This guy suddenly cut over, what is it...

"Ten Fragrance, you..."

"Are you here to kill me too?"

Before Kotori could finish speaking, Tohka's originally battle-ready face showed a touch of sadness and bitterness.As the voice fell, she raised the huge sword in her hand, and pointed the tip of the sword straight at Qinli, who was a little dazed.

But at this moment, Kotori didn't care about Tohka's rude behavior, but because of her words, her expression and eyes, the girl couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In the Dating A Live dungeon in the apocalyptic era, the Tohka that Kotori met was not the innocent foodie girl in her impression, but a bloodthirsty and ruthless sword queen.But even so, after fighting together several times, the queen's frozen and cold heart gradually softened, and she became a lot closer to Kotori.

But Tohka, who appeared in front of her right not in a reversed state, but in a normal elf state.The most important thing is that this kind of words is impossible for Tohka in the past to say to Kotori.

"Could it be... the memory has also been reset?" Thinking of this, Kotori's mood also became slightly heavy.

After all, the experience of getting along with Tohka in the past disappeared in an instant, which really makes people unhappy.

And being able to say such words directly proves that the current Tohka doesn't know Kotori at all, and has no impression of Kotori at all.Moreover, he has fought with troops from various countries in several appearances.

She is very disturbed now.


A purple sword light flashed past, escaped like a continuous wave, followed the direction where the giant sword passed, swept across Kotori's shoulder, and directly smashed a building that was still intact behind the girl !

Countless smoke and dust debris splashed out, and the remaining sword energy turned into a gust of wind, blowing on Qinli's body.

If ordinary people witnessed this terrifying lethality with their own eyes, they would be so frightened that they would be paralyzed and speechless.But to Kotori, this is just a breeze, so don't worry about it.

"What a strange guy." Tohka frowned slightly, as if she was very puzzled by Kotori's strange behavior.

He had been observing himself in the dark before, but when he came in front of him, he still had a blank expression.

It's a bit confusing.

"Then there's no need to think about it." Tohka pursed her lips, and walked slowly towards Kotori.



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Chapter 955

Tohka, who is pure in heart and simple in mind, has no way of understanding what Kotori wants to do for the time being, nor is she clear of Kotori's identity and position for the time being.But after thinking for a while, Tohka still decided to step forward and use force to deter the opponent.

After all, every time she appeared in the world, what entertained her was not the kindness of human beings, but endless guns and ammunition, as well as a magician who brandished a lightsaber and rushed up to fight her desperately.Tohka, who was originally full of curiosity and kindness towards the world, after evading, hiding, and being beaten passively, finally chose to fight back somewhat unbearably.

Fighting with magicians wearing iron armor time and time again, being forced to return to the neighboring world again and again, and appearing in the world helplessly again and again.Along the way, Tohka seemed to have been in a battle all the time, and because of this, she tensed her body the moment she saw Kotori and entered a fighting state.

And directly showed inhuman hostility towards Kotori.

Because she has suffered several heavy blows because of her innocence and kindness, she has gradually closed her heart and isolated it from external influences.


"You, why don't you do it?" Tohka murmured suspiciously.

At this time, she was pressing the giant sword in her hand against Qin Li's white and slender neck, and even with a light stroke, she could tear a bloody and terrifying wound on it, which is impossible for ordinary human beings. There is no way to survive this kind of injury.

Even those magicians can't have any extra energy to fight, they can only put all their energy on suppressing their own injuries.Although at the beginning, it was just an accident, but now Tohka has gradually understood the general methods of fighting and the weak points of human beings.

Every time she pressed the giant sword against those magicians, those faces that were originally angry and hostile would show fear and anxiety, and even choose to raise their hands in surrender.

But this girl in front of me...

"You, aren't you human?" At this distance, Tohka finally noticed something weird about Kotori.

The girl didn't wear the same iron frame as those magicians, and she didn't look like ordinary humans, who were too scared to move because of the slightest danger.

Kotori's eyes remained calm from beginning to end, as calm as a lake.Even though the sword's edge was approaching, the girl still had a calm expression.

Coupled with feeling some spiritual power from her, Tohka's expression became a little dignified and confused.

"Are you... an elf?"

"Yes." Kotori finally opened his mouth at this time, kind of acknowledging Tohka's guess.

After receiving this answer, Tohka suddenly became a little at a loss.

After all, this is the first time she has truly met a being of the same kind as herself, neither a human being nor a magician, but an elf.

The same kind...will it be a partner who can communicate well?Or... an enemy to fight?

Several thoughts were mixed in his head, making Tohka's gaze towards Kotori extremely subtle and complicated.Being forced to fight for a long time naturally made Tohka's character quite sensitive and cautious, for fear that this would be a trap for her to slip into in a daze.

Tohka's expression changed slightly when she recalled that she was deceived and fell into the trap.

Become cold and fierce, as if forcibly making oneself cruel.

"Even the elves... are enemies!"

Tohka didn't hesitate anymore, turned the hilt slightly, and slashed towards Kotori's shoulder!

