She was still just a child in many ways.

Thinking of this, Kotori sighed, took the trembling Mio into her arms, patted her slender back gently, and said softly:

"Don't worry, with me by your side, there won't be any danger. Kotori, I will protect you well."

"...Yeah." After looking at Kotori's smile, Mio nodded slowly.

But she still buried her head in Qinli's chest, and refused to raise her head again.The slightly warm breath brought a hot feeling to the chest, and after more than ten seconds passed, Kotori grinned, revealing a subtle smile.

Even after several years, I still can't get used to the numb feeling in my chest.

If it's Kuangsan or Nero, he should be able to keep his face from being rubbed on his chest... um.

Concentrating slightly, Kotori turned her head and looked towards the direction outside the window.Those men in black robes were dealt with, but those magicians just now were still alive.

Sure enough, just as Kotori turned his gaze outside, he saw the magicians flying up again at a glance.But what was different from before was that this time they didn't have any extra nonsense, and directly raised their respective weapons, aiming the muzzle of the guns with high concentration of magic power at Kotori.

These magicians finally fully understood the strength gap between the two sides.

But...he still didn't give up the task of capturing Mio.

For these magicians, as the original elf above the Kabbalah life system, the existence of Mio has an irreplaceable symbolic meaning.If we can conduct detailed and in-depth research, maybe we can find more knowledge from Mio!

Especially the terrifying aura that escaped from Mio when she appeared in the world at that time made them recognize Mio's value!

must get!

Even if you risk your life, you must get it!




Chapter 923 Excessive Arrogance (Fourth)

"You guys are really entangled..."

Sighing impatiently, Kotori snapped her fingers, and an invisible barrier appeared outside the hotel.

At the same time, the bombardment of these magicians also came suddenly!


A violent roar sounded suddenly, and the spreading air wave surged out even more.

But the magicians who fired the magic bombardment were all horrified at the moment. After looking at the intact hotel and not even a trace of glass cracks, they all froze in place, stunned.

Just now... what happened? !

"How is this possible!? The magic that empowers the display device has no effect at all!?"

They naturally experimented with the specific power of shelling before taking action, or in other words... while developing and transforming the display device through elf techniques, they also considered the issue of weapon destruction.

In addition, the people present are all some of the most powerful magicians in the world. Under the induction and activation of the display device, even if there is no need to describe complicated and complicated magic circles and chanting lengthy spells as before, It will be able to release a magical bombardment comparable to a missile.

But this kind of terrifying lethality that was unimaginable in the past is... completely ineffective! ?

No, they couldn't even see through the methods the opponent used to resist the bombardment!

Could there be such a powerful magician in this world? !

"No, it's impossible!" A girl with long dark golden hair gritted her teeth secretly, her eyes pierced through the smoke and dust, and stared at Qin Li in the back room.

The eyes of the two also met.


At this moment, the blond girl seemed to have seen something frightening, her pupils contracted violently, and even the random domain of the so-called protective measures began to collapse and disappear by itself.Her sudden strange appearance naturally fell into the eyes of several companions beside her.

"Alan, what's wrong with you?!"

"No... that's not a magician!" the girl named Allen murmured tremblingly.

"Not a magician?" These words made the surrounding magicians frown slightly, "Is that girl the same as those people in black robes...?"

The companion's guess did not get an accurate response, because Allen seemed to have met a natural enemy at this moment, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his face became even more ferocious.

"She's... an elf!!"

"What...!?" The magicians held their breath, and looked in Kotori's direction in astonishment.

Not a magician, but... an elf?

Naturally, they would not doubt what the girl said. After all, among all people, it was her who had the most in-depth and sensitive control over magic power, and it was not difficult to perceive existences that were completely different from human beings.

But what shocked these magicians the most was... why there were two elves!

Especially the red-haired elf was not summoned by them at all!

"Could it be that someone has been exposed to the in-depth study of elf spells earlier than us?!" Isaac on the side gritted his teeth.

And when these magicians were in a mess, Kotori had already held Mio's little hand, walked to the window again, and looked at these people calmly.

"Give up, your approach will only bring destruction to this world."


The magicians were taken aback, probably because they didn't realize that the elves could communicate with them, right?

