Zhao Yazi listened to Wang Mingquan's words, she looked at CISSY, then at Pan Yingzi, and said stubbornly: "I, I, I will definitely marry A Xu. CISSY, I'm leaving first!"

CISSY knew that under such circumstances, Zhao Yazi had no intention of staying here for dinner, so she didn't try to keep Zhao Yazi.

She turned her head to Pan Yingzi and said, "Miss Pan, help me see Azhi off! This mountain road is barren, and Azhi is just a girl, don't let anything happen."

Pan Yingzi couldn't help but wanted to roll her eyes, and said in her heart: "Aren't you trying to drive me out? But Wang Mingquan and Zhao Yazi have left, so it doesn't matter if I stay here again! Huh! Just go away! Oh, it's a pity that I don't have a share in such a big house! But one day I will let A Xu buy me one! It will definitely be bigger and more magnificent than this villa!"

Pan Yingzi said with a smile all over her face: "Sister, I understand. It happens that I have something to do, so I won't eat here, let's go back by the way!"

CISSY smiled and said, "That's fine, I'm sorry to trouble you. You can come over for dinner some other day!"

Although Liu Xu was busy in the kitchen, he listened carefully to the movement in the living room.

In the conversation between CISSY and Zhao Yazi, he could hear every word clearly.

As soon as Pan Yingzi went out, Liu Xu ran into the living room, picked up CISSY and cheered loudly: "Honey, thank you so much!"

CISSY said coquettishly: "Oh, put me down quickly, it hurts!"

Liu Xu hurriedly and carefully put CISSY on the sofa and asked concerned: "Wife, where does it hurt you?"

CISSY poked Liu Xu's forehead with her slender fingers and said coquettishly: "Damn! Why do you say it hurts! And what I just said, you heard it? You must coax them all, did you hear? If you Come out and talk to them, the meeting is guaranteed to collapse!"

Liu Xu rubbed his hands and said with a silly smile: "Obey, wife! I promise to complete the task!"


To paraphrase a cliché, life must go on.

February [-]th, New Year's Eve, is also Valentine's Day.

Because of everything that happened yesterday, Liu Xu's Valentine's Day is very simple.

Shopping for New Year's goods, moving to Sham Shui Po, preparing New Year's Eve dinner... After a busy day, Liu Xu and CISSY spent the New Year's Eve in the villa.

During the day, Liu Xu found time to make a call to Zhao Yazi and the others. After Pan Yingzi received the call, she got bored with him for a while, and Wang Mingquan received the call. After hearing Liu Xu's voice, she immediately hung up the phone.

This made Liu Xu very uncomfortable, but Liu Xu knew that he asked for it, no wonder others hung up on him.

After being hung up by Wang Mingquan, Liu Xu made persistent efforts and called Zhao Yazi immediately.

This time they got through right away, and Zhao Yazi asked on the phone: "Hello, this is the Zhao family."

Liu Xu said softly, "Azhi, I am..."


There was a cold snort on the phone, followed by the blind tone of "beep beep".

Liu Xu played several calls in a row, but Zhao Yazi didn't answer them.

After the first day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Xu spent a few days in a relaxed manner among countless phone calls to and from the New Year.

Originally, Liu Xu wanted to go to Wang Mingquan's house to pay New Year's greetings, but thinking of the embarrassment of being turned away, Liu Xu resolutely gave up the plan to knock on the door and enter the house. He just put the gift in front of her house, and after ringing the doorbell, I slipped away very guilty.

Chasing women is exhausting.

If you want to step on several boats and chase several women at the same time, you have to spend several times the energy.

This is the case with Liu Xu now. Pan Yingzi definitely welcomed him to go, but Liu Xu didn't go. Although Wang Mingquan backed down, Zhao Yazi was different.

When they came to Zhao Yazi's house, Liu Xu knocked on the door with "bang bang bang...".

It took Zhao Yazi a long time to come to see the door, and when she saw Liu Xu outside, she immediately closed the door again.

Liu Xu hurriedly blocked it, forced his way through the door, and said with a smile, "Azhi, why don't you welcome brother?"

Zhao Yazi didn't bother to pay attention to her, turned around and walked to her room, and said, "You go with CISSY, why are you looking for me?"

Liu Xu followed Zhao Yazi in, and asked with a smile, "Good Ah Zhi, what are you doing at home? I haven't seen you in so many days, do you miss me?"

"Missing you!" Zhao Yazi grabbed the bear on the bed and slammed it towards Liu Xu.

Liu Xu caught it and saw it was a teddy bear. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yazi, like Guan Zhilin, also liked teddy bears.

But it seems that this chick took Mao Xiong as her substitute and beat her up like crazy!

"Okay, Ah Zhi, let me explain." Liu Xu went over to hold her hand and said.

Zhao Yazi shook her hand with her back to Liu Xu, and said angrily, "I don't want to listen to your lies."

Liu Xu forcibly turned her body over, but saw that Zhao Yazi's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

Liu Xu's hand suddenly touched a wet part of Mao Xiong, could it be tears?

After calling herself, Zhao Yazi wouldn't cry on Mao Xiong's body for a while, right?

It was only then that Liu Xu remembered that the Zhao Yazi in front of him was not the "husband killer", but an innocent girl who had just graduated from middle school.

Chapter 261 I just ate ice cream

Liu Xu's heart softened, and he held her in his arms and said, "Hey, don't cry, it's my fault."

"Go away!" Zhao Yazi pushed Liu Xu hard, and cried, "I gave you my heart, I didn't expect you... CISSY is fine, but Pan Yingzi and Wang Mingquan...you, you Bastard liar!"

