And Origami, who was fighting those drones, had already sensed that something was wrong the moment he heard the scorching ghosts firing. During the battle, he took a moment to look around and found Kotori's attack The counterattack with the opponent seems to be in a stalemate, and it is difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

But if the stalemate will be bad for Kotori!

Thinking of this, Origami's blood-stained face couldn't help showing a trace of anxiety.She came down from the spaceship wearing the display device just to help Kotori, but if she still hurt Kotori, it would be her negligence!


Thinking of this, Origami roared, desperate to risk injury, like a ferocious beast, directly crashed into the body of a drone, and the wolf jaw armor on his left hand directly bit the drone's body tightly. On the outer armor, energy began to gather crazily!


Accompanied by a violent explosion, Origami flew upside down.Although under the protection of the random domain, she didn't suffer too much injury, but there were still many fine wounds on her body, and blood splashed out during the flight.

But she still didn't change her face, and flew towards the next target.

Origami is very clear about what her duty is at the moment.

It is to solve problems for Kotori, delay, or even directly solve these difficult drones. If you don’t kill these difficult guys first, how can you help Kotori? !

"Drink!" With a yell, Origami ignored the injuries on his body and crashed into another drone like a pattern.

On the one hand, this CR-Unit is a specialized melee type, possessing a melee capability that surpasses ordinary CR-Units.It can perform better in close combat situations.On the other hand, the cooperation between these drones is indeed a bit of a headache, which made Origami almost fall into a hard fight at the beginning, and it was difficult to get out.

Only by using this desperate counterattack method to forcefully break through the opponent's formation through violence and eliminate the drones one by one can the pressure brought by the opponent's formation coordination be gradually resolved.


There was another loud noise, and Origami flew upside down while waving the lightsaber in his hand to block the incoming bullets, and at the same time, he used the random field to deflect the launched beams and missiles.It is precisely because of this extreme control that she can survive surrounded by dozens of drones.

Although Kotori had already killed quite a few of them before, there were quite a few left behind.


But at the moment when Origami was about to split the shell of a drone with a sword, her pretty face suddenly became a little distorted, and the light in her eyes dimmed a lot.

Almost unstoppable pain began to emerge from all over the body, especially the head was pried open.The severe pain almost made Origami lose consciousness, and she barely managed to stay awake with persistence and patience.


Subconsciously, Origami invested the little mental power left in the random field, and stood in front of her.

As for the drone that was supposed to be split in half by Origami's sword, the chest armor instantly opened, revealing a beam cannon inside.


Origami ate the cannon from the front with almost zero distance.A scene of split light beams suddenly appeared in midair, and at the same time, a figure flew upside down in an instant, and fell towards the ground like a meteor.


The origami that fell on the top of the mountain was confused for a while, and spit out a mouthful of black blood as soon as he opened his mouth, and his face looked quite bad.


She clenched her hands tightly, hammered the ground hard, and staggered to stand up again from the deep hole that was forcibly smashed out, but even so, the CR-Unit artistic conception on her body was protecting her from fatal injuries. And the damage was serious, short-circuit sparks began to burst out everywhere, and the activation of the random domain became intermittent.

This situation is not to mention a life-and-death battle with a large number of drones, it is very likely to fly in mid-air, and it may fall down at any time.Once the protection of the random domain disappears, and it falls to the ground from a height of several hundred meters, even Origami's trained body will surely be shattered to pieces!

Rather... Even if Origami exercises her body to the limit of human beings, it is absolutely impossible for her to withstand the impact safely under the blessing of gravity of several hundred meters.

The limitations...too big.

"Damn it..." Origami just wanted to fly off the ground again without admitting defeat, but just before flying too far, his consciousness suddenly blurred, and he fell back to the ground again.

"Origami, don't be brave!" Bai Qin's anxious voice immediately sounded from the earphones. "Don't move around for now, leave it to me next."

After the words fell, Bai Qin seemed to have made up her mind. After handing over the mission in the spaceship to Mio, she hurriedly ran towards the transmission device.


After hearing Bai Qin's decision, Origami gritted her teeth unwillingly, looked at the swarm of drones in the sky that were about to rush towards Qin Li, and raised her left hand again.



PS: Blade Plus (345/366)

By the way, the barrage book review function will be released tomorrow, and you can watch the barrage after a long absence 233


Chapter 990 Phantom?

Since I can't fly into the air to fight for the time being, the weapons on my body are not scrapped yet.

With careful aiming, you can hit those drones!

Even though her consciousness was a little hazy, Origami still showed a terrible shooting accuracy at this critical moment.She did not choose high-power magic bombardment, but chose low-power magic bombs, pouring magic power towards the drones.

Cannonballs shining with magical luster pierced the air, and instantly hit the outer random field of those drones, triggering rounds of explosions and shocks, but after the smoke and dust cleared, these infinite There was no injury on the man-machine.

But Origami still showed a faint smile.

Because those drones had already turned around and rushed towards them.

