Wai Wai and A Dan followed behind, suddenly seeing a huge horrifying wax mask ghost face scene in front of them, the three people frightened hurriedly stopped.

"Ah..." You Qi Wai Wai screamed in fright.

"What are you calling again? You are so big, but so timid. This must be a wax museum. What are you calling?" Adan was also startled because of the sudden scream from Waiwai, and then left Said angrily.

Then, holding a flashlight, Adan ran around, pointed at the wax figure and introduced: "See, this is Frankenstein, you must have seen "Tomb Raiders"! Ferdy, Ferdy from Elm Nightmare Street also has ! Wow, it’s just like the real thing! Wow, there’s also Mr. Zombie in China, have you seen it, it’s just like the real thing.”

As he said that, Adan touched the zombie's face with his hand, and then took a sip of wine facing the zombie.

At this time, Ah Xin shouted: "Hey, don't drink, lest we have to carry you out later."

At this moment, Wai Wai's expression was sluggish, he looked ahead, and said as if he was fighting evil, "I'm afraid you won't be able to get out for a while."

Adan immediately scolded the other party for being crazy, and walked in towards the small door on the side of the horror mask grimace.

Chapter 321 Zombies

Immediately, Waiwai looked dull, and regained his previous sobriety, and hurriedly followed Axin and Adan.

But just after she left, the two huge eyeballs on the face of the horror mask ghost suddenly squinted towards the direction of the small door.

Afterwards, the three of them passed through the small door and came to a huge space, the space was shining with green light, and many coffins were placed there.

"Wow, there are so many coffins!" Adan looked around curiously, and when he saw the coffins placed, he immediately admired them.

"Ah, why are there so many coffins?" Wai Wai asked nervously.

Ah Xin then comforted: "Fake, this is a haunted house, of course there are coffins, these are scary things."

"That's right, there are still zombies jumping out and biting you!" Suddenly, Adan pretended to be a zombie and threateningly said to Weiwai.

Wai Wai shrank his neck in fright, A Dan laughed and scolded the other party for being a fool.

When Adan was walking around, he accidentally kicked down a jar with a yellow paper talisman seal on it, then walked up to a coffin and said, "Look at you, I'll open the coffin for you to have a look, there is nothing inside." of."

"Hey, there are ghosts, aren't you afraid?" Wai Wai hurriedly stopped.

However, Adan scolded the other party for being crazy in disdain, closed his eyes, quickly opened the coffin, and hurriedly closed it again.

"Ghost, what's the matter? Idiot!" Adan who covered the coffin shook his hand and said angrily.

But the three of them didn't know that the moment Adan opened the coffin, the unrecognizable corpse in the coffin, covered in dead insects, seemed to be resurrected, and was pointing a dry, dark hand with long nails sticking out of the coffin.

Fortunately, Adan covered it quickly, otherwise the walking corpse would definitely crawl out of the coffin.

At this moment, Ah Xin took the video recorder in her hand and happened to shine it on a mirror. Immediately, her expression changed, and her mood became extremely tense in an instant, because through the psychic video recorder, she unexpectedly saw something in the mirror. A ghostly woman.

"Hey, I... let's get out of here and go to other places!" Axin said with a vibrato.

Wai Wai responded in a hurry, and didn't want to stay in the place with so many coffins anymore, so she followed Ah Xin and continued walking towards the haunted house.

Having entered the passage of the haunted house, Ah Xin's mood became more depressed and tense. She held crooked hands and walked quickly in the passage with a panicked expression.

In the passage, there are weird dolls, creating a weird atmosphere that becomes more and more frightening.

"Ah, what are these?" Ah Xin nervously clenched the video recorder in her hand, looking in horror at the toy puppet hanging in the passageway of the haunted house.

"Wow, these things can also scare people to death!" Adan said carelessly, with a very relaxed expression.

But at this moment, hallucinations and auditory hallucinations appeared in front of Ah Xin's eyes and ears. These hallucinations and auditory hallucinations all came from the horrifying escape images of her brother and friend Jiahao who met ghosts.

"Ah! Brother, Jiahao..." Ah Xin suddenly shouted frantically towards the surroundings.

"What's the matter? Don't scare me! Ah..." The strange scene of Ah Xin's scream also frightened the already overly frightened Waiwai, and at the same time screamed with a crying voice.

