Although it's just a flame erupting through the body at present, if you don't stop it... sooner or later, you will burn yourself to ashes!

"Is there any way..."

Kotori kept thinking of a solution in his mind.

"Uh..." Xiaoqinli suddenly tightened her skirt, her breathing became quite rapid, and her little face was wrinkled into a ball.

"There is no way to continue to dawdle."

Kotori really couldn't help but watch 'herself' die in this place, even though the two inside were completely different existences.

But...Even in the original novel, Kotori Wuhe is also a character that Kotori likes very much. It is absolutely impossible for her to die for no apparent reason like this!

"In that case..."

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a smile appeared on Kotori's tense pretty face.

Is this... destiny?

Thinking of this, Kotori laid the young Kotori flat on the ground, folded her hands and pressed her flat chest, facing the direction of the spirit crystal.

"Meike, then I will have to complain to you properly!"



PS: Blade Plus (327/366)

?-(?▽?)/? ?(?▽?)-??

Chapter 945 Destined?

In the last dungeon, a girl named May wrote a novel.

A semi-fan fiction titled 'Date A Live'.

Calling that book a half-fan fiction is actually just Kotori's joke.After all, in the world that Mei Ke herself lived in, there was no original Dating A Live novel. As a copywriter, she was a great writer who wrote original novels in the eyes of others.

But I have to admit...Maike has indeed modified a lot of the original plot of Date A Live.

In the original book, the hero was replaced by 'Wuhe Qinli', and the younger sister Wuhe Qinli was replaced by 'Wuhe Baiqin'.The protagonist, who should have no combat ability at all, has obtained the spirit crystal of the flame elf, which can control flames and has a nearly immortal body.

And the younger sister, Wuhe Baiqin, got the protagonist's Burning Ghost Killer, and became a special existence of half-elf.

The reason is that during the fire in Tiangong City, the protagonist wanted to save his sister who was caught in the flames, but the rescued sister didn't want her sister to die completely, so he split the spirit crystal into two, and the sister got The sister got the Burning Ghost Killing King, and the elder sister got the King of Killing and Sadism, and both of them survived.

Looking at the present, although the situation is somewhat different... But this development is indeed quite visual.

While sighing in her heart, the brilliance in Qinli's eyes kept flickering, and the spiritual power in her body was continuously sent into Xiaoqinli's body, and at the same time, the power of scorching ghosts also penetrated into her body.


Until a certain critical point was reached, Xiaoqin suddenly let out a muffled hum, and his body burst into a bright crimson brilliance, terrifying spiritual power and aura soared into the sky, gathering and blowing like a storm, blowing away all the clouds in the sky , and the surrounding fires gradually extinguished and dissipated under the gust of wind.

"Huh—" Seeing that the little guy's complexion improved a little, Qin Li also let out a breath of foul air, and withdrew his hands.

Although he separated part of his burning power to wipe out ghosts, it will not have any impact on Kotori today.It is really worthwhile to save my favorite 'Wuhe Kotori' at such a small price.

"So you want to leave here temporarily?"

Looking at the unconscious Xiaoqinli, Qinli was secretly thinking.

The current developments are getting more and more strange, and it really makes Kotori, who has disappeared for more than ten years, a little confused.Many details and plots are completely different, which makes Kotori feel worried.

In addition, Kotori has no way to leave this little guy and run away alone.If possible, Kotori would like to live with Wuhe Kotori for a period of time, seeing her always gives her the feeling of getting along with her own sister.

Even if the two are in a sense, they can be regarded as the same person.

"But if you want to stay here, you have to find a way to deal with those magicians." There is no phantom around...that is, Mio, so for the time being, just focus on AST .

Thinking secretly in his heart, Kotori hugged Xiaoqinli on the ground at the same time.

It may be because of the power connection between the two parties. After Kotori's thoughts moved slightly, not only did Kotori's divine power costume switch into an ordinary dress, but even Xiaoqinli's spiritual costume also changed automatically. Back to the rather childish fluttering flower skirt.

And Xiaoqinli, who was still unconscious, seemed to feel the warmth, and finally smiled, and rubbed against Qinli's chest.

"Huh..." Qinli looked up, and although the group of magicians were slow, they had already followed the fluctuation of spiritual power and rushed over at this time.

They quickly saw Qinli standing on the scorched earth of the ruins. Although they wondered why Qinli had changed the divine power costume on her body, they soon saw the little girl lying in Qinli's arms, and their pupils froze. Shrinking, screaming like a roar.

"Put that child down quickly!"

Even before the words fell, the female magician who was the team leader had already pulled out the lightsaber from her waist, and swooped down towards Kotori with a ferocious face.


