After learning the truth just now, Kotori still feels apologetic to those girls.

But now... this physique may still be able to play an appropriate role.

"But, is this really good?"

Kotori said in a low tone, not sure if she was speaking to herself or to May in front of her.

"Using this kind of physical talent to actively seduce the other party to gain favor, what is the difference between this approach and those scumbags? The most important thing is... Can the emotions obtained by using this kind of cheating really be stable forever? ?”

Do I really want to use this kind of dirty method...?

Qin Li hesitated.




Chapter 852

"do not think too much about it..."

Mac broke the dead silence with a sound.

Kotori looked up, only to find that the fear and anxiety on May's face had disappeared, replaced by a soft smile.

"Your special physique is not a great disaster..."

"But in my opinion, this is no different from distorting the thoughts of girls." Kotori frowned.

If Kotori didn't take it seriously before, then after knowing the truth now, Kotori has to take it to heart.

If you deliberately pretend to be stupid when you know it, you are really a rogue with a thick skin.

"If you don't really want to get along, isn't this just playing around..."

"That's why, Kotori, you think too much!" Mei Ke slightly aggravated her tone, interrupting Kotori's words.

The girl stared blankly at Mei Ke, who suddenly became stronger, and almost didn't react.

And Mei Ke would not stop speaking of persuasion in response to this.

"Didn't I tell you? Your physique is not a scourge, but a talent I bestowed on you! It's like having a spiritual crystal in your body, which is a part of you...'Wuhe Qinli'. An indispensable part! Just like your hands, feet, and even your appearance!"

"Or, are you going to tear your hands off before talking about emotional issues?"

"..." Kotori was immediately speechless by what Mei Ke said.

Indeed, what Mei Ke said was very reasonable, and Kotori really couldn't find any words to refute it.Although a special physique may be called special, it is still a physique and a part of the body.

How can there be any reason to choose to abandon one's own strength?

Thinking of this, Kotori couldn't help recalling the words that his reverse body said at the beginning - "Don't abandon a part of yourself, only the complete 'Wuhe Kotori' is the real Kotori. '

"Okay, you're right." Kotori looked at Mac helplessly.

"Although I'm a little annoyed at why you set me up with such a strange setting, but I have to are indeed worthy of my creator, and you understand my thoughts very well..."


Hearing Qin Li's praise, Mei Ke couldn't help but smirked a few times, as if it was very useful.

"However, in this strategy, we must be careful." Qin Li's expression gradually calmed down, and he said in a rather dignified tone:

"Although I chose to attack the other party to save the world and save Altair, I still have no way to do the real love and dating strategy with peace of mind like me in the original book. Especially the participant is myself."

"I may reveal a lot of flaws and tell lies, and I may fail because of Altair's excessive obsession..."

"At this time, leave it to us." Mei Ke smiled and patted her chest.

"We will definitely be your strongest wingman and create a perfect 'dating opportunity' for you! Don't have any psychological burden, just give it a go!"


Seeing her incomparably passionate appearance, although Kotori smiled wryly, a little heat was aroused in her heart.Of course, it wasn't because he was excited about meeting Altair on a date, it was purely because he was affected by the aura of Meke...

Maybe... I have some similarities with Mac in some respects, right?


The mission flow this time was quickly decided.

Kotori finally decided to play in person, to become Altair's sweetheart as much as possible, and to divert her attention, so that she would give up her long-cherished wish of destroying the world, and instead focus all her energy on the beauty of future life Looking forward to above.

According to Kotori and Meko's guess, relying on Kotori's special physique plus her own personality and temperament, it should be easy to attract Altair's attention. As long as they get in touch with each other more, the relationship between the two should be Feelings can be born very quickly and spread like a prairie fire.

Until finally completely captured Altair's body and mind.

Of course, Kotori will not really want to marry Altair or something. Although affection may be born, Kotori can also choose to conduct reasonable guidance to transform this affection into love for a peaceful life~

Coupled with the assistance of Mei Ke and others around, logically speaking, it should be foolproof.

