"So, the catastrophe that caused hundreds of millions of casualties...is it actually human beings who suffer the consequences?" Kotori's face darkened slightly.

Even though the figures of these five men in black robes are extremely strange, even if they don't exist.In the original plot, these four people must have come to this place to summon the original elf.

"No wonder, this thinner man looks familiar."

Kotori narrowed her eyes and stared at the man's face carefully.

Aizac Ray Pelham Westcott.

This man is the protagonist's biggest enemy in the original plot.At the same time, he is also the executive director of DEM, a real executive, and one of the founders of DEM.

Although Kotori didn't know what the purpose of this man was in the plot of the original novel, judging from his unscrupulous actions... he didn't seem like a good person.

Especially now that he is in the team that is about to summon the original spirit, Kotori has confirmed that this guy's character is extremely bad.

And at this time, the summoning ceremony over there seemed to have come to an end.

The light on the array became brighter and brighter, and almost the magic power from all over the world began to gather, but the aura emanating from the array expanded more and more, and began to spread in all directions like a storm.The expressions of the two women wearing display devices on the side changed slightly when they saw this, and they immediately waited beside the two men, preparing to resist the possible impact.

As for the five men in black robes, they remained unmoved in the slightest, making one wonder whether they were really alive.

"This level of aura...is really beyond the reach of ordinary elves."

Slightly raising his hand to block the impact, Kotori compared it with Tohka and other elf girls in his heart, and he could feel the gap between the two sides.

Even if the magic circle for summoning is only activated, almost all the magic power in this planet is absorbed, and the aura radiated from the magic circle should have swept across the entire continent at this moment, and many people should have discovered what is happening here. produced mutations.

But now is not the time to act.

Kotori is well aware of this.

At present, these people have only opened up the passage connecting the neighboring world, and what escaped is only the breath of the original elves.Her body has not really entered this world yet.

If you act rashly, it will easily lead to the failure of the summoning ceremony. At that time, the elves have not appeared in the world at first, and it is likely to lead to a rampage of the plot, so that other elf girls can no longer enter this world.

At that time... neither Tokisaki Kurumi nor Wuhe Kotori may cease to exist.

In order to be conservative, Kotori still stood by and waited for the time to come.

As for those people around the summoning circle... there is nothing to worry about.

A moment later, the thin man, that is, Isaac, yelled in surprise:

"It worked, we made it! The elves... are about to appear!"

"Isaac, calm down!" The other man quickly growled.

At this time, the summoning array suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance, and everyone was suddenly defenseless and couldn't help but close their eyes.

But Kotori saw it very clearly... the countless cracks that opened in mid-air are constantly expanding and spreading, and wisps of breath escape from them, and their power is enough to destroy the world!

The pinnacle of the fifth domain!

Kotori believes...if the opponent is given a certain amount of time, it will be enough to advance to the sixth realm of gods.

Because she is the root of all elves and the first born elf, her spirituality is high enough to transform into a godhead in an instant!





Chapter 917

Click, click—!

A petite figure gradually solidified, and the outline of a beautiful figure emerged slightly. Its identity was the original elf.But at the same time, the powerful existence collided with the rules of the world, causing the space to crack, and the slightest breath of destruction began to brew from it.

If the elves had completely descended in the first place, it would have directly triggered an extremely large-scale space shock, causing immeasurable losses!


Kotori nodded slightly in the dark.

Now the body of the original elf has completely entered this world, and a torrent of spiritual power is pouring out from the crack in space.If they didn't intervene, it would be impossible for the magicians below to stop the space quake from happening.

And the five men in black robes did not move, as if they just wanted to witness this moment.

Therefore, Kotori moved at this moment.

The figure seemed to pull out one after another residual lights and shadows, rushing out in an instant in the space where the spiritual power was surging!

Shocked by the strong storm and light, the four magicians were all suppressed in place at the moment, struggling to keep their bodies from being blown away by the impact.But the display device on the body as a machine reminded them of the appearance of other people.


"Our whereabouts have been discovered!"

"Hurry up!"

Isaac quickly yelled at the five men in black robes beside him.

At the same time, Kotori was about to stretch out his hand to take away the first elf that emerged from the space gap, but at this moment, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Five black figures appeared in front of Kotori as if they were teleporting.

"Do you want to stop me?" Kotori was not surprised at this situation.

