It is not difficult to directly integrate Tohka's power now, and now Kotori's body is like a bottomless pit, even if the elf's spiritual power is increased several times, it may not cause much waves.

After all, there is a level gap between the strengths of the two sides.

"Okay, then I'll..."

But just when Shixiang was about to walk in front of Qinli, Baiqin's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

After answering the call, Bai Qin put down the phone with a serious face, and reached out her hand to stop Shi Xiang's move.

"Let's go here first today, and then we may have to face the arrival of some uninvited guests."

"Uninvited guests?" Origami narrowed her eyes, "Is it the magicians from DEM who finally came?"

"Well, and there are many more."

After hearing Bai Qin's words, Qinli moved her sore body a little, and said with a light smile: "In this case, let me go out and do some activities. Bai Qin, you take origami and leave first, those DEM magicians Just leave it to me."

"Is this okay?" Origami was a little worried about this.

Although she doesn't know Kotori's state at this time, it is obvious... Kotori should not be able to fight well now.Otherwise, he wouldn't have almost passed out because of the sword sealed before.

"Don't worry, Yoshino's spiritual power came in a timely manner, enough for me to deal with those magicians."

Kotori smiled and touched Yoshino's small head.

Little Lolita also blushed slightly, showing a shy expression.

"You almost squeezed Yoshino dry, so you have to take responsibility, right?" Yoshino giggled.


The smile on Kotori's face froze for a moment, then she glared at Yoshina, turned around and walked towards the border of Tengu City.

In order to prevent possible accidents in the process of absorbing spiritual power, I deliberately chose a place close to the urban boundary of Tiangong City.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and go. I'll be angry if I joke again."

After the words fell, Kotori stopped talking and jumped up, quickly flying towards the sky.

Leaving bits and pieces of flames floating and falling from the air, the girls below felt helpless.

"Sister is still...shy as always." Bai Qin sighed while touching her forehead.

"Yoshina, what do you mean by squeezing dry?"

Tohka squatted down with great interest and asked.

Seeing that Yoshino seemed to want to say something endlessly, white smoke even faintly rose from Yoshino's face, and quickly covered Yoshino's mouth.

Only Origami was alone, staring at the sky with deep eyes.After a while, she licked her somewhat dry lips, and whispered in a voice that only she could hear:

"Squeeze dry...?"



( ̄o ̄) . z Z

Chapter 983 An Uninvited Guest (Fourth Change)

bell bell -

Kotori opened the special mobile phone and stuck it to her ear.At this moment, in addition to the sound of the gust of wind blowing in the ear, Mio's familiar voice sounded.

"There are fourteen magicians in front of them. The models of the display devices on their bodies seem to be very advanced, and the thickness of the random domain wrapped on the body surface is very high."

"There are more than [-] UAVs on the left and right sides, which are also mounted on the display device. It seems that there are warships cruising outside the sea area, and there is a possibility of launching missiles for ground scrubbing."

She is currently acting as Bai Qin's commander, providing accurate information to Qin Li.

"I understand."

After nodding slightly, Kotori pressed a red button on the side screen of the phone, and a small pendant popped out of the phone.

This is Mio's multifunctional remote communication device specially prepared for girls, and all data and information are recorded in it.Even if the mobile phone is broken during the battle, a complete mobile phone information can be restored through this small device.

And because of the nature of Kotoriyan, this exquisite and compact earphone has been specially designed to withstand high temperatures, so it can still make normal calls even in extremely high temperatures.

Of course, this heat resistance also has a certain upper limit.

But as long as Kotori slightly controlled the temperature of the flames surrounding him, it wouldn't be completely destroyed.

"Okay, Origami and the others have all been recycled into the battleship, and the inner city has also contacted AST, and the spacequake alarm has sounded. Kotori, you can start fighting as much as you want."

"Thank you."

Hearing that the follow-up processing has been properly arranged, Kotori couldn't help but smile slightly.

At the same time, crimson flames erupted from the girl's chest, enveloping Kotori's entire body in an instant, and turned into a pink and white feather-weaving spiritual costume instead of home clothing, constantly flying and fluttering in the marching wind.Seeing this, the girls far away on the spaceship couldn't help but widen their eyes and exclaimed.

"Is this... Kotori's spiritual outfit?"

