Facing Cupid's persuasion, the reincarnated people looked at each other, but their expressions were slightly gloomy.

The main task is just around the corner, so there is no reason not to do it.What's more, everyone present is a reincarnation of the fifth realm, and not even one person is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.Only those who overcome difficulties and are brave and good at fighting like dragons and tigers can better break through barriers and get to where they are today.

If they were scared to run away after being scared by just one or two words... This would also be a heavy blow to them, and it might leave an indelible mark on their hearts, until it turned into a catastrophe!

Never retreat!

What's more, even if they were killed in this dungeon, they would just quit the dungeon. With such a good escape route, if they shrink back and dare not act rashly, then they will really be the so-called surviving people!

"It seems that you don't want to leave."

Seeing the vigor and will of the reincarnated people around him, Cupid sighed secretly, and then spread his hands, posing in a posture full of flaws.

"In that case, let's go together. It's been a long time since I tested the mortals in the world."

"If you can hurt me, it will be my defeat. And if you can't hurt me, it will be your group's defeat."

"And the result of the defeat..."

A hint of killing intent flickered in Cupid's pupils, and he murmured in a cold tone: "There is only one way to die!"

But at this moment, a golden light soared into the sky through the houses below!

The God of Cupid, who had just let go of the cruel words, suddenly changed his face slightly, and quickly stepped back and looked down, only to find that Mei Ke's house was covered by bursts of bright light at this moment, and strands of golden streamer flew out of it , The extremely dazzling brilliance pierced through the clouds in the sky, dispelling all the dense clouds around it like the sun descending, and the terrifying thunder was directly scattered and disappeared without a trace.

"This is..." Cupid's face changed several times, and then he seemed to think of something, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

She already knew... Kotori has recovered from her dying injury!

Everything has been settled.



PS: Blade Plus (303/366)


Chapter 885 Nirvana Rebirth

The body is like a piece of stagnant water, and the soul seems to be an empty shell.

The girl named Wuhe Qinli was exhausted at this moment, all her potential was exhausted, and even the eternal flame had been completely extinguished, like the fire of life.

A series of breaking through the limit is not without cost, especially since Kotori is now a high position in the sixth domain, it is even more impossible to forcibly increase her own strength without any scruples.For the gods of the sixth domain, the method of increasing strength is beyond the ordinary practice. If you want to go further, you must gradually temper your divine power, divine spark, divine consciousness, and divine soul to the peak of the limit, and use your own The domain of power controlled by it divides the universe within the body and forms a world of its own.

Only a transcendent existence in its own realm can truly transcend the sixth realm, beyond the so-called 'gods' realm.

And this requires an extremely long time accumulation to be able to do it.

It may be counted in units of tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even hundreds of millions or billions of years, because it is almost impossible to surpass the realm of gods. If you want to rely on your own groping to surpass The limit is even more difficult.

But the girl did it for a moment.

In the soul state, Kotori seems to have escaped the shackles of the physical body, relying only on her own will and fighting spirit to increase her strength without limit, and finally touched that layer of emptiness at the last moment The invisible barrier has reached the limit level of the realm of gods!

And with this supernatural blow, he finally repelled a certain existence entrenched in Altair's body.

It's a pity... the price of this blow was extremely high.

Forcibly improving one's own strength without a limit is a helpless move to fight against the water, but the sequelae brought about by it made Kotori's soul almost dissipate.

Until... a warm and comfortable clear stream seeped into her dry body, soaking her body and mind.

With the expansion and increase of the power of time, Kotori only felt as if he had passed through thousands of years, and his body and mind gradually settled down.The blazing fighting intent that was enough to burn him gradually cooled down, and his mind regained his peace, and with the help of this spiritual power, he repaired his soul and body.

until fully recovered.


Kotori opened her eyes again, and let out a breath of foul air.

The body moved slightly, but it creaked like a machine that had been in disrepair for a long time, and the reborn spiritual power in the body slowly began to flow.

Consciousness is clear, the heart is clear.

At this moment, Kotori seemed to feel that he was able to see through and analyze the whole world, and see through the truth of everything in the world with a glance, and raised his jade hand as if lifting the whole world.

This feeling is... pretty amazing.

But it's actually not that exaggerated.

"Cough, cough, cough..." But an unbearable sound of coughing blood brought back Kotori's trance consciousness, and quickly turned her head to look, only to find that it was Kuang San who covered his mouth and coughed lightly with a pale face. Very dispirited.

"Kang San you..."

Seeing her like this, Kotori bit her lower lip tightly.

The girl knew very well who repaired her physical body and filled her vacant spiritual power at the critical moment, and even greatly slowed down the flow of time around her through the power of time, assisting her to spend thousands of years in the torrent of time to restore A battered soul.