"Azhi, don't you understand my heart?" Liu Xu didn't need to draft his lies at all, "I feel pity for them, but I really love you."

After crying for a while, Zhao Yazi was a little calmer now, and asked half-believingly, "Really?"

Liu Xu said, "Of course it's true."

Zhao Yazi wiped her tears and said: "I don't know what's so good about you, so many girls like you."

Liu Xu hugged Zhao Yazi tightly with a smile and said, "I am the happiest man in the world, because you treat me like a treasure."

Zhao Yazi wiped away her tears, pouted and said, "You are a treasure! It's not wrong to be talented, but you are so passionate..."

Liu Xu lowered his head and wiped the tears on her cheeks with his lips, and said, "My dear Ah Zhi, my talent is to pursue you. As for being passionate, that is a prerequisite for romance!"

Zhao Yazi didn't push Liu Xu away again this time, she let her kiss her little face, and said, "The heart is big carrot."

"Hey, actually I have a gift for you." Liu Xu took out a small box from his pocket, stuffed it into Zhao Yazi's hand and said, "Guess what it is?"

"A gift for me?" Zhao Yazi finally showed joy on her face.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Open it quickly and see if you like it?"

"You still have me in your heart." Zhao Yazi opened the box curiously, but inside was a heart-shaped diamond necklace.

She took out the necklace and looked at it again and again, her eyes became bright and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Liu Xu coaxed: "Azhi, I can only buy you this [-]-dollar necklace for you now, and when I make money in the future, I will give you [-] dollars."

Zhao Yazi's eyes widened, and she said in surprise, "Isn't [-] US dollars equivalent to [-] to [-] Hong Kong dollars? I can buy two cars like the one you drive."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "You are my girlfriend. The car I drive can be worse, but the necklace I gave you can't be worse."

Zhao Yazi's heart was as sweet as honey, she hugged Liu Xu emotionally and said, "Ah Xu, you are so kind to me."

Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief, finally got Zhao Yazi done!

He scratched the tip of Zhao Yazi's nose, and said with a smile: "Idiot, what are we talking about, I'm sorry. Come on, I'll help you put on the necklace."

"Okay, go over there." Zhao Yazi pointed at the dressing table and smiled sweetly.

Zhao Yazi sat down in front of the dressing table, Liu Xu stood behind her, first brushed her hair away, held the necklace to compare with her, and then gently helped her put it on.

"Ah Zhi, this necklace is really blessed to be worn by a beauty like you." Liu Xu said affectionately, stroking Zhao Yazi's shocking collarbone.

Such nasty compliments made Zhao Yazi's face turn into a flowery smile, she twisted her body left and right, comparing herself in the mirror, feeling that she was more beautiful after wearing the diamond necklace than before.

Liu Xu lowered his body, sniffing Zhao Yazi's fragrance all the way down, put his mouth to the back of her neck and kissed her lightly.

His hands also extended up and down, one hand stretched in from Zhao Yazi's neckline; the other hand lifted the corner of her clothes, with the palm resting on the smooth belly.

Zhao Yazi felt that Liu Xu's hands were like two balls of fire, which made her whole body burn, and closed her eyes heavily, enjoying it.

In a trance, Zhao Yazi felt herself being hugged, and then fell on the bed, a strong and strong body pressed her underneath.

Just when Liu Xu pulled down Zhao Yazi's pants and was about to eat her...

"Wait, wait a minute..." Zhao Yazi was taken aback suddenly, covered her lower body and said, "No, no, my dad will be back soon."

Liu Xu pointed to himself, and said, "Then what about this?"

Zhao Yazi seemed to be seeing a man for the first time, she couldn't help but take a second look, and then said with a face of shame: "It's so ugly."

Liu Xu said, "Help me get it out!"

Zhao Yazi blushed and asked, "How?"

"I'll teach you..." Liu Xu sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Get down first and kneel on the ground."

"What are you doing kneeling on the ground?" Zhao Yazi asked curiously.

Liu Xu seduced and threatened: "I love you so much, why are you disobedient again?"

Zhao Yazi was afraid that Liu Xu would be angry, so she thought to herself: "He bought me such an expensive necklace, why do you do such a small thing for him?"

She slipped out of bed obediently, put a pair of slippers on the floor, knelt on the slippers and looked up at Liu Xu.


After a while, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, it was Zhao Yazi's father who came back, and they both stopped at the same time.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, and Zhao's father's voice came from outside the door: "Azhi, are you in the house?"

"Hush!" Liu Xu signaled Zhao Yazi not to speak, he had already locked the door when he hugged Zhao Yazi to bed earlier.

It seemed that they respected her daughter's privacy quite a bit. After the people outside shouted twice and no one answered, they didn't push the door in to see what happened. They only thought that Zhao Yazi hadn't come home yet.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Yazi wanted to stand up, but was held down by Liu Xu, beckoning her to continue.

When Liu Xu let her go, Zhao Yazi burst into tears, and she didn't know whether it was sad or choking.

Liu Xu quickly hugged her, comforted her with gentle words, and Zhao Yazi forgave his recklessness.

After they got dressed, they gently opened the door and found that Father Zhao was cooking in the kitchen, so they sneaked out together.

Liu Xu hurriedly left, Zhao Yazi pretended to come back from outside, opened the door and shouted: "Old Dou, I'm back!"

Father Zhao came out wearing an apron, pointed at Zhao Yazi's face and said, "What is that white thing at the corner of your mouth?"

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