Just, even if he subconsciously didn't want to hurt the strange elf in front of him... but cutting her shoulder out of self-defense should be able to make the other party incapacitated!

clang! ——

The sound of swords suddenly sounded, and the flames produced by the collision of swords continued to splash out, illuminating the faces of the two girls.

Shixiang's eyes widened slightly, with a look of surprise on her face.And Kotori did have a helpless smile on her face, but she didn't show any signs of wavering.

"This is..."

"This is my weapon." Kotori put the Shuanghuiyin iron on her shoulders, and narrowly blocked Tohka's blow.Facing Tohka's moan in surprise, Kotori smiled slightly, and with a strong wrist, he directly swung the giant sword and Tohka himself.


Feeling the powerful force coming from the giant sword, Tohka's face changed slightly, and she took several steps back.

"You are indeed an enemy with evil plans!"

"...You say yes." Kotori clicked her tongue.

Faced with this situation, girls don't have any good communication methods.Now Tohka is in an extremely unstable posture, and the repeated deceptions and battles have exhausted her physically and mentally, and her mental state is even at a critical point.

Even if Kotori uses any words of defense, it will be difficult to gain Tohka's trust.

Although Tohka's nature is innocent and kind, but after pushing a kind person to the limit, the viciousness that erupts is not what ordinary people would have. What's more, Tohka is also a powerful elf.

In addition, the girl is not very good at language communication, and she doesn't have the confidence to completely silence the other party through words.

In that case...

He might as well fight her once, defeat her thoroughly, and then naturally he will be able to have a good conversation.

The only thing I hope is that the magicians of AST don't just come over and intervene casually.

In the face of Kotori's slightly ruthless response, Tohka's face immediately showed a weeping expression.Obviously...she didn't want to fight like this anymore, but her restless mental state still urged her to raise the giant sword subconsciously.

"Since it's the enemy... don't blame me!"

As soon as the words fell, she slashed directly at Qinli!


Under the conduction of the giant sword, the abundant spiritual power turned into a sharp and fierce sword light that suddenly attacked.

As an elf who focuses on fighting, Tohka has a strong frontal combat ability, and the sword energy she swayes is enough to split mountains and separate seas. Even if she is also an elf, it is almost impossible to withstand down.



The terrifying sword energy was directly cut in two, breaking from the middle, and bursting out from the girl's side!

Kotori flicked the tachi in his hand, and raised his hand to tie the long hair that was fluttering behind his back into a bunch, with a calm expression on his face.It was as if he had defeated some unrefined attack casually.

Seeing this, Tohka's pupils shrank slightly, and she was secretly surprised.But her body's reaction was the opposite, and she charged towards Kotori with the giant sword in hand.




Chapter 956 Crying


The giant sword is approaching, and the sharpness of the sword energy is undoubtedly revealed.Accompanied by Shixiang's coquettish shout, an incomparably rich spiritual power was stirred up on the wide blade of the giant sword Ji Shagong, which further enhanced the strength and sharpness of the sword strike.

clang clang clang clang-!

But in the face of such a turbulent attack, Kotori's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to continuously block with the slender and slender sword.Even though the appearance of the weapon is enough to distinguish the strength of the two sides, Kotori has always used a delicate and mysterious technique to dissipate Tohka's brute force without a trace, and the escaping sword spirit All the force was channeled into the ground beside him, and one after another deep sword scars and ravines were exploded, and even the slightest scar on the tender body did not appear.

Kotori used retreat as an advance, stepping back again and again, but the tachi in his hand was constantly pulling Tohka's giant sword, bit by bit eating away at the opponent's strength.Even if there are elves that surpass mortals, they will follow the same fighting method when fighting against each other.

It is necessary to exercise the body and the operation of the spirit to be able to exert its full strength.

But Tohka's fighting skills are too immature... It would be better to say that all elf girls rely on their own powerful strength and instinct to fight, and use whatever method they are used to.When facing an enemy of comparable strength, or even an enemy weaker than oneself, it can indeed have a good effect.

But when encountering an enemy like Kotori whose realm is far beyond his own, then this fighting method seems quite stupid.

"This, what is it..."

Obviously, on the surface, Tohka was pressing the piano and playing.The giant sword in her hand danced vigorously, and the sword energy flying around showed her strength and wildness.But Tohka herself is quite clear... all her attacks have not had the slightest effect.

Don't look at Kotori who is struggling to deal with Tohka's attack at the moment, and seems a little tired of coping.But Kotori's expression never wavered in the slightest, and the weapon in his hand was even more steady, without even a small mistake, so accurate that Tohka felt a little bit of fear.


Accompanied by a sword cry, Tohka stared in amazement at the Taidao that had passed through the giant sword attack and touched her neck, her pupils constricted suddenly.And Kotori's expression was as cold and calm as ever, and her faint eyes seemed to see through her heart... It was terrifying!

will die!

This idea flashed through his mind, but it even aroused Tohka's desire to survive. With a roar, strong spiritual power burst out like flames all over his body, and directly shook Kotori's sword away.And the huge sword she was holding swung heavily, taking advantage of the opportunity to directly block the Taidao in Qinli's hand, stomping her footsteps and rushing into Qinli's arms.

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