It's not that the opponent is too strong, but that the opponent is unexpectedly weak.Compared with the first time when he faced the enemy from the outer domain, Kotori put his all into fighting the opponent to the death, and finally survived the crisis with the help of May and Kurumi.

That time was the feeling of dying that Kotori hadn't felt for a long time, and it was because of this that Kotori was so vigilant and careful about the enemies of the foreign domain and the Transcendent Protoss, in order to prevent dangerous accidents from happening and causing something irreparable Loss.

But now...

With just a few blows, this enemy from the outer domain has been ... killed?

"Am I getting stronger, or is the other party too weak?" Since being reborn from Nirvana in a near-death state, Kotori's strength has indeed grown tremendously, and even touched the barrier of the seventh domain at a certain moment.But even so, there shouldn't be such a big gap in strength when facing enemies from outside the domain.

Sure enough, is the opponent's strength too weak?

"Kotori, are we safe now?" Mio who was at the side asked softly, raising her head slightly after the deafening noise disappeared.

"Not yet, I have to confirm it."

Kotori deeply understands the importance of making up swords. If he let the enemy go because of his own carelessness and attracted a large number of enemies to counterattack, it would be too stupid.


And at this moment, a strange object fell from the sky, and it slammed into the mud not far away with a bang, splashing a lot of dirt and dust.

Kotori's eyes narrowed, and she immediately dodged away, appearing next to the object.

"This is..."

But after seeing the falling things clearly, Kotori's face froze slightly, and she murmured in disbelief:

"Is this guy really the enemy of Outland?"

The object that appeared in the girl's eyes... was a girl's body, lying on her back in the mud, her eyes staring blankly at the blue sky, as if she had lost all consciousness.

And this woman is the silver-haired girl who fought against Kotori before.

Seeing a scorching mark on her chest that had been burned by flames and a huge hole in her stomach, Kotori was even more convinced of the other party's identity.

"The enemy of Outland has a human form..." Kotori murmured.

At the beginning, Kotori thought that the other party just used some means to create a human-like exorcism, or used some kind of psychedelic spells, which gave people an illusion.

But now...

After the main body of the enemy of the outer domain was defeated by a cannonball, the body that appeared after losing consciousness was a human being! ?

"The God of Love has never told me this kind of thing before... No, or even Miss Love God has never known such a shocking thing."

If the Enemy of Outland is on earth do they live outside the universe?Why is it called "Enemy of Outland" by the Transcendent Protoss?And why would it be used by people beyond the gods to plot against the main god space?

These doubts popped up one after another, which is really confusing.

"Is she... dead?" Mio on the side looked at the silver-haired girl with some concern.

Of course, this worry is not about the life and death of this enemy.Instead, he was worried about whether this guy would suddenly get up and attack again.The battle in the chaotic darkness just now really scared the elf lady enough. If it wasn't for Kotori who protected her all the way, she might have collapsed already?

"Hard to say."

But Kotori shook her head, expressing that she didn't know too well.

Although it can be judged by breath, the silver-haired girl is no longer breathing, and she seems to be completely dead.If Kotori's ultimate flame burns to the body, let alone this kind of human body, even the enemies of the outer domain may not be able to bear it.

As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it is enough to burn all the organs and tissues in her body to ashes and dust.

In other words, appearing in front of the girl at this moment is just an empty shell.

However, Kotori still won't let down her vigilance.

After all, her identity is too special, and Kotori has never been in contact with such an existence as the Enemy of Outland, and most of the information is heard from Cupid.So the girl is also worried about whether this strange existence has some kind of self-healing ability, even if it is in a state of death, it can recover.

If this is the case, you will have to be more careful in the future.

As for now...

Kotori flicked her fingers tentatively, and the strong wind instantly knocked the silver-haired girl's body into the air. After she fell to the ground and rolled around a few times, she still didn't move.

"No response...?"

Is it fake, or real?

After deliberating for a while, Kotori decided that it would be more practical to directly solve the problem by cremation.

Thinking of this, Kotori pushed the palm of his hand, and raging hot flames spread out, directly wrapping the silver-haired girl's body in it.