After all this consumption, even if Kuang San is already an existence in the sixth domain, it will be too much for him.

"Kinri...you're fine...it's fine..." Kuang San panted twice, her cherry lips parted slightly as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she rolled her eyes and passed out past.

"..." Kotori hugged the unconscious Kuangzo in time, and sighed softly.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's good that you're fine." A little laughter sounded from the side, making Kotori slightly startled.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was Mei Ke who was looking at him with a smile.

But Kotori is very convinced... the existence in front of him is definitely not the 'Maike' in his memory!

"Are you..."

"As you can see, I am Mac from the future."

As she said, the woman who appeared in front of Kotori is from the future.Just from her plump and soft figure, one can get a glimpse of it, and there is a gentle and charming look that Mei Ke doesn't have in her frowns and smiles. There is no doubt that this is a girl who can't be faulted. The perfect wife.

"The future...'Maike'." Kotori's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked to the side of the room.

The modern Mei Ke in his memory was lying on the ground in a daze, as if he had been knocked out by something.

"Don't look, that immature little guy was naturally knocked out by me." Mature Meike covered her mouth and chuckled twice.

"In my eyes, the me in the past is like a black history."

"..." Kotori didn't know how to react.

But the mature Meike waved his hand indifferently, pointed to the laptop that was turned on, and said: "This is a karmic cycle after all, and I was destined to come here a long time ago." The essence is actually the simplification of the so-called power of faith, but even if it is just a simplification, it can still have extraordinary effects."

"Even if you are dead, you can still be reborn in Nirvana in the raging fire and climb to a higher level! This world... no, the Great Thousand World will not stop your footsteps at all."

"What do you mean...?" Kotori asked calmly.

"It's very simple."

The mature Mei Ke stretched out a finger and stuck it to her lips. "Ask your own heart and you will get the answer."

As soon as the voice fell, traces of fluorescence began to emerge from all over her body, and her body became much more transparent.

"Ah~ Kuangsan's time is about to run out, so I won't bother you any more." Mature Meike bowed to Kotori, her soft smile never disappeared from the beginning to the end.

Kotori also knows... this mature version of Future Meko should be Kurumi who forcibly summoned from the future through his own ability.And Kuang San has passed out at this moment, and his spiritual power is exhausted, so naturally he can no longer maintain the physical existence of this mature Meike, and her appearance is obviously going back to the future.

It's just that a question came to mind, and Kotori blurted out a little uncontrollably:

"What is your appearance like..."

"Little secret~" Mature Meike seemed to have expected it long ago, showing a playful smile towards Qinli, and then disappeared completely.


Kotori glanced at the laptop not far away, which seemed to be a prop used by May to code and write.And in that flickering screen is displaying a string of small text.

But at this distance, Kotori could see very clearly.

[Nirvana rebirth: After suffering fatal damage, Wuhe Qinli can be reborn from the flames, and his strength has been further improved. 】

And this string of information was posted on a social platform and received a considerable number of replies.

"Really..." Kotori laid Kuangsan on the ground, then took a deep breath and looked up.

"Before thinking about those tedious things, let's get rid of those troublesome guys over there."

Muttering to herself, Kotori raised her right hand at the same time.

The next moment, the golden light burst out and directly penetrated the roof into the sky. Countless golden streamers escaped and penetrated into the bodies of the girls in the room, starting to repair their respective injuries.

At the same time, Kotori's figure also disappeared in place, appearing in a trance next to Cupid outside the house.

And after seeing the person who came, all the reincarnations present gasped, their faces extremely horrified.




Chapter 886 Tacit cooperation?

What appeared in front of their eyes at this moment was a terrifying existence exuding infinite power!

The light and heat that hurt their souls and minds shocked the hearts of all the reincarnators, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps to create a certain distance.It wasn't until they were able to withstand a certain amount of pressure that they gasped in shock.

When the golden light broke through the air just now, it almost broke their will, making it difficult to fight again!

Who on earth... has such a terrifying presence, just appearing in the field of vision is enough to make them unable to raise their intentions to fight again! ?

But after taking a closer look, the faces of these reincarnators suddenly changed.

Shocked, puzzled, surprised...

But most of all there was a hint of surprise.

What caught the eye was a dreamlike petite figure, the feathered spirit clothing wrapped around her was fluttering, and her long hair was floating like a river of bright stars.From a distance, it seems that she is as unattainable as a goddess, and has a somewhat unspeakable sense of dignity.Even if you look at the vast world, it is a rare and beautiful posture.

"Kinli, have you recovered yet?" Cupid's voice broke the deathly silence.

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