It was also because of this that Mei Ke was able to feel the misery and despair in the heart of the man in front of him.

That tragic life was actually specially designed to attract attention. His beloved parents were purely designed for the purpose of being killed and creating a pitiful life experience for the male protagonist.And his cherished lover is also specially conceived by the author in order to attract readers...

Everything is false, everything is a lie.

He has lived in a world made up of falsehoods all his life, and he even thought that his life had finally been reversed and improved gradually through his own efforts.And now, with the help of the Lord God Dimension, he finally learned the truth of everything.

It's... poor.

Even if the two sides are now in a state of hostility, Mei Ke can't help but feel pity for the man in front of him.

Thinking about it differently, if she experienced this kind of painful life designed by people...after learning the cruel truth, she might also feel desperate because of it?

"Meike, remember this feeling, don't forget it."

Kurumi quietly put his lips close to Mei Ke's ear, and murmured softly: "Please keep this distorted feeling of despair... this tearing feeling of grief in mind. From now on... But don't let us down..."

"...Well." Mei Ke nodded slightly, with a rather heavy expression.


"Zou Zhe, will Yulai be his opponent?" Nero didn't know what happened to this man, but this didn't prevent her from choosing to fight.

"No, let me do it."

Kotori shook her head and floated out slowly.

At the same time, in the girl's palm, two abnormal energies began to spirally converge, forming an extremely sharp and slender sword, reflecting the slightest cold breath.

The girl can perceive the specific strength of this man, which is probably in the middle level of the fifth domain, not too strong but not too weak.But if he really doesn't stop him from destroying... the city will be demolished by him in about a day or so.

Of course... the character of this man is not the kind of lunatic who kills innocent people indiscriminately because of strength and emotion.

After he knew the origin of his misery, he didn't even think about cutting off the creator who is the source of all evil with a single sword, but chose to self-destruct. This alone is worthy of admiration.

Although in a sense... this is also a manifestation of cowardice.

"So, are you my last enemy in this life?" The man raised the broken sword and pointed at Kotori that floated out.

"Well, my name is Wuhe Kotori, and I am the spirit of flame."

Sensing the faint sword intent from the opponent, Kotori nodded slightly. "The name of the sword is Shuanghui Yintie, the blade of the soul."

Although the other party seemed to be born in some kind of western magical world background, his fighting spirit was all condensed by sword intent.Even if Kotori hasn't read the original storyline where he is in, he can understand how he re-emerged from the predicament.

It lies in the swordsmanship that people in other worlds don't pay much attention to.

In other words... the man in front of him is a master with a sword, and he's so good at it!

That's why Kotori confronted him with the same sword and sword technique, in order to offer his final respect.

"Magic Sword, Serena, the Sword of Evil Thoughts." The man took a deep breath, stepped out in the air, and the sword intent was formed under his feet like water waves, as easily and naturally as walking on flat ground.

At the same time, a very obscure sword intent covered his eyes, and a layer of faint fluorescence appeared.At this moment, his whole body seemed to be integrated into the space, and there was no flaw in it!

"I'm going to make a move, please be careful."

"Naturally." Qin Li nodded calmly.

The next moment, the figures of the two disappeared without a trace.


A sword cry resounded softly, and the slender sword collided with the thick magic sword suddenly, wrestling with each other.Accompanied by sparks and sword energy, the stern faces of the girl and the man were illuminated.

While the hair was flying, the figures of the two disappeared.

The sword shadow and knife light burst out and exploded again, like a bright lamp in the dark night, blooming with incomparable brilliance.

Good swordsmanship!

After fighting against him for a few rounds, even Kotori couldn't help admiring secretly.

He didn't stick to a certain set of moves and martial arts, but had already stepped into the advanced state of free movement of the mind, and every attack was seamless, almost without the slightest flaw exposed.After several fights, Kotori didn't even see through to figure out his attacking routines, which can be described as infinitely changing and elusive!

But in fact, purely in terms of swordsmanship, the two are evenly matched.

Kotori was amazed by this man's swordsmanship, and the man wielding the magic sword was also shocked by Kotori's swordsmanship.

That extremely ingenious Ultimate Quick Sword abandoned all redundant and complicated tricks and techniques, simplified them, and broke through all spells with one sword.

Even though he has such a petite body, the speed and strength he can explode are all above him!

Every time the sword collided, he could feel a huge force coming from him. Since he had tried every means to resolve it, he still gradually felt the numbness and pain in his arms, and his strength was gradually worn away.

Really strong!

Unexpectedly, there is such a little girl with excellent swordsmanship in the space of the Lord God!

The man named Sanderling seemed a little hot in his heart, and his cold and dead face was slightly relaxed.

