Kotori murmured blankly.

In the small room, only her bed was intact, like the eye of a typhoon in the middle of a typhoon, calm and calm.

But soon, the girl turned her eyes, and immediately saw two figures lying in the two ruins. Only the slight rise and fall of their chests could prove that they were still alive.


Could it be... Nero and Kurumi! ?

Thinking of this, Kotori immediately turned over and got out of bed, and waved away a lot of debris that was pressing on the figure, revealing Nero's sleepy appearance with his eyes tightly closed.

"It's really you!" Kotori couldn't help complaining loudly.

Even if you can figure it out without using your brain to think, this miserable scene must be caused by Nero and Kuangsan!

What the hell did the two of them do while they were asleep! ?


Probably woken up by Kotori's voice, Nero's eyelashes trembled slightly, then slowly opened his eyes, and saw Kotori's lovely face in a trance.

"Wow... the performer actually appeared in Yu Meng..."

While whispering, she couldn't help but let out a few silly giggles.

"Hug~~" Nero stretched out his hands half asleep, showing a slightly cute expression.Coupled with her current disheveled and spring-like appearance, it is really very interesting.

But Kotori gritted his teeth and angrily gave Nero a headache.

There was a crisp snap, which immediately made Nero grin his teeth in pain, and his head suddenly woke up.


"Hey, you're big! Look at what you've done!" Kotori rubbed Nero's face viciously, as if rubbing Erha, and couldn't stop.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong——!"

Nero immediately wailed with tears in his eyes, and if he didn't beg for mercy, his face would be rubbed off a layer of skin!

"Hmm... Kotori, Nero, are you all awake?" From the other end of the ruins, Kurumi's slightly deep and hoarse voice sounded as if he hadn't fully woken up yet, but with a few Very charming.

"Nero, it's just right~ Kotori has woken up now, let her make her own decision, who will be the real wife..."

Taking advantage of the moment when Kotori was distracted, Nero grabbed a water glass at some point and threw it out quickly.


Centered between eyebrows.

Kuangsan raised his head and opened his small mouth, his blurred eyes that had just been opened suddenly circled, and he lay back in a dazed state.


Kotori stared at Nero with dead fish eyes, which made Nero break out in cold sweat.

"Tell me, what exactly did you do yesterday?"

It was obviously an extremely flat tone, but after falling into his ears, Nero seemed to feel the polar cold wind blowing through his heart, and his soul seemed to be frozen.

"I, we..."

"What are you?" Kotori pressed on step by step.


Nero gritted his teeth, and said loudly as if giving up on himself: "We are in love with each other, and everything here is the embodiment of love——!"


This is love?

Whose love will be destroyed everywhere! ?Are you sick? ?

Kotori only felt that her heart was filled with the desire to complain, but after taking several deep breaths, she finally let out a long sigh and lowered her head.

I really lost to these two guys... I thought that Nero would be the only one who would make a fuss, but I didn't expect the always very elegant and reserved Kurumi to go crazy with Nero. It really makes people speechless.

"Forget it, let Kuangsan wake up later and turn back the time here."

After all, the girl is quite nostalgic in a sense. Although these things are some old things, they are broken in the blink of an eye, which is quite distressing.

"Hmm..." Nero nodded as if smashing garlic.


When it was near noon, Kuangsan woke up from his lethargy. At the same time, he also recalled what stupid things he had done the day before, and immediately apologized to Kotori with embarrassment.

Of course, during this period, she also turned back the time of this house through Emperor Keke and restored it to the state before it was destroyed.And because of Kuangsan's powerful ability, it even returned to the clean and tidy state when Kotori and others had just left, and saved the energy of spending time cleaning.

And now that the house has been repaired, the following days quickly returned to calm.

Nero and Kurumi seem to have reached some kind of strange agreement when Kotori was asleep, and they have maintained a relationship between enemies and friends in the past few days, which made Kotori on the side very strange .

The two of them would sometimes start to quarrel as if they were facing each other, but sometimes they would join hands to joke or even play stand-alone games, as close as biological sisters.

Can't figure it out...

Since she couldn't figure it out, Kotori didn't dig into a dead end on this issue, but started to summon those ship girls.The previous two dungeons were quite difficult dungeons, so Kotori never summoned them, but now that she has returned to the real world, she naturally wants to invite them to play and relax.


Accompanied by a breath mixed with sea breeze, the two Nero Kuangsan, who were still playing with the O of Darkness, were startled and looked back quickly.

A petite and thin figure slowly emerged from the mist.

