The man in front of him can't be a ghost, but the fact that he can mysteriously descend from the sky, smash the head of a truck and twist it, but the person is perfectly fine is enough to prove the magic of the man in front of him.

"Asakawa, the previous car accident was not accidental. You should know that no one can break the law of the seven-day curse of death. Now go to your house! I have to take a good rest!" After Liu Xu said two or three simple sentences, he went I closed my eyes and stopped talking.

Asakawa Reiko glanced at the man beside him with closed eyes with a complicated expression. When the man mentioned the seven-day curse, her weak heart skipped a beat.

There are not many people who know about the Wraith Sadako, and even those who have heard of the curse video will not believe that there really is a Wraith Curse in this world.

And the man in front of him is very mysterious, giving people a feeling of being invisible.

The car drove quickly to Reiko Asakawa's home, which was a villa.

"Sir, we're home." Reiko Asakawa reminded the man with slightly closed eyes softly.

Only then did Liu Xu disconnect from the system, looking at Reiko Asakawa in front of him, he said, "Reiko, put these two talismans on you and Yang Yi, and keep them close to your body at all times, as long as you don't leave them."

Reiko Asakawa looked at the man in front of her in puzzlement, and said in surprise, "Sir, is this paper talisman really effective?"

"You can call me Tianshi Liu. These two talismans can suppress evil spirits and exorcise evil spirits. The cursed evil spirit power of Sadako, the resentful spirit, will no longer threaten the lives of you and Yang Yi." Liu Xu explained.

At this time, Reiko Asakawa felt very curious about the mysterious man who claimed to be Liu Tianshi in front of her, but there was an inexplicable sense of trust in her heart, and it might be because the previous opponent fell from the sky and saved their mother and child!

"Liu Tianshi, this is your tea, please use it slowly!" Asakawa Reiko respectfully respected the tea ceremony.

Liu Xu held the tea, took a sip, and then said, "Asakawa, where is that video tape now?"

"Liu Tianshi, this..." Asakawa Reiko felt guilty and dared not say it.

Because Reiko Asakawa wanted to save her own life, she had given the videotape to her ex-husband's parents to watch. As long as others watched the videotape, she could lift the seven-day curse.

In fact, all of this is because Sadako Resentment deceived Reiko Asakawa.

Liu Xu also understood the reason, so he said: "That video tape is only a source of the seven-day curse. Even if there is no video tape, the curse will still be spread through other channels. Asakawa, you must have a lot of doubts and want to ask me .But there are some things, it may not be useful to know. But I can guarantee that you will live safely until [-]."

"[-], Tianshi Liu, is what you said true?" Reiko Asakawa asked excitedly.

The seven-day curse is so powerful that it is a curse of mortal death that she has personally experienced.

Unexpectedly, she and her son Yang Yi, who had watched the cursed video, could still live until [-].

"By the way, Tianshi Liu, after [-]...?" Reiko Asakawa didn't dare to think about it anymore, why Liu Tianshi's words were only halfway through.

Liu Xu said: "You don't have to worry about what happened after [-], as long as you can live well now, isn't it a good thing?"

Reiko Asakawa thinks so, after all, being alive now is already a blessing from heaven.

In the middle of the night, Liu Xu didn't sleep, but was thinking about Shitsuko Yamamura.

The ghost of Shizuko Yamamura probably couldn't get out of the Mihara Mountain volcano, otherwise the other party wouldn't have designed to lure him into the volcano, but it's really dangerous.

Until the next day, Liu Xu asked Asakawa Reiko, "Asakawa, do you know where Takano Dancer lives?"

"Takano Mai?" Asakawa Reiko looked at Liu Xu suspiciously.

She didn't understand what Liu Xu wanted Gao Yewu to do?And Mai Takano is Reiko Asakawa's ex-husband, Ryuji Takayama's student girlfriend.

At this time, the doorbell of Reiko Asakawa's house rang.

"Takaya Mai!" Liu Xu saw at a glance that this woman was undoubtedly Koya Mai, and he had always suspected that Miki Nakatani from the kindergarten had a close relationship with Koya Mai.

"Ms. Asakawa, sorry to bother you." Mai Takano said politely.

But at this time, she turned her eyes to the strange man in front of her. She didn't know who he was, and why did she appear in Reiko Asakawa's house?