This is also the effect that Origami wants to achieve. Although these magic cannonballs with a large number of dispersed forces cannot break through the random field protection of those drones, as long as they can attract the opponent's attention, it is considered a success. .

Gaining more time for Kotori is his own victory!

"Come on!" Origami once again flashed her lightsaber, took a deep breath, stood firm on the muddy ground, and set up a fighting posture.

"Next we're...huh?!"

But Origami, who was about to prepare for the ground station with those drones, widened her eyes in surprise.

Because those drones flying over seem to have some kind of humanized judgment, they did not choose to land, but still floated in mid-air, stretching out several magical barrels hidden in their bodies, aiming at the bottom origami.

They didn't have so many armed forces before, could it be that they are... hiding clumsiness?

No... more like getting self-evolution!

"These mechs...!?" Origami was a little shocked by this. It is not too shocking to be able to improve self-improvement on AI, but the ability to change more and more weapons on the body is already beyond the present. Hierarchy of tech levels!

Even if the Random Domain is a god-like method, it is impossible to build such a sophisticated weapon in such a short period of time!

"How much does the DEM hide..."

Looking up at the scene of densely shining energy radiance in the sky, Origami's heart became calm at this moment.

The next moment, the beam bombardment was like the punishment from the gods, directly and completely destroying the ground below. Both the forest and the rocks were all reduced to debris in the indiscriminate attack, and the explosion and fire waves that soared into the sky were even more terrifying. It turned the surrounding into a sea of ​​flames.

After pausing for a moment, the attacking drones turned around and continued to fly in Kotori's direction.

Only the hellish ruins and Origami lying in the sea of ​​flames remained.


He did not receive fatal injuries, his limbs were still sound, and his head was still there.Although the drone armor's attack seemed very fast, it was more like a deterrent. It didn't hit Origami completely, but destroyed the terrain.

Origami coughed a few times and spit out a mouthful of blood.

But even so, the impact of the explosion and the stray bullets caused her to suffer some internal injuries, making it difficult to move.Rather... the current origami can't stand up even if he wants to.

The armor on his body was produced to enhance the magician's ability, and it still has a lot of weight.With such a serious injury, let alone a high-intensity battle, Origami is now a luxury to even stand up.

"I already..."

But when Origami murmured helplessly, a chuckle suddenly sounded in her ear.

"Hey——Little Origami, do you want to stand up and continue fighting?"

"Who?" Origami called out weakly, raised her head slightly and looked behind.But after seeing the person coming, she couldn't help shrinking her pupils, and fell into speechless shock.

Those who appeared in Origami's sight were not familiar or unfamiliar people.

It's a phantom that can't see the real and the false, just like the mosaic you occasionally see on TV, it's blurry.

Is it possible for such weird creatures to exist in the world?


The moment Origami came to her senses, her body tensed up.Although she has no way to resist at this moment, it can even be said that she can only lie on the ground with her hands tied and unable to move.But... Origami subconsciously sensed the other party's malicious intentions.

It would be better to say...the other party appeared in front of me with such a strange posture, how could he have any good intentions! ?

"Are you a human or a ghost..."

"It's really impolite, do you say such things to people you just met?" The figure of the mosaic phantom was just like her, with a somewhat illusory feeling, and it didn't sound very real.If Origami hadn't drawn all his attention at this moment, maybe he really couldn't hear what the other party said clearly.

"Who are you...?"

Origami coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and her gaze towards Phantom became somewhat blurred.

"Oh, it seems that I was too careless. I can't speak well if I forget your current state." There seemed to be a bit of pity in Phantom's vague voice.

"If you leave it alone, you will die in about one day, right?"


Origami smiled rarely when she heard such words, but said nothing.

She is very aware of her injury, although it can't be said how serious it is, but if it is left alone, it will indeed be life-threatening.

"Hmm...choose to ignore it?" Phantom seemed a little distressed by this, and walked to Origami's side and squatted down, as if looking at the whole body of Origami who was quite miserable at the moment.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's such a pity that it's already hurt like this."

"...Unfortunately, what."

"It's a pity that such a good seedling can only lie in this place like a bereaved dog and no one cares about it." Phantom suddenly laughed.

"..." Origami remained silent, but her face seemed to have darkened a little.

She didn't really feel resentful because of such a trivial matter, she was just complaining about why she was so weak.

If I can have a stronger CR-Unit, maybe I can perform better, and easily get rid of those drone armors, and then help Kotori...

"Kotori!?" Origami opened her eyes, struggling desperately to stand up.

The shock she received just now was too great, making Origami's consciousness a little hazy. It wasn't until she thought about Kotori that she realized that Kotori's situation is more dangerous now!

"Okay, okay, don't move around anymore." Phantom stretched out his hand to hold Origami's shoulder, and said with a light smile: "Based on your current state, let alone helping in the past, maybe Kotori and the others Spare your energy to save you."

"Now you are just a drag, don't think too much."

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