"Don't move, if you move again, I'll kill you!" Amidst the hoarse shout, a cold light flashed in front of her eyes, the mad woman let go of the arms around Yaodi's neck, raised the kitchen knife in her hand, and put the sharp edge on hers neck.

Yaodi's struggle suddenly froze, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

What made her even more desperate was that Wen Zhang sneaked away at this time when everyone's attention was not on him.

At the same time, the security personnel who surrounded him had already chased him very close, but they all stopped now.

"No, don't get excited, you put down the knife." Lu Yao's face was full of anger, anger burst out from her beautiful eyes, her pink fists were clenched tightly, and she approached slowly step by step with her bare feet.

"No...don't come here, or I'll kill her...don't come here..." The crazy woman roared out of control, her face was panicked, her eyes were red, her left arm firmly controlled the woman's body, and her right hand held a knife at her throat As soon as the kitchen knife in his hand tightened, a bloodstain instantly appeared on Yaodi's smooth neck.

"Wow...don't kill me! Don't..." Yao Di screamed loudly in fright, his face was green and his lips were white and trembling, his original demeanor and temperament disappeared.

Lu Yao had no choice but to stand still, and all the security personnel also stood still.

The two sides confronted each other, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.

Witnessing the whole incident, Liu Xu frowned slightly. In fact, he was planning to make a move just now, but because he believed in Lu Yao's strength, he didn't take the initiative to subdue the crazy woman. Who would have thought that the situation would have such a dramatic change? .

"What happened?" Liu Xu immediately asked a security guard about the situation.

"I... I don't know exactly what's going on." Liu Xu's composure infected the other party, and the security guard quickly calmed down, "I was patrolling the mall at the time, and this woman suddenly rushed into the mall..."

Lu Yao glanced at Liu Xu in surprise, she didn't expect that he would still maintain such wise thoughts in such a situation, knowing to ask the person involved to find out what happened.

Another fat woman in a white coat came from behind and said, "This woman is crazy. She has anxiety disorder. She came to our clinic today to prescribe medicine, but our clinic didn't have that kind of medicine. In the end, he took out a kitchen knife and messed around." One of our doctors was cut 6 times by her, one on the outside of the left eye socket, one on the base of the left ear, two on the back of the head, one on the back of the neck, and one on the left shoulder blade. The outer plate of the skull was split, and the left scapular muscle group was also split. The wounds were very long, some four to five centimeters long, and a lot of blood flowed out... I, I... I was afraid that she would continue to hurt people, so I chased her out... "

Hearing the fat woman's words, Liu Xu frowned into Sichuan characters, and secretly said in his heart: "Manic depression!"

Chapter 379 It's All Blame on Those Damn High Heels

Liu Xu remembers reading a report before that a woman in her 30s in Tainan City, Taiwan, had a manic depression attack and asked someone to have sex in the toilet on the train. There were nearly ten people before and after.

Afterwards, she regretted her behavior.

Therefore, there is no reason to talk about anxiety patients.

At this time, wearing glasses, Yao Di suddenly seemed to regain his composure, and started talking to the crazy woman.

"Let go of me, and talk well if you have something to say." Yao Di looked at the blade on his neck, his voice was still trembling, "As long as you let me go, I can give you money, a lot of money..."

Talking about money with a madman?

Liu Xu could only hehe.

Also, when Wen Zhang was sneaking around just now, he discovered it. Although it was just a glimpse, Liu Xu saw Wen Zhang's head was so black, it was bad luck!

He thought for a few seconds and decided to save Yaodi. If he could help Lu Yao save Yaodi, his bad image in her mind would definitely change.

"Go away, don't come here, you...you take one more step forward, and I will kill her..." The crazy woman roared sharply, her face flushed with blood, "Also, you are not allowed to call the police. If the police come, I killed her immediately..."

Her position has been moved to a dead corner. Although it is impossible to escape, she has no worries.

At this time, the lights in the underground parking lot were already brightly lit, and the entire scene was surrounded by security personnel from Times Square, and both entrances were also blocked.

However, the crazy woman held hostages. As the name suggests, a lunatic is a person who behaves strangely, who may act crazy or reckless, so no one dares to act rashly.

"Sister Yao, the other party seems to have mental problems, what should we do now?" Liu Xu asked in a deep voice.

Sister Yao?

Lu Yao glared at Liu Xu, but did not answer.

Blame those damn high heels!