This bitter warrior spirit... is not at the same level as the previous ship girls!

The most important thing is that at this moment, both of them felt a pinprick from the bottom of their hearts almost at the same time.


This word flashed through their minds, and Nero and Kuangsan's expressions darkened immediately, silently throwing the handle aside, and staring intently at the petite girl who came out of the mist.

From the point of view of body shape, it seems to be about the same size as Kotori. He is wearing a set of thin clothes that look like a sailor's uniform. His long blue and silver hair is scattered in a mess, and there is a sailor's cap on his head. , the slightly cute style is undoubtedly revealed.

"Commander, I'm back."

On the cold and calm face, there was a perfect smile like the rising sun, like the melting of ice and snow, and the spring of everything.

And Qinli, who was standing in front of her, also showed a gratified smile, and reached out to touch the head of the ship's mother 'Xiang'.

"Welcome to my home in this world..."



Nero and Kuangsan opened their mouths slightly, and they didn't recover from that dazzling and pure smile for a long time.

It's not just a strong enemy... this is probably their strongest enemy, right?



PS: Thank you Bauhinia nobles for their 60-blade support~

Thanks for the support of 256 blades~

('▽').. o

Chapter 823 Intermission Five (Fourth Change)

But in the following time, the stable and peaceful life Kotori imagined did not come as he wished.

On the contrary, because of the addition of Xiang, there was an inexplicably strange atmosphere in this small small room.

Although Hibiki met Kotori again after a long time, she did not express her joy and joy as soon as she came up like other ship girls. Instead, she began to integrate into modern life very calmly.

After all, she was half of the manager in the original tutelary mansion, so she is naturally more skilled in this aspect than other ship girls.In addition, the era background of the world they live in is relatively similar to modern society, and they only need to get familiar with it for a while before they can adapt well.

At least it took Hibiki only half a day to completely keep in mind all the matters that need to be paid attention to in modern society, and began to help Kotori with housework.

Even the heart under the immature appearance is so unwavering, neither crying nor making noise, as quiet as a doll.

This kind of reaction and behavior also made Nero and Kuangsan, who were always paying attention to her, secretly praised her. Even they had to admit that this girl is indeed an impeccable and perfect secretary, who can serve as the master. Bring flawless service.

So after finishing the day's housework, Hibiki was about to leave.On the contrary, Nero hesitated and came up to exchange a few words with her, which was a little bit of a relationship.In a sense, the two of them knew each other.

On the other hand, Kurumi maintained her graceful posture and said goodbye with a light smile.

It wasn't until Xiang left the house and returned to the tutelary mansion that Nero let out a long breath and relaxed.And Kuang San didn't get any better, and the smile on his face was a little out of shape.

"I said... isn't the state of the two of you a bit too strange?" Kotori put away the smile when saying goodbye, and stared at Nero and Kurumi with a straight face.

"What happened?"

It was obvious that the situation was quite relaxed and harmonious before, but now it sounds like these two people have changed.Nero stopped making noise, and began to carefully turn over the book like a noble girl from somewhere.And Kuang San also kept his 'elegant' smile unchanged, sitting at the dining table drinking a cup of tea all day long.

People who don't know think where they come from as sculpture dolls!

"Ahem, player, you don't need to worry about this matter anymore." Nero politely declined Kotori's concern.

"That's right, let us decide on such a complicated matter. Kotori, you don't need to feel any burden or anxiety!"

Instead, Kurumi first cared about Kotori's psychological state.

This made Kotori shake her head a little dumbfounded.

It's beyond Kotori's imagination that such a serious person such as Kurumi fell so quickly...or is it because she has not adjusted and recovered because of the fusion of Apel and the Lord of Time's memory?

Hope this will be a good change.

Kotori really couldn't imagine a funny Kuang San appearing in front of her alive, that scene was really hard to look at directly.

Although the girl also knows that Kuangsan in different periods will also tend to have different personalities due to different life experiences, just as she has completely different personalities after pulling herself out of different timelines through time bullets.


Because the ship girls can only stay temporarily in the real world for one day, after Xiang returned to the tutelary mansion, other ship girls would naturally come to take over.

And in the past few days, Qinli's phoenix guards all the ship girls in the mansion, and almost all of them went to the real world to play around, including those deep-sea battleships.At the beginning, Nero and Kurumi seemed a little nervous, but after getting to know those ship girls, they gradually let go of their hearts and began to communicate well.

Perhaps for the two of them... among Kotori's ship girls, the only existence that can be called extremely difficult to deal with is probably the sound?

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