"Don't touch my feet, I'm ticklish!" Wang Mingquan looked at Liu Xu and asked with a smile: "Aren't you going to treat me? Why don't you start?"

Liu Xu looked at Wang Mingquan's skirt with regret, and looked away reluctantly.

"Okay! Let's get started!" Liu Xu took off his shoes and sat down on the bed with a smile, "Liza, sit here!"

Wang Mingquan sat down next to Liu Xu and asked curiously, "What should I do?"

Liu Xu took off the veil and sunglasses from Wang Mingquan's face, held her delicate dimple, rubbed those bruised and terrifying fingerprints, and said, "You don't have to do anything, just sit here quietly That's it. And no matter how uncomfortable you feel, don't move! Got it?"

Wang Mingquan nodded, looking forward to Liu Xu quickly restoring himself to a beautiful appearance.

Thinking of what he was going to do, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing.

Wang Mingquan's appearance is very similar to the miserable appearance of Gong Li being beaten in Zhou Xingchi's "Tang Bohu Spots the Autumn Fragrance", and what Liu Xu wants to do is to restore Wang Mingquan's appearance just like Zhou Xingchi performed "Give me back Piao Piao Quan" to heal Gong Li. .

It's just that Liu Xu couldn't give Wang Mingquan a blow like in the movie. He wanted to use his true energy to gently open the blocked capillaries on Wang Mingquan's face, remove the congestion, and remove the swelling.

Liu Xu asked Wang Mingquan to lean in his arms, and gently fixed her head with his left hand, and gently rubbed the bruises on Wang Mingquan's face with his right hand.

Wang Mingquan suddenly felt a burst of scorching power into her cheeks, numbness, tingling, swelling, and comfort... All kinds of feelings came one after another, as if there were countless ants crawling back and forth on her cheeks.

Wang Mingquan felt so awkward, and wanted to reach out to touch her cheek, but she remembered Liu Xu's order, so she suppressed the discomfort and leaned quietly in Liu Xu's arms.

Gradually, she felt that there seemed to be a lot of sweat left on her face, and the various sensations on her face gradually disappeared. The original swollen and tense cheeks became more relaxed, and her own cheeks became hot, as if she was steaming. As comfortable as a sauna.

Watching the bruises slowly melt away under his hands, and the purple-black blood flowing out from the pores, Liu Xu became more cautious until all the bruises and swelling on Wang Mingquan's face disappeared and became smooth and tender again.


Liu Xu wiped the sweat off his face and let out a long breath of relief.

"Okay! You're done! Liza, those bruises are gone and you're back to normal now!"

Wang Mingquan couldn't believe it, could it be that such a simple rubbing could eliminate the bruise on his face?

But when she touched her cheeks, she felt that her cheeks were so smooth and delicate, and she couldn't find the original raised fingerprints at all.

Wang Mingquan said excitedly: "Really, is everything all right?"

"It's true, and it's even more beautiful than before!" Liu Xu picked Wang Mingquan's beautiful and delicate chin, and gently pecked and kissed her cherry blossom-like Qiao Nen's lips.

Wang Mingquan jumped off the bed excitedly, without even wearing shoes, and quickly ran to the bathroom with his bare feet to look in the mirror.

Looking at his own white and tender face in the mirror, which looked like a peeled egg, Wang Mingquan screamed excitedly.

Chapter 207 You are the future Chu Liuxiang!

Wang Mingquan flew to the bedroom and threw himself into Liu Xu's arms, pushed him down on the bed, put his legs on Liu Xu's waist, hugged him and kissed him passionately.

The beautiful woman throws herself into her arms, and Liu Xu is not a wooden person like Liu Xiahui, so it is naturally impossible to remain indifferent.

Liu Xu stood up and Wang Mingquan was crushed under him...

"Oh!" Wang Mingquan thumped Liu Xu's chest with his tender hands, "I hate it! Don't! I'm not that kind of casual woman!"

"I also said that I am not a casual person, but I am not a casual person!" Liu Xu smiled evilly, bowed his head and kissed.

"You! Uh..."


There is absolutely no way to shoot this scene today, unless it is a bed scene.

Wang Mingquan rested at Liu Xu's house while he went to the set.

On the way, Liu Xu made plans for his future. The two movies he invested in have been released for more than half a month, and the box office dividends will soon come down. By then, the funds in his hands will skyrocket and he can do more things .

Although the two films were released almost at the same time, it did not weaken the box office of the two films at all.

Today's Hong Kong citizens basically have no pastime, except for reading newspapers during the day and watching TV at home at night.

"Half Weight" and "Fist of Fury" are not the same type of film, each has its own highlights, which will not prevent the audience from choosing to watch.

Liu Xu has been paying attention to the release of the movie these days, and calls every day to find out the box office amount.

Now that it has been released for more than two weeks, the box office battle between the two films is in a state of anxiety. The box office of "Half a Catty" has reached nearly [-] million Hong Kong dollars, and "Jing Fumen" has also reached [-] million Hong Kong dollars.

Both of them broke the record of [-] million Hong Kong dollars set by "Big Brother Tangshan".

And this is only the box office in Hong Kong, and the overseas box office has not been counted.

Liu Xu's contracts with Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest originally stated the total box office.

Including overseas box office, Liu Xu's box office dividend can easily break through tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

On the set, Liu Xu saw Zheng Shaoqiu by accident, and he made a decisive decision and signed this dark horse that had not yet succeeded.

