All it takes is to fend off the initial attack, and the three of Kotori can join forces to fight the enemies of Outland.

"There is also this exclusive main mission...what does it mean?"

This series of questions made the girls very puzzled, but in the current environment, it is impossible for anyone to answer their questions.

In that case...

"Let me try hard once." Kuang San said solemnly.

"If we just stand here stupidly, there will be no progress at all. Let me try again."

"Try... Do you want to continue to go back to the past memory?"

"Well, since there is no way to restore the memory of a stone or an area, then I will accommodate the entire planet this time, and go back with all my strength!"

Kuang San took a deep breath, and the spiritual power of his whole body began to surge rapidly in his body. With the converging and echoing of the two extreme forces, Kuang San instantly switched to sublimation mode.


But not only that, after she launched the sublimation mode, she opened her hands again, and countless streamers escaped, intersecting and weaving a petite figure beside Kuang San.

"This is...Epel?" Kotori opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Appearing next to Kuang San is the fused Goddess of Time, Apel!

"Long time no see, Kotori." Aipel smiled slightly at Kotori, and then held hands with Kurumi, focusing all his attention on the planet itself.

In this case, Kotori can also understand why such a scene occurs.

Kuangsan summoned Emperor Keke in the sublimation mode, and pushed his ability to the limit, and even re-manifested the personality of Emperor Keke, using this power to trace back time memory.

"Memory recall!"

The moment the voice fell, Kuang San raised his head and his pupils diverged slightly.In an instant, a large amount of memories poured into her mind like a torrent, countless fragments began to splice and aggregate, the hazy mist was dispersed by the strong wind, and the real history was thoroughly revealed in Kuang San's mind.

"No way...?"

After a while, Kuang San opened his eyes, and his pupils shrank sharply!




Chapter 912 Dating world? !

"Did you find something?"

Kotori asked hastily.

This was the first time that the girl saw such violent mood swings by Kurumi, and she couldn't hold back her surprise as it showed on her face.She must have discovered some huge secret in the past memory of the planet!

"I... saw the past..." Kuang San covered his forehead as if in shock.And Epel beside her seemed to want to say something, but his figure froze suddenly, dissipated again and became a piece of time force that flowed into Kuang San's body.

It seems that this violent impact made Kuangsan subconsciously forget to maintain the existence of Aipel.

"What's the matter?" Kotori and Nero both came up to comfort them softly.The little heat from the tightly clenched hands finally made Kurumi gradually calm down.

She let out a mouthful of turbid air, but her eyes kept staring at the planet below, and she said in a trembling tone:

"This our...planet."

"Our planet?" The uneasiness in Kotori's heart expanded, and as a flash of spiritual light exploded in her mind like lightning, the girl suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

"Could it be..."

This the planet where 'Date A Live' is located! ?

"Yeah...that's the world of Date A Live."

When these words came out, not only Kotori fell into silence, but even Nero beside him was shocked.

Of course she knew what the world of Dating A Live represented. It was the world where Kotori and Kurumi were born, and it was also the world where their original novels took place.The most important thing is that Kotori had entered this dungeon once before. Although the end was near at that time, after Kotori arrived, he helped resist two waves of mutant beasts.Gained more breathing time for elves and humans.

In the end, he hurt the existence who was probably behind the scenes.

Relying on the strength gathered by the elf girls and humans, they should also be able to compete with each other one or two times.

Why now... the whole world has been completely destroyed! ?

"Tohka...Ren...Yoshina..." Kotori opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to react, and her face was even more ugly.I don't know how long the world has been destroyed, but the only thing that can be confirmed is... Tohka and the others are absolutely impossible to survive this crisis of annihilation!

In such a world, it is difficult for them to have the opportunity to break through the level of the sixth domain, and there will always be a day when they will be exhausted in the face of the endless mutant beasts.


Kotori couldn't help recalling the huge existence hidden in the ground that he injured before leaving the dungeon, and the impact that monster brought to Kotori was even more unimaginably severe.It is definitely not something that the existence below the sixth domain can solve.

"Could it be that thing that destroyed the whole world!?" Kotori murmured.

And Kurumi seemed to have heard Kotori's murmur, nodded slowly and said: "Yes... an extremely huge alien creature drilled out from the inside of the planet, and it can directly level the human base with a sweep of its tentacles. In an hour, everything on the surface of this planet was wiped out by that monster."

"Even the elves... are not immune."

Speaking of this, Kurumi's expression looked quite helpless.