This was the first time that the girls present saw Kotori's elf posture, so they were naturally quite amazed. From a distance, they looked like fairies in fairy tales.

Only Yoshina had a complacent expression on her face, as if she was no stranger to this.After all, in a sense, she was the only one among the people present who still retained the memory of the doomsday.

"Kinri, are you really going to be okay?"

But at this time, Origami clenched her lower lip a little restlessly, and a wave appeared on her calm face.


And at this moment, the traces of those magicians have come into Kotori's eyes.

"There are quite a lot of them." Qin Li muttered, and with a move with his right hand, the Shuanghui Yintie fell into the girl's hands, accompanied by scorching cold lights flickering.

A moment later, Kotori stopped in the path of the magicians.

Before the magicians could speak first, Kotori flicked her sleeves and said in a loud voice:

"What is the purpose of you running here!?"

If possible, Kotori could have swung his sword and rushed up to kill all directions.But now these magicians are likely to be the same as the captured DEM magicians before, they are all cannon fodder characters who don't know the truth and are kept in the dark.Naturally, Kotori would not kill people at will.

In a sense, these magicians are also a group of soldiers defending their homes and the country, and there is no reason for them to be killed indiscriminately.


"Our purpose?" The leading magician smiled brightly, and his eyes narrowed into two crescent moons.

But the next moment, the words she said completely condensed the surrounding atmosphere, as cold as winter.

"It's very simple, chop you up and take you back to the company."

What was revealed in the words was an unreserved killing intent, and the look at Kotori was more like a contemptuous look like looking at an experimental animal.These magicians did not regard elves as normal creatures at all, and they were not prepared to show mercy to elves.

Both sides have nothing to talk about.

In this case, Kotori felt that there was no need to hold back anything.Each has its own obsession, each has its own path and approach, to forgive others without authorization, to pity others without authorization is a manifestation of arrogance.

Death or life, after all, it is necessary to compete!

"Come on, then."

Kotori raised his sword and stared coldly at the magicians in front of him.

At the same time, the girl was also taking advantage of this gap to observe the different types of display devices worn by these people.It is very different from those magicians before. While the sense of technology is more obvious, the weapons equipped with their equipment have also become more diverse, and the power of the display device is also several times stronger.

The random field, which is enough to compete with the spiritual power of elves, has also greatly improved in terms of sophistication.

It can be said to be a huge change with a new look.

Coupled with the dozens of drones around... Although they can't match the strength of these magicians, they are still a rather tricky interference problem.

However, this is not the first time Kotori has experienced a one-to-many battle.

"Since you're looking for death, then we won't show mercy—!" Several magicians with distorted faces roared immediately, and the propellers behind them suddenly spewed out majestic flames, and the whole person instantly turned into a meteor, heading towards Kotori. He rushed over, extremely fast!


Feeling the gust of wind blowing towards her face, Kotori narrowed her eyes slightly, quite surprised in her heart.

The speed shown by the opponent is indeed a bit beyond imagination.

I thought that the improvement would only be most significant on the level of destructive power, but I didn't expect that the improvement in physical function was also huge!


The two lightsabers were suddenly ejected from their sheaths. Amidst the roars of the magicians, they slashed heavily towards Kotori's left and right hands, bringing up a gorgeous light and shadow. A vision caused by transpiration distortion.



Faced with the joint attack of the two, Kotori snorted softly, raised his sword to block it, and easily bounced the two magicians away!

"What—!?" The faces of the dozen or so magicians behind suddenly changed, and they were a little shocked by the terrifying power displayed by Kotori.

You must know that the two magicians are wearing special display devices for body functions, and they have the strongest melee combat ability on the field.But what I didn't expect was that they were directly bounced away at the first collision! ?

Thinking of this, the magicians who were originally planning to watch from the sidelines no longer looked down upon them, and immediately deployed their weapons and aimed at Kotori's direction.

The next moment, the raging offensive poured out like a raging wave!



PS: Blade Plus (342/366)


Chapter 984 Group Attack (Fifth Change)


Fiery beams of light pierced through the air barrier and flew towards Kotori.

And the surrounding UAVs also raised their mechanical arms almost at the same time, aimed various firearms at Kotori and fired continuously, and the missiles also burst out.In just a blink of an eye, Kotori's retreat in all directions has been surrounded by an almost endless hail of bullets, and there is no way to retreat!

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