Kotori's eyes widened in astonishment.

Could it be that Kuangsan really went to talk to Nero secretly about this matter without his knowledge! ?

Could, maybe she said something unnecessary?

"Then Nero, will you be angry... or something?"

"Angry, of course I'm angry!"

Nero suddenly sat up, puffed up his small face, and complained loudly: "That vixen, it's for real! I thought she was just joking at the beginning! But in terms of speaking skills, Yu Can't argue with her...After being talked about non-stop for several days, Yu can only surrender."

"Surrender, surrender means..." Kotori's expression suddenly became subtle.

"What do you say?"

Asking back, Nero immediately took a deep breath.

Then, under Kotori's somewhat dumbfounded gaze, Nero opened his chest and hugged him like a child who had lost a fight, while squeezing Kotori with his plump breasts, while whimpering. non-stop.

Why Yu can only forgive you, why you are all Yu's wings, nonsense like that.

It looks like being coquettish.

Although what he said was a mess, Kotori probably heard it clearly.

Nero and Kurumi secretly made some kind of agreement without telling themselves... a tacit understanding was reached.

Kotori is really dumbfounded now.



PS: Blade Plus (313/366)


Chapter 909 Entering the Dungeon (Fifth Change)

Three days passed quietly, and during this time, Kotori was entangled with the current situation.

What Nero and Kuangsan did afterwards really made Kotori a little confused, especially in the dead of night, Kotori always felt as if she was being treated as a pillow, and was taken away by Nero and Kuangsan. To hold in my arms.Although he didn't do anything weird, this feeling is still a bit subtle after all.

What Kotori really wanted to complain about was that Kuang San had such a big room to sleep in, but he insisted on squeezing into his little bed. The three of them squeezed together almost turned into meat buns.

As for the daytime, the situation is not much better.

These two girls always moved closer intentionally or unintentionally, and anyone with a discerning eye could see their deliberate actions.This was especially intensified when Qinli summoned the warship girls from the town guard's mansion, and she was almost on the verge of prostitution in the daytime.

This somewhat irritating behavior not only made Kotori extremely helpless, but also frightened the ship girls who were summoned, and finally returned to the guardian mansion with blushes and heartbeats.

Until Hibiki was summoned to the real world again.

Kurumi and Nero calmed down all of a sudden, and there was a faint feeling of fighting against each other.Fortunately, Hibiki's temperament is cool, and since he came to the real world, he has been in a fairly quiet state, sitting in front of Nero and Kurumi, looking directly at them without wavering.

One can't help but wonder if Hibiki was entrusted by those ship girls to come here to monitor Nero and Kurumi.


"So, you two guys are really... disturbing."

Qin Li, who had already returned to the main god's space, glared at the two girls behind him angrily. "I know that your emotions may be a little excited these two days, but you don't need to be so exaggerated, right? You look like a slut!"

"Ahem..." Nero turned his head with a blushing face.

You have been working for three days, and now you realize that you should learn to be shy! ?

Qin Li glared fiercely at Kuang San at the side, but saw the corners of her lips raised in a seductive arc.

The impression of Kurumi deep in the memory can't help but come to mind, making Kotori sigh helplessly.

"Are you back to your original nature?"

"No, it's just a proper display of charm. Things like feelings need to be warmed up slowly, right?" Kuangsan nodded her delicate cherry lips, and said with a smile: "Our previous relationship was too dull, Sure enough, it still takes a little passion~”

"Stop, stop, I'm not an impatient person. I don't appreciate you saying such things to me suddenly." Kotori waved her hand quickly, turned around pretending to be calm and said to the main god:

"Lord God, call up the basic information of the next dungeon."

Now let's focus on the copy.

And after hearing these words, Nero and Kurumi also looked at each other, quickly calmed down their emotions, and returned to their previous normal state.

In fact, the reason why they have been so abnormal these two days is that they just want to test the subconscious acceptance of Kotori through practice, and they are quite satisfied with the final result.

