"What's wrong?" Kiri asked.

"I'm consciously thinking about the reverse body, but every time I think about it, my memory suddenly becomes blank, and I can't recall it deeply." Mio's face also looked a little ugly as she spoke.

But Kotori can also understand that the feeling of this kind of memory being tampered with and deceived without authorization is indeed quite uncomfortable, especially when trying to recall, an empty head can also make people feel crazy.

"Has the memory been manipulated by others?" Kuang San raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the memory of more than ten years ago has been tampered with artificially, as if a whole memory fragment was taken out of the head." Mio gave a quite appropriate metaphor.

Tohka and Yoshino who were on the side shook their bodies when they heard the words, and their faces were also not very good-looking.

Although they have never felt this kind of feeling of being deprived of memory, but thinking back on their blank memories in the past for a while, they also feel uneasy as if they felt the same way.

It’s not just that Mio lost a piece of memory in the past, Tohka Yoshino and these artificial elves also lost the memory of living on the earth as humans. For them now, from the moment they gain consciousness, they are elves And was born.

But at this moment, Origami, who had been very quiet from before, suddenly said:

"Since the memories of the past have disappeared, can Mio regain the memories of the past by manipulating time itself?"

"Manipulation of time?" The girls gasped in surprise, and then subconsciously turned their heads to look at Kuang San who was sitting upright like a young lady.

Manipulating the time of this kind of time naturally sounds quite unbelievable. No matter how powerful an elf is, it may not be able to play with time at will.Maybe even Mio, the perfect primordial elf, would have a hard time manipulating an invisible existence like time.

All she can do is to manipulate time to a certain extent through certain limited rules, but it is really difficult to retrieve the memories she lost more than ten years ago. If she experiments rashly, It is very likely to completely burn out your own head.

Even if there is a slight accident, it may cause some extreme changes in his own existence.

But... Kurumi is different.

Although the girls don't know exactly what Kuang San's strength is, but judging from the previous experiences... the current Kuang San has clearly surpassed the scope of spirit power, and even surpassed Mio who was the original spirit .What's more, Kurumi's strength is still specialized in the ability of time, and his ability to manipulate time must far exceed Mio's level.

In addition, before origami, she had personally experienced the horror of origami's ability, and she could easily be sent to various parallel time and space in the past to experience and fight, maybe not only time itself, but even space. The manipulative ability has also been controlled by Kuang San.

Kotori also quickly considered this, and said with a little surprise:

"Kuang San, you may be able to..."

"Yes, if it wasn't for the interference of beings stronger than me in the time domain, I should be able to retrieve Mio's past memories." Kurumi also lived up to Kotori's expectations, chuckling gave a response.



PS: Blade Plus (349/366)

Thanks for the 100 blades of the person staring into the abyss, and the 153 blades of Ze Yue Zi for their support~


Chapter 1000 Retrieving Memory

When it was confirmed that Kurumi had enough ability to retrieve Mio's lost memories, the happiest person present was also Mio herself.This feeling of amnesia was finally able to get rid of, and even the cold-tempered Mio felt a lot of joy.

Although Mio really got acquainted with Kuang Sanxiang on the first day today, she had to hand over her head to the other party for fiddling in the first time they met. Such a hasty decision would be made.

However, Kurumi is Kotori's trusted ally, and this alone is enough for Mio to entrust her [-]% trust.

So at Mio's request, Kurumi quickly made preparations for time travel.The other girls stood around holding their breath, not daring to have any disturbing thoughts, for fear of disturbing this solemn ceremony.Even Tohka, who had a somewhat lively personality, covered her mouth in a very sensible way, and looked at Mio and Kurumi sitting in the middle of the hall without moving.

At the beginning, everyone wanted to suggest going to the air battleship for the ceremony, after all, it is safer and more spacious there.But Kurumi smiled and said that this kind of ceremony will not be too disturbing, and it doesn't matter where it is.

Only then did the ceremony begin directly at Kotori's house.

"Although you don't need to care too much about external influences, if DEM still insists on sending troops to rush over, it's best for you to stop it a little bit."

Kurumi turned his head and gave Kotori and Nero a warning.


After getting the response, Kurumi also restrained his mind and put all his attention on Mio in front of him.Looking at the mature woman sitting in front of her with an extremely calm face, Kurumi still had some subtle emotions in his heart.

After all, the woman in front of me is not any other ordinary person, but an existence as the original elf.

In fact, in the very long past, Kuang San was also a human being, and even a noble lady in a big family, but her family was in decline, and she had to sign a contract with the original elf to become an elf.Although in this time and space, the primordial elves have already embarked on a quite different path under Qinli's interference, and she no longer actively distributes spirit crystals, nor is she secretly planning any weird plans.

But looking at Mio's appearance, Kurumi's heart is still extremely complicated.

Even so, Kuangsan did not intend to act recklessly, but wholeheartedly helped her find her lost memories.Because the 'initial elf' made her lose her human identity and suffered a lot.But it also took her on a completely different path, becoming a reincarnation, and even... meeting Kotori.

This alone makes Kuang San unable to hate him.


"Miss Mio, please relax your mind and don't resist my existence. It's best to keep the drowsy feeling."

"Drowsy...?" Mio raised her head to look at Kurumi, and then she put on a comfortable smile. "I understand."

After the words fell, Mio seemed to let go of her tense spirit, and the exhaustion surged out like a tide in an instant, and she fell into a coma in just the blink of an eye.