Lu Yao's beautiful face was full of annoyance, she stared intently at the mad woman more than ten meters away, her brows were tightly frowned, the most important thing right now was to rescue the hostages.

"Put down the knife, we can talk slowly if you have any conditions." A mall manager in a suit and tie shouted to the crazy woman with a loudspeaker in his hand. very big.

"Get out, I won't talk to you stinky men who only know how to bully women." The crazy woman roared hoarsely, and there seemed to be an indescribable resentment in her sharp voice, "You all get out, get out , or I'll kill her..."

The manager of the mall turned off the loudspeaker, his expression became very serious, and he thought: "This crazy woman must have been bullied by men terribly."

The scene was completely silent, Lu Yao's pretty face showed a determined look, she walked out of the crowd calmly, followed by Liu Xu.

"Shall I talk to you?" Qingyue's voice echoed, and Lu Yao walked over step by step with her arms raised high, "I'm a woman, and to show my sincerity, I didn't bring a weapon."

"Stop!" The crazy woman's eyes were fierce, and the blade in her hand tightened again, Yao Di screamed again in panic.

"What are you still afraid of?" Lu Yao said calmly: "I don't have any weapons in my hand, and there is no possibility of threatening you at all. What else do you have to worry about?"

Perhaps Lu Yao's frank tone played a role, the fierce look in the crazy woman's eyes gradually calmed down, she paused, and said loudly: "Okay, you can stay."

Lu Yao nodded, turned around and made a gesture to let everyone else back out.

Several security personnel objected unanimously, and the manager of the mall said with an even more excited expression: "This woman is not quite right, I, we..."

"Don't worry." Lu Yao smiled easily, her bright eyes were full of confidence and calmness, "I can handle him alone."

"But..." The manager of the shopping mall wanted to say something, but Lu Yao's pretty face darkened, and she stared at everyone with cold eyes, and said word by word: "Get out quickly, or if there is any problem, you will be responsible for it yourself."

Everyone looked at each other, unable to make up their minds.

Liu Xu leaned forward and told the mall manager who was the leader of Lu Yao's serious crime team.

The manager of the shopping mall greeted the security guards and the people from the hospital, and they retreated together.

Liu Xu walked out among the crowd, but soon disappeared.

After a while, the whole huge underground parking lot became empty, only Lu Yao was left standing straight in place.

The bright light shone on her body, and the heroic Lu Yao was standing in the parking lot, and Ma Qiao was proudly stroking her creamy breasts. May burst open.

It looks even more beautiful like a flower, and its stern and majestic temperament makes people dare not insult it, just like a holy orchid in the ice and snow.

Liu Xu, who was secretly hiding behind a car, suddenly widened his eyes, and his heart was pounding with excitement, as if setting off a huge wave.

"Okay, there is no one else here now." Lu Yao's voice was very gentle, and the beautiful Guazi's face also had a sincere expression, "Let's have a good talk!"

"What else is there to talk about?" The crazy woman sneered, with a ferocious expression on her face, "You shameless bitch, relying on those girls to talk to men, I will kill you, kill you... ..."

"Ah..." Seemingly infected by the woman's excitement, Yao Di screamed in horror, his blood faded from fear, and he almost fainted, his bony tall body trembling under the hold of the mad woman.

"Don't get excited, everything can be discussed." Lu Yao softly persuaded, while walking towards the crazy woman as if nothing had happened.

The crazy woman seemed to be frightened, and screamed out of her wits because of Lu Yao's actions.

"Stop, don't come over here." She yelled wildly, her eyes turned blood red again, and then she suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Hahahaha..."

At this time, Lu Yao seemed a little troubled by the crazy woman's violent spirit, but after being moved for a moment, she immediately regained her composure.

Chapter 380 Let Me Replace Her

Stopping at a distance of five or six meters, Lu Yao raised her hands again and said calmly: "Don't be nervous, I don't have a weapon on me."

Due to the angle, Liu Xu looked over, and his sharp eyes made the creamy moon breast that bulged out of his clothes seem to be very close at hand.

"Oh my god!" Liu Xu couldn't help but want to reach out and grab Lu Yao Yuexiong.

"I just want to help you." Lu Yao said softly, trying to appease the other party's emotions.

"Help me, my husband was abducted by a bitch...I have breast cancer, it's terminal, the doctor wants to cut off my breasts, how can you help me? Hahaha..." The mad woman grinned grinningly, holding the Picking the kitchen knife downwards, it cut open Yaodi's skirt like a bamboo, revealing the Yuexiong part covered under the expensive underwear.