To Zheng Shaoqiu's question about why he is optimistic about a down-and-out actor, Liu Xu replied domineeringly: "You are the future Chu Liuxiang!"

Liu Xu described the bright future to Zheng Shaoqiu, plus filming and eating, he didn't go home until ten o'clock in the evening.

The room was tidied up and neatly organized, the dining table, sofa and other furniture were wiped to shine, and then rearranged neatly.

Liu Xu's dirty clothes stuffed in the bathroom were also washed and hung on the balcony to dry, even his stinky socks and changed underpants were the same.

For a moment Liu Xu thought there was a snail girl hiding in the house!

Liu Xu patted his head, very annoyed.

After a busy day, and eating and drinking with Zheng Shaoqiu and the others at night, he even forgot that Wang Mingquan was still at home.

Looking at the bright and clean windows inside the house, it looks brand new.

The beauty in Liu Xu's heart!

She is so beautiful, her temperament is so elegant and refined, and she can do housework.

It's really easy to get out of the hall, into the kitchen, and into the bed.

Where can such a woman be found?

in bed?

If you don't have fun in the morning, I won't let you go in the evening.

"Don't think that I can't do anything just by locking the door. I have the key in my hand." Liu Xu's brows were raised, and a slanted smile hung on his lips, "I'll eat you tonight!"


Liu Xu tiptoed to the bedroom door and took out the key to open the door, but just as his hand touched the bedroom door, the door creaked open.

Could it be that Liza specially reserved the door for him, so that it is convenient for her...

Hehehe... Liza, you are so naughty!

Liu Xu quietly pushed open the door, wanting to surprise Wang Mingquan, but Liu Xu found regretfully that Wang Mingquan was not in the room.

Did liza go back to Liu's house?

impossible!With Liza's character, she can't go back!

Liza must have listened to him and rented a room upstairs!

Liu Xu looked at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, Wang Mingquan must have fallen into a sweet sleep at this time, it is better not to disturb her.

But it's really a bit lonely and sleepless!


"Ding dong ding dong ding dong..."

The doorbell rang outside.

Liu Xu opened his sleepy eyes, picked up the alarm clock and looked at it.

Depend on!It's only five o'clock in the morning!who is this?Come to your door early in the morning!Still let people sleep comfortably?

Liu Xu grabbed his trousers and put them on, and went out to open the door naked.

"Who? A disturbing dream early in the morning! No manners at all... Yo! Liza, why is it you!"

The moment he opened the door, Liu Xu was dumbfounded.

It turned out that Wang Mingquan was standing outside the door pretty, and Liu Xu forgot to breathe because of his lovely appearance.

Wang Mingquan's long black hair is naturally and casually draped over his shoulders, his delicate smile is not covered with makeup, but it has a white and rosy beauty; a pair of clear eyes reveals a different kind of tenderness; Qiong's nose is slightly raised, and her lips are as tender as The peach blossoms are emerging; she is wearing a pink sleeveless silk shirt, and her two slender jade arms are like tender lotus roots...

Xu Zhimo's classic verse instantly appeared in Liu Xu's mind: the most is the tenderness of bowing her head, like a water lotus flower that can't withstand the cool breeze...

Looking at Liu Xu's muscular muscles, Wang Mingquan couldn't help but think of what happened when she peeked at the villa that day. A burst of ridicule flooded her cheeks instantly, staining her cheeks and jade neck red.

Seeing Liu Xu staring at him stupidly, he didn't say a word, and he didn't even open the door.

Her pale jade hands shook slightly in front of Liu Xu, and said coquettishly: "Hey! Are you staying? How long are you going to let me stand outside!? Open the door quickly! And put on your clothes quickly, look at you Naked, not ashamed!"

The silver bell-like whine and jiaochen brought back Liu Xu's fluttering thoughts, and he hurriedly opened the anti-theft door.

"Liza, you are so beautiful today! Come, let me greet you in the morning!" Liu Xu closed the door casually, hugged Wang Mingquan and was about to kiss her.

Chapter 208 Girl, This Is Your Punishment

Wang Mingquan supported Liu Xu's chest with one hand, covered Liu Xu's big mouth with the other, and said coquettishly, "Oh! No more! I didn't even brush my teeth so early in the morning, it stinks!"

Liu Xu looked at Wang Mingquan's left and right blocks, but he didn't want to kiss him himself, so he had no choice but to let Wang Mingquan go.

Wang Mingquan gave him a charming look, stretched out her hand to poke his chest, and said coquettishly: "Hurry up and get dressed, and then brush your teeth. I'll make breakfast and finish my work in a while."

After speaking, she moved her lotus steps lightly, and walked towards the kitchen in a graceful and graceful manner, and then clanked in the kitchen to make breakfast.

Liu Xu covered his mouth and let out a breath, stretched out his nose to smell it, and asked doubtfully, "Where does it stink?"

"Forget it, I'll take care of you later!" Liu Xu shook his head, walked into the bathroom, began to wash his face and brush his teeth, and then went to the balcony to absorb the yang energy of the world.

Wang Mingquan's breakfast is very simple, just hot milk, fried eggs, fried ham and bread.

After bringing the breakfast to the table, Wang Mingquan called out to Liu Xu who was still practicing Qi on the balcony: "Liu Xu, hurry up and have breakfast."

The two chatted while eating a simple breakfast.

Liu Xu asked casually: "Liza, you came out in a hurry and decided to move out temporarily. Do you have enough money with you?"

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