The confrontation of swords and knives was constantly staged, and the two hardly had any extra steps and postures, but they fell into the eyes of outsiders, but they were like phantom lightning, and it was difficult to see any traces.Even the crisp sound of the sword's cry and the sword's chant condensed into one, resounding through the sky!

"This..." Mei Ke wiped her eyes, staring at the afterimage in front of her with some horror, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

As for Kuang San and Nero, their expressions were also slightly solemn.He was a little wary of the man using the magic sword.

Although his aura is only about the level of the fifth domain, his sword intent and aura, which are gradually raised in sword fights, cannot be underestimated!

In terms of this achievement in swordsmanship alone, this man may be enough to compete with those demigods!

It should be said that the man who is called the "Sword King" in the novel has such strength... worthy of the name!

As for Kiri...

Kurumi was quite surprised by this.

Because she didn't know that Qinli still had such a deep study in swordsmanship before, and she was even familiar with it to this extent.But Nero's mouth was slightly raised, and his eyes were full of admiration.

She knew very well what level of swordsmanship Kotori possessed.

In the past... the girl named Wuhe Qinli was also called the 'uncrowned sword king'!



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Chapter 839 The Sword King Has Gone (Fifth Change)

The collisions of swords and knives finally stopped at a certain moment.

The exquisite sword movement that was originally perfectly round finally showed some flaws under Kotori's fierce offensive.

"good chance!"

Without any hesitation or soft-heartedness, Kotori turned her wrist and stabbed out. The sharp point of the knife pierced through the sound barrier instantly, like a white line dividing the space.

And Sandrin, who had just been pushed open by Qinli with brute force, frowned, secretly surprised at Qinli's decisive shot.

Sure enough, although she is young and immature, she is as fast as her sword skills, and she will not hesitate at all in the details.

This is a qualified warrior...

Thinking of this, Sanderling smiled wryly, and slowly lowered his hands.


The sharp point of the knife pierced through his shoulder in an instant, and bright blood splashed out.

Qinli glanced, and saw that this man seemed to have no intention of continuing to fight, and all his fighting spirit and sword intent dissipated the moment he was hit.

"Are you satisfied?" Kotori drew out his sword, and slowly stepped back a few meters.

And Sandrin seemed to be unconscious, without the slightest pain showing on his face, and he didn't even look at his wound at all.

Although the two exchanged thousands of moves, the real time was less than a minute.Coupled with the fact that Kotori hadn't shown his true strength yet, and the man in front of him hadn't shown the strength to press the bottom of the box, the two sides couldn't be considered as doing their best.

"'ve already figured it out?" Kotori tilted her head.

"How can you figure it out..."

Sanderling smiled wryly, looking down at the broken magic sword in his hand.

As if to comfort his master, the magic sword, which was full of murderous aura and weirdness because of the battle, suddenly released a gentle breath, and at the same time healed the penetrating wound on his shoulder.

"I just don't think it's necessary to fight anymore."

"...Is that so?" Kotori heard the words, but did not continue to persuade her.

This man has already made up his mind in his heart, and it is definitely not something that can be reversed by just saying a few nice words.In this case, Kotori would naturally not waste any more words.

As for why he said that there is no need to fight anymore... Kotori actually holds the same idea.

A master's fight does not care about the taking and copying of moves, but the mind contained in the knife and sword, which is the so-called strong and weak will.

A person's character will affect the fighting style, and a person's will will affect whether the weapon is sharp or not.

And the kendo master who has condensed the sword intent is forged with a body of pure sword energy. As long as the will is not extinguished and the heart is still, the sword in his hand will never be broken.

It's a pity that the magic sword in the man's hand was broken from beginning to end.

Because his mind and will were crippled from the beginning.

The breaking of the magic sword did not come from the destruction of external pressure, but from the collapse and fragmentation of his inner soul.

In fact, it is also the result of Sanderling's tragic life.The death of both parents and the collapse of the family may sound like a bad thing, but it is a wound that is difficult to heal for the actual victim.

Even if he has a lover and a close friend in the future, so that the magic sword can gradually recover, it is a pity... After learning the cruel truth, there will be no chance of healing now.

Because in his opinion, the warmth and sweetness in his memory are all fake things, crude products created by the creator for 'fun'.He had never had hope and was never really cared for.

"The name of the sword king is just a laughing stock after all. I have no intention of holding a sword to fight."

The tone that was originally full of hostility has gradually calmed down at this moment.

Sandrine smiled slightly at Kotori. "I feel a lot from your knife...Although you look very young, you are such a complicated person in your heart. I really didn't expect it..."

" are similar." After all, Kotori still sighed, and the expression on her face was replaced by helplessness.

Because the girl had already anticipated what this man wanted to do next.

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