak, this could not restrain the joy and excitement in the hearts of the elves after all.

They... survived this genocide crisis!

And there were hardly any casualties!


And at this moment, with the support of other elves, Atalanta threw herself into the arms of the queen, buried her face in the pair of plump bodies, and sobbed softly.

"You, it's great that you're fine..."

Feeling the trembling young girl's delicate body in her arms, the Elf Queen reacted after the initial daze, and stroked Atalanta's little head with a wry smile.

"Well, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Looking at such a scene of family reunion, Qinli's mouth twitched, and she was in a good mood.

Taking risks in different copies of the world, isn't it just to pursue such a happy ending?

Of course, now is not the time to really relax.

"Queen, you just stay here and don't move around, I'll be back later."

After the voice fell, the girl's figure suddenly flickered and disappeared in place.



PS: Blade Plus (271/320)

Thanks to Liyue for the support of 43 blades~

(?′?‵?)I L???????

Chapter 805 Sharp turn down

The scene of sight turned, and it was above a dark sky far away from the battlefield.


The Lord of Time, who was imprisoned by Aipel and Kuangsan together, let out a howl of extreme unwillingness. The originally pretty and lovely face had already been filled with ferocity, revealing her extremely distorted heart at the moment.

"Quick—let me go!"

The chaotic power of time and space is constantly turbulent and circulating in the barrier of imprisonment, colliding with the barrier of the barrier.

The colorless and transparent barrier trembled under the continuous impact, but it remained intact and extremely strong.

This is of course, this seemingly thin barrier is the ultimate defense built by Kuang San and Aipel together, it can directly ignore all the interference of the power of time, even if it is quite tricky The power of space can also be dispelled by the legendary spell that Kuang San happened to prepare before that.

In other words, almost all the power of the Lord of Time was targeted by the two girls, especially now that she was in an extremely weak state, and her counterattack was even weaker.

"Master of Time, you..." As soon as Aipel opened his mouth, he was glared at by the Lord of Time.

The original pair of eyes that were crystal clear like jade were filled with murderous intent like a curse.

The Lord of Time doesn't want any dialogue at all, her only thought at the moment is to kill Kuang San and Aipel in front of her directly to the scum!

Seeing this, Kuang San frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice:

"Miss Aipel, how do we completely get rid of the Lord of Time?"

She didn't have any desire to talk nonsense, nor did she have any compassion.You must know that even Kuang San in the past was a decisive person to kill, not to mention that she would not have any kindness in the face of such an absolute enemy, whether it was from the position of the faction or the mission requirements.

Kill as soon as you need to kill, never relent!

But it's a pity that even though Kuang San wanted to kill the Lord of Time immediately, she didn't have any substantive methods to do so.

Because the current existence of the Lord of Time is too weird.

Her physical body had already begun to disintegrate, and her self-awareness became chaotic.The current Lord of Time is not so much a powerful and terrifying demon king, but more like a puppet whose body and mind have been dominated by power, without any reason at all.

Even if Kurumi blasted the Lord of Time into debris through legendary spells, the 'Lord of Time' would still exist.

And it survives in the world in the form of a blob of divine power, and may even give birth to the next Lord of Time.

Just like what happened in the past when the goddess of time, Apel, fell, this is the arrangement of the rules of this world itself, and a very high-level existence must be needed to control the time of the world, if not, the time of the entire material world It will be completely messed up, and even cause huge changes in the entire multiverse!

And the only character who can break this endless loop... is Epel.

"I have a last resort..."

Epel's tone was as calm as ever.

Facing the Lord of Time who was born from her own corpse, there didn't seem to be any fluctuations in her eyes.

Obviously during the previous journey, whenever she talked about the Lord of Time, she would show a complicated look, hesitating to speak, even during the three days of preparation inside the elves, she was very silent, even a sentence Not much was said.

But the current cold and ruthless, which makes people somewhat puzzled.

Is this really what Aipel really thinks in his heart now?

It was difficult for Kurumi to see through Epel's thoughts, but he was not prepared to delve into the depths of his companion's heart.Although the relationship between the two can't be said to be very good, at least they are still comrades in arms fighting side by side, and Chengdu's trust is definitely needed.

It's just that the last method that Epel said is...

"Miss Tokisaki, I hope you will not interfere with the next thing."

Epel turned his head and looked at Kurumi firmly.

"You must, absolutely don't come to disturb me, can you?"

Obviously her tone was so solemn and firm, but at this moment, Kuang San seemed to feel something strange. If it was normal, she would definitely step forward to ask one or two carefully, but now it is different.

Now is the critical moment to solve the source of everything, not the leisure time to greet each other.

So Kuang San didn't say anything more, but suppressed the thoughts in his heart, nodded silently, and retreated a distance.

Although it is not clear what exactly Epel wants to do, Kurumi still decides to respect the opponent's choice.After all, the existence of the Lord of Time was already inextricably linked with her.

Kuang San didn't think about grabbing the head or anything. Her final mission requirement can be completed only by destroying the Lord of Time. She didn't ask to do it herself, and it doesn't hurt to give Epel a favor.

But just after she stepped back for a certain distance, her eyes widened immediately.

"Epel, you!"

It's no wonder that Kuang San, who has always been very calm, will show such a shocked expression.

Because Epel actually dispelled the enchantment that imprisoned the Lord of Time, and reached out and grabbed the arm of the Lord of Time!

Is this fatal! ?

Even though the Lord of Time is currently in a state of extreme weakness, he is still extremely dangerous!Once the other party puts their lives on the line and wants to show off their power, Aipel will be in danger!

"Epel, get out of the way!"

Sure enough, the Lord of Time was indeed stunned at the moment when she realized that the barrier had been removed, but soon she let out a sneer, and made a hand knife with her five fingers together, fiercely slamming at stab at Aibel's chest!

Kuang San's face changed suddenly, and he was about to rescue Aipel.

But it was still too late after all.


The hand knife pierced through Aipel's chest without obstruction, and the golden blood splashed out immediately, streaks of golden streamer streaked across the air.


Kuang San's movements were stiff, but he immediately gritted his teeth and prepared to go forward to snatch Aipel back!

Although it was pierced through the chest, as long as it is healed by Kotori's Healing Flame, and even its own time ability can be reversed, it will definitely survive!

But in the next scene, not only did Kuang San fall into a sluggish state, even the Lord of Time, who couldn't stop laughing grinningly, showed a look of astonishment.

Because Epel didn't cry out in pain because his chest was pierced, and even his face didn't change in any way.

She just slowly raised her hands, and embraced the Lord of Time's shoulders tenderly.

Immediately...he hugged it into his arms somewhat forcefully.


The Lord of Time was stunned for a moment.

This woman...what the hell went crazy! ?

In the eyes of outsiders, Aipel is indeed crazy.Obviously, she has already suffered a fatal attack from the Lord of Time, and she will die if she is not paying attention, but at this moment, she reaches out and embraces the Lord of Time, like a close friend, Hugged cheek to cheek.

"...Damn it!"

The Lord of Time bit his lower lip, and a hint of madness flashed in his eyes.

She stretched out her left hand and climbed up to Apel's slender waist. Of course, she didn't want to do any act of mutual love like Apel, but...


Gala Gala——

The powerful force directly broke Aipel's back, and only heard the piercing sound of broken teeth. Aipel gasped, and the whole person seemed to have lost all the strength to support him, and he was paralyzed by the Lord of Time. body.

"This..." Kuang San not far away was confused when he saw this.

What exactly happened? !

In the blink of an eye, all the situation took a turn for the worse, and Aipel was even in danger!


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