Tohka below seemed to have sensed Kotori's weakness, her expression changed slightly, and she immediately prepared to fly forward to protect Kotori.The current situation is very dangerous. Although the weird weapon has been sealed, there is no telling when and where another weapon will pop out.

At the moment of confrontation with the long sword just now, Tohka also noticed that a large part of the spiritual power sword glow wrapped in her Lord Killer had been forcibly taken away, and she also realized the horror of that kind of thing firsthand.


But the moment she just opened her mouth, a stream of light suddenly flashed across the air, and took Qin Li away in an instant.

"!" Seeing this, Tohka's eyes widened and her heart trembled violently.

"Damn it, put Kotori down for me!!"

With a roar, she immediately trampled the ground under her feet, soared into the sky like a rocket, and hurried towards the white streamer.Only these magicians were left standing there, looking at each other speechlessly.


A crisp sound of footsteps sounded behind them, startling the magicians, and turned around quickly, only to find that a mature woman in a brown uniform appeared behind them.


"Please come with us, magicians of DEM."




Chapter 973 Don't know each other without fighting (fourth more)


Consciousness was a little trance, but quickly recovered.

Kotori soon realized that this happened because of some kind of shock.The most important thing is that at this time, my body has a subtle sense of suspension, and my body seems to be hugged by something, which is very warm.

After the girl took a closer look, a familiar face came into view.


The person who appeared in front of Kotori was none other than Origami.

It's just that she is not wearing ordinary casual clothes, but a strange armor that is more exposed. While exposing a large area of ​​skin, lines flowing with magic power are constantly shining on the transparent personal protective layer. Fluorescence, The propeller installed on the back is continuously spouting propelling flames under the blessing of the display device, and the streamlined design mode also allows her to fly extremely fast in the sky.

Paired with origami's expressionless face, it looks like a humanoid robot from the future.

"Kinli, it's good that you're fine. I'll take you to the hospital right now." Seeing that Kotori had regained the strength to speak, Origami also breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense face became softer.The icy breath quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Which hospital is still open now?" But Kotori couldn't help complaining.


Origami pursed her lips and immediately changed the direction of flight. "Then I'll send you to AST's medical base for treatment."

But this time, it wasn't Kotori who answered Origami's words.

"Origami, you idiot, calm down!" Bai Qin's roar sounded from Qin Li's earphones.

The earphones are automatically switched to volume speaker mode.

"Sister?" Origami looked down at the earphones hanging by Kotori's ears, and couldn't help but tilt her head.

"Who is your sister!" Bai Qin growled angrily, "You'd better not move around now, we will take sister to the spaceship for treatment soon. If you send sister to If you go to the AST, won't you be afraid that your sister will be dissected by them!?"


Origami was taken aback for a moment, but in the end she didn't refute, but nodded. "I understand."

Origami just subconsciously made a wrong judgment because she was too anxious and flustered just now.But Kotori is an elf after all, and it is most appropriate to send her to Ratatosk for treatment, which is very clear to Origami after careful consideration.

Seeing that Origami cooperated so well, Bai Qin on the spaceship also breathed a sigh of relief, and began to direct the staff to activate the teleportation function, preparing to teleport Kotori to the interior of the spaceship.

As for Origami and Kotori at this moment, they naturally stayed in mid-air.

"..." Kotori looked at Origami with a reddish face, and slowly squeezed out a few words from her lips and teeth after a long time.

"Can you...don't touch your hands?"

That's right, the origami master took advantage of Bai Qin's opening to speak, and moved his fingers furtively, flicking back and forth between Qin Li's creaking hole and leg socket.Although it's not an overly sensitive part, being treated like this in public... still gave Kotori a subtle and strange feeling.

"Sorry." But fortunately, Origami still listened to Kotori's words, so she immediately stopped her hands.

"Quickly let go of Kotori—!"

But just as Qinli breathed a sigh of relief, a voice full of anger suddenly sounded, followed by a hissing sound like a sword piercing through the air!

"Huh?!" Origami was slightly startled, and immediately with a thought, a large amount of flames spewed out from the propeller behind her, pushing Origami and Kotori away from the spot.

The next moment, a sword light streaked across the space, flashed in the direction where Origami was originally, and then cut heavily into the ground, opening a deep gully.

"This is... an elf?" Origami turned her head to look, and saw Tohka with an angry face.

"It's Tohka." Kotori smiled helplessly.

"It looks like she accidentally misunderstood something, let me down, I'll just explain the situation to her a little bit."