Liu Xu's eyes widened again, and his eyes reluctantly moved from Lu Yao to Yao Di.

"Don't be too impulsive!" Although Lu Yao has seen many storms and personally arrested many heinous criminals, but facing such a lunatic who completely abandons herself, she has to admit that the psychological offensive is almost impossible to succeed.

"You sluts with a pair of big girls, you want to take my husband away, hmph, I want to separate you, you big girls who seduce men..." The crazy woman shouted hysterically, and Yao Di was completely frightened. Yes, the whole person is sluggish.

After listening to the other party's words, Lu Yao's heart tightened, her mind was spinning rapidly, she bit her lower lip, made a decisive decision, and said in a deep voice: "Can you let this lady go, let me replace you?" she?"

As soon as this sentence was said, Liu Xu, who was hiding aside waiting for an opportunity, and Yaodi, who was in extreme fear, were stunned. Even the crazy woman could hardly believe her ears, and the wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Lu Yao's expression was still so natural, her clear and beautiful melon seed face maintained her usual stern and calm face, as if she was talking about an unimportant deal.

After hearing this upright answer, the crazy woman seemed to be shocked. She stayed silent for several seconds, her face was cloudy, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Anyway, you just want a woman's body to vent, isn't it the same as me?" Lu Yao said, intentionally or unintentionally kissing Ting Yuexiong, and at the same time walked forward quietly , "Are my conditions worse than this lady's?"

The crazy woman looked up involuntarily. Obviously, she was also attracted by Lu Yao's extremely provocative figure as a woman, but she hesitated temporarily.

"Stop!" The crazy woman yelled suddenly, dragged Yaodi and moved two steps to the right, until she reached the depression in the corner, and further distanced herself from Lu Yao.

"Don't try to trick me! Although you don't have a weapon in your hand, I still remember the kick you kicked me just now. Humph, I won't let you get close... unless, unless you take off your clothes first It's gone." The crazy woman spoke in a very orderly manner, and she was also very alert, she couldn't tell that she was a sick person at all.

"Take off your clothes?" Lu Yao stood still, her face changed slightly, her delicate eyebrows raised, and anger flashed in her cold eyes.

"Yes, take off your clothes." The crazy woman shouted hysterically.

"You..." Lu Yao stared at the other party angrily, and Yue Xiong's chest heaved angrily under the clothes.

She turned her thoughts rapidly, but couldn't think of a good way to deal with it for a while.

"Hmph, you don't even want to take off your clothes, and why do you want to be cut off by me instead of her?" The crazy woman laughed nervously, "Get out!"

"Ah...no, please don't cut off my breasts, I'll give you money, I'll give you a million..." Yaodi's crying despair resounded everywhere, which made people throb.

Lu Yao's heart was a little flustered, she had been in danger many times in the past, even when faced with threats to her life, she could maintain absolute composure.

But this time, the gangster actually asked her to take off her clothes. To Lu Yao, this kind of humiliation was far more terrifying than death.

With a "chi", the kitchen knife continued to pick apart the shoulder straps of Yaodi's underwear, and the well-maintained female body shivered helplessly in the cool air of the underground parking lot.

Yaodi has a good figure, but the underwear on her body is more seductive than concealing her shame.

Lu Yao didn't have time to stop it, and when Liu Xu's heart was screaming for joy, the crazy woman couldn't wait to pull Yaodi's bra, and with a "poof", Yaodi's upper body was naked.

"Stop, I'll take it off now." Lu Yao couldn't help but yelled, and then took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down.

Sure enough, the crazy woman stopped, and looked at her with burning eyes, and also looked at Lu Yao with burning eyes, and Liu Xu who was hiding aside.

Almost holding his breath, he stared at Lu Yao without blinking, while Liu Xu stared directly at the enchanting curve under her clothes.

Lu Yao knew that she didn't have time to hesitate anymore, so she turned her head to face the crazy woman, stretched out her hand to pull the top out of the skirt, and then slowly undid the copper buttons one by one.

Due to changing positions several times, she happened to be standing between where the mad woman and Liu Xu were, but from Liu Xu's perspective, she could only see Lu Yao's slim back.

"Damn, I can't see anything!" Liu Xu muttered cursing, but there was nothing he could do.

The jacket was quickly thrown to the ground, followed by the white shirt inside.

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