It seems that the other party should have listened.

What the girl is most afraid of now is not her uncontrollable violent spiritual power, but her behavior and actions that have almost no common sense at all, and she will do strange things in this world.

For example, take off your clothes in the street, run around without clothes... and so on.

So Kotori felt that he had to teach her some common sense first, so as to avoid such embarrassing accidents in the future.

So for the next hour, Kotori combined language and body as much as possible, and explained several relatively necessary common senses to the blank-headed initial elves.

You must wear clothes, which is common sense, and you can't use power on ordinary people at will, and you can't destroy things casually...

And the initial elf just seemed stunned at the beginning, but as time went by, she gradually understood what Kotori wanted to express, nodding her head from time to time, tilting her head from time to time, ahhh expressing their incomprehension.

Until the end, Kotori couldn't think of any other common sense that he needed to order specially for the time being.

"Let's be like this for now... If you can remember these things, you won't have any big problems if you want to come and act with me."

"I...understand..." The primordial elf nodded.


Kotori didn't react at first, but soon, the girl's face was startled, and she looked at the primordial elf with some astonishment.

What did I hear just now?

"Did you say something just now?!" Kotori hurriedly approached her, looking directly at her.

"I...understood...?" The primordial elf tilted his head in confusion.

She really spoke up.

Kotori couldn't help opening her mouth wide, and was even more surprised in her heart.

You must know that just an hour ago, this primordial elf was still a blank existence that was quite difficult to even speak, let alone a conversation in human language, and even the pronunciation could only say an 'a——'.

But now...she has been able to babble like an ordinary human baby! ?

After just one hour...she was already analyzing and learning the human language.

"Is this the talent of the original elves?"

"Talent... endowment?" the primordial elf followed up.

Kotori looked at her slightly curious appearance, and felt that instead of using this crappy method to teach her human language, it would be better to let her recognize human language through some more formal methods.

"So, I'm going to be a mother in the next period of time?" Kotori sighed while holding her forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Although this way of caring for others... the girl is not too annoying.

The initial elf is like a pure and flawless white paper, waiting for someone who is destined to add gorgeous colors to her.As for what kind of picture will emerge on this drawing paper in the future... that depends on her own choice.



PS: Add more blades (317/366)


Chapter 920 Mio

The night of this world soon fell, and the sky became dark and dull, with only faint stars shining a little light in the sky.

At this moment, Qinli was looking at the scene outside the window quietly, but her heart was full of thoughts.

Just spent the first day of this time and space, but what I have done has already pushed the plot of this world to an unknown direction that no one knows.The space earthquake that swept across the Eurasian continent did not appear. Will the history of mankind develop like the original plot that I know.

Not to mention those enemies from the outer domain who have no thinking at all, just talk about why those transcendent gods set their sights on this world, and even spare no effort to completely destroy this world.

What is their purpose, what is the plan in the dark, all of this is confusing, as if caught in an unsolvable maze of difficulties.If Kurumi and Nero are around, the three of them... no, with the help of Cupid, the four of them might be able to come up with some future action plans after brainstorming.

but now...

"It's a bit of a headache..." Kotori sighed helplessly.

If it is a battle, the girl will naturally do her part.But regarding the arrangement of the action plan, Kotori was a little bit powerless.The most important thing is that there are no prerequisites for the plan at all, making it impossible to predict what will happen in the future.

There are still thirty years before the plot takes place... No, if you count the accident of the Tiangong City fire, there should be twenty-five years before the plot officially takes place.

Now beside me, there is only this primordial elf who is as clean and pure as white paper, and nothing else.

"Or, can I cultivate this world into a peaceful world where there will be no war between elves and humans?"

Kotori couldn't help but smile wryly twice.

Although this idea is not a whimsical delusion at present.

After all, the source of human's greatest hatred for elves no longer exists under Qinli's intervention. It is only necessary to use the same method to control the elves who come later, so that their spatial vibrations will be as ineffective as possible.Then humans will not have any life-and-death enmity against the elves, and some will only have... racial differences and discrimination.

"But the issue of racial discrimination cannot be ignored..."

"The most important thing is..." Kotori fixed her eyes on the primordial elf who was sitting on the bed and reading a book quietly.