"It swallowed the core of the planet and grew to a size comparable to that of the planet. In a sense, it is the 'earth' itself. Once it climbs out of the outer shell, the planet itself will be greatly disturbed, and the atmosphere will collapse. Scattering, gravity disorder, under all kinds of sudden changes, even if the monster does not choose to attack, it is impossible for ordinary humans to survive."

"Even elves can't survive for long in such a terrible environment."

Kotori clenched her teeth, her face was gloomy as if water was about to drip.

In this case, how can we talk about saving the world! ?

Whether it is the planet itself, or the humans and elves living on the planet, they have all become dust in history.

"at this time..."

"Use time to go back, Kuang San." 'Nero' said suddenly.

The tone is very different, this is what the Miss Cupid said.

"The Lord God's Dimension should have seen your ability, and then sent you to this instance on purpose. If not, no other reincarnators would be able to save this world."

"Your ability...doesn't it exist just for this moment?"

"...I understand."

Kurumi clenched his fists and nodded slightly.

In fact, it’s not that Kuangsan didn’t want to use a large-scale time retrospective at the beginning, because if the scope is too large, it will inevitably cause considerable changes in the timeline.It is very likely that it will lead to unexpected changes that Kuang San himself cannot predict.

It is possible that in the past, just burning a book may lead to the decline of a great science and cause a huge loss to all human beings.

But now it's different...

Humanity has been completely extinct, and no matter how big the change is, there will be no worries.

"We are now..." When Kuang San was about to say something, suddenly an extremely cold breath rushed up his back, like a poisonous snake on his back!


Kotori's loud shout suddenly sounded, Kurumi and Nero were pulled behind Kotori at once, and layers of flames instantly spread out and turned into an indestructible barrier.


There was an extremely ear-piercing sound of cracking in the space, and countless chaotic darkness permeated the void.

"This is... the enemy of Outland!"

Even without looking up, Kotori can know what is the existence that is suddenly attacking everyone at this moment.

That huge figure that stretches as far as the eye can see seems to completely cover the entire universe... is the enemy of Outland!

The most important thing is that compared with the enemy from the outer domain that Kotori confronted before, the power of the enemy from the outer domain is now three points stronger. Countless planets have been annihilated, and countless galaxies have been covered... .Just in the blink of an eye, the originally bright universe turned into chaos and pitch black.

In the darkness, only the flame released by Kotori remained struggling.

"Is this the big guy that the main mission two wants us to fight?" It was the first time for Kuang San to face the enemy of the outer domain in person, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

This kind of aura is also extremely terrifying to her!

"The completion of this foreign enemy is quite high!" For the sake of safety, God of Love has accepted the control of Nero's body.The moment she saw this foreign enemy, she had already analyzed what might happen next.

If Kotori's current strength exploded to the limit, he would indeed be able to compete with this foreign enemy, and even rely on the ability of Nirvana rebirth to gradually improve his own strength.But... Nero and Kurumi couldn't survive the shock.

"Kuang San, activate the time regression immediately, don't hesitate! Kotori, do your best to block the attack!"

"it is good!"

"Understood!" Kotori took a deep breath, raised her hands, and the golden flame burst out instantly, and the girl's current state has also been raised to the limit of the sublimation mode, and the endless flames swept away like a cosmic storm. Come out, all the surrounding darkness will be washed away in an instant.




Chapter 913 Unknown Time and Space (Fourth Change)

Kuang San seized this fleeting opportunity, and with a coquettish drink, all the power of time and space was stirred up.

At the same time, the figures of Aipel and the Lord of Time appeared behind her like phantoms, and they put their hands on Kuang San's shoulders. The extreme power began to collide and spread in an instant, spreading out in all directions like radiation!

"Twelve bullets!"

It's not just to send someone back to the past, but to twist everything around into the long river of time, and use the huge power of time and space to forcibly deduce back to the past that has passed away.

The surrounding darkness began to distort, the flames began to collapse, and the rules of the universe itself were still faithfully functioning. Under the order of the goddess of time, the universe already filled with darkness began to flow backwards, the destroyed stars re-emerged, and the annihilated galaxy It reappeared bright and dazzling.

The extinguished sun shines again, and the broken and hollow planet returns to nature.


And Kotori and the others, who are in the torrent of time and space, are more like a crumbling boat, gritting their teeth and insisting not to be washed away into an unknown time and space.


"Damn it, this guy was also pulled in!?" Kotori stared at the darkness in front of him, constantly resisting the opponent's impact with flames.

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