Origami narrowed her eyes, looked carefully at Tohka who was not far away with a gloomy face, and said in a low voice:


"What?" Kotori's eyes widened in astonishment.

"I said, don't." Origami immediately responded, looked up at the transparent air battleship in the sky, then slowly floated down, and after gently supporting Kotori to the ground and stepping on it firmly, she immediately flew up and faced Seeing Tohka in the sky, he rushed over.

"This woman... let me teach her what is etiquette!"

Origami immediately pulled out the lightsaber at his waist without saying a word, and Tohka also raised the fierce killer in his hand without hesitation. The two of them seemed to have a heart-to-heart, and there was no extra words at all. Together.

clang clang clang clang-!

The shadows of swords, lights and swords continued to appear in the night sky, and dots of sparks even flew out, drawing out gorgeous trajectories.

Standing on the ground, Kotori looked up at the two people who started fighting after a disagreement, and couldn't help showing a subtle smile.

Even though these two girls didn't have any hatred at all in this world, at the moment they met for the first time, they still felt a sense of competition in their hearts, and they slashed together with their swords.

Is this some kind of evil fate?

But Kotori wasn't too worried about that.

After all, the origami in this space-time doesn't have much hatred for the elves themselves, and because of the experience of getting along with the elves, they began to gradually lean towards the friendly side, and even began to prepare to quit AST.In addition, Tohka was not an extremely vicious elf, and never took the initiative to kill even a single human being. The only targets that fought were all magician troops from various countries.

On this point, Origami, who is a member of AST, should be equally clear.

Although Tohka was a little annoyed and angry because Origami suddenly snatched Kotori, she should have quickly discovered that Origami didn't hurt Kotori's thoughts, and she was not a bad person.

Although the two of them fought, they should have a certain sense of proportion.

Just treat it as if we don't know each other.

Qinli held the spiritual power crystal with both hands, and let out a long sigh helplessly.At this moment, the transmission device that Bai Qin had prepared was also ready, and a beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped Qin Li in it.In a blink of an eye, Kotori found himself inside the air battleship.

And Bai Qin, who was approving the commander's uniform, was staring at herself angrily with her hands on her hips.



PS: Blade Plus (338/366)


Chapter 974 Sleeping (Fifth)

"elder sister!"

Bai Qin glared at Qin Li angrily, but didn't say much reproach.

After all, two people have lived together for such a long period of time, let alone a tacit understanding, at least some words can understand each other even without saying it.This time, he wanted Kotori to pay more attention to his own safety.

After Kotori smiled wryly twice, he waved his hands and said:

"Okay, don't worry about this kind of thing anymore. It's better to deal with this thing as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, the girl pushed out the spiritual power crystal beside her.And the extremely evil long sword was blocked inside it without moving, but if you observe carefully, you can find that there are still many lines on the blade that are slowly pulsating.

It still maintains its activity, but it fell into a semi-dormant state where it couldn't move because its spiritual power capacity exceeded the upper limit.

After seeing this thing, Bai Qin's annoyed expression also subsided a little.

"But how on earth do we deal with this kind of stuff..."

Although it was difficult to see what happened in the battleship in the air because of the aftermath of the battle just now, but this did not prevent Bai Qin from feeling the strange aura of the sword directly.This was also extremely threatening to Bai Qin, who was a half-elf.

"Let's do some research from the perspective of magicians' military industry." Kotori suggested: "If the magicians can't find any useful information, then let me study it carefully."

"Understood." Bai Qin nodded, and then ordered Kannazuki Kyohei who came with a few documents, and let him take full responsibility for analyzing the specific information and values ​​of this abnormal weapon.

"Of course, there is this thing."

But just when Qinli was about to leave, Bai Qin suddenly reached out and grabbed Qinli's sleeve, and opened the document in her hand with a smile under the girl's dazed gaze.

Kotori glanced at the densely packed text on the document, and the corner of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

These things are...

"This is the recovery and recuperation schedule I specially made for my sister. You must follow the above plan!"

Seeing that Bai Qin was so resolute, Qinli could only laugh dryly, took this document, and asked Bai Qin to teleport herself back home.



After returning home, Kotori also collapsed on the sofa as if she lost her strength, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It was already quite strenuous to keep my exhausted body from collapsing just now, and now I can finally take a good rest for a while.

In fact, Kotori didn't suffer any injuries because of this time, it was purely a backlash caused by using a little too much spiritual power. There seemed to be a tingling feeling like an electric shock all over her body, and she was a little unsteady on her feet.

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