In an instant, the passage of the haunted house became dark and windy. Ah Xin and Wai Wai suddenly yelled, and A Dan, who had been cynical before, hurriedly backed away. He suddenly tripped over something on the ground, Pushing the frightened face to the side of the wall, Adan suddenly discovered in horror that the thing that fell from the top of the head and stuck to the head was actually red blood.

"Ah, blood... blood!" Adan yelled in horror.

Crookedly frightened, he flicked his hands on his head indiscriminately, trying to get the dirt off his head.

At this moment, the eyes of the three of them suddenly blurred, and then there was a muffled sound on the ground. It turned out to be a corpse, which hit the ground.

The eyes of this corpse were wide open, the complexion was as pale as paper, and the inside of the mouth and nostrils were covered with wriggling corpse insects. However, the three of them instantly recognized that this corpse was the family member who had been missing for less than [-] minutes. Hao.

"Ah! Run!" There were terrified shouts again and again, and the three of them ran out of the passageway of the haunted house in fright, and returned to the place where a dozen coffins were placed before.

But Ah Xin, who was running at the front, accidentally knocked over a coffin.

Immediately, the mummy lying in the coffin appeared in front of the three of them.

This horrifying scene instantly frightened the three of them and screamed again, especially the one in jeans, who covered his head with his frightened hands and screamed in place, even the one who had already run away in fright Neither Ah Xin nor A Dan noticed.

In the end, there was only one person crooked, slumped in front of the coffin in fright, while Ah Xin and A Dan fled in all directions in fright.

The direction Ah Xin fled was actually the innermost part of the haunted house, while A Dan fled in the direction they came from.

"Ah, ghost, ghost!" As soon as Adan returned to the horror mask ghost face, he was frightened by the sight of zombies in front of him, and fell to the ground in fright in an instant. It was reflected on the wax mask with a face as white as paper, and he happened to look up, and the ghosts scattered in fright.

Adan hurriedly got up from the ground, wanting to escape from this terrible place, but his wishes failed, and all the wax figures that had been motionless before all moved. Only then did he realize that these wax figures were all legends. Zombies!

"Don't, don't catch me..." Adan fled around in fright, only to escape from the zombies wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms, and fell into the siege of more zombies.

Just when Adan looked terrified, and the souls of the dead were scattered, fleeing from the clutches of the devil, a sound like thunder from the nine heavens came from outside the wax museum of the haunted house.

"Oh my god, there are so many zombies!" Brother Tie Dan was so frightened that he hid directly behind Tianshi Liu in front of him. This terrifying scene of zombies jumping in front of him can only be seen in ghost movies, TV series and dramas!

Chapter 322 Ancestors

At this time, Yu Yinghong who rushed to the Haunted Wax Museum was also shocked by the scene in front of her.

The camera in her hand can only take people's minds away, but it is powerless to deal with the zombies in front of her.

But fortunately, with the patriarch here, she didn't have to bite her fingers to spend her life essence and blood to gather mana to deal with the zombies in front of her.

"Help, help!" Adan looked terrified and avoided the zombies.

At this moment, Liu Xu, who was wearing a Taoist robe, had an extra mahogany sword in his hand.

The Taoist robe and the mahogany sword are the ancestors of Yu Hongying who enshrine at home and burn incense day and night.

In Yu Hongying's words, the magic robe and the mahogany sword were handed down from the teacher's family, and they were the magic weapons used by the ancestors to subdue demons and demons.

Immediately, he put his two fingers together and lightly touched the peach-wood sword with his fingers. After that, everyone saw the peach-wood sword in Liu Tianshi's hand, which began to glow with golden light.

Just when the Chinese zombie grabbed A Dan and was about to bite him down...

Liu Xu stepped directly on the Big Dipper, and used the thousand-year-old peach wood annihilation sword in his hand to touch the zombie's forehead. When he saw a flash of aura in the zombie's Yintang, he sealed the aura and stabilized his figure.

His footwork remained unchanged, and he swung his mahogany sword at the ten foreign zombies and pointed them out respectively.

"Ah, mage, mage help!" Adan seemed to see the savior, and held the young man in front of him who looked like a god, wearing a robe with golden runes shining.