But Kotori didn't take the reaction of these people to heart, she just said to herself:

"I don't know what is your intention in summoning the elves, but obviously, your actions will only make yourself deeper and deeper, and even let the whole world be buried with you. Not to mention the elves and magicians Even ordinary people will perish completely because of your selfish desires."

"Hehe, what does a mere elf know?" The magicians quickly came back to their senses after being shocked at the beginning.But he scoffed at what Kotori said.

In their view, even if the elves are summoned, it is impossible for them to have much common sense about modern society.

It is for this reason that they would think of using elf spells to forcibly summon elves that should not exist.Use inductive lies to deceive the elf with a blank mind, so that she will obediently and voluntarily become a test subject.

For these magicians, even if the so-called elves have a similar appearance to humans, they are still just a moving prop and a blob of power.

Want to talk to them about human survival?

Makes people laugh!

"You're really arrogant." Kotori shook her head amusedly.

It is because of this arrogance that they will lead to the end of destruction.In a sense, it is also a sign that they will be completely destroyed in the disaster of mutant beasts in the future.

Even in the original world where mutant beasts do not exist, the elf girls and the protagonist will eventually overthrow and defeat the conspiracies of these magicians.

Their's still the same in the end.

Thinking of this, Kotori's interest in these characters in the original novel also faded a lot. The villain is still a villain after all, even if it is a different era, it is still so unpleasant.


But Kotori held her chin and quickly thought of a good solution.

It's not necessary to drive out these people, but rather...For me and Mio who have nowhere to go, these magicians are a good advantage.

Don't you want to use the power of elves to do research?

Of course, you need to pay the corresponding price!

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly revealed a devilish smile.It was such a sweet smile, but when it fell into the eyes of these magicians, it was so palpitating and frightening, as if it was being targeted by some ancient beast, life and death were hard to tell!

"Go!" It was probably a life-and-death crisis, these magicians gritted their teeth, pulled out their weapons, and rushed towards Kotori!

But for such a weak attack, Kotori didn't even need to expend much effort to block it.


As the ripples of the corrugated board spread, the pupils of the magicians shrank to a needle shape!

Because they were each filled with weapons wrapped in magic power... They actually stayed in mid-air abruptly, unable to advance an inch!


"Unfortunately, this is the reality." Kotori smiled slightly, holding her vacant right hand tightly.

click, click, click—

The weapons in their hands were suddenly subjected to terrible pressure, and they began to burst into countless cracks and fragments. Under the horrified gaze of the magicians, they crackled into a pile of residue.

"Okay, can we sit down and talk now? Poor magicians."



PS: Blade Plus (318/366)


Chapter 924 Surrender (Fifth Change)

Facts have proved that sometimes showing one's strength in a timely manner can indeed gain an advantage in communication and negotiation.This is especially true when possessing overwhelming power.

After these high-spirited magicians were crushed by Kotori, each of them fell into a long period of sluggishness, until finally Kotori reached out and grabbed one of the female magicians , These people were slightly startled, and hurriedly begged for mercy in a low voice.

Kotori doesn't think these magicians are too stupid. After all, in this world, they do have impressive power. It's not a bad thing for magicians who surpass ordinary people to have a certain amount of pride.

But it is obvious that this kind of pride can turn into a rather stupid conceit when it encounters unexpected strength.

Facing Kotori's request at this moment, they had no choice but to pray for forgiveness and forgiveness in a low voice out of consideration for their own safety.

After all, the power gap between the two sides is really too big.

Not to mention that they can't defeat the opponent in a frontal battle, such a big gap...even if they rack their brains to think of some conspiracies and tricks, it must be difficult to hurt Kotori.In this case, it is the right choice to choose wise and safe.And these conceited magicians have finally made a move that is in line with their heads.

They surrendered.

Very crisp and very simple.

They have already truly felt the powerful strength of Kotori, and also felt their own fragility and powerlessness.After weighing the pros and cons, surrendering and begging for mercy can get more benefits and benefits, so there is no need to fight with face.

Not to mention that Kotori still has a poor hostage in his hands. Out of concern for his friends, the remaining magicians will naturally not be able to mess around again.

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