The girl didn't think too deeply about it because the matter was too urgent.But now that she was free, Kotori remembered it.

Elf girls are not real.

The so-called elf is more of a man-made thing, but the person who created those elf girls is the original elf in front of Kotori.

Yes, elf girls are not the same as the original elves, beings summoned from other worlds and other planes, but the original elf in front of me, through the division and endowment of self-power, the crystallization of spiritual power... . That is, the spiritual crystals bestowed on ordinary human beings in this world.

Make it an artificial elf.

Except for the original elves, all the elves that appeared in Kotori's memory, including Kurumi, Tohka, Yoshina, and even Kotori himself, all became elves after accepting the spirit crystals of the original elves.

In other words, only after the initial elves start their own actions, will the elf girls be born in the true sense.

Otherwise, those girls would just spend their entire lives as ordinary people in this world of time and space.

"However, in the original plot, why did the primordial elves split their own power and deliberately create so many elf girls?" Kotori was puzzled by this.

Logically speaking, relying on the power of the original elves, not to mention destroying the planet, simply being invincible in the world should not be a big problem.Even if the magicians rely on the display device to strengthen themselves, or even form a pair of magician troops to besiege her, they may not be able to win.

Not to mention that in the age when she was just summoned and the technology of the display device was still immature, the strength of the magicians was not as explosive as in the later period of the original book. It's just to increase their original magic power.

It is easy for the initial elves to slap these people to death with a single slap.

It is such a powerful and transcendent existence, and why is it that it hides itself and turns into a phantom to act secretly?

After much deliberation, Kotori couldn't think of any special significance for this behavior.

Or, is there any extremely special ritual for artificially creating elf girls that needs to be performed by the original elves?Or... What weakness in her body was discovered, which made her only able to do some things cautiously in that way?

Can't figure it out.

There are too many mysteries in the initial elves, and the [-] years left behind are even more unpredictable for Kotori.Under the interference of the two factors, it is even more impossible for the girl to figure out anything useful.

"Hey, it's either the brain school or it's not good."

And just as Qin Li sighed and murmured, a voice as clear as spring water resounded slightly.

"not happy?"

Kotori turned her head to look, and found that the primordial elf, who was reading a book with her head down, was staring straight at herself at this moment.The eyes were clear and clean, but there were no emotional fluctuations in them.

Coupled with her almost unwavering expression, she is like a puppet without heart and thinking.

Of course, Kotori wouldn't expect her to be able to talk and laugh with her like a normal human being in just half a day, and this non-salty attitude is a normal reaction now.


Kotori just shrugged her shoulders when asked by the original spirit.

"It's just a little confused about future actions, and I don't know what to do."

Of course, this little confusion is only temporary.

Although the next time may still make Kotori helpless and melancholy, she will eventually find a path leading to the right path.

"Do...something." The original elf murmured, but his eyes were a little empty.

Seeing her like this, Kotori shook her head amusedly.

Although this guy's heart is as blank as a blank sheet of paper, his learning ability is really terrifying. Language, thinking, ideas, these things are constantly copied according to his own template.

Her expression now... probably looks very similar to mine, right?

Kotori took two steps forward, patted the shoulder of the primordial elf, and saw that she subconsciously looked up, the girl couldn't help smiling.

"What's your name? It wouldn't be a good idea if I kept calling you the primordial elf?"

"Initial...Elf?" She looked at Kotori in a daze.

After a moment of silence, he said softly:


"Zero?" Kotori pondered slightly, but a flash of inspiration seemed to flash in her mind, and she blurted out: "How about your name is... Mio?"

Clean and clear like a mountain stream, it also means the original elves.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you follow my surname." Kotori scratched her cheek and smiled lightly.

"Five Rivers... Mio."

The original elf... No, she should be called Wuhe Mio now.

She kept chanting the name, but her eyes were fixed on Kotori, never leaving for a moment.



.._:(′_`」∠):_ ...

Chapter 921 The Broken Silence

Ever since Kotori gave this elf girl a name, Wuhe Mio has always seemed quite excited and happy.Although the expression was still blank as before, as if it was facial paralysis, there were no waves.

But Kotori could still feel a little bit of happiness from her every move and tone of voice.

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