Jingle Bell--

The phone in his pocket rang suddenly, startling Tohka.At this time, Kotori didn't have time to explain, so she immediately turned on the phone and put it next to her ear, and a familiar voice came to her ears immediately.

"Kotori, the people from the DEM club are here!"

There was a bit of restlessness in the voice that should have been as calm as water.

This is the sound of origami.

"Calm down Origami, I don't suspect you guys are AST." Kotori said dumbfounded.

Origami would call so anxiously, probably because she didn't want Kotori to cause unnecessary misunderstandings among the four.After all, the only one who can know the information about the presence of elves in Tiangong City... is the AST stationed here.Even if the sphere of influence of DEM is very wide, it is impossible to spread all over the world. Even if you want to find the trace of 'Princess', you need AST to provide information.

But the key point is... AST has made a contract with Kotori in the past, and will not tell anyone else about the elf's information.But now that the people from the DEM agency have arrived, it is obvious that the other party has already discovered the traces of Kotori and Tohka.

The only possible situation is that AST sold the information to DEM.

Origami thought about it a little bit, and felt that it was very likely that AST had betrayed her, and that's why she called Kotori so urgently to clarify the facts.But what he didn't expect was that Kotori already knew this?

"Kinri, you..."

"Although your ASTs are sometimes a little frizzy and like to do superfluous things. But in terms of reputation, you still have nothing to say?" Kotori smiled slightly, but her eyes kept staring at the sky.

After the team of magicians approached a certain distance point, they gradually stopped and kept at a certain height in the air.

"Okay, Origami, I may still have a little trouble here. Hang up the phone for now, if possible... Next, you'd better not rush over without authorization."

As soon as the voice fell, Kotori hung up the phone directly and put away the phone.

"Kotori..." Tohka on the side murmured Kotori's name uneasily, as if she wanted to gain a sense of security from it.Seeing this, Kotori smiled helplessly, reached out and touched Tohka's head, and then walked towards the outside of the collapsed classroom.

"Stay here and don't move around, I'll be back soon."


Although Tohka was a little uneasy, she finally nodded obediently.The current situation is so chaotic that she didn't figure out what happened at all.

Why did Kotori say that those armored men came to find them two?

Could it be that Kotori was also chased and killed by those armored men just like herself?

As for the moment, Kotori didn't have time to pay attention to Tohka who was thinking wildly, and flew out of the classroom slowly.

But not long after the girl showed her head, a bright radiance suddenly flashed in the ranks of magicians in the distance, like the brilliance of a star!

"You really dare to do it..." Qinli's face gradually turned cold.

The next moment, a light beam filled with terrifying magic power suddenly burst through the air, drawing a brilliant ray of light in the sunset sky!

Qin Li frowned, and immediately raised his hand, and the spiritual power surged out, turning into an extremely hot barrier of flames, resisting the front of the teaching building.


The magic light beam collided with the flame suddenly, and a ripple-like ripple swayed from the fire wall. Countless magic torrents and flames scattered, hitting the playground below, and dug up a large area of ​​land.The shocking air waves that surged out made even more whining noises!

"This is..." Kotori's eyes widened in surprise.

The flame shield made of spiritual power... unexpectedly showed signs of instability!

And at the moment when this trace of instability was born, the entire flame barrier began to disintegrate at an extremely terrifying speed, and the magic beam immediately broke through the flames and shot straight towards Kotori in the center!

"Kinli!" Seeing this, Tohka in the back couldn't help but screamed, and when he mentioned Jisha Gong, he was about to rush forward to protect Kotori.


But in the face of this sudden change, Kotori did not show any panic, holding his right hand empty, and the slender sword emerged out of it.

Raising his hand to block it, he directly blocked the Taidao in the center of the beam.

Even though Kotori can't use most of the spiritual power in her body now, both the spirit and the soul are in a state of slow transformation, and it is difficult to release too much power.

But in this case, the sword intent condensed by the will will not have any problems.


He spit out one word, and the Taidao flashed past in his hand.

The magical light beam that was supposed to penetrate directly through the melting magic beam along with Kotori and the teaching building at the back broke in two in the middle, flew out towards the sky and the earth, and penetrated straight into it.


A deep, dark hole was suddenly melted by the beam of light in the playground of the school, and the clouds in the sky were directly blasted through by a single shot.


Kotori flicked the sword, her eyes sparkled, and the condensed sword intent shot out like the edge of a sword, piercing through the magicians in the distance in an instant.


The magicians who had just burst out their smiles now seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, their smiles froze and their pupils shrank to needles!

At this moment, they seemed to see an extremely sharp sword on their necks, as if the next moment...they would die immediately!

"Damn it!" In the end, the leading magician roared angrily, barely breaking out of the state of fear.But even so, her eyes were bloodshot and her whole body was covered in cold sweat at this moment, as if she had just been fished out of the water.