"...Sleep so fast!" Seeing this scene, Kuang San, who was the first to say this, couldn't help showing a somewhat stunned expression.After all, sleeping as long as you say it...is a kind of skill in a sense, right?

It's just... Looking at the dark circles on Mio's eye bags, Kurumi was also stunned.

There must be too many worries and worries in her heart, and her temperament is relatively flat. To put it bluntly, she is relatively introverted and dull. All the negative emotions were forcibly suppressed deep in my heart, and after accumulating, they turned into a nightmare-like shadow that enveloped my heart.

In this situation, even if Mio wanted to fall asleep, it was impossible for her to have such leeway.

As time went by, Mio naturally did not fall asleep, and her mental condition deteriorated day by day, and her physical condition also became weaker and weaker, and the snowball got bigger and bigger until now.

Being able to let her let go of all the pressure and have a good sleep should be able to resolve a lot of negative emotions in her heart.

With this thought in mind, Kurumi sighed softly, raised his hand and placed it on Mio's forehead softly, and murmured:

"Back in time."


The moment the voice fell, an extremely strange fluctuation suddenly spread.All of a sudden, Kurumi and Mio were accommodated in it.From an outsider's point of view, the two of them seemed to have fallen into some kind of extremely weird space, the light became distorted and stacked, and even the space itself became unstable.

After a few breaths, the place where they were originally turned into pure blackness and disappeared without a trace.

"This..." Bai Qin and the others were stunned when they saw this, and quickly turned to look at Qinli and Nero beside them.

"Sister, what's going on?"

"It should be Kurumi who reversed time and space and returned to the past. This time, the abnormality you saw will appear." Kotori shrugged her shoulders with a calm expression.

The girl believes in Kuang San's strength very much, and Kuang San himself is also quite reliable, if it is something that is not sure, it is absolutely impossible to make up his mind to do it so easily.During the adventures in the main god's space, Kuang San not only achieved a dramatic improvement in strength, but also had an unimaginable growth in life and experience in the past.

This is not what Nero can compare.

"Hmm... I always feel like the performer is thinking about something impolite."

And Nero's intuition is still as sensitive as ever. Obviously, Kotori didn't say anything, and just relying on the connection between the two of them, Kotori's little teasing can be discovered.

"It's your illusion~" Kotori smiled, and then led the girls who were a little bit at a loss back to the sofa in the living room.

"Although Kurumi is doing some delicate work, it doesn't matter if we sit down. Don't be too nervous."

Seeing the tense faces of the girls, Kotori couldn't help but chuckled.

"Yes, everyone, please rest assured~" Nero also patted his plump chest, and said confidently: "Tinkerbell Crazy Three is omnipotent, such a small trouble can't trouble her .”


This guy, is he too dependent on Kuang San during this time?

Kotori couldn't help but raise her dead eyes, thinking to herself that during her absence, it is very likely that Kurumi took the responsibility to take good care of Nero.Although it is possible to make Nero admire and praise so much now, I think it must have taken a lot of effort during the time of Kuangsan, right?

It's really hard for her.

But just when Qinli was about to say something, Baiqin's cell phone rang suddenly.

This is... the special phone ringing for emergencies in Ratatosk.



PS: Congratulations to myself, Kotori has written 1000 chapters of this book~

And the end of the book...it should be in the next few days.


Chapter 1001 The second wave of offensive

"Hello, what happened?" Bai Qin quickly picked up the phone.

And the staff on the other end of the phone said anxiously:

"Commander, DEM troops are coming towards Tiangong City!"

"DEM!? Here they come again!?"

When Bai Qin heard about this change, she couldn't help but screamed.

After all, they had just completely defeated the troops sent by DEM half a day ago. A large number of high-end drone armors were completely destroyed, the magician team was captured, and the satellites hanging in the sky and the warships cruising on the sea were also destroyed. And it was so devastated that there was hardly any possibility of restoration.

Logically speaking, after suffering such a huge loss, even a giant organization like DEM should feel a little bit tricky, and choose to cultivate and regroup.At least for the next few days, there won't be any big moves.After all, the resources in the DEM are not endless. Drone armor needs to be regenerated, developed, produced and equipped, the magician team needs to be re-absorbed and assembled, and the alternative magicians need to go through a long period of training before they can really come in handy.

Modern display devices are not so easy to control.

The most important thing is that the secret weapon-like method of the special satellite of DEM has been completely destroyed. They should seize the time to make tentative repairs or re-manufacture.

If there is no substitute for elves... DEM's manpower should not be strong enough to fight such a large number of elves.

But now...do they have a replacement?

"DEM..." After hearing Bai Qin's exclamation, Origami frowned slightly.

As a member of AST before, she naturally heard about the organization DEM.He is also very clear about how powerful and terrifying the opponent's strength is. In other words...the only ones in the world who can fight head-on with powerful beings like elves...only the magicians in DEM.

Equipped with the most top-notch display device, the magicians have also undergone rigorous training, and some magicians have even undergone physical transformation to forcibly stimulate their potential and improve their strength. Under the combination of various factors, the magicians have been promoted to the level of High enough to fight against elves.

And the already extremely talented magician has the power to defeat some elves who are not good at fighting.

Moreover, Origami also knew that there are special weapons that can target elves hidden in the DEM, so he naturally understands the horror of the opponent.

Even Tohka and Yoshino, who didn't know much about DEM itself, looked down.

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