The lightsaber in his hand is constantly stirring at a frequency that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and it is even more flickering with palpitating energy fluctuations.Although this weapon is still not comparable to the lightsaber weapons in the original story, it already has the power to break metal and rock!

"Let go of the child!"

With a roar, she swung her sword and slashed towards Qin Li's neck.

Although in order to avoid the little girl in Qinli's arms, he deliberately switched the angle of the attack, but there is no doubt... This is still a killing move for the purpose of taking people's lives, and there is no holding back at all.

"It's really irritable..." Seeing this, Kotori, who was about to say something, sighed softly, stretched out her right hand, and blocked the unstoppable blow of the female magician with her slender fingers. There was no news, and nothing happened.

"What!?" The female magician exclaimed in shock.

You must know that even if the lightsaber in her hand can't kill the elves directly, it can still cut through the absolute protection of the elves - the divine power spiritual outfit.But at this moment, the other party actually abandoned the protection of the Shenwei Lingzhuang, and simply blocked it with his fingers!

Not even the slightest injury can be seen!

"What a strong body..."

"I said, since the attack is useless, can you calm down and listen to me?" Kotori tilted her head.


But to Qinli's surprise, the female magician gave a ferocious roar, raised her right leg, turned the waist, and slammed a whip towards Qinli's waist!


After being strengthened and blessed by the display device, even relying on the human body, it can still exert superhuman destructive power. A punch and a kick are enough to smash boulders, even when the display device is running to the limit. , enough to compete with elves.

But that's the case...the other party didn't move at all!


The female magician caught a glimpse of the ground under Kotori's feet, and a spider web of cracks opened, and some smoke and dust flew out.

This is... a means of unloading force?

"Damn it!" The female magician's expression tightened, she hurriedly took a few steps back, and jumped up to distance herself.

The sense of crisis that Kotori brought to her was too great, no matter how much she tried to save the hostage that Kotori gave her as a "captive", after several attacks, she temporarily regained her sanity.Knowing that in this situation, there is no way to succeed recklessly with the opponent.

But there are hostages in the opponent's hands... They have no way to use heavy firepower weapons to attack.

The scene suddenly returned to a stalemate, and those magicians who were a step behind could only hold up their weapons and dare not make rash moves.Although these magicians have achieved military positions comparable to soldiers in this era, none of them can easily bear their lives.

"Damn..." The magicians gritted their teeth secretly, not knowing how to break the current deadlock.

And at this moment, Kotori walked out slowly, maintaining a soft and friendly smile, and said with a light smile:

"Everyone, please calm down. I mean no harm."

"Nonsense! Didn't you do everything here!?" A magician yelled angrily.

"Everything here?"

Qinli blinked, looked at the surrounding ruins, and then suddenly said: "You guys are mistaken, I didn't do these things. If possible, you can contact the logistics team and let them identify and confirm , Did the destruction here come from me?"

Saying that, under the shocked gazes of the magicians, Kotori reached out and tapped his ear, motioning:

"Just use your own communicators."



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Chapter 946 Demonstration

"I see... um... ok."

The leading female magician pressed the communicator on her ear and responded softly.But his face became more and more strange.

Because she already knew what happened in Tiangong City from her companion.

As I said before, the spiritual wave reaction of the elves appeared in Tiangong City, and the pure white elves floating in the sky were also seen through satellites, constantly bombarding the surroundings of the city, destroying the city buildings.At the same time, a fire broke out suddenly in the center of the city, spreading towards the surroundings.

Various factors have caused the current chaotic situation.

However, the red-haired elf in front of him saved a couple and a child. Instead of causing any damage to the city, he saved several lives.

The female magician didn't believe it at first, but after repeated confirmation from her companions, she also had to admit the fact.

"What do you want to do?" But the female magician still didn't give Kotori a good look, and a hint of hatred flashed in her eyes.

It seems that she has experienced some tragic experiences in the past, so she hates the existence of elves so much. She is obviously the leader, but she can't bear her temper and always rushes up to fight.

Somewhat similar to Tobiichi Origami...

"I don't have anything to do, I'm just passing by. Of course..." Kotori held Xiaoqinli tightly in her arms, and smiled softly:

"Now I've found my purpose."

"Target!?" The female magician's eyes tightened, and she said coldly, "Do you really want to plot evil against human beings?"

"you think too much."

Kotori shook her head helplessly upon hearing this.

"It's just that I found my 'family', and I have no intention of destroying the city, let alone harming human beings. Now I just want to live in this city and live quietly."

This is indeed Kotori's truth.

Mio is nowhere to be seen now, but "Phantom" has resurfaced in the world, and spirits have been born one after another, even Origami, who will become a full body spirit in the future, has also appeared.It is enough to prove that Mio is very likely to want to do something secretly.

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