This is a phenomenon that comes from the heart... of fear.


After a while, the other magicians came back from the panic one after another, panting heavily, and looked at Kotori in the distance in horror.

Not only was their attack easily blocked, but what made them most terrified was... just one look was enough to make them almost incapable of fighting and lose all fighting spirit!

What a terrifying monster this is!

It's not that they haven't fought elves before, even the so-called strongest magician in the world, they have also had a brief training fight with them, but that's the case... All of them combined are not the same as the one in front of them. Rival of elves!

"The headquarters actually sent us to deal with such monsters!?"

"No, it is impossible to defeat her!"

Seeing that all the companions behind her began to retreat, the leading female magician's face darkened, and she glanced at the special anti-elf weapon in her hand, feeling certain in her heart.

As long as you have this thing in your hand, you may not have a chance to win on your side!



PS: Blade Plus (336/366)

┐( ̄(ェ) ̄)┌

Chapter 969 The First Confrontation (Fifth Change)

"Kotori, are you okay!?" Tohka shouted loudly from behind, her tone full of worry.

After all, the scene just now was too thrilling. If Kotori hadn't taken out a weapon in time to resist, maybe the girl would have been seriously injured under the impact of the magic beam!

But Kotori just waved his hand, chuckled and said:

"Ten Xiang, you can stay here with peace of mind, I'll go meet those guys."

As soon as the voice fell, Kotori raised his sword and flew out, quickly darting towards the place where the magicians were.

Since they dared to launch a targeted and lethal attack on this side without saying a word, it was obvious that those magicians had long been prepared to come.According to what Origami said before, AST did not report the information of the elves in Tiangong City. Logically speaking, DEM should not know what kind of elves will appear in Tiangong City.

But the fact is that these magicians not only discovered the traces of elves, but even took out special weapons aimed at the spiritual power of elves.

This thing should have never appeared in the original story.In other words, the magicians only worked hard to strengthen their own domain, but they didn't delve into how to decipher and defeat the spiritual power of elves.

"Did it change without realizing it?" Kotori watched the magicians who kept retreating, and murmured to herself.

Since the plot and setting have undergone unexpected changes, the girl decided to capture these magicians to have a look, maybe she can learn some information about DEM.

In the past few years, Qinli has not paid any attention to DEM-related matters. Firstly, his life here is very happy, and there is really no need to force himself to make ends meet with others.Secondly, there are a few acquaintances of him in the DEM. After knowing his existence, he should not mess around at will.

Unless they are dying.

Thirty years ago, those magicians should have deeply felt the pressure and fear from themselves, which was far beyond the power of the original elves, and it was beyond the reach of ordinary mortals.At least until they get the power to compete with the original elves, the DEM society should be more sensible to restrain its minions.

but now...

"Is that thing their trump card?"

Kotori saw the big gun tightly held by the leading magician at a glance.

That is a completely different style of equipped weapon from the display devices on them. If ordinary weapons such as beam rifles can be seen at a glance with a sense of technology, then the gun in the field of vision has an ordinary appearance. Under the shape, there was an aura that surprised even Kotori.

That's not like the breath that ordinary weapons can release... but more like a living body!

"What is that..."

And just as Kotori muttered in a low voice, the magician grinned and raised his big gun to aim at Kotori's position.

The next moment, she pulled the trigger without any hesitation, and the light beam formed by the rich magic power instantly melted and lifted the air barrier, and an extremely dazzling and shining light flashed across the gradually darkening sky, almost It was in front of Kotori in an instant!

After the distance was shortened, the time left for Kotori to react was also greatly reduced.

This time, Kotori almost locked onto the flash of the beam, and the front end of the shelling was already close to the body.The girl even felt the extremely high heat and impact from the magic beam!

But in the face of this dangerous situation, Kotori did not panic in the slightest. Instead, he slashed the back-handed Taidao towards the front of his body. It is almost like the brilliance of rice grains, completely incomparable.

But just after the sword was lightly slashed, it seemed that the space itself was divided into two halves, upside down, left and right, and a gap-like space crack appeared in front of the girl.


The majestic magic beam directly blasted into the space crack, and the pitch-black space crack directly engulfed all the beams. No matter how powerful and continuous the attack is, it will not be able to fill the endless void outside.

"This—" The magician who had just attacked couldn't believe his eyes when he saw this.

The elf only needed to wave the weapon in his hand, and he could create a space crack out of thin air to resist the shelling! ?

What kind of means beyond common sense is this! ?

"Is that the special ability of that elven angel? Or...is it pure skill or luck?" Several thoughts flashed in her mind, but just when she came back to her senses, the sight in front of her There was a blur, and a petite figure slowly appeared in front of her.

A flashing sword edge instantly broke through the air, slashing towards her chest!


Her pupils suddenly shrank to a needle shape, and immediately raised the big gun in her hand to block in front of her.


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