"Miss Takano Mai, are you here for Sadako again?" Asakawa Reiko asked.

Gao Yewu said: "Yes, Ms. Asakawa, I don't believe that there are ghosts in this world. I just want to find out the cause of Ryuji's death."

At this moment, another man came in, probably with Takano Mai, and the other man was Ando Monan.

This Ando Yunan is the father of Ando Fuko and Ando Takano.

"Ms. Asakawa, I'm An Teng, the senior of Ryuji Takayama, nice to meet you." An Teng said politely.

Chapter 357

Yesterday he dissected Ryuji Takayama's body and found that there was a virus cell similar to the smallpox virus in his body.

This viral cell has forty unidentified amino acid sequences, which made him very puzzled, so he came to Reiko Asakawa, hoping to find a useful answer from her.

"Hello, Mr. Anteng, please sit inside!" Reiko Asakawa said politely.

Ando Mano was very curious about the man in front of him. After sitting down, he asked with a puzzled look: "Ms. Asakawa, is this gentleman your friend?"

Before Reiko Asakawa could speak, Liu Xu had already said, "Hello, Mr. Ando, ​​you can call me Mr. Liu. Ms. Asakawa is a friend I have known for a long time. I think you and Miss Takano Mai are here tonight to understand Gao Shan Something about the arrangement of amino acids in Ryuji's body is unknown!"

"How do you know?" An Teng Mannan looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

Liu Xu said with a smile: "The forty unknown base acids are naturally a genetic mutation, and what caused this mutation is a force that you are already aware of, but are unwilling to admit."

Iteng Manan and Gao Yewu were both covered with a chill, of course they knew about Sadako's seven-day curse.

And Ryuji Takayama died because of the seven-day curse.

Originally, he and Gao Yewu were unwilling to believe that there were such things as resentful spirits in this world, but now it is confirmed that the forty unknown amino acid is a genetic mutation, and his research has found that the smallpox-like virus does contain strange Energy, which means that the power of the seven-day curse is affecting the cell mutation of the human body.

"Ah!" At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and Gao Yewu's belly began to grow slowly.

"Rebirth by borrowing?" Ando Manan asked in surprise.

At this time, Gao Yewu had passed out from the pain, and her stomach was as big as an October pregnancy.

"Liu Tianshi, what should we do now?" Reiko Asakawa asked Liu Xu after glancing at Gao Yewu who was lying on the bed with a painful expression.

Liu Xu is now thinking about whether to prevent Sadako from being resurrected in another body. If he prevents the other party from being resurrected, An Tengxiao will not let him be resurrected, and there will be no subsequent series of events.

"Let her be born!" Liu Xu made up his mind.

He made such a choice to resurrect Sadako.

He is not afraid that Sadako will be able to affect the overall situation when the time comes.

Because in the time and space era of [-], Sadako still needs to be resurrected with the help of Akane Ayukawa, which shows that Sadako cannot really be resurrected this time.

"The Celestial Master's Magic Eye!" Liu Xu's mana condensed his eyes, and he instantly saw clearly the evolved fetus in Gao Yewu's body.

"Huh!" Liu Xu cried out in surprise, the fetus in Gao Yewu's body turned his eyes and looked in his direction strangely.

Next, Liu Xu also ignored Sadako's hostility towards him, and cast the spell again, imprinting the magic seal of spiritual light condensed between his fingers into Takano Mai's body.

As for Reiko Asakawa and An Teng Mannan, they looked at the strange scene performed by Liu Tianshi with a look of surprise.

A person's fingers can actually condense a strange light mark, and this light mark has already made Liu Tianshi in front of him press his palm on Gao Yewu's swollen belly and print it into the opponent's body.

"Soul-suppressing curse!" Immediately, Liu Xu cast another soul-suppressing curse, which directly penetrated Gao Yewu's body.

The soul-suppressing curse turned into a stream of light and penetrated between the eyebrows of the fetus.

"Smelly Taoist priest, what exactly do you want to do?" Zhenzi's voice immediately entered Liu Xu's heart.

Liu Xu also communicated through spiritual thoughts, saying: "Zhenzi, my celestial master resurrected you, so you can be born obediently!"

Sadako was startled, her resurrection had reached a critical moment, even if she knew that she was being plotted by someone at this time, she had to be born.