But after listening to the detailed procedure of this task, the three faces who were assigned as wingman members are all forgiven?/p>

what is this?

Watching your loved one attack other people?

You must know that she is not the innocent elf girls in the original story. She can face rivals in love without changing her face, and get along harmoniously all day long.

No... if that kind of thing really happened, get along with each other or something... forget it.

But let her help Qinli to attack other people with her own hands?

The difficulty level is too high! ?

"Could it be you who are obstructing it?" Kuang San narrowed his eyes, showing a trace of coldness.

Meko, who was stared at by this gaze, trembled all over, scratched his head and laughed dryly.

Even if there is no need to answer, Kurumi already knows what is going on.

She couldn't help but sighed, and looked at Kotori helplessly.

"So...are you really going to do this kind of thing?"

"Player, do you really want..." Nero hesitated for a long time before he said slowly, "Do you really want to sacrifice your beauty to achieve your goal?"

"What do you mean I sacrifice my beauty!?" Kotori complained, "Obviously this is more like me trying to abduct Altair, right?"

"Hey... It seems to me that it's almost the same." Nero is not as helpless as Kuang San, it seems that he has already seen it through.

But soon, she showed a clean and thorough smile.

"Zuozhe's concubine...isn't she also Yu's concubine in a sense?"

Kuang San: "..."

Kotori: "..."

Well, this is not a question of seeing through or not seeing through at all.It's just that she doesn't care about this kind of problem at all!

Should it be said that it is His Majesty the Emperor?It is completely different from normal people in terms of thinking!

Especially Kurumi is feeling melancholy at the moment... No wonder Nero didn't care at all when he just made a mess for a while when facing her joining.

It turns out... this is treating herself as her own wife! ?

Thinking of this, Kurumi silently moved a few steps closer to Kotori, taking a few steps away from Nero.

"Hey... What's wrong with you, Kuang San?" Nero tilted his head.

"...No, it's nothing. It just happened to let me know a cruel truth." Kurumi's smile at the moment seemed quite forced.

It may take some time for Kuang San to slowly digest and relieve the successive shocks today.

However, she no longer vetoed the decision and approach this time.

At least let Kotori try it. If something is wrong, then find another way. After all, as long as Altair can be stabilized, the world will not fall into the crisis of destruction.

The other reincarnations...let them handle it with these two wingmen!As long as anyone dares to disturb Qinli's date, they will immediately shoot each other's head!




Chapter 853 Old Siji Appears! (fourth more)

Now that the implementation plan of the task has been determined, the girls naturally started their respective tasks.

Although there is plenty of time, if it can be completed as soon as will be fine.

So after preparing for a while, Kotori immediately got ready and walked towards the room where Altair was.

As soon as the door was opened, the girl saw Altair in thin pajamas sitting calmly on the chair, staring at herself with unwavering eyes.

The four eyes met, and the atmosphere seemed a little silent.

Such a strange situation immediately made Qinli hold back the opening remarks that she had originally prepared. For a while, she stood at the door and neither entered nor retreated. She could only show an extremely embarrassed smile and froze in place foolishly.

"That, that..."

The originally sharp articulateness seemed to have lost its effect, and Kotori hesitated for a long time without knowing what to say.But fortunately, at this time, the miniature earphones hidden in Qinli's ears played their due role.

"Kotoli, don't stand there stupidly!Say hello to her or ask her if she's hungry! '

Mike, that's great!

From the bottom of her heart, Qinli was secretly grateful to Meco for her timely help, and at the same time said with a parrot-like smile: "Altair, do you feel a little hungry if you haven't eaten breakfast yet? I can go and prepare some breakfast for you or something like that. .”

But Altair shook his head calmly.

"Thank you for your kindness, my body doesn't really need to 'eat'."

Qin Li was dumbfounded.

That's right... For extraordinary creatures like myself, eating is actually not for replenishing energy, but purely for the desire of tongue.Being able to relax and adjust your attitude towards life is also a kind of life sentiment.

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