After all, the invisibility cloak is not a magical weapon, and the real reason why it can evade the perception of these people is that Kotori's own breath-holding effect is extraordinary.But once you start to use your power, you will naturally be discovered by these people.

However, their method of action was slightly beyond Kotori's expectations.

It turned out to be space movement.

However, it is not enough to worry about.

Qinli grabbed the invisibility cloak on her body, and slammed it fiercely at the black-robed men in front of her. The strong wind pressure surged out instantly, hitting the five black-robed men like a war hammer.

But the impact, which was enough to smash a tank, dissipated without a trace the moment it touched their bodies, as soft and powerless as a small breeze blowing over the corners of their clothes.


But the people in black robes were slightly taken aback.

Because Kotori who was rushing towards them had disappeared! ?


There was a breezy noise behind them, making the black-robed people subconsciously turn their heads to look, only to find that Kotori had passed through their obstruction and rushed to the front of the original elf.

When exactly?

The black-robed people let out a little gasp, but the movements of their hands were not slow at all.Launched the space movement again, and appeared beside Kotori in a surrounding situation.

What is different from before is that at this moment, there is a crystal clear and jade-like fantasy girl wrapped in a cloak in Qinli's arms.She was closing her eyes tightly at this moment, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.And the impact and abnormal noise that were still earth-shattering gradually calmed down after Qinli hugged her into her arms.

In the final analysis, the reason for the space shock is purely because the existence of the elves is too large for this world, and the huge mass of spiritual power is a considerable impact on the world itself, and the conflict between power and rules will cause the space shock produce.

Therefore, Kotori only needs to adjust the massive rioting spiritual power of the original elves to calm down the space shock that could destroy the continent.

But the thing that really needs to be concerned about right now...is still these five men in black robes with strange identities.

Kotori has never seen the appearance of these men in black robes in the original story, or the real behind-the-scenes BOSS in the original book is Isaac who is still squatting on the ground not far away and unable to get up, and these men in black robes But it doesn't matter.

Sure enough, it was these people who influenced the direction of the plot, leading to the end of the world of Date A Live?

"I thought it would be those reincarnations who made trouble, but now it seems that you are not reincarnations at all."

Kotori said in a calm tone.

"Is it a human, a ghost? Or...beyond the gods?"


The people in black robes who hadn't responded to Kotori's words all the time, after hearing Kotori mention the last "beyond the protoss", their aura fluctuated obviously.Although they still didn't say a word, Kotori already had some guesses in her heart.

I guessed right, these people are indeed related to the Transcendent Protoss.


He didn't say much, and didn't make any extra tentative moves.

At the next moment, these people in black robes took out their pitch-black right hands from the depths of their black robes, and quickly pressed towards Qin Li who was in the center.

A chaotic and dark atmosphere permeated from those arms, and wherever it went, both time and space and energy were greatly distorted.If the creatures in this world touch this kind of abnormal energy, they may suffer a huge impact in the next moment.Even the elf girls couldn't resist it.


To Kotori, this is so fragile that it makes people laugh.

"You are no longer of any use."

Qinli glanced around coldly, raised her two fingers together, and swiped lightly from the void.


A wave-like ripple spread along the direction where the fingertips swipe, and passed over the chests of the five black-robed men who had double-teamed them in an instant.Immediately, all their movements stopped, neither speaking nor moving.

Until it began to break and shatter from the chest, and the spider web-like cracks instantly spread to all parts of the body.

The next moment, it turned into smoke and dissipated without a trace.

"Hmph." Kotori seemed to have dealt with some small cockroach, without the slightest expression fluctuation.

In fact, these people in black robes were really nothing to Kotori.Compared with the huge black palm that covered the sky and the sun that I encountered in the long river of time and space before, there is a fundamental difference between the sky and the earth.Facing that palm, Kotori may need to go all out, but facing these black-robed people, he can completely eliminate them without even turning on the sublimation mode.

"Then the most important thing now is this elf."

Looking down at the silver-haired girl sleeping in her arms, Kotori didn't think too much, and immediately prepared to leave this barren land and head towards the city to settle down the original lady elf.

After all, in a sense... she is also one of the sources of Kotori's power. If possible, Kotori also wants to treat this original elf well.

In the end, Kotori took the primal spirit and broke through the air amidst the unwilling roars of the four magicians below.

Until it completely disappeared from their field of vision.




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