"Ah, this is... the child's head!" Asakawa Reiko pointed at the unborn baby and cried out in horror.

The next moment, the baby was delivered very smoothly, and the baby that landed grew up rapidly in just three minutes.

Two years old, five years old, eight years old, ten years old, twelve years old...

It wasn't until the resurrected Sadako looked exactly like Takano Mai lying on the bed that she stopped changing.

"Takano Mai!" Ando Mannan's eyes widened in surprise, he couldn't believe that such a strange thing happened in front of his eyes.

And as a doctor, he naturally knew that the Gao Ye Mai in front of him should belong to a similar gene clone, the so-called clone, but this Gao Ye Mai contained the soul of the resentful spirit Sadako.

It was also the first time for Liu Xu to see a baby who had never been born until it came to the world, and then in the blink of an eye, it turned into a slim girl, and then from a budding girl to a majestic and graceful girl. A charming woman.

"Ms. Asakawa, Mr. An Teng, and Liu Tianshi, why are you looking at me with strange eyes? I am Takano Mai! Don't you know me?" Zhenzi smiled innocently and approached without hesitation In front of Liu Xu, the female Qiao smiled charmingly.

Liu Xu frowned, and stared at Sadako who was walking around in front of him: "Sadako, you have been resurrected now. Can you tell me, what do you want to do next?"

"Heck, since I'm resurrected, of course I want to live happily in this world! Oh, by the way, Takano Mai probably won't be able to survive, I will live as Takano Mai from now on, what do you think?" Sadako exhaled Ru Lan brushed Liu Xu's cheek lightly with her slender hand, her expression seemed feminine and affectionate.

Liu Xu was unmoved, and said in a deep voice: "Put away your charm method, do you really think that I am a celestial master, and there is really no way to save Gao Yewu?"

"Oh, do you have the ability to revive a person who has been swallowed into the potential of life?" Zhenzi was very curious and afraid of Liu Xu who destroyed her resurrection.

Borrowing rebirth has been planned for a long time, and finally found a woman who is perfect for her to borrow rebirth. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the stinky Taoist priest in front of me ruined a good thing.

Chapter 358

"My celestial master has his own magical method, but I have to use your mutant cells." After finishing speaking, Liu Xu did not wait for Zhenzi to react, and cast the spell directly, using mana to cut a bloody hole on the skin of Zhenzi Qiao Nenshengxue .

"You..." Sadako said with a cold face and a slightly angry expression.

Sadako has now been reborn with a body of flesh and blood, and the mysterious stinky Taoist priest in front of her has cast a soul-suppressing spell on her body, preventing her from using her psychic powers.

Because Sadako was a psychic during her lifetime, after being resurrected, her psychic power will become stronger because of her resentment.

If it weren't for the stinky Taoist priest who possessed mana in front of her, she wouldn't have ended up being a mermaid. Now she had to humble herself to charm the stinky Taoist priest in front of her.

"Zhenzi, to release Da Zhenzi's soul, it's better to let her control this beautiful body." Liu Xu's expression froze, his eyes flickered coldly, and he looked at Zhenzi in front of him.

Zhenzi was horrified, the stinky Taoist priest in front of him actually knew about Da Zhenzi.

"Hmph, stinky Taoist priest, we don't violate the river water, so why should you have trouble with me." Zhenzi said angrily.

Liu Xu sneered: "Zhenzi, until now, you are still using your charming voice to me."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, without waiting for Zhenzi's reaction, he directly cast a spell to completely imprison the little Zhenzi's soul consciousness, and then cast a spell to release Da Zhenzi's soul consciousness.

After Da Zhenzi let him be released, she didn't appear to be insane. She had already understood what happened outside when she regained her soul consciousness.

"Zhenzi thanked Liu Tianshi for releasing my soul consciousness!" Zhenzi understood that the young Taoist priest in front of him was a person with profound magic power.

Iteng Mengnan and Asakawa Reiko looked suspiciously at Sadako who seemed to have changed into a different person.

"Don't be surprised! The Sadako in front of you is not the previous Sadako. It can also be said that they are different consciousnesses of the same person. Sadako, is that so?" In fact, Liu Xu is not sure why there are big Sadako and little Sadako. Sadako?

And in the plot that Liu Xu knew, there was no detailed description of what happened to Da Zhenzi and Xiao Zhenzi?

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