At this time, Brother Tie Dan was no longer so frightened and scared. He was very curious and tapped here and there on the zombie's body, but it felt very fun.

"Where are Ah Xin and the others?" Liu Xu asked while grabbing each other's arms.

Yu Yinghong also looked nervously, looking at Adan in front of her, hoping to find her daughter as soon as possible.

"Ah, maybe we're still in the haunted house, we escaped!" Adan said undecided.

As soon as Liu Xu heard this, he ignored A Dan, and his figure flickered, heading towards the direction of the haunted house pointed at by the other party.

Afterwards, the ghost hunter master Li Ou and the others also rushed into the side door of the haunted house following Liu Xu's figure.

"Ah Xin, where have you been? Come and save me, save me!" Wai Wai was so frightened that her legs were weak and she couldn't stand up at all.

At this moment, the corpse transformed into a zombie in the sarcophagus began to move its shriveled hand bones, suddenly straightened its upper body, and opened its hands, about to grab at the crooked one.

"Ah..." Waiwai let out a desperate scream, his eyes were full of fear, the zombie in front of him was beyond recognition, it was really terrifying.

At this moment, just when she was about to let the zombie grab her neck in despair, she saw a mahogany sword suddenly inserted into the zombie's head, and the zombie's body began to emit thick blue The smoke instantly turned into a pile of white corpse powder.

"Ah!" There was another scream, and Wai Wai passed out.

Liu Xu said to the crowd who arrived afterward: "Help her up, I'll go rescue Axin first."

"Let me do it, I have great strength." Brother Tie Dan volunteered and picked up the beautiful girl who was lying on the ground, not to mention how happy he was.

During this period, this guy actually didn't forget to take advantage of it.

No one was in the mood to pay attention to Brother Tie Dan's nasty behavior at the moment, but Ruhua was very envious of Brother Tie Dan's performance, and rushed forward, saying that she was stronger, and then the two began to fight and fell into a coma. Unconscious and crooked.


Brother Tie Dan and Ru Hua both acted at a loss, looking at Weiwai who suddenly woke up in front of them with aggrieved expressions.

"Trash, scum!" Wai Wai just finished speaking when his feet suddenly softened and he fell into brother Tie Dan's arms.

Brother Tie Dan had no choice but to turn into a ronin again, clenched his hands and hugged him in his arms.

At this time, Ah Xin was experiencing the most terrifying thing.

Her thin female body was trembling with fright, because through the psychic video recorder, she could see in the dark passage of the haunted house, one after another, pale as paper arms protruding from the walls on both sides of the passage. , and there will be a sound of ghosts crying in the ear.

"Wuwu, what should I do, what should I do?" Ah Xin thought in horror in her heart. The ghostly hands in the passage in front of her were so terrifying that she dared not go any further.

Just when Ah Xin was unsure of what to do, she was terrified and at a loss, when she suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind her.

Hearing the sound of footsteps in this eerie and frightening situation made her already terrified and frightened to the extreme in an instant.

"Mom, I shouldn't have disobeyed you and came here to find my brother!" Ah Xin cried with trembling voice.

"Then you should listen to your mother more and be a good boy!" Suddenly, Ah Xin only felt a male voice coming from behind, but in this horrifying and weird scene, the voice seemed a bit too much. Suddenly!

Axin let the sudden voice directly, first screamed frantically in fright, and then covered her head, trembling with fright.

But then, Ah Xin felt a strong arm wrap her body in her arms.

She was even more frightened and anxious in her heart, holding on to the last bit of courage, and slowly lifted her head from the opponent's arms.

Immediately, a young man was smiling towards her, but in this situation, the surrounding environment was a bit dark, and she only felt that the figure in front of her was smiling terribly.

"Ah..." There was another scream, and she wanted to get out of the other's embrace, but no matter what she did, she was hugged tightly by the other.

There was no way, since she had been caught by the ghost, she gradually became quieter, but why did the ghost's embrace feel a little warm?

"Woooo, are you a human or a ghost? Don't eat me, my meat doesn't taste good at all." Ah Xin asked weakly with a trembling voice.

Liu Xu was amused, this heroine, Ah Xin, is really not afraid of anything when she is bold, but she is cute like a child when she is afraid.

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