Now that the result has been basically obtained, there is no need to put on that abnormal posture anymore.

Soon, the main god space also gave corresponding hints.


[Reincarnation No. 2017, Reincarnation No. 1042, the twelfth reincarnation mission is about to start]

[Task number: three people]

[Task objective: publish after entering the copy]

[Mission World: Unknown]

[Attention, this world is very special, please handle it carefully]

Kotori hadn't read the information carefully before hearing the last sentence from the main god space.

Be careful?

This is quite a rare situation in the past dozen or so dungeon adventures, and some rather weird developments will happen every time we encounter it.Kotori secretly raised some vigilance, and intuitively told the girl... There may be something in this copy that is enough to make him feel troublesome.

"Three people?" Kuang San noticed this.

"Doesn't this mean that there are only three of us in the copy this time?"

Qin Li was stunned, and then his face darkened slightly.

There is only one team of reincarnators... If Nero and Kurumi do not exist in my team, wouldn't I be the only one entering the instance?

"Could it be an alternative single-player dungeon in some sense?"

"It's possible, we can't relax our vigilance just because of the small number of people." Kuang San also looked a little serious.

"If something unexpected happens, Yu will ask Ms. Eros to help give a hint."

The God of Cupid in Nero's body is a very reliable senior. If an accident occurs, she can indeed provide a considerable degree of help.

After the girls sorted out all the exchange items and adjusted their own state.Then he stood quietly and waited for the start of the dungeon.

But as time approached and passed, Kotori only felt a sense of panic in his heart, as if something precious slipped away from his fingertips, and then completely disappeared without a trace.His complexion also became more and more ugly.

Strange, never had this feeling before.

And just as the girls were silent, the countdown in the main god space ended completely, and a burst of fluorescence wrapped the girls and disappeared in place in an instant.


It was pitch black all around.

This is Kotori's first intuitive feeling when entering this dungeon.

It was as if it had been stuffed directly into a closed black box, and almost nothing could be seen clearly.

"Player?" Nero's voice rang in his ears, but it seemed a little illusory.Kotori immediately reached out and grabbed Nero's shoulder.


As soon as she opened it, Kotori's eyes widened in surprise.

The air doesn't circulate... No, it's better to say that there is almost no air around, and it is difficult for pure sound waves to spread out.

"Something's wrong, don't run around. Kurumi, are you there?" Kotori immediately turned to his mind to have a conversation.

"Well, I'm here."

Kurumi's voice came from the side.

It seems that the copy this time did not separate the three of them, but directly descended to the same place together.This is probably the only good news right now?

"This is... the abyss of hell?" Nero looked a little uneasy about the scene here, and because of her lack of mental strength, it was difficult to accurately observe the specific scene around her.

"Do not."

Kotori denied Nero's guess and looked down at his feet.

There is no doubt that what he is stepping on is indeed a piece of land.After spreading the perception, it can be roughly cut out that what I and others are on is a huge planet, the only thing missing is sunlight and air.

"In that case..." Kotori pondered for a moment, then raised her right hand high.


Flame spewed out from the girl's hand in an instant, as if it was a ray of light that tore through the darkness, spreading all over the surroundings.

But before the girls showed any joy, the three of them were completely stunned as they looked at the scene in front of them.



PS: Blade Plus (314/366)


Chapter 910 Strange Ruins

What caught the eyes of the girls was a dead land filled with emptiness.

Decayed land, decayed and distorted vegetation, and endless urban wreckage.It seems that because the air has become extremely thin and the gravity is relatively low, there are still a lot of debris and smoke floating in the midair.Other than that, nothing exists.

"Where is this place?" Even the well-informed Kuang San couldn't help but change his face slightly after seeing this strange scene for the first time, and secretly raised a little vigilance.

If the scene in front of me is a place where a city is located, it is too dilapidated, especially the strange air and gravity are not like the feeling that the girls should have in their memories, as if they were in the city. Same as in space.

"It's not clear yet." Kotori replied in a deep voice.

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