I have been busy here for such a period of time, just racking my brains for her problems.Now it's finally over, but the other party just turned around and left so straightforwardly, which really made Mei Ke feel helpless.

"I think this kind of blunt style is very good~" Qinli spread her hands and said, "Could it be that you still want her to cry and hug us desperately and refuse to leave?"

Mei Ke imagined that scene for a while, and couldn't help shivering.

"Forget it, it's really better to go simply."

Like Kotori, she is really not good at dealing with other people's tears, especially this kind of sad parting tears.

But after a moment of silence, Meko whispered:

"So, are you leaving too?"


Qin Li nodded, but seeing Mei Ke's sullen look, he couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "You didn't want to come out to see him off, why did you insist on coming out, but you have such an expression instead? At least give me a smile." something like that?"

Kurumi and Nero on the side also laughed and said nothing.

"Cough cough..."

Mei Ke's face froze slightly when he heard the words, then put his hands on his hips, raised his head and chest, and said loudly: "Then, Kotori Kurumi and Nero, we will see you in the main god space in the future!"

"And when we meet again... I may have become super powerful!"

"Come on!" Kotori clenched her small fists and cheered the high-spirited Mac.

The next moment, a burst of fluorescence enveloped the three girls, and suddenly disappeared in place.


Mei Ke stood at the door of the house for a long time, just looking ahead with erratic eyes.

But in her heart, she was still thinking about all the words Kotori said to herself before.

After a while, she opened her mouth and whispered:





Chapter 897 Enemy of Outland

"Phew... are we back yet?"

Opening his eyes again, Kuang San looked at the calm and pure white space around him, his expression seemed a little dazed.

After a while, she smiled wryly and shook her head.

"I still haven't gotten used to this peaceful atmosphere..."

"The main god space you are in is really so cruel?" Kotori on the side had just called up the settlement list for this dungeon, and heard Kuang San's melancholy sigh.

"This is already the second time you have returned after completing the dungeon."

According to Kurumi's temperament, getting used to something should be quite simple and easy.

Unless the impression was too deep, it caused her to face this scene several times without really adapting.

"The difference is too big... I was attacked by other reincarnations several times as soon as I was teleported back."


This is really a frightening day.

Kotori couldn't help knowing more about Kurumi's past.She continued to strengthen herself in the environment of intrigue and constant fighting, but she did not join forces with those people, and still maintained her own clarity of mind.

It's really rare.

"Okay, let's change our mood. Let's take a look at our dungeon harvest this time."

Kotori set up three chairs, sat on them with a whoosh sound, raised her little feet, and placed the liquidation interface in mid-air with a swipe of her finger.


[The main task is completed.Reward 8000 points]

[Complete side task 1, reward 2000 points]

[Sub-quest 2: Reward 1000 points, alliance flag]

[Submission 3: Reward 10000 points, alliance seal]

[Special side mission 4: Reward 10000 points]

"It seems to be quite rewarding..." Kotori blinked, looking at the so-called alliance seal with some confusion.

"What is this thing for?"

As he said that, Kotori summoned the gift with a single move.The shape is square, and it does look like a big seal, but the whole body is bright and transparent, so it can be seen that the materials used to make it are by no means ordinary.


And at the moment when the seal of the alliance appeared, the entire main god space trembled slightly, as if it had aroused some kind of resonance!


Kotori looked around in surprise.

Could it be that this seemingly inconspicuous alliance seal has a special ability that is closely related to the space of the main god! ?

"The so-called alliance is imprinted in my memory. It should be the props that those large reincarnation teams will use to expand their manpower." At this time, as a veteran reincarnation, Kuang San quickly gave an answer .

"Although I don't have any teammates worthy of praise, I have seen this thing in several copies. There are quite a few reincarnations who are vying for this thing."

"It's still a rare commodity?"

Kotori looked at the alliance seal floating on his palm in surprise.

If what Kurumi said is correct, then such a seal can increase the upper limit of the number of reincarnation teams and the size of the space, which is indeed somewhat closely related to the space of the main god.

"It's a pity that our reincarnation team... there are only three people in total, right? It seems that there is no need to use it." Kotori sighed regretfully.

If there are already more than a dozen people on Qinli's side, using this thing may have a good effect, adding more manpower to expand the overall strength.

But now...it doesn't make any difference whether you use it or not, right?

"Who can say what will happen in the future~" Kuang San nodded his lips, and opened a meaningful smile.


I always feel that Kurumi's words mean something... But in the end, Kotori wisely did not speak, and silently put away the alliance seal in his hand.

There will always be a time when it will be useful... probably.

"Hey, player. Is this special side mission... the one you repelled?" Nero on the side didn't interfere with the conversation between the two, but stared at the text on the list, wondering:

"The existence of 10000 points... is stronger than the gods I faced in the last dungeon."

Although the value of this kind of points cannot be completely divided with the level of strength, it also has a certain reference value.

Looking at the list, Qinli couldn't help but recall the previous death battle in the darkness and chaos, and her mind sank.

That kind of existence... Even the existence of the sixth domain is difficult to resist alone. At that time, Kotori almost tried his best to cause no significant damage to that existence.It wasn't until the last blow that drained all of his strength that it had any effect.

Pretty scary foe.

At the same time, when completing the task at that time, the word 'foreign enemy' was mentioned in the reminder of the main god.

Thinking of this, Kotori raised his head and said to the main god space: "Master god, tell me, what is the real body of the existence that I repelled in that dungeon before? If you need points, just take them."


【Enemy of Outland】

"Enemy of Outland?" Kotori couldn't help looking at Kuang San, "Do you know this Kuang San?"

"No...I haven't heard of such an existence."

Kuang San shook his head.

Even counting the tens of thousands of years she spent in the copy, she has never heard of this kind of enemy.

"By the way, Nero, you can ask that Miss Venus."

Qinli immediately thought of the mysterious goddess.

"Miss Eros?" Nero quickly closed his eyes and let his mind go empty.

After Kotori and Kurumi waited for a while, Nero opened his eyes again, and traces of fluorescence flickered in his pupils.The thinking between the two has been switched.

"It seems that you want to find out the specific identity of the enemy in Outland?"

"Miss Cupid, do you know?" Kotori's eyes widened in surprise.

Listening to Cupid's light tone, it seems that she knows something unknown.

The most important thing is... Kotori does not know the specific identity of the existence that resides in Nero's body, only the identity of the god of love that she said.

Maybe she had contact with the so-called enemies of Outland in the past?

"That's what you think. I have indeed had contact with this kind of foreign enemy in the past, and I have also fought." Cupid sat on the chair, folded his hands around his chest, and highlighted his plump twin peaks.Without knowing it, he said seriously:

"It's better to say that those enemies in the outer domain are simply existences that are difficult to communicate with. For them, our life forms may also be unable to communicate."

"Is it a language problem?" Kuang San asked softly.

"No, to me the so-called language is just a part of the communication of consciousness. No matter what language it is, it is just a thought."

Cupid's face rarely became a little gloomy.

"But their way of communication... the entire multiverse world will not be this way. They are creatures that really live outside the universe. They have no fixed shape, no definite physical body, and no spiritual body .The only thing that exists in our observation is darkness and chaos."


Kotori and Kurumi couldn't help but fell silent when they heard what Cupid said.

That kind of existence... It really is not a creature that can exist in the ordinary universe, and it doesn't have any characteristics of life at all.

"No wonder I could only see a piece of darkness that was hard to see at the time. It wasn't that the other party's body was too big, but that it didn't have a real entity at all?" Kotori held her chin and frowned slightly.

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