From the crimson flames came a tooth-piercing sound, and the swaying and twisted figure continued to wither and shatter in the flames, until it turned into a pile of ashes, with traces of flames still burning faintly.

"It seems...he should be really dead." Kotori breathed a sigh of relief.

If they can be recovered after being burned to ashes, the girl really has nothing to say.


And this result made Mio a little relieved.

After all, she put too much pressure on Mio, and the power gap between the two parties made her even more desperate.

"Okay, killing this guy can be regarded as solving a troublesome matter."

The few troublesome things that had accumulated in her heart could be resolved, which also made Kotori smile a little.

Now that the enemy of Outland has been killed, only mission one and mission three are left to be solved.And the defeat of the enemy in the outer domain may also allow the task of saving the world to be better completed.

My heart suddenly became brighter, and my mood also became excited.

But at this moment, Qin Li's heart skipped a beat, as if thinking of something, she quickly called out to the Lord God in her heart.

"Lord God, have you completed the second main task!?"


[Not finished, still in progress. 】


Kotori was slightly startled, and quickly lowered her head to look at the pile of ashes on the ground.


The flesh-like sound suddenly sounded, causing Kotori's pupils to shrink into needles.



└(^o^ )X( ^o^)┘

Chapter 938 Ending Together? (fourth more)

tick tock...

Dazzling blood dripped down the cold blade onto the ground.

Qin Li's eyes widened.Turning his head in disbelief, he looked at the figure standing behind him.



The slender bangs covered Mio's eyes, and the dark shadow even hid her face, making it impossible for people to see her expression at the moment.

Why do you suddenly have to do this...

Qin was filled with sadness and disbelief, and when she was about to say something, she felt something was wrong.

The trembling slightly.

The hands holding the sword hilt were left with bloodstains, and hot blood dripped down the sword hilt.Even though she didn't need to confirm the situation with words, Kotori breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time understood roughly what happened.

Mio is being manipulated.

The moment this thought flashed in his mind, Kotori immediately gritted his teeth and stood up, forcibly pulling out the giant sword stuck in his waist. At the same time, with a slight force in his right hand, he crushed the sword directly.

And Mio, with her head down, was like an unconscious marionette, she let go of the hilt of her sword, raised her hand, and a red battle ax appeared in her hand, and slashed heavily at Kotori.

clang! ——

The tomahawk with the blazing fire collided with an invisible wall, and there was a crisp sound, but it couldn't break through the protection.The fact that he was directly injured by Mio's blow just now was purely because he hadn't had any vigilance and vigilance against Mio, so he relaxed the protection on his back.

In addition, the power Mio used was a sword with sharpness as the main means, combined with her spiritual power comparable to that of the sixth domain as the power, this stabbed Kotori's body.

As for's impossible to let her succeed.


Qinli shattered the battle ax in front of him with one punch, stepped forward with one step, and punched again!


As soon as a layer of ice crystal barrier appeared, Kotori punched it to pieces again, followed by a small gesture that quickly swept towards Mio's body like an unstoppable one.

Since it was manipulated by someone, there must be a solution.Right now, as long as Mio is under control in the uniform, it will be... huh?

Mio's hands that were originally raised suddenly dropped down, her legs gave way, and she fell towards the ground.

"Hey!" Kotori quickly reached out to support Mio who had fainted, and shook her body, so that she could see Mio's face clearly at the moment.

Two tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, her lips had already been bitten off, and her expression was quite distorted.

Although the body is manipulated, is the spirit still maintained?

Kotori sighed with pity, and raised her hand to get rid of any hidden dangers that might exist in her body.

Although the girl doesn't know exactly when Mio was manipulated by someone, but as long as it is manipulated, there must be some kind of magic technique.Although Kotori is not proficient in one of the spells, but to break through all spells with one force, it only needs to inject enough spiritual power into the spell, and it is enough to directly explode it.


"Are you awake?" Kotori asked hastily, "Do you still have any memory of what happened just now?"

But Mio, who was in a trance, didn't respond to Kotori's words, but opened her small mouth and murmured like a groan:

"Hurry up... run..."


Kotori's small face was stunned, and she subconsciously wanted to stop, but when she saw Mio's chaotic eyes, the girl's heart flashed, and she instantly thought of the possibility of a certain situation!

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